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What's New in 1998?

December 1998

bulletNew section in Articles and Research, Bullies
bulletGifted Kids Speak Out : Hundreds of Kids Ages 6-13 Talk About School, Friends, Their Families, and the Future by Jim Delisle, in Books
bulletOne size fits all? Age based tracking versus ability grouping in elementary school mathematics by Mike Robison, in Curriculum Adjustments
bulletMandates for Gifted Education in BC, Canada, in Mandates
bulletAssessment of Preschool Giftedness, in Testing and Measurement and Young Children
bulletIn Internet Investigations!
bulletWW2010 Online Guides by University of Illinois - the study of weather
bulletBizarre Stuff You Can Make In Your Kitchen
bulletIn Kids and Teens Links
bulletChem4kids.com, plus Biology4kids, Physics4kids, more!
bulletToday in History, from the folks at Cool Fact of the Day
bulletFixed links in Journals, Kids Magazines
bulletUpdated TAGFAM address in On-Line Support
bulletAdded Minnesota's early college entrance option, in Mandates
bulletIn On-Line Support
bulletUpdated contact information for Home Schooling Gifted Children list
bulletDouance - discussion in French about gifted children and giftedness
bulletRITAG-L - gifted education in Rhode Island
bulletList of listservs on Gifted Education, at ERIC
bulletMore Ridiculous Things I Heard Today
bulletBy James R. Delisle in Testing and Measurement
bulletProficient at What?
bulletHow Proficiency Tests Fall Short (Let Me Count the Ways)
bulletTeen Computer Whiz Ahead of the Program, in Home School and Technology

November 1998

bulletA Fable, in A Lighter Note
bulletDiRhody's PG Message Board, in On-Line Support
bulletMegabibliography, in Bibliographies
bulletIn ADD / ADHD
bulletBlinks A Phenomenon of Distractibility in ADD
bulletNIH Consensus Development Conference on ADHD
bulletDeveloping Your Child for Success, in Gifted / LD and Books
bulletChallenging Gifted Students in the Regular Classroom, in Curriculum Adjustments
bulletIn Gifted Education Tools
bulletEdmund Scientific, Pitsco
bulletIssues in the Education of the Exceptionally Gifted Student, a talk by Miraca Gross at William and Mary College, in Conferences
bulletGifted Education Tools
bulletMAXiS, Videotext Algebra I/II, Crazy Egor's Game Warehouse
bulletGifted Education Publishers
bulletCore Knowledge Foundation, Royal Fireworks Press, Huckleberry Kids
bulletA TAG Parable by Laurie McVicar, in A Lighter Note
bulletA new success story, Part Time High School by Jill
bulletAthena's Child, in Magazines and Journals
bulletOne Who Didn't Get Help, in Social / Emotional
bulletKids' and Teens Links...
bulletWord Central!, Volcanoes Online, Internet Chess Club, Yahoo Chess, Kids' Castle
bulletPerfectionism: What's Bad About Being Too Good, in Books and Perfectionism
bulletThinkQuest, a contest and great educational resource, in Internet Investigations!
bulletMontessori, in Education Theories
bulletDistinguishing Myths From Realities: NRC/GT Research, in lots of places including Arguments from the "Other Side" and Guide for First Time Visitors
bulletFixed link for Purdue University, M.S. and Ph.D., Gifted Education & Talent Development, in Continuing Gifted Education
bulletHome Education of Gifted Children in Texas mailing list, in On-Line Support
bulletA Montessori Success Story by Bev, in Parent to Parent
bulletHoagies' Page is sporting a brand new look! If you run into any trouble, Yell! (send mail :-)
bulletGuide to the Electoral Process, in Internet Investigations!
bulletAnother Ridiculous Things I Heard Today, the classic "They learn despite us!"
bulletNebraska Association for the Gifted, February, 1999
bulletSENG Conference, July 31 - August 1, 1999
bulletUnited Space Alliance NASA-TV Video, live real-player coverage of the Space Shuttle Discovery, Gone after safe landing!
bulletUpdated information for Massachusetts and Nebraska, in Gifted Mandates
bulletTechnology Update '98, in Arguments from the Other Side

October 1998

bulletLyceum of Santa Clara Valley, in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletIn On-Line Support
bulletPrecocious and Prodigious board
bulletHomeschool Zone TAG Discussion Group
bulletPersonal Learning Series: Interactive Mathematics by JHU IAAY, in Academic Programs
bulletGreat Kids' and Teens Links...
bulletIn Book Sites
bulletMy Name Is America book series
bulletIn Geography
bullet50 States and Capitals, Atlapedia Online, National Geographic's Map Machine, National Geographic World On-Line, X-peditions
bulletIn History and Social Studies
bullet4000 Years of Women in Science, An Abridged History of the USA, Benjamin Franklin: Glimpses of the Man, Biography.com, De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors, the History net, History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day, King Arthur: History & Legend, The Presidents of the United States of America, Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, This Day in History
bulletIn Science
bulletInvention Dimension
bulletNew Internet Investigations!
bulletAnatomy of a Murder: A Trip Through Our Nation's Legal Justice System
bulletEduStock - Learn about the stock market, with real-time stock simulation
bulletEncarta - Hundreds of lesson plans in many subjects
bulletMighty M&M Math
bulletSusan Boone's Algebra I lessons, including the Internet Pizza Server and Roller Coaster Statistics
bulletUniversity of Minnesota Calculus Initiative
bulletHP E-mail Mentor Program, in Academic Programs and Mentors
bulletSocial Statistics Briefing Room, in Advocacy
bulletLots more great information by Linda K. Silverman...
bulletHow To Be a Pushy Parent, in Parenting
bulletRespect in the Self-Actualizing Family, in Parenting
bulletSensitivity, in Social / Emotional
bulletDevelopmental Phases of Social Development, in Social / Emotional
bulletPromoting Positive Social Development, in Social / Emotional
bulletCharacteristics of Giftedness Scale, in Identification
bulletVisual Spatial Learner, in Visual Spatial Learners
bulletUpdated Gifted Mandates, but I still need information on YOUR state, province or country!
bulletAdded May 1-2 1999 date for Hollingworth conference, in Conferences
bulletNational Geographic and National Geographic World magazines, in Kids and Teens Magazines
bulletSite wide Search Engine!
bulletThe Children's Magazine, in Kids and Teens Magazines
bulletUniversity of Washington Early Entrance Program, in Early Entrance College
bulletJacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program, in Advocacy
bulletAnother new addition to the Ridiculous Things I Heard Today
bulletShadow Syndromes, in Books and ADD / ADHD
bulletNew Parenting with Love and Logic titles, in Books
bulletNew Internet Investigations!
bulletUSGS Learning Web, The Center for Science Education, NASA Observatorium, Amazing Space, Mysteries of Deep Space, Web Science Workshop Exploratorium Science Snacks, The Wonderful World of Whales, and Webs, Wires and Waves
bulletYou Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletEducation Week, in Readings
bulletOn the Wrong Track?, in Curriculum Adjustments
bulletAdded full text article: Acceleration by Dr. David Elkind!
bulletEuropean Council for High Ability (ECHA), in Organizations
bulletSixth National Conference on Gifted and Talented Education for Native People, July 25 - 29, 1999, in Conferences
bulletAdded Recommended to indicate recommended books and readings, Fixed to indicate fixed links
bulletBeyond Ritalin : Facts About Medication and Other Strategies for Helping Children, Adolescents, and Adults With Attention Deficit Disorders, in Books and ADD / ADHD
bulletMississippi University for Women, Columbus, MS, Masters in Gifted Studies, in Continuing Gifted Education
bulletThe Weather Classroom, in Kids and Teens Links
bulletNew section in Gifted Education, Internet Investigations! - complete educational units right on the Internet!
bulletIn Summer / Saturday Programs
bulletWeekend Institute for Gifted Students (WINGS), University of Iowa
bulletTIP/Canada, OISE/University of Toronto, Canada
bulletDivided Academic Programs into Summer / Saturday Programs and Academic Programs
bulletLa Asociación Española para Superdotados y con Talento (AEST), in Regional Organizations
bulletConfratute '99, July 12 - 23, 1999, in Conferences
bulletIn ADD / ADHD
bulletDenial of Eligibility Because of Gifted Intellectual Ability and/or Lack of Failure
bulletDiagnosing ADD in Gifted Children: Some Words of Caution
bulletWhy Do So Many Smart Children With ADD Fail In Our Public Schools?
bulletADD Traits in Famous and Talented People ...a scrapbook
bulletThe Intuitive Brain
bulletFixed link for Born to Explore!
bulletIn Gifted / LD
bulletGifted and Learning Disabled: Twice Exceptional Students
bulletLDOnline, the interactive guide to learning disabilities
bulletIn Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletAcademic Talent Search (ATS) of California State University Sacramento (CSUS)
bulletGifted Resource Council, St. Louis, Missouri
bulletProgramming and the Gifted Child, in Technology
bulletAdded links to What's New?
bulletSociety for the Advancement of Gifted Education (SAGE) 9th Annual Conference, Alberta Canada, in Conferences
bulletUpdated ordering info. for Miraca Gross' pamphlet Exceptionally Gifted Children: What Research Tells Us, in Books
bulletLetter from Riverside Publishing to Dr. Linda K. Silverman, in Testing and Measurement, and Highly Gifted - the infamous SB-LM letter!
bulletUpdated Accidental Genius, now through Amazon.com, in Books

September 1998

bulletParenting Lecture by Dr. Julia Osborn, LI, NY in Conferences
bulletWhat Would Happen If... We Ran Our Football Teams As We Do Our Classrooms, or vice versa!!, in On A Lighter Note... and Parent to Parent
bulletPuzzlemania, in Kids Magazines
bulletBoomerang! Audio magazine for kids, in Kids Magazines
bulletE-Math - E-Mail Based Volunteer Programs, in Mentors
bullet3rd Australasian International Conference, August 15 - 17, 1999, Melbourne, Australia in Conferences
bulletBright Futures, Victorian Department of Education, in Regional Organizations
bulletUnderstanding School Programs and Options: Cooperative Learning and Independent Study, in Curriculum Adjustments
bulletAdded a Site Map! (finally :-)
bulletAdded What I Feel Sorry About... to Parent to Parent
bulletBright Child vs. Gifted Learner, often requested, now available in Identification!
bulletAcademic Summer Programs:
bulletProgram in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS), Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
bulletRoss Young Scholars Program, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
bulletMichigan Math Scholars, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
bulletSuper Saturday Program, College of Applied Science, Cincinnati, Ohio
bullet...and added age/grade levels to all academic program entries!
bulletFinally removed ... Parents of Children with Challenging Behavior. It's been gone too long
bulletIn Organizations, added links between each organization and its conference
bulletMore new conferences:
bulletAlbuquerque Association for Gifted and Talented Students (AAGTS) 20th Annual Conference October 17, 1998
bulletCenter for Talent Development at Northwestern University September 26, 1998
bulletGiftedness in Early Childhood Conference, NSW, Australia, October 25, 1998
bullet101 Out-Of-This-World Books For Kids Ages 8-13, in Reading Lists
bulletGrading N.J.'s schools, in Regional Organizations
bulletAccidental Genius, a book by Kevin and Cassidy Kearney about parenting and educating profoundly gifted kids
bulletNew section on Visual Spatial Learners...
bulletStrategies for the Visual Spatial Learner, by Linda Silverman, in DDAI's The Dyslexic Reader
bulletTeaching Strategies for the Multiple Intelligences, from Rockhurst College Department of Education
bulletSpatial Visual Intelligence defined
bulletNurture Your Child's Visual-Spatial Intelligence, from the Mining Company
bulletEvaluating Your Learning Style, with the Learning Assistance Center
bulletThe Mining Company's Gifted Children Guide, in Readings
bulletOhio Association for Gifted Children 1998 Annual Conference October 22 - 24, 1998 in Organizations
bulletDo Gifted Students Have Special Needs? by Linda Silverman, in Curriculum Adjustments
bulletKids and Teens Links...
bulletKenny's Math and Physics Help, Schoolhouse Rock, Mathematics with Alice, Fibonacci Numbers and Nature, My Heroes, StudyWeb, Geography World, E-Conflict, Internet Schoolhouse, GlobaLearn, Mission: Critical, Windows to the Universe, Science Made Simple
bulletUpdated Never Say Bored! to include reference to more information in MonTAGe
bulletThanks to Val King, added MonTAGe: TAGFAM E-Journal to the site - read them all!
bulletUpdated subscription instructions for GT-World mailing lists...
bulletUGC mailing list for Unschooling Gifted Children, in On-Line Support
bulletMentoring by David Farmer, in Articles and Research on Mentors
bulletMore Ridiculous Things I Heard Today, in Parent to Parent
bulletMore Kids Books and Authors Sites, in Kids Links:
bulletBrian Jaques Redwall, C.S. Lewis Into the Wardrobe, Judy Blume, Lewis Carroll's Land of Oz, Sherlockian Holmepage, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mark Twain, Frank Baum's Oz
bulletPlus the CLWG Authors & Illustrators Page, which points to hundreds more!
bulletTis' the season, for new conference announcements:
bulletOregon Association for Talented and Gifted, October 3, 1998
bulletTennessee Association for the Gifted, October 22 - 24, 1998
bulletNever Say Bored!, by Carolyn K., in Parent to Parent and Academic Acceleration

August 1998

bulletJr. Great Books, in Gifted Ed. Programs under Academic Programs
bulletNew mailing list discussing high giftedness (Dutch language) for parents of the Netherlands and other Dutch speaking countries, in On-Line Support
bulletGood Books for Good Readers, in Reading Lists (Kids Magazines page)
bulletInternational Archive of Education Data, in Articles and Research, and Organizations
bulletParent Council reviews of tools and literature for parents of gifted children, in Parenting
bulletPrisoners of Time, 1994 report, in Advocacy
bulletOrganized! Combined Kids Magazines and Reading Lists, combined Books and Journals, split off Products and divided it into Products and Publishers. Renamed Kids pages as Kids and Teens, to reflect their content and age focus
bulletIn Kids and Teens:
bulletChess sites, Let's Find Out Encyclopedia, and more Books pages, including Eric Carle and The Page at Pooh Corner
bulletChess software, in Kids Software
bulletAdded visitor count - thanks for visiting!
bulletEven more Ridiculous Things I Heard Today, in Parent to Parent
bulletNew Kids Links section on Books, including Animorphs and lots more!
bulletUpdated the Idaho G&T link in Regional Organizations
bulletUpdated On EPGY..., adding Pre-Calc program and Another Perspective, in Parent to Parent
bulletMandates for Alberta and Ontario, in Parent to Parent
bulletOne Thing We'd Like To Tell The Teachers Of Our Gifted Children..., in Parent to Parent
bulletAdded Typing programs to Kids Software page
bullet"Guide for First Time Visitors" to make Hoagies' Gifted Education Page less overwhelming from the start!
bulletTasmanian Association for the Gifted, Inc. (TAG), in Regional Organizations
bulletPA Schools: Standardized Testing, in Regional Organizations
bulletKids Links...
bulletStephen Hawking's Universe
bulletGifted LD, by Linda Silverman, in Gifted LD
bulletMore Ridiculous Things I Heard Today, in Parent to Parent
bulletFree Spirit Publishing, in Products
bulletContinuing Education in Organizations:
bulletNortheastern Illinois University, Whitworth College, University of New South Wales, Millersville University, Miami University, University of Southwestern Louisiana, University of Nebraska at Kearney
bulletAcademic Programs in Organizations:
bulletGeorgia State Saturday School, University of Southwestern Louisiana Summer Enrichment Programs
bulletOn EPGY... by Draper Kauffman, in Parent to Parent
bulletAdded Screenit to Parenting in A&R
bulletTheCase.com for Kids, in Kids
bulletCool Word of the Day, by the same folks as Cool Fact of the Day, in Kids
bulletHomework Central, in Kids
bulletKids Software Favorites:
bullet3-D Dinosaur Adventure, Jump Start First Grade, Interactive Reading Journey K-1, plus a review for Logical Journey of the Zoombinis
bullet5000th visitor!
bulletConference additions and updates:
bulletGifted Ed' 98, Vancouver, BC, Canada
bulletBright Horizons Family Conference, BC, Canada
bulletBeyond Giftedness VI, Arvada CO, USA
bulletPAGE Annual Conference, Harrisburg, PA, USA
bulletNew e-mail address for the Gifted Children Being Home Educated e-mail support group
bulletAdded link to The Mining Company's ADD Guide page on Gifted and ADD, in ADD/ADHD
bulletHorizontal "enrichment" vs. vertical "acceleration," or Why does the school want K. in 1st grade next fall when he already knows more than the 2nd graders? by Draper Kauffman, in Parent to Parent
bulletReorganized Articles and Research, now 6 separate pages (lots of great stuff!)
bulletRocky Mountain Talent Search, Denver CO, in Academic Programs
bulletGifted Education Resource Institute, Purdue University, in Academic Programs
bulletSummer Enrichment Program For the Gifted, Lehigh University, in Academic Programs
bulletSplit off Education topics from Gifted Education home page, created Education page
bulletNew section, Continuing Gifted Education, with Masters programs in TAG Education, on Education page
bulletArkansas State University, Kansas State University, Purdue University, Southwest Texas State University
bulletState to halt flood of 4-year-olds to kindergarten, in Early Kindergarten
bulletHow Can I Help My Gifted Child Plan for College?, an ERIC brochure for parents, in Early College Entrance
bulletMore updates to Gifted Mandates, in Mandates on Parent to Parent
bulletSimple Joys for a Gifted Baby, in Young Children
bulletMore Ridiculous Things I Heard Today, in Parent to Parent, plus added Rolling Eyes! Thanks, Kerry
bulletThemapagina Hoogbegaafdheid, Netherlands, in Organizations
bulletDr. Jim Webb, Expert in Residence, Battle Creek Michigan
bullet1999 Kansas Association for Gifted (KGTC) Annual Convention
bulletMontana AGATE 1999 Spring Conference
bulletUpdated web site address for Association for Bright Children (Ontario)
bulletNew idea for Comebacks for Grade Accelerated Kids, in Parent to Parent
bulletThe Yuckiest Site on the Internet, in Kids!
bulletAmerican Association for Gifted Children (AAGC), in Organizations
bulletSeussville, Dr. Seuss's playground in cyberspace, in Kids
bulletThe Theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI), in Educational Theories
bulletThe Latest Panacea for Gifted Students: Cooperative Learning, in Grouping
bulletDebate Over Ability Grouping Gains High Profile, in Grouping
bulletThe Summer Institute For The Gifted, in Academic Programs
bulletPieces of Learning, in Products
bulletAn Interview with Stephanie Tolan, in Highly Gifted and Parenting
bulletAnnemarie Roeper : Selected Writings and Speeches, in Books
bulletThe Ridiculous Things I Heard Today, collected by Me!, in Lighter Side and Parent to Parent
bulletGifted Mandates, state by state, collected by Me!, in Parent to Parent, and Advocacy
bulletDiagnosis Questions by Betty Maxwell, in Gifted/LD

July 1998

bulletCompleted the resource list in Creating a Portfolio for Academic Acceleration, in Parent to Parent
bulletReorganized Articles and Research, and added a new topic of Identification
bulletCorrected the link for Linda Silverman's article Technical Wizards, in Technology
bulletAdded phone number for Royal Fireworks Press, publisher of Our Gifted Children, in Journals
bulletACSES Book search engine and price comparison system, in Books and Products
bulletGenius in Residence, in Books and Products
bulletResource Group for Gifted / Learning Disabled, in Gifted/LD
bulletPerfectionism by Linda Silverman, in Perfectionism
bulletWhat is Giftedness? by Linda Silverman, in General Readings
bulletTerraserver, Crayola, Baby Boomer Bus Songs, in Kids
bulletShort answers for why our children are grade accelerated, in Parent to Parent and Academic Acceleration
bulletAdvocating for a Grade Skip: A Portfolio of Research, in Parent to Parent and Advocacy
bulletCenter for Gifted Studies at Western Kentucky University, in Academic Programs
bulletOffice of Precollegiate Programs for Talented and Gifted (OPPTAG) at Iowa State University, in Academic Programs
bullettexastag, new mailing list for Texas TAG issues, in On-Line Support Groups
bulletAdvanced Placement (AP) classes over the Internet, in Academic Programs
bulletInstructions for e-mail advocacy, and another parent's sample letter, in Advocacy and Parent to Parent
bulletWhat Tests Would The School Psychologist Use??? from Mary's School Psychology Home Page, in Testing and Measurement
bulletMega Test, in The Lighter Side
bulletCurriculum Compacting and Achievement Test Scores: What Does the Research Say?, in Curriculum Options
bulletGifted Students with Attention Deficits: Fact and/or Fiction? Or, Can We See the Forest for the Trees?, in ADD / ADHD
bulletZoomtool, the smart building toy, in Kids Links and in Books and Products...
bulletMiquon math workbooks and instructor's guide, in Products
bulletCuisenaire rods (for use with Miquon, or on their own), in Products
bulletTimberDoodle, another (less expensive) source for many gifted education products
bulletApplying Multiple Intelligences To Gifted Education: I'm Not Just an IQ Score! by Colleen Willard-Holt and Dan Holt, in Books and Arguments for the Other Side
bulletNational Gifted Children's Fund, in Organizations and Highly Gifted
bulletPersonal Computers Help Gifted Students Work Smart, ERIC Digest, in Technology
bulletCEC's Publishers of Gifted Education Materials, in Books and Products
bulletNew Kids Links:
bulletTomorrow's Morning, BrainQuest, Hands-On Technology Program, Bonus.Com, Favorite Mathematical Constants, Math Forum Student Center
bulletLocal Organizations:
bulletMontana Association of Gifted and Talented Education (AGATE)
bulletCenter for the Study of Giftedness (CBO), Netherlands
bulletUpdated - new site - Ohio Association for Gifted Children
bulletNewfoundland and Labrador Association for Gifted Children (NLAGC)
bulletGeorgia Association For Gifted Children (GAGC)
bulletResearch Science Institute (RSI) summer program at MIT, in Academic Programs
bulletRenzulli’s Enrichment Triad Model, in Educational Theories
bulletGrouping: A Short, Data Based Primary Journal Research Sources Bibliography, by Joseph S. Renzulli, in Bibliographies
bulletWhat Do Gifted Children Need? from Family EducAtion Network, in Readings on Gifted and Talented Children
bulletUnderachievement: Developing Student Potential, in Underachievement
bulletTo Realize The Value of Time..., a new poem On A Lighter Note
bulletNew conference, Beyond Giftedness VI, Arvada, CO, February 26, 1999
bulletHelping Children Learn to Teach Themselves, in Home Schooling
bulletNew Mailing List - GT-Special - for families of TAG kids with special characteristics, such as LD, ADD, etc.
bulletNew Kids Software:
bulletAmerican Girls Premiere, Micro Worlds
bulletTIMSS - Third International Mathematics and Science Study results, in Advocacy
bulletNew Kids Links:
bulletBuild a Bridge, Periodic Table of the Elements, NASA's Observatorium, Roper's Knots
bulletPeel Summer Academy, University of Toronto, Canada
bulletTechnical Wizards by Linda Kreger Silverman, in Technology
bulletSample letter of advocacy for U.S. Federal Gifted Legislation, on the Parent to Parent and Articles and Research, Advocacy pages
bulletU.S. Space Camp, in Academic Programs
bulletEducational Testing Services (ETS), in Testing and Measurement
bulletNew section, Educational Theories, including Bloom's Taxonomy and Gardner's Multiple Intelligences
bulletNational Excellence: A Case for Developing America's Talent, October 1993, in Advocacy
bulletSpecial Programs Found To Benefit Gifted Students, in Curriculum Adjustments
bulletSnappy comebacks for grade accelerated children, in Parent to Parent
bulletA Fable?, in the General Readings under Articles and Research
bulletThe Gifted and Talented Students Education Act of 1998, in Advocacy
bulletNebraska Parent Network 4th Annual Parent Conference, October 10, 1998

June 1998

bulletHow should we group to achieve excellence with equity?, in Grouping
bulletAdded Thankful Thoughts, a poem by Alexa K., to the Kids page and as a feature on A Lighter Note
bulletStuck in Another Dimension: The Exceptionally Gifted Child in School, under Highly Gifted
bulletUnderachievement in Gifted Girls, under Readings on Gifted Children, Gifted Girls, Underachievement
bulletParents Wish List for Educators, in Parent to Parent
bulletAdded Technology, new Articles and Research section
bulletParents, Research, and the School Curriculum, under Parenting
bulletGender Differences in High School Students' Attitudes Toward Mathematics in Traditional Versus Cooperative Groups, under Gifted Girls
bulletModified Success Stories section to be Parent to Parent, now including Frequently Answered Questions:
bulletHow To Request a Teacher, and What should I look for in a psychological evaluation?
bulletYesterday's Whiz Kids: Where Are They Today?
bulletWilliam & Mary's Curriculum Units
bulletU.C. Berkeley Academic Talent Development Program (ATDP)
bulletWilliam & Mary Center for Gifted Education
bulletWorld Council for Gifted and Talented (WCGTC)
bulletNational Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) 47th Annual Convention, November 1 - 5, 2000, Atlanta, Georgia
bulletWorld Council for Gifted and Talented (WCGTC) 14th Biennial Conference, July, 2001, Barcelona, Spain
bulletThird Conference of the Ibero-American Federation of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, August 26 - 28, 1998, Brazil
bulletFifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness, September 1 - 5, 1998, New Delhi, India
bulletInternational Conference organized by The National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) and the European Council for High Ability (ECHA), September 18 - 21, 1998, Oxford, Great Britain
bulletInternational Mathematical Olympiad and American Mathematics Competitions sites
bulletConferences of Adelphi University Second Annual Summer Institute on the Gifted in July and AGATE-NY in November
bulletRight-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World - book link for parents of supposed ADD kids
bulletNew section of Arguments for the "Other Side" in articles and research
bulletNew local organization: New Zealand Associations for Gifted Children (NZAGC)
bulletNew Kids Links:
bulletCascades Volcano Observatory, Discovery Channel, Maya Quest '97, Sue Kientz' Illustrated Stories of the Pathfinder, Galileo, and more
bulletYahooligans!, Neuroscience for Kids, Mad Scientist Network, Kellogg's Clubhouse, You Rule School!
bulletEarly entrance college programs at Advanced Academy of Georgia and Boston University Academy
bulletNew book "Jane and Johnny Love Math" from C-MITES
bulletLink for Cobblestone magazine and its contemporaries
bulletNew book link: Growing Up Gifted : Developing the Potential of Children at Home and at School by Barbara Clark
bulletSplit Books and Products from the main "Gifted" page - this thing is growing by leaps and bounds!
bulletCarnegie Mellon Institute for Talented Elementary Students (CMITES), in Academic Programs
bulletAAER 1998 Symposium "Teaching the Creative Child" Nov. 30 - Dec. 2
bullet"Creativity Across the Curriculum", July 20-24 at Adelphi Univ. in New York
bulletERIC Digests
bulletOn-line support: e-mail newsletter for families home schooling gifted kids
bulletAdded sections on Parenting, Advocacy
bulletAcademic Program: Irish Centre For Talented Youth (CTYI), Dublin Ireland
bulletLinks for Cricket series, Muse, in kid magazines
bulletReaching the Child with ADD
bulletI'd Much Rather be Here Than in High School - an early entrant's story
bulletThe Israeli Virtual Gifted Center - a local gifted resource for Israel
bulletArticles by Linda Silverman
bulletPrimary Peeks - A Resource for Nurturing Giftedness in K-3 Learners
bulletNew mailing list hgc-l for those home schooling gifted children full-time
bulletNAGC Organization for the UK
bulletEducation Week article "Staying Home From School"
bulletAdded Bibliographies... section to Articles and Research
bulletUpdated conference listings - check out all the 1998-1999 conferences world wide!
bulletGifted and Talented Females, a New Zealand resource with a good bibliography, in Gifted Girls
bulletAdded the rest of the issues of MonTAGe, the TAGFAM e-journal to appropriate sections
bulletWorld of Escher to the Kids Links Math section
bulletWeb page reference for New England Joint Conference in October
bulletMath links section on Hoagies' Kids Page
bulletUofD SolveIt! 1998 summer math program to Academic Programs
bulletNASA home page - what a great science link!
bulletAdded links to software companies on the Kids Software Page

May 1998

bullet"Is This Your Child?" in Books, and Articles and Research on ADD / ADHD
bulletDistributed book links throughout topics in Articles and Research section
bulletHome Schooling section to Articles and Research with lots of great links!
bulletOZ-Gifted web site for more information on OZ-Gifted mailing list
bulletNew page of Kids Software Favorites!
bulletAcademic Program - Future Scientists and Engineers of America
bulletThe Young Gifted Child - a list of telltale signs of giftedness...
bulletNew Joint Conference in October in New England
bulletTony - a poem by Kaye Starbird
bulletNew Kids Links...
bulletKodak's electronic postcards, 123 Greetings, Flags for national and US states, StarChild

April 1998

bulletNew Moons magazine for girls
bulletBook: The Gifted Learning Disabled Student from Johns Hopkins Press
bulletBook: Crossover Children : A Sourcebook for Helping Children Who Are Gifted and Learning Disabled by Marlene Bireley
bulletSplit the Articles and Research web page - it was too big for Notepad!
bulletDiscanner's Gifted Education and Homeschool Resource Page
bulletNew articles from Stephanie Tolan:
bulletGiftedness as Asynchronous Development, Stuck in Another Dimension
bulletOn Overachievement, by  Linda Kreger Silverman, Ph.D.
bulletHighly Gifted Children in Full Inclusion Classrooms, by Kathi Kearney
bulletA handful of new IEP links from College Planning Network, LDOnline, and Mining Company
bulletERIC/AE Test Locator
bulletBook: Failing at Fairness : How Our Schools Cheat Girls by Myra and David Sadker
bulletBook: A Sense of Self : Listening to Homeschooled Adolescent Girls, by Susannah Sheffer
bulletBook: Raising Your Spirited Child Workbook!
bulletRemoved information on PAGE conference that took place last weekend
bulletJohns Hopkins EPGY link
bulletLizard's Gifted Adult Page to the Lighter Side
bulletRocamora School's Women and Talant page
bulletKids links - electronic greetings
bulletBroke 1000 visitors since counter added (March 17 - April 20!!!)
bulletArticles and Research on Gifted Girls link to American Association of University Women
bulletKerr's Smart Girls : A New Psychology of Girls, Women, and Giftedness, in Books
bulletFirst success story - The Best Thing I Ever Did...
bulletNew book links:
bulletFoster and Cline's Parenting with Love and Logic
bulletBudd's Living With the Active, Alert Child
bulletBelin & Blank organization, and their biennial conference
bulletRemoved a carelessly placed British Columbia link in the Australian local org. section
bulletScholarship search site, in Early Entry College Programs
bulletSuccess Stories, and soon - a new story!
bulletLink to Hoagies' Kids Page, and added lots of new kids links there
bulletUpdated the list information for the UNDERACHEIV list
bullet"Enjoy Your Gifted Child" by Carol Addison Takacs, in Books
bulletSET game, both to Lighter Side, and Books and Products. Try the puzzle!
bulletHarry Chapin's lyrics "Flowers Are Red" and "Tangled Up Puppet"
bulletSection under Organizations for Conferences
bulletERIC minibibs (mini bibliographies) to General Readings, Gifted LD, Educational Options and Social Emotional
bulletSection Journals and Magazines (for adults)
bulletSection Kids Magazines

March 29-31, 1998

bulletCAP at Arizona State and Future Problem Solvers, in academic programs
bulletThe National Foundation for Gifted Children, in organizations
bulletSection Local Organizations, with state and province specific organizations in the Australia, Canada and USA, plus for the USA the CEC state resources for gifted education link
bulletSeveral more popular book links on Amazon.com, and a book review of Ellen Winner's Gifted Children: Myths and Realities, in Books
bulletIn Articles and Research, added many links:
bulletCharacteristics of GT Children and Possible Associated Problems, Myths of Giftedness, Those Who Fall By The Way
bulletIn Educational Options, ERIC digests #543 on Homeschooling Gifted and #464 on Flexible Pacing
bulletSection on Gifted Girls
bulletIn Gifted / LD, Dr. Silverman's article on Dual Exceptionality
bulletSection on Perfectionism
bulletIn Testing and Measurement, Glossary of Measurement Terms and Some Things Parents Should Know About Testing, both from Harcourt Brace
bulletIn Underachievement, What Gifted Educators Should Know
bulletIn Young Children, ERIC Digest #515 on How Parents Can Support Gifted Children
bulletStarted tracking site changes on "What's New?"

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