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What's New in Early 2005?
Hottest Links and New Pages in Early 2005...
| WebSuduko
in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Interact! and
Brain Teasers |
| Store Wars
in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Variety
Store |
| NameVoyager , in Hoagies' Kids & Teens:
History and Variety Store |
| The Incredibles
in Movies Featuring Gifted Kids (and Adults!) |
| New page, On eIMACS in
Academic Programs |
| New page Depression and Suicide, a collection
of old and new resources, in Social /
Emotional |
, in
Brain Teasers |
| The "me" behind the mask: Intellectually gifted students and the search
for identity
also in Social / Emotional |
| Small poppies: Highly gifted children in the early years
also in Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly
Gifted, and Don't Miss! |
| New page No Child Left Behind: The Football
Version, in A Lighter Note |
| New page, Speaking, Invite Carolyn K. to speak
at your next meeting or conference! |
| Using Current Research to Make Good Decisions About Grouping
in Grouping and Arguments
and Red Herrings |
| Updated
Mathematical Talent: A Guide for Challenging and Educating Gifted Students
by Susan Assouline and Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik
, in
Gifted Books, Mathematically Gifted, and
Gifts for the
Gifted... the link was bad, to this terrific book! |
| Zendo
in Smart Toys |
| Being Smart About Gifted Children: A Guidebook For Parents And Educators
in Gifted Books,
Professional Books,
Advocacy, and
Gifted Education |
| A new reading list,
Hot Topics in Philosophy!... |
| New page, Choices and Challenges, in
Social/Emotional |
| New page,
to Become an Educational Advocate in Gifted
Advocacy and FAQs , an old story... |
| New page, and a new multi-cultural adventure for Hoagies' Gifted Education
Page... Niños Altamente Superdotados en
Aulas de Integración, in Highly Gifted
| Added Quarto
to Best of Smart Toys and
Gifts for the Gifted |
| The Big Wave
in Science Hot Topics! |
| New page, School Counselors Light-Up the
Intra- and Inter-Personal Worlds of Our Gifted, in
Counseling the Gifted |
| New page, A Different Slant, the article that
named Hoagies' Gifted Education Page! in Who Am I? |
| Phishing and a variety of other updates, in
PC security
June 11-19 2005
| In Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Links For the Love
of Words: Word Games... |
| Minnesota Council for the Gifted and Talented (MCGT) Annual Conference, in
Gifted Conferences |
| The Incredibles quotes, in Gifted Education
Quotes |
| Brain Quest college tuition sweepstakes, in
Contests and Awards |
| WebSuduko
in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Interact! and
Brain Teasers |
| Advocacy for Gifted and Talented Education in New York State, in
Gifted Conferences |
| Gateways School (AZ), in Schools for the Gifted |
| Parents of Gifted Offspring - Northern NJ, in
Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs |
| Live Monarch, in Hoagies' Kids &
Teens: Natural Science |
| Standards and Assessment for Student Achievement (NJ), in
Gifted Mandates |
| Gifted Education and Gifted Programs, in
Gifted 101: A Guide for First Time Visitors |
| Lessons of a Century, in Gifted History |
| Many bad links fixed in Educators,
Gifted Education and
Gifted Programs, thanks to a Hoagies'
visitor |
June 10 2005 Many more new articles thanks to
Gifted Child Today
| New page Gifted History including...
| Foundations of the field of gifted education (historical perspectives) |
| Transitions in the development of giftedness |
| Is America smart enough? IQ and national productivity, in
Testing and Assessment |
| Gifted underachievement: oxymoron or educational enigma? in
Underachieving Gifted Child |
| The spill-over effect: an advocacy strategy, in
Gifted Advocacy |
| In Technology and the Gifted
| The merging of literacy and technology in the 21st century: a bonus for
gifted education |
| Six uses of the Internet to develop students' gifts and talents |
| In Gifted Programs...
| Images of teaching |
| Incorporating service learning into leadership education: Duke TIP's
Leadership Institute |
| The senior project and gifted education |
| Teaming up to support gifted students' best practice guidelines for
schools and programs |
| The room meeting for G/T students in an inclusion classroom |
| Welcome to my world |
| In Curriculum Modifications...
| Academic asynchrony |
| The Atterbury Files: an extra curricular inquiry project illustrating
local history |
| Developing leadership skills in young gifted students |
| Harry Potter: enchantment for all seasons |
| There is a kind of music to it |
| Through the looking glass: one school's reflections on differentiation |
| Tiered lessons: one way to differentiate mathematics instruction, also
in Mathematically Gifted |
| Using the literary masters to inspire written expression in gifted
students |
| Why teachers need to be readers |
| A Writers' Workshop for Highly Verbal Students |
| The application of an individual professional development plan to gifted
education, in Gifted Education |
| In Parenting Gifted Children...
| The ongoing riddle of which nurture is best for what nature: parents
promoting gifted potential |
| Parents conceptions of giftedness |
| Science starts early, in Scientifically
Gifted |
| In
Mentors for Gifted Students...
| Mentors on the net: extending learning through telementoring |
| Through another's eyes: the pinnacle project |
| Young leaders: growing through mentoring |
| In Attention Deficit (AD/HD)...
| What's wrong with Doug: the academic struggles of a gifted student with
ADHD from preschool to college |
| What's right with Doug: the academic triumph of a Gifted Student with ADHD |
| In Social / Emotional...
| Affective Component in the Education of the Gifted |
| The benefits of exploring opera for the Social and Emotional development
of high-ability students |
| The "H" Word: Home Schooling, in Home
Schooling Gifted Children |
| The Role of Grandparents in Talent Recognition and Development, in
Identification |
| In Philosophy...
| Gifted Students and Philosophy: The Sound of a Tree Falling in the Forest
... |
| In the Classroom: Freedom and Responsibility: Existentialism, Gifted
Students, and Philosophy |
| Philosophy and gifted students |
June 1-9 2005
| Radical Acceleration of Highly Gifted Children, in
Bibliographies of Gifted Research |
| National Security and Educational Excellence, in
Gifted Education |
| Interest Optical Illusion, in Hoagies'
Kids & Teens: Brain Teasers |
| LMK, PAGE, and NAGC, in Acronyms, Terms, and other things we need to know |
| The new cornbread, in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child
When... |
| Split You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child
When... into "early" page More You Know
You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When..., in
On A Lighter Note... |
| Tell Me More Language Software, in Educational
Products and Software Favorites |
| About Urban Legends and Folklore, in
Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Variety Store |
| Google's Summer of Code, in Contests and Awards |
| New quote, in Education Quotes |
May 14-31 2005
| Aspergers in Love: Couple Relationships and Family Affairs, in
Asperger's Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism |
| Comparison of Assessment Techniques In the Identification of Gifted
Learners Symposium, in Gifted Conferences |
| Iles School (IL), in Schools for the Gifted |
| Martin Gardner's Mathematical Games, in Smart Toys for Gifted Kids (and Adults) |
| A Collage of Parents' Stories, in Parenting
Gifted Children |
| Instruments for measuring leadership in children and youth, in
Testing and Assessment |
| In
Mathematically Gifted...
| Gifted students speak: mathematics problem-solving insights |
| Can distance learning meet the needs of gifted elementary math students?
in Distance Learning Programs |
| Surviving or Thriving? Gifted middle school boys with learning
disabilities, in Twice Exceptional and
Gifted in Middle School |
| In Gifted Mailing
Lists, Message Boards, Blogs...
| Prufrock's Gifted Education Blog |
| Nevada Advocates for Highly Gifted Children |
| Temporary changes to subscription / posting instructions for GT-World
mailing lists |
| Mixed Messages: What State High School Tests Communicate about Student
Readiness for College, in Proficiency Testing |
| It's "Its" in The official home page of the PG
Cult |
| In Smart Toys for Gifted Kids (and Adults)... |
| In You Know You're the
Parent of a Gifted Child When...
| Asynchrony strikes again |
| E is for electron |
| Yearbook comments |
| Playground evangelist |
| The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens, in Gifted Adolescents |
| New quote in Gifted Education Quotes
(corrected, Thanks Deb!) |
| Enhanced Science Helper, in Educational
Products |
| Student Interest in Computer Science Plummets, in
Technologically Gifted |
| Store Wars
in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Variety
Store |
| eNature, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens:
Natural Science |
| Three-dimensional street paintings, in Art,
Theater, Music
| This is the first time I've posted a website from a junk mail, but you
gotta see these! |
Summer Special 10% off, use
coupon code HOAGIES, through the end of June! |
| Drunk Men Work Here, a different kind of IQ test, in On A Lighter Note... |
Friday the 13th! Are you paraskevidekatriaphobic?
May 3-10 2005
| In Reading Lists...
| Embracing the Child |
| Wands and Worlds |
| U.S. Census Statistics, in (Early) College
Planning and Success Stories |
| Moravian Academy (PA), in Summer and Saturday
Programs |
| In
Continuing Education Programs...
| Northwestern University |
| Belin-Blank Center, The University of Iowa |
|, in Bullies |
| Wisconsin Association for Talented and Gifted, in
Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs |
| Dream Catcher Blankets, in 2E (Twice
Exceptional) Products |
| The Chess Variant Page, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens:
Games |
| Word of the Day, in Hoagies'
Kids & Teens: Links For the Love of Words... and Daily! |
| Sheppard Software Geography Games, in Hoagies'
Kids & Teens: Geography and Interact! |
| BS, MIL, FIL, in Acronyms, Terms, and other things we need to know |
| Can you picture it? in You Know You're the Parent
of a Gifted Child When... |
| Comprehensive Curriculum For Gifted Learners, in
Gifted Books and
Professional Books |
| Gifted Children Information Blog, in Gifted Mailing
Lists, Message Boards, Blogs |
| Siemens Awards for Advanced Placement, in
Contests and Awards |
| Stipek study shows older students do not academically outperform younger
peers in early grades, in Early (or Late)
Kindergarten |
| Transdisciplinary Workshop: Upside Down Brilliance: The Visual Spatial
Learner (ME), in Gifted Conferences |
| All Education Schools, in Continuing Education
Programs |
May 2 2005 Many new articles thanks to
Gifted Child Today
| Within-class acceleration, in Academic
Acceleration |
| Identifying students with gifts and talents in technology, in
Technologically Gifted |
| In Gifted Education...
| The senior project and gifted education |
| What gift? The reality of the student who is gifted and talented in public
school classrooms |
| What makes a "good" teacher "great"? |
| Using public relations strategies to advocate for gifted programming in
your school, in Gifted Programs |
| Creating culturally responsive gifted education classrooms understanding
"culture" is the first step, in Gifted Students At
Risk |
| High school graduation exam requirement linked to lower SAT scores, in
Proficiency Testing |
| Spirit and opportunity: re-exploring giftedness and parents' expanding
directive role, in Parenting Gifted Children |
| Mathematically gifted students: how can we meet their needs? in
Mathematically Gifted |
| Intellectually gifted students' perceptions of personal goals and work
habits, in Perfectionism and the Gifted Child |
| Dear diary: don't be alarmed
I'm a boy, in Gender
Issues |
| Using learning-strategies instruction with students who are gifted and
learning disabled, in Twice Exceptional |
| Using their words to support our advocacy efforts, in
Gifted Advocacy |
| In
Contests and Awards...
| Academic Games Leagues of America (AGLOA) |
| American Regions Mathematics League |
| International Mathematical Olympiad |
| Jane Austen Society of North America Essay Contest |
| MTNA Music Teachers National Association Student Competitions |
| A Europe of Tales, in Hoagies' Kids &
Teens: Myths & Legends |
|, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens:
Physics and Mechanics |
| Figure This! in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Young Kids |
| Rudiments of Wisdom, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Science |
| In Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Social Studies... |
April 18-29 2005
| Steppingstone School, in Schools for the Gifted |
| Scientists debate wait on the next Einstein, in
Scientifically Gifted |
| My Pyramid, in Variety Store |
| Weather Wiz Kids, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens:
Young Kids |
| A new acronym, in You Know You're the Parent of a
Gifted Child When... |
| Being Perfect, in Perfectionism and the Gifted
Child |
| LEAP/PROBE Summer Classes, in Summer and Saturday
Programs |
| Dr. Habeeb Bacchus, in Grade Skipped and
Successful |
| NameVoyager , in Hoagies' Kids & Teens:
History and Variety Store |
| Cog, the most amazing Rube Goldberg machine, in
Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Physics and Mechanics |
| Cranium Zigity, in Smart Toys for Gifted Kids
(and Adults) |
| New associates program:
Tools! |
| The bright pupil thus remains democratically fettered, in
Gifted Education Quotes |
| Janice's Solutions, in Sensitivities of the
Gifted |
| In Schools for the Gifted...
| High Meadows School (GA) |
| Devon Prep (PA) |
| Malvern Prep (PA) |
| The Infinite Art of Janet Parke, in Hoagies'
Kids & Teens Page: Art, Theater, Music and Math |
| Why not? in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted
Child When... |
| In Movies Featuring Gifted Kids (and Adults!)... |
| National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) - UK, in
Organizations |
| Annie Mouse Meets Her Guardian Angel, in Hot Topics
Reading List: Classics |
| Patricia Gatto-Walden (CO), in Psychologists
familiar with the Gifted |
| Homeschoolers' College Admissions Handbook: Preparing Your 12- to
18-Year-Old for a Smooth Transition, in Home
Schooling Gifted Children |
| Alert Program, in Sensory Integration (SI) |
| Gifted in Victoria, in Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs |
| In Hot Topics Reading List: Science
Fiction and Fantasy...
| The Bromeliad, or Gnomes trilogy by Terry Pratchett |
| Good Omens by Terry Pratchett |
| Johnny Maxwell series by Terry Pratchett |
| Keymath-Revised / Normative Update, in An
Inventory of Tests |
| Summer Choices (PA), in Summer and Saturday
Programs |
| Internet Anagram Server, in Links For the Love
of Words... |
| In Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs...
| Highly Gifted Support board |
| Parents of Gifted Children board |
| The Personality Page, in Personality
Type |
| NYC Skyline, Marilyn Monroe, JFK Photomosaics Puzzles, in
Smart Toys for Gifted Kids (and Adults) |
| Duke TIP 20042005 7th Grade Talent Search Results Summary, in
Talent Search |
April 1-14 2005
| What Math Gender Gap? in Gender Issues and
Mathematically Gifted |
| Druidawn, in Smart Toys for Gifted Kids (and
Adults) |
| The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in
the World, in Hot Topics Reading List: But Why? |
| Joseph Priestley, in Notable Homeschoolers |
| New questions on I noticed your child... |
| Great new information on Which Tests?, in Why
Should I Have My Child Tested? |
| Dealing with Death, Grief & Mourning |
| For Many, College Begins in High School, in
(Early) College Planning and Success Stories |
| Communications expert, in You Know You're the
Parent of a Gifted Child When... |
| "Intelligent" Insights on Intelligence Theories and Tests (a.k.a. IQs
Corner), a blog in Mailing Lists, Message
Boards, Blogs |
| Interactive Body, in Natural Science and
Interact! |
| In Social Studies...
| Ancient Egypt, Digital Egypt |
| Mental Floss, in Magazines - why does this
remind me of a Jimmy Buffet song? |
| Swallows & Amazons, in Classics, Mystery,
Poetry |
| New page, On eIMACS in
Academic Programs |
| Captain Robert FitzRoy, in Grade Skipped
and Successful |
| Snopes, in Variety Store Links |
| TV Analogy, in Metaphorically Speaking |
| Merely Bright--or Brilliant? in
Identification |
| Dubious drug therapy, in Depression and
Suicide |
| Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), in An
Inventory of Tests |
March 17-31 2005
| Hoberman Spheres and more, in Smart Toys for
Gifted Kids (and Adults) |
| In
Twice Exceptional...
| Straight talk about Psychiatric Medications for Kids |
| You Are Here: Talent Search Helps (Twice) Exceptional Student Succeed |
| Magic Eye, in Variety Store Links |
| La Vida Robot, in Technology and the Gifted Child |
| El Paso Country Day School, in Schools for the
Gifted |
| Assessment of Children WISC-IV and WPPSI-III Supplement, in
Gifted Books and
Testing and Assessment |
| In Mailing Lists,
Message Boards, Blogs...
| TAG Maine mailing list, MA Gifted list |
| In Gifted Conferences...
| 19th Annual International Conference on the Autonomous Learner Model
(CO) |
| DISCOVER! Institute for Educators, (IN) |
| Carrolton-Farmers Branch Association for the Gifted and Talented, in
Regional Organizations |
| GoGo Cards, in Variety Store |
| Explore, in An Inventory of Tests |
| Talent Search: Purposes, Rationale, and Role in Gifted Education, in
Talent Search |
| The Courage to Be Imperfect: Tom Greenspon on Perfectionism, in
Perfectionism |
| Cause for Concern, or Reason to Celebrate: Maureen Neihart Discusses her
Research on the Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children, in
Social / Emotional |
| In Parenting...
| Early Career Planning is Essential for Gifted Adolescents |
| Grandparents: What You (and maybe only you) Can Do to Support Your
Grandchildren's Talent Development |
| Parenting Young, Gifted Children, in
Young Gifted Children |
| In International Exchange Programs... |
| Broadreach (international), in Summer and
Saturday Programs |
| New page Depression and Suicide, a collection
of old and new resources, in Social /
Emotional, including...
| Issues in the Social and Emotional Adjustment of Gifted Children: What
Does the Literature Say? |
| Only the bright commit suicide |
| Bipolar Disorder in Childhood and Adolescence |
| Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation |
| Frequently Asked Questions About Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder |
| Understanding and Assessing Suicide in the Gifted |
| National Suicide Hotline |
| if you are thinking about suicide, read this first... |
| Myths & Facts about Suicide |
| Teens and Depression |
| Teen Suicide |
| The Trevor Project |
| A case of mold, in You Know You're the Parent of a
Gifted Child When... |
| In Grief & Mourning...
| Eight myths about children, adolescents and loss |
| Grief Rituals |
| I Will Remember You |
| The Internet Book Database of Fiction, in
Books & Authors |
| My Home Library (bookplates), in Books
& Authors and Variety Store |
March 1-14 2005
| The Bright Kids Resource NY, in Regional
Organizations |
| Bright Kids (Mensa), in Mailing Lists,
Message Boards, Blogs |
| Acceleration: What America Needs to Know, IA, in Gifted Conferences |
| In Hot Topics Reading List: Science...
| The Amateur Naturalist, Asimov on Chemistry |
| The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher, Madame Curie |
| Hot Topics Reading List: Genetics...
| The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of
| In Hot Topics Reading List: Mathematics
and Programming...
| The Sand-Reckoner |
| College for Youth, IA, in Summer and Saturday
Programs |
| , in Brain Teasers |
| Young + Brilliant, Blessed + Cursed, in
Social / Emotional and Highly, Exceptionally,
and Profoundly Gifted |
| Why it's hard to test a two-year-old, in You Know
You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When... |
| In Hot Topics Reading List: Science
Fiction and Fantasy...
| Shadow of the Giant, by Orson Scott Card |
| Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series |
| other Mercedes Lackey titles |
| New ways to know, in The official home page of
the PG Cult |
| In Hot Topics Reading List: Cartoons / Humor... |
| In An Inventory of Tests...
| Harcourt Assessment WISC-IV Technical Report #4 General Ability Index |
| Using the DWI or GAI |
| Ruf Estimates of Levels of Giftedness |
| New quotes in Education Quotes and
Gifted Education Quotes |
| Primed for Numbers, in Gender Issues,
Mathematically Gifted and
Scientifically Gifted |
| In Summer and Saturday Programs...
| Cybercamps, multiple states, Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC), CA |
| Summer Odyssey, CA, High Achieving Talented Students (HATS), FL |
| Adventures in Learning, IL, Avery Coonly Summer Enrichment Program, IL |
| Camp CBG, IL, High School Summer Institute, IL |
| Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy® (IMSA) Kids Institute, IL |
| Morton Arboretum Summer Science Camps, IL, Summer Lab, IL |
| Summer Worlds Tour, IL, The Talent Search Program, IL |
| Clay Mathematics Research Academy, MA, Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, MI |
| Interlochen Arts Camp, MI |
| Flinn Scientific, in Internet
Investigations |
February 16-28 2005
| Explorers, in Movies Featuring Gifted Kids (and
Adults!) |
| It's the most! in You Know You're the Parent of a
Gifted Child When... |
| Crocheting the Hyperbolic Plane, in Knitting and
Crocheting |
| In Gifted Programs...
| Integrating Gifted Education into the Total School Curriculum |
| Examining the Effects of Block Scheduling on Gifted and Talented
Students |
| In Social / Emotional... |
| Dumont Willis, in Testing and Assessment |
| Gifted & Math Learning Disabled: The Dyscalculia Syndrome, in
Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia |
| QuestLeadership, in Mentors |
| QuestBridge, in College Scholarships |
| Considerations and Strategies for Parenting the Gifted Child, in
Parenting Gifted Children |
| In Twice Exceptional...
| Gifted students with disabilities are we finding them? |
| The Gifted/Learning-Disabled Child: A Guide for Teachers and Parents |
| French for Beginners, in For the Love of
Words... |
| Gifted Kids, Gifted Characters, and Great Books, in
Reading Lists |
| Asynchronous development and sensory integration intervention in the
gifted and talented population, in Sensory
Integration (SI) |
| In Gifted
Students At Risk...
| To be young, gifted, African American, and male - case studies |
| Providing Access for Culturally Diverse Gifted Students: From Deficit to
Dynamic Thinking (Theory into Practice) |
| A challenge for culturally diverse families of gifted children: forced
choices between achievement or affiliation |
| Grouping the gifted and talented: questions and answers, in
Grouping Gifted Children |
| Internal barriers, personal issues, and decisions faced by gifted and
talented females, in Gender Issues |
| In Counseling the Gifted...
| A Call To Action |
| An argument for proactive attention to affective concerns of gifted
adolescents |
| Heightened multifaceted sensitivity of gifted students: implications for
counseling |
| The "me" behind the mask: Intellectually gifted students and the search
for identity
also in Social / Emotional |
| Depressive disorder in highly gifted adolescents, also in
Social / Emotional |
| In Search of The Gifted Identity: From abstract concept to workable
counseling constructs |
| In Curriculum Modifications...
| Gifted readers: Who are they, and how can they be served in the classroom? |
| In search of reality: unraveling the myths about tracking, ability
grouping, and the gifted, also in Grouping Gifted
Children |
| What can happen to bored gifted students, also in
Social / Emotional and
Never Say Bored! |
| Have you e-mailed your support for A Call To Action? |
| School of Choice, now an Oakland campus, CA, in Schools for the Gifted |
| Technology and the unseen world of gifted students, in
Technology and the Gifted Child and
Social / Emotional |
| In Young Children... |
| In Gifted Education...
| Saving the Smart Kids: Are schools leaving the most gifted children
behind if they don't allow them to skip ahead? |
| Gifted Education Policies |
| In Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)...
| Auditory Evoked Potentials in Low-achieving Gifted Adolescents |
| CAPD and the gifted child: The relevance of central auditory processing
deficit to gifted education |
| Gifted or ADD? in Attention Deficit (AD/HD) |
|, France, in Regional Organizations |
| In Gifted Conferences...
| Understanding & Teaching the Visual-Spatial Learner, IL |
| Silverman & Golon Tour of New Zealand |
| OAGC Teacher Academy 2005 |
| Genius Denied |
| Ohio Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference |
| UAGC Parent Night & Special Session, UT |
| Gifted and Talented Termly Conferences, London, England |
| Visual Spatial Learners Workshop, Melbourne, Australia |
| SAGE No Gifted Child Left Behind, MO |
| Summer Institute for Teachers and Administrators on Curriculum and
Programs for High Ability Learners, VA |
| Gifted and Talented Annual Conference, also in London, England |
| Tips for Selecting the Right Counselor or Therapist for your Gifted Child,
in Psychologists familiar with the Gifted |
| Students' lawsuit over T-shirt gains ground, in
Ridiculous Things I Heard Today |
| Raising Topsy-Turvy Kids: Successfully Parenting Your Visual-Spatial
Child, in Visual-Spatial Learners and
Gifted Books |
| California Gifted Homeschooling, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs |
| In Gifted Education,
Academic Acceleration and
Curriculum Modifications...
| NAGC's Acceleration in Schools: A Call to Action |
| National Association for Gifted Children Position Paper: Acceleration |
| National Association for Gifted Children Position Statements (not in
Acceleration) |
| In Summer and Saturday Programs...
| Ferrum College Summer Enrichment Camp, NC |
| UNCG Summer Music Camp, NC |
| Challenge Camp, TX |
| In Regional Organizations...
| Arkansans for Gifted & Talented Education, Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented |
| Florida Gifted Network, Nevada Association for Gifted and Talented
| South Dakota Association for Gifted Children, Utah Association for Gifted Children
| British Mensa, Irish Mensa |
| Sex and the Highly Gifted Adolescent, in Gifted Adolescents |
| Added DoD schools, in Gifted Mandates |
| Mensa International, in Organizations |
| Made for speed... I sped up various Hoagies' Page graphics and page design... hope it helps! |
February 2-15 2005
| Erik Demaine, in Grade Skipped and
Successful and Notable Homeschoolers |
| Tamora Pierce's Recommended Reading Lists, in
Reading Lists |
| New page No Child Left Behind: The Football
Version, in A Lighter Note |
| Combined Writing into Love of Words... |
| What is a Gifted Child? - trying to define the beast, in
Identification |
| Testing and Counseling Interview Questions, in
Psychologists and Testing and Assessment |
| In Mandates...
| Guide for Perplexed Parent in Tennessee |
| State Gifted and Talented Definitions |
| Contests & Scholarships, in
Don't Miss! |
| IEA Gifted Resource Center Contest, Distance Learning Search, in
Distance Learning |
| In Summer and Saturday Programs...
| IEA Gifted Resource Center Program Search |
| Summer of Excellence, AZ |
| Academic Connections at UCSD, CA |
| Summer Challenge, KY |
| Super Saturdays, KY |
| Abington Friends Summer Enrichment Program, PA |
| Green River Preserve, NC |
| Camp Broadstone Summer Enrichment Program for Gifted and Talented Youth,
NC |
| Sanburg Family History Program, NY |
|, in College Scholarships |
| New page, Speaking, Invite Carolyn K. to speak
at your next meeting or conference! |
| New URL (address) for Haven, on Mailing
Lists, Message Boards, Blogs and more |
| Influences of Gender on Academic Achievement, in Gender Issues,
Math Gifted and
Middle School |
| Academic Competitions for Gifted Students: A Resource Book for Teachers
and Parents, in Contests and Awards,
Gifted Books and
Professional Books |
| A new SET, in The official home
page of the PG Cult |
| What If Einstein Had Taken Ritalin? ADHD's Impact on Creativity, in AD/HD
and Creatively Gifted |
| Emotional Sensitivity in Gifted Children, and Guidelines for Handling the
Dark Side of Emotional Sensitivity in Gifted Children, in
Social/Emotional |
| Acceleration: Strategies and Benefits, in Acceleration |
| The Emotional Drama of Giftedness: Self Concept, Perfectionism, and
Sensitivity, in Perfectionism |
| Harrison Bergeron, by Vonnegut, in A
Lighter Note |
| Reduced Shakespeare Company, in Movie Featuring Gifted Kids (and Adults!)
and The official home
page of the PG Cult |
| Numbers, constants and computation, in Math |
| Added Quarto
to Best of Smart Toys and
Gifts for the Gifted |
| Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, in
Advocacy and
Twice Exceptional |
| Vedic Mathematics or Sixteen Simple Mathematical Formulae from the Vedas,
in Hot Topics Mathematics! |
| Trachtenberg Speed System of Arithmetic, in Multiplication and
Math |
| In Movie Featuring Gifted Kids (and Adults!)...
| Black, Finding Neverland, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban |
| Beyond IQ, in Organizations |
| In Gifted Conferences...
| Oklahoma Association of Gifted, Creative, & Talented |
| Beyond Giftedness 12 |
| National Curriculum Network Conference |
| Queensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children |
| 4th Annual Gifted Education Conference at Oberlin College |
| Montana AGATE 25th Annual Spring Conference |
| Northern Virginia Council for Gifted/Talented Education Spring
Conference |
| Confratute 2005 |
| Gifted and Talented Edufest |
| Learning Brain Expo |
| Mississippi Association for Gifted Children (MAGC)
| Kansas Association for Gifted, Talented and Creative (KGTC) Conference |
| Iowa Talented and Gifted Association |
| Virginia Conference on Gifted Education |
| SIG Gifted Education Conference |
| 28th Annual TAGT Professional Development Conference |
| Raising Student Achievement Conference 2005 (RSAC) |
| The Seventh International Congress of the Institute for Positive
Disintegration in Human Development (2006) |
| New math cult questions, in The official home
page of the PG Cult |
| Differentiation: Where's the research?, a new section in
Arguments and Red Herrings |
| Using Current Research to Make Good Decisions About Grouping
in Grouping and Arguments
and Red Herrings |
| Exploring the Conflicts Involved With Ability Grouping, in
Grouping |
| Low intelligence test scores in 18 year old men and risk of suicide:
cohort study, in Social / Emotional |
| Hoagies' Page has a new Associates Program:
| More new Education Quotes... |
January 16-30 2005
| Updated Developing
Mathematical Talent: A Guide for Challenging and Educating Gifted Students
by Susan Assouline and Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik
, in
Gifted Books,
Mathematically Gifted, and Gifts for the
Gifted... the link was bad, to this terrific book! |
| The Brownie Forest, in Multiplication |
| New Education Quotes... |
| Updated Never Say Bored!, in
FAQs |
| Times Tales, in
Multiplication Products |
| In Smart Toys...
| Cityscape |
| Musini - MagicSensor, a great addition by Neurosmith |
| Word Sense, another hit by ThinkFun |
| Educational Insights toys, including...
| Blockus and Traverse |
| Backgammon, Battleship, Capsela Max-Out |
| Continuo, Zendo
Gears, Gears, Gears!, Go, Senat |
| Take Off!, Lego Motor Monkey, TipOver, What's Gnu? |
| In Philosophy, and a new reading list,
Hot Topics in Philosophy!...
| Looking At Philosophy: The Unbearable Heaviness of Philosophy Made
Lighter |
| Philosophy for Kids: 40 Fun Questions That Help You Wonder ... About
Everything! |
| Philosophy Rocks! |
| Sophie's World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy |
| Young Person's Guide to Philosophy |
| The Universe in a Nutshell, in Hot
Topics Physics! |
| New page, Choices and Challenges, in
Social/Emotional |
| WordMasters, in Academic Programs |
| Why doesn't the letter 's' want to be seen with 'c'? in You Know You're The Parent of a
Gifted Child When.... |
| Two Our Gifted Online Conferences, in
Conferences and
Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs and more...
| Organizing Your School Community in Support of Differentiation for the
Gifted Learner, March 2005 |
| Legal and Political Strategies to Advance Gifted Education, May 2005 |
| In
An Inventory of Tests...
| California Achievement Tests (CAT/5) |
| Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) |
| Terra Nova (CAT/6) |
| Temple Grandin: "Animals in Translation" radio interview, in
Hot Topics! Science |
| Letterland, in Twice Exceptional (2e)
Products |
| In Books & Authors...
| Berenstain Bears, Bionicle, Children of the Lamp, Clifford the Big Red Dog |
| Day My Butt Went Psycho, Dragons of Deltora, The Edge Chronicles, Everworld |
| Guardians of Ga'Hoole, I Spy, The Land of Elyon, Marvin Redpost, Nate the Great |
| Shredderman, Spy University, Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends |
| NT, in Acronyms, Terms, and other things we need to know... |
| Let's try this again... New page,
to Become an Educational Advocate in Gifted
Advocacy and FAQs , an old story... |
| Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS), in
An Inventory of Tests |
| Shadow Syndromes: The Mild Forms of Major Mental Disorders That Sabotage,
in Twice Exceptional |
| Equinox (Ohio), in Summer and Saturday Programs |
| Being Smart About Gifted Children: A Guidebook For Parents And Educators
in Gifted Books,
Professional Books,
Advocacy, and
Gifted Education |
| Mel Levine: Teaching All Kinds of Minds, in
Twice Exceptional and
Learning Styles |
| TherapyShoppe, in 2E Products |
| Learning Differences, in Twice Exceptional |
| Gifted Home Schoolers North Carolina (GHSNC), in
Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs and more... |
| Teen Helps Build Firefox Web Browser, in
Technologically Gifted |
| Updated Life
In The Asynchronous Family by Kathi Kearney - it was missing quite a few
significant paragraphs - sorry folks! |
| Sheroes Central, board for gifted KIDS to talk to one another, in
Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs and more...
| Also see Haven, a Haven for gifted kids... |
| New and improved Hot Topics!, including... |
| The Math Circle, in Distance Learning
and Math Links |
| Intelligence in men and women is a gray and white matter, in
Brain Research |
| In Hot Topics Biographies! more Dead Famous
titles, most now available in the U.S., too...
| Queen Victoria and Her Amusements, Mary Queen of Scots and Her Hopeless Husbands |
| Winston Churchill and His Great Wars, Roald Dahl and His Chocolate Factory |
| Albert Einstein and His Inflatable Universe, Isaac Newton and his Apple |
| Spartacus and His Glorious Gladiators, Boudica and Her Barmy Army |
| William Shakespeare and His Dramatic Acts, Writers and Their Tall Tales |
| Sir Francis Drake and His Daring Deeds, Oliver Cromwell and His Warts |
| Lincoln & the Gettysburg Address "A New Birth of Freedom," in
Contests and Awards |
| Reorganized Smart Toys to make it easier to
find toys, and added...
| Batik, Xactika |
| Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal
Behavior, in Hot Topics in Science
| Barnes and Noble University, in
Distance Learning |
| In Products...
| Building Blocks extraordinaire! (also in Smart Toys) |
| Addition Adventures and Subtraction Secrets |
| Multiplication Mosaics and Division Designs |
| Symbol Stamp Sets |
| Word Roots |
| New page, and a new multi-cultural adventure for Hoagies' Gifted Education
Page... Niños Altamente Superdotados en
Aulas de Integración, in Highly Gifted
January 3-15 2005
| How We Learn, in Learning Styles |
| At Home with School, in Home Schooling Gifted
Children |
| Whitney M. Young Magnet High School, in Schools
for the Gifted |
| The Big Wave
in Science Hot Topics! |
| In Contests and Awards...
| Knowledge Master, WordMasters Challenge |
| Cool Careers for Girls in Law, in Hot
Topics Girls & Women |
| Beyond Proficiency: A Massachusetts Leadership Summit on Gifted &
Academically Advanced Students, in Conferences |
| Social Studies For Kids, in Social Studies |
| New page, School Counselors Light-Up the
Intra- and Inter-Personal Worlds of Our Gifted, in
Counseling the Gifted |
| I love you eight-halves, and a dependable transportation and information
device, in You Know You're The Parent of a
Gifted Child When.... |
| New page, A Different Slant, the article that
named Hoagies' Gifted Education Page! in Who Am I? |
| Immersion In Shockwave Kit, in Programming |
| In Psychologists familiar with Testing the
| Updates, including a list of questions to ask before testing... |
| Dominic DeLuigi, Pennsylvania |
| Barbara Louis, New Jersey |
| The Last Dog on Earth, in Hot Topics Fiction |
| Richard Feynman on the nature of scientific research, in
Brain Research |
| Recent
Brain Research for Teachers & Other Curious Souls, in
Brain Research |
| In Interact!...
| RoboPacker, also in Young Kids |
| Also in
Love of Words...
| CodeBreaker Crossword |
| New York Times Learning Network Crossword Puzzle Archive |
| In Brain Teasers...
| Brain Binders |
| The Grey Labyrinth |
| Phishing and a variety of other updates, in PC security
- Thanks, Michael! |
| Do You Speak American? in Love of Words... |
| Recounting Multiple Intelligences, in
Arguments from Educators |
| In Mailing Lists, Message Boards, and
| Eide Neurolearning Blog - a new generation of On-Line Support! |
| OATAG for Oregon parents, teachers and administrators |
| tagpdx for Portland Oregon parents |
| Books by Earl Grollman, in Grief & Mourning |
| Artemis Fowl series, in Hot Topics Science
Fiction / Fantasy |
| The Adventures of Tintin, by Hergé, in Hot Topics Cartoon Books |
| In Hot Topics Fiction...
| Alex Rider series, Diamond Brothers Mysteries |
| variety of series and title by Gary Paulsen |
| In Acceleration and
(Early) College Planning and Success Stories...
| Keeping Their Talents Alive: Young Women's Assessment of Radical,
Post-Secondary Acceleration, also in Gender Issues |
| All Rivers Lead to the Sea: A Follow-up Study of Gifted Young Adults,
also in Social/Emotional |
| Markedly Early Entrance to College: A Multi-Year Comparative Study of
Academic Performance and Psychological Adjustment, also in
Social/Emotional |
| In Gender Issues and
Reading Lists...
| Great Books For Girls: More Than 600 Books to Inspire Today's Girls and
Tomorrow's Women |
| Great Books for Boys |
| LearningLinks, in Academics and
Distance Learning |
Best of Hoagies' Shopping Guide! |
| In Early Entrance College Programs...
| Acceleration: Valuable High School to College Option, also in
Academic Acceleration |
| Early Honors, Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage, Alaska |
| Early College at Guilford (ECG), Guilford College, Greensboro, North
Carolina |
| The Agile Gene: How Nature Turns on Nurture, in
Hot Topics Science |
| Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School, in
Schools for the Gifted |
| Human Genome Landmarks: Selected Traits and Disorders Mapped to
Chromosomes Poster, in (Free) Materials for Gifted
Classrooms |
| In Mailing Lists, Message Boards, and
| GTAletters - Montgomery County, Maryland public school gifted families |
| MA Gifted Homeschoolers - Massachusetts |
| NEGT - New England |
| Ever After, in Movies |
| In Hoagies' Kids and Teens Links... |