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Smart Toys and Games for Gifted Kids (and Adults!)

Unusual toys and games that gifted kids and their families love!  From classic wooden puzzles and games, to board games for the family or party, for all ages... these are the toys that gifted families play again and again.

Also visit Educational ProductsMaterials for Gifted Classrooms and Internet Investigations for more resources, and Movies - featuring gifted kids in a positive light.  And don't miss Recommended Gifts for the Gifted: Hoagies' Shopping Guide - a list of the best of the best products listed on all the pages of Hoagies' Gifted Education Page. Enjoy!

Great toys and games for smart children at Top Games and Toys, , MindWare and Discovery Store! and many more - all the links on Shop Hoagies! - are all Hoagies' Gifted Education Page affiliates. Purchase through Hoagies' Page links, and these stores give a small percentage to Hoagies' Page at no cost to you. Thanks!

Check out ALL the Smart Toys and Games categories, using the buttons on the left or below...

Visit the games pages and check out all the toys and games for gifted children and adults.  Some are old classics, some are brand new, some are from well-known toy manufacturers, others are from new little companies with big ideas. Don't miss any of the games, especially those extra-special favorites marked Recommended.

Be sure to visit all the Smart Toys pages for the best-of-the-best toys for our kids and grandkids.  All the toys and games on these pages are reviewed by Hoagies' Page readers and editors, making them excellent choices for gifted kids of all ages!

Smart Board Games From traditional hardboard to amazing wooden boards, try all the board games!

Smart Card Games Cards like you've never seen them before! 

Classic Smart Games Sometimes the oldies are the goodies!

Smart Collaborative Games Games that you must work together on to "succeed"... Great for gifted kids!

Smart Construction Toys The best construction toys, to keep our kids enraptured for hours, days, week and years...

Smart Family & Party Games Whether in a same-age or mixed-age group from 3 to 10+ players, these games will maximize your fun!

Smart Hands-On Toys Great old and new toys to keep idle hands busy and entertained!

Smart Historical Simulation Games Games that teach history, and allow you to relive it, and see how you could change it... these games are amazing, as well as fun!

Klutz Books More games than books, Klutz books make great gifts, too, because they include all the bits and pieces you need to play the game or create the craft!

Smart Math Games Whether for those who love math, or those who need a little more math practice, find math fun here...

Smart Paper-n-Pencil Toys Yes, you can have fun with a paper and pencil...

Hot Topics Reading List: Puzzle Books These puzzle books are great fun for individuals, or copy the pages for a whole group, troop, or classroom!

Smart Strategy Games Think ahead, and get these great strategy games for your next quiet evening at home...

Smart Toy Companies Companies that make one great game often make a whole collection, for ages from the youngest to the adults!

Smart Word Games Letters, words, and sentences are all fair game for these games!

Smart Toys for Young Children Amazing toys and games for our youngest gifted children...

For the top rated of these toys and games, visit Gifts for the Gifted: the Best of Hoagies' Shopping Guide... and don't miss the Mensa Select! games!

Last updated December 01, 2020

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Recommended best links, also visit Hoagies' Don't Miss! Recommended best products, also visit Hoagies' Shopping Guide: Gifts for the Gifted

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