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What's New in Early 2005?

Hottest Links and New Pages in Early 2005... 

bulletWebSuduko Recommended, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Interact! and Brain Teasers
bulletStore Wars Recommended in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Variety Store
bulletNameVoyager Recommended, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: History and Variety Store
bulletThe Incredibles Recommended, in Movies Featuring Gifted Kids (and Adults!)
bulletNew page, On eIMACS in Academic Programs
bulletNew page Depression and Suicide, a collection of old and new resources, in Social / Emotional
bulletGriddlers.net Recommended, in Brain Teasers
bulletThe "me" behind the mask: Intellectually gifted students and the search for identity Recommended, also in Social / Emotional
bulletSmall poppies: Highly gifted children in the early years Recommended, also in Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted, and Don't Miss!
bulletNew page No Child Left Behind: The Football Version, in A Lighter Note
bulletNew page, Speaking, Invite Carolyn K. to speak at your next meeting or conference!
bulletUsing Current Research to Make Good Decisions About Grouping Recommended, in Grouping and Arguments and Red Herrings
bulletUpdated Developing Mathematical Talent: A Guide for Challenging and Educating Gifted Students Recommended by Susan Assouline and Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik , in Gifted Books, Mathematically Gifted, and Gifts for the Gifted... the link was bad, to this terrific book!
bulletZendo Recommended, in Smart Toys
bulletBeing Smart About Gifted Children: A Guidebook For Parents And Educators Recommended, in Gifted Books, Professional Books, Advocacy, and Gifted Education
bulletA new reading list, Hot Topics in Philosophy!...
bulletNew page, Choices and Challenges, in Social/Emotional
bulletNew page, How to Become an Educational Advocate in Gifted Advocacy and FAQs , an old story...
bulletNew page, and a new multi-cultural adventure for Hoagies' Gifted Education Page... Niños Altamente Superdotados en Aulas de Integración, in Highly Gifted
bulletAdded Quarto Recommended to Best of Smart Toys and Gifts for the Gifted
bulletThe Big Wave Recommended, in Science Hot Topics!
bulletNew page, School Counselors Light-Up the Intra- and Inter-Personal  Worlds of Our Gifted, in Counseling the Gifted
bulletNew page, A Different Slant, the article that named Hoagies' Gifted Education Page! in Who Am I?
bulletPhishing and a variety of other updates, in PC security Recommended

June 11-19 2005

bulletIn Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Links For the Love of Words: Word Games...
bulletFrame Games, also in Daily Links!
bulletRebus Puzzles
bulletMinnesota Council for the Gifted and Talented (MCGT) Annual Conference, in Gifted Conferences
bulletThe Incredibles quotes, in Gifted Education Quotes
bulletBrain Quest college tuition sweepstakes, in Contests and Awards
bulletWebSuduko Recommended, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Interact! and Brain Teasers
bulletAdvocacy for Gifted and Talented Education in New York State, in Gifted Conferences
bulletGateways School (AZ), in Schools for the Gifted
bulletParents of Gifted Offspring - Northern NJ, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletLive Monarch, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Natural Science
bulletStandards and Assessment for Student Achievement (NJ), in Gifted Mandates
bulletGifted Education and Gifted Programs, in Gifted 101: A Guide for First Time Visitors
bulletLessons of a Century, in Gifted History
bulletMany bad links fixed in Educators, Gifted Education and Gifted Programs, thanks to a Hoagies' visitor

June 10 2005  Many more new articles thanks to Gifted Child Today magazine...

bulletNew page Gifted History including...
bulletFoundations of the field of gifted education (historical perspectives)
bulletTransitions in the development of giftedness
bulletIs America smart enough? IQ and national productivity, in Testing and Assessment
bulletGifted underachievement: oxymoron or educational enigma? in Underachieving Gifted Child
bulletThe spill-over effect: an advocacy strategy, in Gifted Advocacy
bulletIn Technology and the Gifted Child...
bulletThe merging of literacy and technology in the 21st century: a bonus for gifted education
bulletSix uses of the Internet to develop students' gifts and talents
bulletIn Gifted Programs...
bulletImages of teaching
bulletIncorporating service learning into leadership education: Duke TIP's Leadership Institute
bulletThe senior project and gifted education
bulletTeaming up to support gifted students' best practice guidelines for schools and programs
bulletThe room meeting for G/T students in an inclusion classroom
bulletWelcome to my world
bulletIn Curriculum Modifications...
bulletAcademic asynchrony
bulletThe Atterbury Files: an extra curricular inquiry project illustrating local history
bulletDeveloping leadership skills in young gifted students
bulletHarry Potter: enchantment for all seasons
bulletThere is a kind of music to it
bulletThrough the looking glass: one school's reflections on differentiation
bulletTiered lessons: one way to differentiate mathematics instruction, also in Mathematically Gifted
bulletUsing the literary masters to inspire written expression in gifted students
bulletWhy teachers need to be readers
bulletA Writers' Workshop for Highly Verbal Students
bulletThe application of an individual professional development plan to gifted education, in Gifted Education
bulletIn Parenting Gifted Children...
bulletThe ongoing riddle of which nurture is best for what nature: parents promoting gifted potential
bulletParents conceptions of giftedness
bulletScience starts early, in Scientifically Gifted
bulletIn Mentors for Gifted Students...
bulletMentors on the net: extending learning through telementoring
bulletThrough another's eyes: the pinnacle project
bulletYoung leaders: growing through mentoring
bulletIn Attention Deficit (AD/HD)...
bulletWhat's wrong with Doug: the academic struggles of a gifted student with ADHD from preschool to college
bulletWhat's right with Doug: the academic triumph of a Gifted Student with ADHD
bulletIn Social / Emotional...
bulletAffective Component in the Education of the Gifted
bulletThe benefits of exploring opera for the Social and Emotional development of high-ability students
bulletThe "H" Word: Home Schooling, in Home Schooling Gifted Children
bulletThe Role of Grandparents in Talent Recognition and Development, in Identification
bulletIn Philosophy...
bulletGifted Students and Philosophy: The Sound of a Tree Falling in the Forest ...
bulletIn the Classroom: Freedom and Responsibility: Existentialism, Gifted Students, and Philosophy
bulletPhilosophy and gifted students

June 1-9 2005

bulletRadical Acceleration of Highly Gifted Children, in Bibliographies of Gifted Research
bulletNational Security and Educational Excellence, in Gifted Education
bulletInterest Optical Illusion, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Brain Teasers
bulletLMK, PAGE, and NAGC, in Acronyms, Terms, and other things we need to know
bulletThe new cornbread, in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletSplit You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When... into "early" page More You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When..., in On A Lighter Note...
bulletTell Me More Language Software, in Educational Products and Software Favorites
bulletAbout Urban Legends and Folklore, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Variety Store
bulletGoogle's Summer of Code, in Contests and Awards
bulletNew quote, in Education Quotes

May 14-31 2005

bullet Aspergers in Love: Couple Relationships and Family Affairs, in Asperger's Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism
bulletComparison of Assessment Techniques In the Identification of Gifted Learners Symposium, in Gifted Conferences
bulletIles School (IL), in Schools for the Gifted
bulletMartin Gardner's Mathematical Games, in Smart Toys for Gifted Kids (and Adults)
bulletA Collage of Parents' Stories, in Parenting Gifted Children
bulletInstruments for measuring leadership in children and youth, in Testing and Assessment
bulletIn Mathematically Gifted...
bulletGifted students speak: mathematics problem-solving insights
bulletCan distance learning meet the needs of gifted elementary math students? also in Distance Learning Programs
bulletSurviving or Thriving? Gifted middle school boys with learning disabilities, in Twice Exceptional and Gifted in Middle School
bulletIn Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs...
bulletPrufrock's Gifted Education Blog
bulletNevada Advocates for Highly Gifted Children
bulletTemporary changes to subscription / posting instructions for GT-World mailing lists
bulletMixed Messages: What State High School Tests Communicate about Student Readiness for College, in Proficiency Testing
bulletIt's "Its" in The official home page of the PG Cult
bulletIn Smart Toys for Gifted Kids (and Adults)...
bulletCranium Bumparina, also in Gifts for the Gifted: Hoagies' Shopping Guide
bulletKids' Paper Airplane Books
bulletIn You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletAsynchrony strikes again
bulletE is for electron
bulletYearbook comments
bulletPlayground evangelist
bulletThe 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens, in Gifted Adolescents
bulletNew quote in Gifted Education Quotes (corrected, Thanks Deb!)
bulletEnhanced Science Helper, in Educational Products
bulletStudent Interest in Computer Science Plummets, in Technologically Gifted
bulletStore Wars Recommended in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Variety Store
bulleteNature, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Natural Science
bulletThree-dimensional street paintings, in Art, Theater, Music
bulletThis is the first time I've posted a website from a junk mail, but you gotta see these!
bullet   Summer Special 10% off, use coupon code HOAGIES, through the end of June!
bulletDrunk Men Work Here, a different kind of IQ test, in On A Lighter Note...

Friday the 13th!  Are you paraskevidekatriaphobic?

bulletHow Friday the 13th Works, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Variety Store
bulletIt makes your head hurt, in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletJohn Gneisenau Neihardt, in Grade Skipped and Successful

May 3-10 2005

bulletIn Reading Lists...
bulletEmbracing the Child
bulletWands and Worlds
bulletU.S. Census Statistics, in (Early) College Planning and Success Stories
bulletMoravian Academy (PA), in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletIn Continuing Education Programs...
bulletNorthwestern University
bulletBelin-Blank Center, The University of Iowa
bulletBullyStoppers.com, in Bullies
bulletWisconsin Association for Talented and Gifted, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletDream Catcher Blankets, in 2E (Twice Exceptional) Products
bulletThe Chess Variant Page, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Games
bulletDictionary.com Word of the Day, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Links For the Love of Words... and Daily!
bulletSheppard Software Geography Games, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Geography and Interact!
bulletBS, MIL, FIL, in Acronyms, Terms, and other things we need to know
bulletCan you picture it? in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletComprehensive Curriculum For Gifted Learners, in Gifted Books and Professional Books
bulletGifted Children Information Blog, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletSiemens Awards for Advanced Placement, in Contests and Awards
bulletStipek study shows older students do not academically outperform younger peers in early grades, in Early (or Late) Kindergarten
bulletTransdisciplinary Workshop: Upside Down Brilliance: The Visual Spatial Learner (ME), in Gifted Conferences
bulletAll Education Schools, in Continuing Education Programs

May 2 2005 Many new articles thanks to Gifted Child Today magazine...

bulletWithin-class acceleration, in Academic Acceleration
bulletIdentifying students with gifts and talents in technology, in Technologically Gifted
bulletIn Gifted Education...
bulletThe senior project and gifted education
bulletWhat gift? The reality of the student who is gifted and talented in public school classrooms
bulletWhat makes a "good" teacher "great"?
bulletUsing public relations strategies to advocate for gifted programming in your school, in Gifted Programs
bulletCreating culturally responsive gifted education classrooms understanding "culture" is the first step, in Gifted Students At Risk
bulletHigh school graduation exam requirement linked to lower SAT scores, in Proficiency Testing
bulletSpirit and opportunity: re-exploring giftedness and parents' expanding directive role, in Parenting Gifted Children
bulletMathematically gifted students: how can we meet their needs? in Mathematically Gifted
bulletIntellectually gifted students' perceptions of personal goals and work habits, in Perfectionism and the Gifted Child
bulletDear diary: don't be alarmed … I'm a boy, in Gender Issues
bulletUsing learning-strategies instruction with students who are gifted and learning disabled, in Twice Exceptional
bulletUsing their words to support our advocacy efforts, in Gifted Advocacy
bulletIn Contests and Awards...
bulletAcademic Games Leagues of America (AGLOA)
bulletAmerican Regions Mathematics League
bulletInternational Mathematical Olympiad
bulletJane Austen Society of North America Essay Contest
bulletMTNA Music Teachers National Association Student Competitions
bulletA Europe of Tales, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Myths & Legends
bulletDiscoverEngineering.com, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Physics and Mechanics
bulletFigure This! in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Young Kids
bulletRudiments of Wisdom, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Science
bulletIn Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Social Studies...
bulletFact Monster, also in Homework Help
bulletKids web Japan, also in Young Kids
bulletShow Me, also in Science and Young Kids
bulletWindows to the Universe, also in Science

April 18-29 2005

bulletSteppingstone School, in Schools for the Gifted
bulletScientists debate wait on the next Einstein, in Scientifically Gifted
bulletMy Pyramid, in Variety Store
bulletWeather Wiz Kids, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Young Kids
bulletA new acronym, in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletBeing Perfect, in Perfectionism and the Gifted Child
bulletLEAP/PROBE Summer Classes, in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletDr. Habeeb Bacchus, in Grade Skipped and Successful
bulletNameVoyager Recommended, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: History and Variety Store
bulletCog, the most amazing Rube Goldberg machine, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens: Physics and Mechanics
bulletCranium Zigity, in Smart Toys for Gifted Kids (and Adults)
bulletNew associates program: Zome Tools!
bulletThe bright pupil thus remains democratically fettered, in Gifted Education Quotes
bulletJanice's Solutions, in Sensitivities of the Gifted
bulletIn Schools for the Gifted...
bulletHigh Meadows School (GA)
bulletDevon Prep (PA)
bulletMalvern Prep (PA)
bulletThe Infinite Art of Janet Parke, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens Page: Art, Theater, Music and Math
bulletWhy not? in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletIn Movies Featuring Gifted Kids (and Adults!)...
bulletA Bug's Life
bulletThe Incredibles Recommended
bulletWhat tHe ßleep D? ?S (k)pow!? also in The official home page of the PG Cult
bulletNational Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) - UK, in Organizations
bulletand NACE Inaugural Challenge Award Conference, in Gifted Conferences
bulletAnnie Mouse Meets Her Guardian Angel, in Hot Topics Reading List: Classics
bulletPatricia Gatto-Walden (CO), in Psychologists familiar with the Gifted
bulletHomeschoolers' College Admissions Handbook: Preparing Your 12- to 18-Year-Old for a Smooth Transition, in Home Schooling Gifted Children
bulletAlert Program, in Sensory Integration (SI)
bulletGifted in Victoria, in Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Science Fiction and Fantasy...
bulletThe Bromeliad, or Gnomes trilogy by Terry Pratchett
bulletGood Omens by Terry Pratchett
bulletJohnny Maxwell series by Terry Pratchett
bulletKeymath-Revised / Normative Update, in An Inventory of Tests
bulletSummer Choices (PA), in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletInternet Anagram Server, in Links For the Love of Words...
bulletIn Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs...
bulletHighly Gifted Support board
bulletParents of Gifted Children board
bulletThe Personality Page, in Personality Type
bulletNYC Skyline, Marilyn Monroe, JFK Photomosaics Puzzles, in Smart Toys for Gifted Kids (and Adults)
bulletDuke TIP 2004–2005 7th Grade Talent Search Results Summary, in Talent Search

April 1-14 2005

bulletMental Floss Fact of the Day and Quiz of the Day, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens Page: Daily!
bulletMargaret J. Kay (PA), in Psychologists familiar with the Gifted
bulletPhysicsSongs.org, in Hoagies' Kids & Teens Page: Physics and Mechanics
bulletKmart's Class Acts Contest, in Contests and Awards
bulletIn Readings...
bulletGenetic Studies of Genius
bulletSpecial education, the handicapped and the gifted
bulletStudy Finds Shortcoming in New Law on Education, in Proficiency Testing
bulletThis one ate what? in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletWhat Math Gender Gap? in Gender Issues and Mathematically Gifted
bulletDruidawn, in Smart Toys for Gifted Kids (and Adults)
bulletThe Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World, in Hot Topics Reading List: But Why?
bulletJoseph Priestley, in Notable Homeschoolers
bulletNew questions on I noticed your child...
bulletGreat new information on Which Tests?, in Why Should I Have My Child Tested?
bulletDealing with Death, Grief & Mourning
bulletFor Many, College Begins in High School, in (Early) College Planning and Success Stories
bulletCommunications expert, in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bullet"Intelligent" Insights on Intelligence Theories and Tests (a.k.a. IQs Corner), a blog in Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletInteractive Body, in Natural Science and Interact!
bulletIn Social Studies...
bulletAncient Egypt, Digital Egypt
bulletMental Floss, in Magazines - why does this remind me of a Jimmy Buffet song?
bulletSwallows & Amazons, in Classics, Mystery, Poetry
bulletNew page, On eIMACS in Academic Programs
bulletCaptain Robert FitzRoy, in Grade Skipped and Successful
bulletSnopes, in Variety Store Links
bulletTV Analogy, in Metaphorically Speaking
bulletMerely Bright--or Brilliant? in Identification
bulletDubious drug therapy, in Depression and Suicide
bulletMeasures of Academic Progress (MAP), in An Inventory of Tests

March 17-31 2005

bulletHoberman Spheres and more, in Smart Toys for Gifted Kids (and Adults)
bulletIn Twice Exceptional...
bulletStraight talk about Psychiatric Medications for Kids
bullet“You Are Here”: Talent Search Helps (Twice) Exceptional Student Succeed
bulletMagic Eye, in Variety Store Links
bulletLa Vida Robot, in Technology and the Gifted Child
bulletEl Paso Country Day School, in Schools for the Gifted
bulletAssessment of Children WISC-IV and WPPSI-III Supplement, in Gifted Books and Testing and Assessment
bulletIn Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs...
bulletTAG Maine mailing list, MA Gifted list
bulletIn Gifted Conferences...
bullet19th Annual International Conference on the Autonomous Learner Model (CO)
bulletDISCOVER! Institute for Educators, (IN)
bulletCarrolton-Farmers Branch Association for the Gifted and Talented, in Regional Organizations
bulletGoGo Cards, in Variety Store
bulletExplore, in An Inventory of Tests
bulletTalent Search: Purposes, Rationale, and Role in Gifted Education, in Talent Search
bulletThe Courage to Be Imperfect: Tom Greenspon on Perfectionism, in Perfectionism
bulletCause for Concern, or Reason to Celebrate: Maureen Neihart Discusses her Research on the Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children, in Social / Emotional
bulletIn Parenting...
bulletEarly Career Planning is Essential for Gifted Adolescents
bulletGrandparents: What You (and maybe only you) Can Do to Support Your Grandchildren's Talent Development
bulletParenting Young, Gifted Children, in Young Gifted Children
bulletIn International Exchange Programs...
bulletThe American School in Switzerland
bulletOxford Advanced Studies Program, also in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletBroadreach (international), in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletNew page Depression and Suicide, a collection of old and new resources, in Social / Emotional, including...
bulletIssues in the Social and Emotional Adjustment of Gifted Children: What Does the Literature Say?
bulletOnly the bright commit suicide
bulletBipolar Disorder in Childhood and Adolescence
bulletChild & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation
bulletFrequently Asked Questions About Early-Onset Bipolar Disorder
bulletUnderstanding and Assessing Suicide in the Gifted
bulletNational Suicide Hotline
bulletif you are thinking about suicide, read this first...
bulletMyths & Facts about Suicide
bulletTeens and Depression
bulletTeen Suicide
bulletThe Trevor Project
bulletA case of mold, in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletIn Grief & Mourning...
bulletEight myths about children, adolescents and loss
bulletGrief Rituals
bulletI Will Remember You
bulletThe Internet Book Database of Fiction, in Books & Authors
bulletMy Home Library (bookplates), in Books & Authors and Variety Store

March 1-14 2005

bulletThe Bright Kids Resource NY, in Regional Organizations
bulletBright Kids (Mensa), in Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletAcceleration: What America Needs to Know, IA, in Gifted Conferences
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Science...
bulletThe Amateur Naturalist, Asimov on Chemistry
bulletThe Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher, Madame Curie
bulletHot Topics Reading List: Genetics...
bulletThe Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Mathematics and Programming...
bulletThe Sand-Reckoner
bulletCollege for Youth, IA, in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletGriddlers.net Recommended, in Brain Teasers
bulletYoung + Brilliant, Blessed + Cursed, in Social / Emotional and Highly, Exceptionally, and Profoundly Gifted
bulletWhy it's hard to test a two-year-old, in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Science Fiction and Fantasy...
bulletShadow of the Giant, by Orson Scott Card
bulletMercedes Lackey's Valdemar series
bulletother Mercedes Lackey titles
bulletNew ways to know, in The official home page of the PG Cult
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Cartoons / Humor...
bulletThe Cartoon Guide to Chemistry, also in Hot Topics Reading List: Science
bulletThe Cartoon History of the Universe III: From the Rise of Arabia to the Renaissance, also in Hot Topics Reading List: History
bulletIn An Inventory of Tests...
bulletHarcourt Assessment WISC-IV Technical Report #4 General Ability Index
bulletUsing the DWI or GAI
bulletRuf Estimates of Levels of Giftedness
bulletNew quotes in Education Quotes and Gifted Education Quotes
bulletPrimed for Numbers, in Gender Issues, Mathematically Gifted and Scientifically Gifted
bulletIn Summer and Saturday Programs...
bulletCybercamps, multiple states, Stanford University Mathematics Camp (SUMaC), CA
bulletSummer Odyssey, CA, High Achieving Talented Students (HATS), FL
bulletAdventures in Learning, IL, Avery Coonly Summer Enrichment Program, IL
bulletCamp CBG, IL, High School Summer Institute, IL
bulletIllinois Mathematics and Science Academy® (IMSA) Kids Institute, IL
bulletMorton Arboretum Summer Science Camps, IL, Summer Lab, IL
bulletSummer Worlds Tour, IL, The Talent Search Program, IL
bulletClay Mathematics Research Academy, MA, Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, MI
bulletInterlochen Arts Camp, MI
bulletFlinn Scientific, in Internet Investigations

February 16-28 2005

bulletExplorers, in Movies Featuring Gifted Kids (and Adults!)
bulletIt's the most! in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletCrocheting the Hyperbolic Plane, in Knitting and Crocheting
bulletIn Gifted Programs...
bulletIntegrating Gifted Education into the Total School Curriculum
bulletExamining the Effects of Block Scheduling on Gifted and Talented Students
bulletIn Social / Emotional...
bulletFeelings and attitudes of gifted students
bulletFostering the social and emotional development of gifted children through guided viewing of film, also in Movies Featuring Gifted Kids (and Adults!)
bulletGender and Giftedness, also in Gender Issues and Counseling the Gifted
bulletGLBTQ: The Survival Guide for Queer & Questioning Teens
bulletAm I Blue?: Coming Out from the Silence
bulletDumont Willis, in Testing and Assessment
bulletGifted & Math Learning Disabled: The Dyscalculia Syndrome, in Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia
bulletQuestLeadership, in Mentors
bulletQuestBridge, in College Scholarships
bulletConsiderations and Strategies for Parenting the Gifted Child, in Parenting Gifted Children
bulletIn Twice Exceptional...
bulletGifted students with disabilities are we finding them?
bulletThe Gifted/Learning-Disabled Child: A Guide for Teachers and Parents
bulletFrench for Beginners, in For the Love of Words...
bulletGifted Kids, Gifted Characters, and Great Books, in Reading Lists
bulletAsynchronous development and sensory integration intervention in the gifted and talented population, in Sensory Integration (SI)
bulletIn Gifted Students At Risk...
bulletTo be young, gifted, African American, and male - case studies
bulletProviding Access for Culturally Diverse Gifted Students: From Deficit to Dynamic Thinking (Theory into Practice)
bulletA challenge for culturally diverse families of gifted children: forced choices between achievement or affiliation
bulletGrouping the gifted and talented: questions and answers, in Grouping Gifted Children
bulletInternal barriers, personal issues, and decisions faced by gifted and talented females, in Gender Issues
bulletIn Counseling the Gifted...
bulletA Call To Action
bulletAn argument for proactive attention to affective concerns of gifted adolescents
bulletHeightened multifaceted sensitivity of gifted students: implications for counseling
bulletThe "me" behind the mask: Intellectually gifted students and the search for identity Recommended, also in Social / Emotional
bulletDepressive disorder in highly gifted adolescents, also in Social / Emotional
bulletIn Search of The Gifted Identity: From abstract concept to workable counseling constructs
bulletIn Curriculum Modifications...
bulletGifted readers: Who are they, and how can they be served in the classroom?
bulletIn search of reality: unraveling the myths about tracking, ability grouping, and the gifted, also in Grouping Gifted Children
bulletWhat can happen to bored gifted students, also in Social / Emotional and Never Say Bored!
bulletHave you e-mailed your support for A Call To Action?
bulletSchool of Choice, now an Oakland campus, CA, in Schools for the Gifted
bulletTechnology and the unseen world of gifted students, in Technology and the Gifted Child and Social / Emotional
bulletIn Young Children...
bulletFrequently asked questions about extreme intelligence in very young children
bulletSmall poppies: Highly gifted children in the early years Recommended, also in Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted, and Don't Miss!
bulletIn Gifted Education...
bulletSaving the Smart Kids: Are schools leaving the most gifted children behind if they don't allow them to skip ahead?
bulletGifted Education Policies
bulletIn Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)...
bulletAuditory Evoked Potentials in Low-achieving Gifted Adolescents
bulletCAPD and the gifted child: The relevance of central auditory processing deficit to gifted education
bulletGifted or ADD? in Attention Deficit (AD/HD)
bulletDounce.org, France, in Regional Organizations
bulletIn Gifted Conferences...
bulletUnderstanding & Teaching the Visual-Spatial Learner, IL
bulletSilverman & Golon Tour of New Zealand
bulletOAGC Teacher Academy 2005
bulletGenius Denied
bulletOhio Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference
bulletUAGC Parent Night & Special Session, UT
bulletGifted and Talented Termly Conferences, London, England
bulletVisual Spatial Learners Workshop, Melbourne, Australia
bulletSAGE No Gifted Child Left Behind, MO
bulletSummer Institute for Teachers and Administrators on Curriculum and Programs for High Ability Learners, VA
bulletGifted and Talented Annual Conference, also in London, England
bulletTips for Selecting the Right Counselor or Therapist for your Gifted Child, in Psychologists familiar with the Gifted
bulletStudents' lawsuit over T-shirt gains ground, in Ridiculous Things I Heard Today
bulletRaising Topsy-Turvy Kids: Successfully Parenting Your Visual-Spatial Child, in Visual-Spatial Learners and Gifted Books
bulletCalifornia Gifted Homeschooling, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletIn Gifted Education, Academic Acceleration and Curriculum Modifications...
bulletNAGC's Acceleration in Schools: A Call to Action
bulletNational Association for Gifted Children Position Paper: Acceleration
bulletNational Association for Gifted Children Position Statements (not in Acceleration)
bulletIn Summer and Saturday Programs...
bulletFerrum College Summer Enrichment Camp, NC
bulletUNCG Summer Music Camp, NC
bulletChallenge Camp, TX
bulletIn Regional Organizations...
bulletArkansans for Gifted & Talented Education, Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented
bulletFlorida Gifted Network, Nevada Association for Gifted and Talented
bulletSouth Dakota Association for Gifted Children, Utah Association for Gifted Children
bulletBritish Mensa, Irish Mensa
bulletSex and the Highly Gifted Adolescent, in Gifted Adolescents
bulletAdded DoD schools, in Gifted Mandates
bulletMensa International, in Organizations
bulletMade for speed... I sped up various Hoagies' Page graphics and page design... hope it helps!

February 2-15 2005

bulletErik Demaine, in Grade Skipped and Successful and Notable Homeschoolers
bulletTamora Pierce's Recommended Reading Lists, in Reading Lists
bulletNew page No Child Left Behind: The Football Version, in A Lighter Note
bulletCombined Writing into Love of Words...
bulletWhat is a Gifted Child? - trying to define the beast, in Identification
bulletTesting and Counseling Interview Questions, in Psychologists and Testing and Assessment
bulletIn Mandates...
bulletGuide for Perplexed Parent in Tennessee
bulletState Gifted and Talented Definitions
bulletContests & Scholarships, in Don't Miss!
bulletIEA Gifted Resource Center Contest, Distance Learning Search, in Distance Learning
bulletIn Summer and Saturday Programs...
bulletIEA Gifted Resource Center Program Search
bulletSummer of Excellence, AZ
bulletAcademic Connections at UCSD, CA
bulletSummer Challenge, KY
bulletSuper Saturdays, KY
bulletAbington Friends Summer Enrichment Program, PA
bulletGreen River Preserve, NC
bulletCamp Broadstone Summer Enrichment Program for Gifted and Talented Youth, NC
bulletSanburg Family History Program, NY
bulletScholarshipHelp.org, in College Scholarships
bulletNew page, Speaking, Invite Carolyn K. to speak at your next meeting or conference!
bulletNew URL (address) for Haven, on Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs and more
bulletInfluences of Gender on Academic Achievement, in Gender Issues, Math Gifted and Middle School
bulletAcademic Competitions for Gifted Students: A Resource Book for Teachers and Parents, in Contests and Awards, Gifted Books and Professional Books
bulletA new SET, in The official home page of the PG Cult
bulletWhat If Einstein Had Taken Ritalin? ADHD's Impact on Creativity, in AD/HD and Creatively Gifted
bulletEmotional Sensitivity in Gifted Children, and Guidelines for Handling the Dark Side of Emotional Sensitivity in Gifted Children, in Social/Emotional
bulletAcceleration: Strategies and Benefits, in Acceleration
bulletThe Emotional Drama of Giftedness: Self Concept, Perfectionism, and Sensitivity, in Perfectionism
bulletHarrison Bergeron, by Vonnegut, in A Lighter Note
bulletReduced Shakespeare Company, in Movie Featuring Gifted Kids (and Adults!) and The official home page of the PG Cult
bulletNumbers, constants and computation, in Math
bulletAdded Quarto Recommended to Best of Smart Toys and Gifts for the Gifted
bulletIndividuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, in Advocacy and Twice Exceptional
bulletVedic Mathematics or Sixteen Simple Mathematical Formulae from the Vedas, in Hot Topics Mathematics!
bulletTrachtenberg Speed System of Arithmetic, in Multiplication and Math
bulletIn Movie Featuring Gifted Kids (and Adults!)...
bulletBlack, Finding Neverland, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
bulletBeyond IQ, in Organizations
bulletIn Gifted Conferences...
bulletOklahoma Association of Gifted, Creative, & Talented
bulletBeyond Giftedness 12
bulletNational Curriculum Network Conference
bulletQueensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children
bullet4th Annual Gifted Education Conference at Oberlin College
bulletMontana AGATE 25th Annual Spring Conference
bulletNorthern Virginia Council for Gifted/Talented Education Spring Conference
bulletConfratute 2005
bulletGifted and Talented Edufest
bulletLearning Brain Expo
bulletMississippi Association for Gifted Children (MAGC)   
bulletKansas Association for Gifted, Talented and Creative (KGTC) Conference
bulletIowa Talented and Gifted Association
bulletVirginia Conference on Gifted Education
bulletSIG Gifted Education Conference
bullet28th Annual TAGT Professional Development Conference
bulletRaising Student Achievement Conference 2005 (RSAC)
bulletThe Seventh International Congress of the Institute for Positive Disintegration in Human Development (2006)
bulletNew math cult questions, in The official home page of the PG Cult
bulletDifferentiation: Where's the research?, a new section in Arguments and Red Herrings
bulletUsing Current Research to Make Good Decisions About Grouping Recommended, in Grouping and Arguments and Red Herrings
bulletExploring the Conflicts Involved With Ability Grouping, in Grouping
bulletLow intelligence test scores in 18 year old men and risk of suicide: cohort study, in  Social / Emotional
bulletHoagies' Page has a new Associates Program: National Geographic
bulletMore new Education Quotes...

January 16-30 2005

bulletUpdated Developing Mathematical Talent: A Guide for Challenging and Educating Gifted Students Recommended by Susan Assouline and Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik , in Gifted Books, Mathematically Gifted, and Gifts for the Gifted... the link was bad, to this terrific book!
bulletThe Brownie Forest, in Multiplication
bulletNew Education Quotes...
bulletUpdated Never Say Bored!, in FAQs
bulletTimes Tales, in Multiplication Products
bulletIn Smart Toys...
bulletMusini - MagicSensor, a great addition by Neurosmith
bulletWord Sense, another hit by ThinkFun
bulletEducational Insights toys, including...
bulletBlockus and Traverse
bulletBackgammon, Battleship, Capsela Max-Out
bulletContinuo, Zendo Recommended, Gears, Gears, Gears!, Go, Senat
bulletTake Off!, Lego Motor Monkey, TipOver, What's Gnu?
bulletIn Philosophy, and a new reading list, Hot Topics in Philosophy!...
bulletLooking At Philosophy: The Unbearable Heaviness of Philosophy Made Lighter
bulletPhilosophy for Kids: 40 Fun Questions That Help You Wonder ... About Everything!
bulletPhilosophy Rocks!
bulletSophie's World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy
bulletYoung Person's Guide to Philosophy
bulletThe Universe in a Nutshell, in Hot Topics Physics!
bulletNew page, Choices and Challenges, in Social/Emotional
bulletWordMasters, in Academic Programs
bulletWhy doesn't the letter 's' want to be seen with 'c'? in You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When....
bulletTwo Our Gifted Online Conferences, in Conferences and Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs and more...
bulletOrganizing Your School Community in Support of Differentiation for the Gifted Learner, March 2005
bulletLegal and Political Strategies to Advance Gifted Education, May 2005
bulletIn An Inventory of Tests...
bulletCalifornia Achievement Tests (CAT/5)
bulletIowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS)
bulletTerra Nova (CAT/6)
bulletTemple Grandin: "Animals in Translation" radio interview, in Hot Topics! Science
bulletLetterland, in Twice Exceptional (2e) Products
bulletIn Books & Authors...
bulletBerenstain Bears, Bionicle, Children of the Lamp, Clifford the Big Red Dog
bulletDay My Butt Went Psycho, Dragons of Deltora, The Edge Chronicles, Everworld
bulletGuardians of Ga'Hoole, I Spy, The Land of Elyon, Marvin Redpost, Nate the Great
bulletShredderman, Spy University, Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends
bulletNT, in Acronyms, Terms, and other things we need to know...
bulletLet's try this again... New page, How to Become an Educational Advocate in Gifted Advocacy and FAQs , an old story...
bulletDynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS), in An Inventory of Tests
bulletShadow Syndromes: The Mild Forms of Major Mental Disorders That Sabotage, in Twice Exceptional
bulletEquinox (Ohio), in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletBeing Smart About Gifted Children: A Guidebook For Parents And Educators Recommended, in Gifted Books, Professional Books, Advocacy, and Gifted Education
bulletMel Levine: Teaching All Kinds of Minds, in Twice Exceptional and Learning Styles
bulletTherapyShoppe, in 2E Products
bulletLearning Differences, in Twice Exceptional
bulletGifted Home Schoolers North Carolina (GHSNC), in Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs and more...
bulletTeen Helps Build Firefox Web Browser, in Technologically Gifted
bulletUpdated Life In The Asynchronous Family by Kathi Kearney - it was missing quite a few significant paragraphs - sorry folks!
bulletSheroes Central, board for gifted KIDS to talk to one another, in Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs and more...
bulletAlso see Haven, a Haven for gifted kids...
bulletNew and improved Hot Topics!, including...
bulletBeing Gifted, Cartoons / Humor, Classics, Potpourri
bulletThe Math Circle, in Distance Learning and Math Links
bulletIntelligence in men and women is a gray and white matter, in Brain Research
bulletIn Hot Topics Biographies! more Dead Famous titles, most now available in the U.S., too...
bulletQueen Victoria and Her Amusements, Mary Queen of Scots and Her Hopeless Husbands
bulletWinston Churchill and His Great Wars, Roald Dahl and His Chocolate Factory
bulletAlbert Einstein and His Inflatable Universe, Isaac Newton and his Apple
bulletSpartacus and His Glorious Gladiators, Boudica and Her Barmy Army
bulletWilliam Shakespeare and His Dramatic Acts, Writers and Their Tall Tales
bulletSir Francis Drake and His Daring Deeds, Oliver Cromwell and His Warts
bulletLincoln & the Gettysburg Address "A New Birth of Freedom," in Contests and Awards
bulletReorganized Smart Toys to make it easier to find toys, and added...
bulletBatik, Xactika
bulletAnimals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior, in Hot Topics in Science
bulletBarnes and Noble University, in Distance Learning
bulletIn Products...
bulletBuilding Blocks extraordinaire! (also in Smart Toys)
bulletAddition Adventures and Subtraction Secrets
bulletMultiplication Mosaics and Division Designs
bulletSymbol Stamp Sets
bulletWord Roots
bulletNew page, and a new multi-cultural adventure for Hoagies' Gifted Education Page... Niños Altamente Superdotados en Aulas de Integración, in Highly Gifted

January 3-15 2005

bulletHow We Learn, in Learning Styles
bulletAt Home with School, in Home Schooling Gifted Children
bulletWhitney M. Young Magnet High School, in Schools for the Gifted
bulletThe Big Wave Recommended, in Science Hot Topics!
bulletIn Contests and Awards...
bulletKnowledge Master, WordMasters Challenge
bulletCool Careers for Girls in Law, in Hot Topics Girls & Women
bulletBeyond Proficiency: A Massachusetts Leadership Summit on Gifted & Academically Advanced Students, in Conferences
bulletSocial Studies For Kids, in Social Studies
bulletNew page, School Counselors Light-Up the Intra- and Inter-Personal  Worlds of Our Gifted, in Counseling the Gifted
bulletI love you eight-halves, and a dependable transportation and information device, in You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When....
bulletNew page, A Different Slant, the article that named Hoagies' Gifted Education Page! in Who Am I?
bulletImmersion In Shockwave Kit, in Programming
bulletIn Psychologists familiar with Testing the Gifted...
bulletUpdates, including a list of questions to ask before testing...
bulletDominic DeLuigi, Pennsylvania
bulletBarbara Louis, New Jersey
bulletThe Last Dog on Earth, in Hot Topics Fiction
bulletRichard Feynman on the nature of scientific research, in Brain Research
bulletRecent Brain Research for Teachers & Other Curious Souls, in Brain Research
bulletIn Interact!...
bulletRoboPacker, also in Young Kids
bulletAlso in Love of Words...
bulletCodeBreaker Crossword
bulletNew York Times Learning Network Crossword Puzzle Archive
bulletIn Brain Teasers...
bulletBrain Binders
bulletThe Grey Labyrinth
bulletPhishing and a variety of other updates, in PC security Recommended - Thanks, Michael!
bulletDo You Speak American? in Love of Words...
bulletRecounting Multiple Intelligences, in Arguments from Educators
bulletIn Mailing Lists, Message Boards, and more...
bulletEide Neurolearning Blog - a new generation of On-Line Support!
bulletOATAG for Oregon parents, teachers and administrators
bullettagpdx for Portland Oregon parents
bulletBooks by Earl Grollman, in Grief & Mourning
bulletArtemis Fowl series, in Hot Topics Science Fiction / Fantasy
bulletThe Adventures of Tintin, by Hergé, in Hot Topics Cartoon Books
bulletIn Hot Topics Fiction...
bulletAlex Rider series, Diamond Brothers Mysteries
bulletvariety of series and title by Gary Paulsen
bulletIn Acceleration and (Early) College Planning and Success Stories...
bulletKeeping Their Talents Alive: Young Women's Assessment of Radical, Post-Secondary Acceleration, also in Gender Issues
bulletAll Rivers Lead to the Sea: A Follow-up Study of Gifted Young Adults, also in Social/Emotional
bulletMarkedly Early Entrance to College: A Multi-Year Comparative Study of Academic Performance and Psychological Adjustment, also in Social/Emotional
bulletIn Gender Issues and Reading Lists...
bulletGreat Books For Girls: More Than 600 Books to Inspire Today's Girls and Tomorrow's Women
bulletGreat Books for Boys
bulletLearningLinks, in Academics and Distance Learning
bullet Recommended Best of Hoagies' Shopping Guide!
bulletIn Early Entrance College Programs...
bulletAcceleration: Valuable High School to College Option, also in Academic Acceleration
bulletEarly Honors, Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage, Alaska
bulletEarly College at Guilford (ECG), Guilford College, Greensboro, North Carolina
bulletThe Agile Gene: How Nature Turns on Nurture, in Hot Topics Science
bulletFrancis W. Parker Charter Essential School, in Schools for the Gifted
bulletHuman Genome Landmarks: Selected Traits and Disorders Mapped to Chromosomes Poster, in (Free) Materials for Gifted Classrooms
bulletIn Mailing Lists, Message Boards, and more...
bulletGTAletters - Montgomery County, Maryland public school gifted families
bulletMA Gifted Homeschoolers - Massachusetts
bulletNEGT - New England
bulletEver After, in Movies
bulletIn Hoagies' Kids and Teens Links...
bulletIn Science and Young Kids...
bulletElementary Science & Math, also in Math
bulletWindows to the Universe
bulletIn Natural Science...
bulletAfriCam, DNA, The Virtual Autopsy
bulletThe Virtual Body / El Cuerpo Virtual
bulletGene Gateway
bulletIn Variety Store...
bulletSilly Putty
bulletVirtual College Tours, also in (Early) College Planning and Success Stories
bulletVirtual Perpetual Calendars
bulletAmusement Park Physics, in Physics
bulletMathematics 10-12, in Math
bulletSpace & Astronomy, in Space and Young Kids
bulletIn Geography...
bulletVirtual Finland, Virtual Jamestown

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Barnes & Noble

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