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For Younger Historians

Fandex Family Field Guides between a toy and a book, and lots of fun! 
With topics from history to nature and more, shaped cards include pictures and facts...  My kids love these!
bullet Mythology, Shakespeare, Explorers, American Indians,
bullet Presidents, Civil War, Composers, Painters: Masters of Western Art,
bullet Mummies, Gods and Pharaohs,
bullet Cats, Dogs, Birds, Butterflies,
bullet Trees, Wildflowers, The Body, 50 States
The Great Dinosaur Search by Rosie Heywood (or visit Usborne Books and search on "Great Search")
Find the dinosaurs in our history, searching through detailed illustrations of the periods of pre-historic earth
The Great History Search by Kamini Khanduri, David Hancock  (or visit Usborne Books and search on "Great Search")
Search through the detailed illustrations of periods of history from the cave man to the 20th century, showing cultures around the world.  Great entertainment for kids from pre-reading through adult!
The Great Prehistoric Search by Jane Bingham (or visit Usborne Books and search on "Great Search")
Search through the detailed illustrations of life on Earth millions of years ago...

A personal view of history for the very young historian...

If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln by Ann McGovern and Brinton Turkle
If You Grew Up With George Washington by Ruth Belov Gross
If You Lived 100 Years Ago by Ann McGovern
If You Lived at the Time of the American Revolution by Kay Moore
If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution by Elizabeth Levy
If You Lived at the Time of the Civil War by Kay Moore
If You Lived at the Time of the Great San Francisco Earthquake by Ellen Levine
If You Lived at the Time of Martin Luther King by Ellen Levine
If You Lived in the Alaska Territory by Nancy Smiler Levinson
If You Lived in Colonial Times by Ann McGovern
If You Lived With the Hopi by Anne Kamma
If You Lived With the Cherokee by Anne Kamma and Connie Roop
If You Lived With the Iroquois by Ellen Levine
If You Lived With the Sioux Indians by Anne Kamma and Ann McGovern
If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island by Ellen Levine
If You Sailed on the Mayflower in 1620 by Ann McGovern
If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon by Ellen Levine
If You Traveled on the Underground Railroad by Ellen Levine
If You Lived in the Days of the Knights by Ann McGovern

Horrible Histories, by Terry Deary and others.  Visit Horribles! for the whole Horrible collection!

The Angry Aztecs and the Incredible Incas (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Angry Aztecs and The Incredible Incas)
The Awesome Egyptians (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Awesome Egyptians)
Awful Egyptians (or from the Amazon.co.uk Awful Egyptians)
The Barmy British Empire (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Barmy British Empire)
The brutal facts about how Britannia ruled the waves - from infamous antics in India to dreadful deeds down under. Read about savage slavers, rotten rebels and nasty natives
Blitzed Brits (or from the Amazon.co.uk Blitzed Brits)
A Brief History of Pants by Kjartan Poskitt (or from the Amazon.co.uk A Brief History of Pants)
From the prehistoric stone pants of Homo Pantiens to the mythical pants said to have been warn by Agamemnon himself in the Trojan Wars - readers even get a glimpse of Brunel's legendary suspension pants...
Cut-Throat Celts (or from the Amazon.co.uk Celt-Throat Celts)
Also Cut-Throat Celts Sticker-Activity Book (or from the Amazon.co.uk Cut-Throat Celts Sticker-Activity Book)
Cruel Crime and Painful Punishments (or from the Amazon.co.uk Cruel Crime and Painful Punishments)
Cruel Kings and Mean Queens (or from the Amazon.co.uk Cruel Kings and Mean Queens)
The Cut-throat Celts (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Cut-throat Celts)
Dark Knights and Dingy Castles (or from the Amazon.co.uk Dark Knights and Dingy Castles)
Also Dark Knights and Dingy Castles Sticker-Activity Book (or from the Amazon.co.uk Dark Knights and Dingy Castles
Dreadful Diary (or from the Amazon.co.uk Dreadful Diary)
Dublin (or from the Amazon.co.uk Dublin)
Edinburgh (or from the Amazon.co.uk Edinburgh)
England (or from the Amazon.co.uk England)
Reveals the awful truth behind the rebellions, riots and rumpuses that have made England what it is today (whatever that is). From the cruel Celts right up to the terrible 20th century it's a tale that will make you quake
Even More Terrible Tudors (or from the Amazon.co.uk Even More Terrible Tudors)
The First World War (or from the Amazon.co.uk The First World War)
France (or from the Amazon.co.uk France)
Reveals the revolting truth behind the rebellious, revolutionary French, from the tortured times of the Dark Ages to the murderous moments of the 19th Century. Want to know: *which King thought he was made of glass? *why French bread was once made from broken tiles and bricks? *how to play hopscotch like a French highwayman?
The Frightful First World War and the Woeful Second World War (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Frightful First World War and The Woeful Second World War)
The Gorgeous Georgians and The Vile Victorians (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Vile Victorians and the Gorgeous Georgians or The Vile Victorians and The Gorgeous Georgians separately)
The Groovy Greeks and The Rotten Romans (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Groovy Greeks and the Rotten Romans)
Horrible Christmas (or from the Amazon.co.uk Horrible Christmas)
Incredible Incas (or from the Amazon.co.uk Incredible Incas)
Ireland (or from the Amazon.co.uk Ireland)
Knights (or from the Amazon.co.uk Knights)
Loathsome London (or from the Amazon.co.uk Loathsome London)
The Mad Miscellany (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Mad Miscellany)
All the dreadful details of horrible history you'll ever need to know - from rotten Roman graffiti to terrible teacher tortures and rude royal nicknames, the foul facts are all inside...
The Measly Middle Ages (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Measly Middle Ages)
Oxford (or from the Amazon.co.uk Oxford)
Pirates (or from the Amazon.co.uk Pirates)
The Rotten Romans (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Rotten Romans)
Rotten Rulers (or from the Amazon.co.uk Rotten Rulers)
The low-down on the world's most loathsome leaders. From bizarre tsars and evil emperors to crazy kings and queens, people all around the world have suffered at the hands of their rulers for centuries. Whether they're nutty or nasty, fat or foul, those in charge rarely get it right
Rowdy Revolutions (or from the Amazon.co.uk Rowdy Revolutions)
From the big-headed General Publius Quintilius Varus in AD 9 through to Nicoloae Ceausescu in latter day Romania all manner of dodgy dictators and subsequent uprisings are examined in gloriously gruesome detail
Ruthless Romans (or from the Amazon.co.uk Rotten Romans)
The Savage Stone Age (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Savage Stone Age)
Don't miss The Savage Stone Age Sticker Book
The Slimy Stuarts (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Slimy Stuarts)
Smashing Saxons (or from the Amazon.co.uk Smashing Saxons)
Stormin' Normans (or from the Amazon.co.uk Stormin' Normans)
Stratford-Upon-Avon (or from the Amazon.co.uk Stratford-Upon-Avon)
Terrible Tudors and Slimy Stuarts (or from the Amazon.co.uk Terrible Tudors)
and Even More Terrible Tudors (or from the Amazon.co.uk Even More Terrible Tudors)
Twentieth Century (or from the Amazon.co.uk Twentieth Century)
The USA (or from the Amazon.co.uk The USA)
Bulging with the nastiest moments in American history since cruel Chris Columbus first sighted land... Which president was so scared of electric switches, he slept with the light on? Why Cowboys declared war on sheep? How to survive a civil battle? Read on for ghastly details on the grim Pilgrim Fathers, find out the truth about Bill the Kid and Calamity Jane, and see if you could have survived on the American Plains...
The Vicious Vikings and The Measly Middle Ages (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Vicious Vikings)
The Horrible History of the World (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Wicked History of the World)
Villians (or from the Amazon.co.uk Villians)
Wicked Words (or from the Amazon.co.uk Wicked Words)
All about the English language and its horrible history, including proverbs, wacky word games, and riddles
Witches (or from the Amazon.co.uk Witches)
York (or from the Amazon.co.uk York)
Dreadful Diary (or from the Amazon.co.uk Dreadful Diary)
This diary has a foul and fascinating fact for every day of the year

America's Horrible Histories, by Elizabeth Levy...

Who Are You Calling a Woolly Mammoth?
Prehistoric America...
Awesome Ancient Ancestors
Are We There Yet?
America's Horrible Histories - More fun, with an American flare

American Girl, by various authors

Kaya (box set with game) growing up in 1764, in a Native American household.  Also Welcome to Kaya's World
Felicity (box set with game) growing up in 1774, in colonial America.  Also Welcome to Felicity's World
Josephina (box set with game) growing up in 1824, in America's Southwest frontier.  Also Welcome to Josephina's World
Cécile and Marie-Grace (box set with game) growing up in the 1850's in New Orleans
Kirsten (box set with game) growing up in 1854, in pioneer America.  Also Welcome to Kirsten's World
Addy (box set with game) growing up in 1864, during America's Civil War.  Also Welcome to Addy's World
Samantha (box set with game) growing up in 1904, in turn-of-the-century America.  Also Welcome to Samantha's World
Rebecca (box set with game) growing up in 1914, on the lower East side of New York City
Kit (box set with game) growing up in 1934, during America's great depression.  Also Kit's World: A Girl's-Eye View of the Great Depression
Molly (box set with game) growing up in 1944, during World War II.  Also Welcome to Molly's World
Julie (box set with game) growing up in 1974, in San Francisco
American Girl histories, sets of 6 novels about a girl's life, and the companion book that describes daily life and activities...

Dear America / My Name is America, by various authors

A Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple, Mayflower, 1620
I Walk in Dread: The Diary of Deliverance Trembly, Witness to the Salem Witch Trials, Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1691
Standing in the Light: The Captive Diary of Catharine Carey Logan, 1763
Look To The Hills, The Diary Of Lozette Moreau, A French Slave Girl, 1763
Love Thy Neighbor: The Tory Diary of Prudence Emerson, Greenmarsh, Massachusetts, 1774
The Winter of Red Snow: The Revolutionary War Diary of Abigail Jane Stewart, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 1777
A Line in the Sand: The Alamo Diary of Lucinda Lawrence, Gonzales, Texas, 1836
Valley Of The Moon: Diary Of Maria Rosalia De Milagros, 1846
Across the Wide and Lonesome Prairie: The Oregon Trail Diary of Hattie Campbell, 1847
All the Stars in the Sky: The Santa Fe Trail Diary of Florrie Mack Ryder, 1848
So Far From Home : The Diary of Mary Driscoll, an Irish Mill Girl, Lowell, Massachusetts, 1847
Seeds of Hope: The Gold Rush Diary of Susanna Fairchild, 1849
A Picture of Freedom: The Diary of Clotee, a Slave Girl, Belmont Plantation, 1859 (Dear America)
A Light in the Storm: The Civil War Diary of Amelia Martin, Fenwick Island, Delaware, 1861
When Will This Cruel War Be Over? The Civil War Diary of Emma Simpson, Gordonsville, Virginia, 1864
The Girl Who Chased Away Sorrow: The Diary Of Sarah Nita, a Navejo Girl, 1864
I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly: The Diary of Patsy, a Freed Girl, 1865
The Great Railroad Race: The Diary of Libby West, 1868
My Heart is on the Ground: The Diary of Nannie Little Rose, a Sioux Girl, 1880
West to a Land of Plenty: The Diary of Teresa Angelino Viscardi, New York to Idaho Territory, 1883
A Coal Miner's Bride: The Diary of Anetka Kaminska, 1896
Dreams in the Golden Country: The Diary of Zipporah Feldman, a Jewish Immigrant Girl, New York City, 1903
Hear My Sorrow, the Diary of Angela Denoto, a Shirtwaist Worker, 1909
Voyage on the Great Titanic: The Diary of Margaret Ann Brady, 1912
A Time for Courage: The Suffragette Diary of Kathleen Bowen, Washington, D.C., 1917
Christmas After All: The Great Depression Diary of Minnie Swift, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1932
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Diary of Bess Brennan--The Perkins School for the Blind, 1932
One Eye Laughing, the Other Weeping: The Diary of Julie Weiss, Vienna, Austria to New York, 1938
My Secret War: The World War II Diary of Madeline Beck, 1941
Where Have All the Flowers Gone?: The Diary of Molly MacKenzie Flaherty, 1968
The Journal of Jasper Jonathan Pierce: A Pilgrim Boy, Plymouth, 1620
The Journal Of William Thomas Emerson: A Revolutionary War Patriot, Boston, Massachusetts, 1774
The Journal of Augustus Pelletier: The Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804
The Journal of Douglas Allen Deeds : The Donner Party Expedition, 1846
The Journal of Wong Ming-Chung: A Chinese Miner, California, 1852
The Journal Of Rufus Rowe, Witness To The Battle Of Fredricksburg, Bowling Green, Virginia, 1862
The Journal of James Edmond Pease: A Civil War Union Soldier, Virginia, 1863
The Journal of Jedediah Barstow: An Emigrant On The Oregon Trail, Overland, 1845
The Journal Of Sean Sullivan, A Transcontinental Railroad Worker Nebraska and Points West, 1867
The Journal Of Joshua Loper, A Black Cowboy, The Chisholm Trail, 1871
The Journal Of Brian Doyle: Greenhorn on an Alaskan Whaling Ship, Florence, 1874
The Journal of Finn Reardon: A Newsie, New York City, 1899
The Journal Of Otto Peltonen: A Finnish Immigrant, Hibbing, Minnesota, 1905
The Journal of C. J. Jackson, a Dust Bowl Migrant, Oklahoma to California, 1935
The Journal of Ben Uchida: Citizen 13559, Mirror Lake Interment Camp, California, 1942
The Journal of Scott Pendleton Collins: A World War II Soldier, Normandy, France, 1944
The Journal of Biddy Owens: The Negro Leagues, Birmingham, Alabama, 1948
The Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty: A United States Marine Corps, Khe Sanh, Vietnam ,1968
Diaries of young women or men, living the history of America.  Also Teaching With Dear America Books

The Royal Diaries, by various authors

Cleopatra VII: Daughter of the Nile, Egypt, 57 B.C.
Lady of Ch'iao Kuo: Warrior of the South, Southern China, A.D. 531
Lady Of Palenque : Flower of Bacal, Mesoamerica, A.D. 749
Eleanor: Crown Jewel of Aquitaine, France, 1136
Mary, Queen of Scots: Queen Without a Country, France, 1553
Isabel: Jewel of Castilla, Spain, 1466
Anacaona: Golden Flower, Haiti, 1490
Elizabeth I: Red Rose of the House of Tudor, England, 1544
Mary, Queen of Scots: Queen Without a Country, France, 1553
Nzingha: Warrior Queen of Matamba, Angola, Africa, 1595
Jahanara: Princess of Princesses, India, 1627
Kristina: The Girl King, Sweden, 1638
Weetamoo: Heart of the Pocassets, Massachusetts, 1653
Catherine: The Great Journey, Russia, 1743
Marie Antoinette: Princess of Versailles, Austria-France, 1769
Victoria: May Blossom of Britannia, England, 1829
Elisabeth: The Princess Bride, Austria-Hungary, 1853
Kazunomiya: Prisoner of Heaven, Japan 1858
Kaiulani: The People's Princess, Hawaii, 1889
Anastasia: The Last Grand Duchess, Russia, 1914

Roman Mysteries, by Caroline Lawrence

Historical fiction at its best, Caroline Lawrence brings 4 kids together to solve mysteries in history.  Fun to read, and excellent to learn from, too!

Thieves of Ostia
Secrets of Vesuvius
Pirates of Pompeii
The Assassins of Rome
The Dolphins of Laurentum
The Twelve Tasks of Flavia Gemina
The Enemies of Jupiter
The Gladiators from Capua
The Colossus of Rhodes
The Fugitive from Corinth
The Sirens of Surrentum
The Charioteer of Delphi
Slave Girl from Jerusalem
The Beggar of Volubilis
Also read...
Trimalchio's Feast and Other Mini-mysteries
Roman Mysteries Travel Guide  
Roman Mysteries Treasury
The First Roman Mysteries Quiz Book
The Second Roman Mysteries Quiz Book

Top Secret Files by Stephanie Bearce (Prufrock Press)

Top Secret Files of History: The American Revolution: Spies, Secret Missions, and Hidden Facts Recommended (or from Amazon)
George Washington had his own secret agents, hired pirates to fight the British, and helped Congress smuggle weapons, but you won't learn that in your history books! Learn the true stories of the American Revolution and how spies used musket balls, books, and laundry to send messages. Discover the female Paul Revere, solve a spy puzzle, and make your own disappearing ink...
Top Secret Files of History: The Civil War: Spies, Secret Missions, and Hidden Facts Recommended (or from Amazon)
The pigpen cipher, the Devil's Coffee Mill, and germ warfare were all a part of the Civil War, but you won't learn that in your history books! Discover the truth about Widow Greenhow's spy ring, how soldiers stole a locomotive, and the identity of the mysterious "Gray Ghost." Learn how to make a cipher wheel and send secret light signals to your friends...
Top Secret Files of History: The Cold War: Secrets, Special Missions, and Hidden Facts about the CIA, KGB, and MI6  Recommended (or from Amazon)
Poison dart umbrellas and cyanide guns were all a part of the arsenal of tools used by spies of the Soviet KGB, American CIA, and British MI6, but you won't learn that in your history books! Learn the true stories of the Cold War and how spies used listening devices planted in live cats and wristwatch cameras. Discover how East Germans tried to ride zip lines to freedom, while the Cambridge Four infiltrated Britain and rockets raced to the moon. Then make your own submarines and practice writing secret codes...
Top Secret Files of Gangsters and Bootleggers: Secrets, Strange Tales, and Hidden Facts about the Roaring 20s  Recommended (or from Amazon)
Blind pigs, speakeasies, and tarantula juice were all a part of the roaring 20s. Making alcohol illegal didn't get rid of taverns or crime bosses: They just went underground. Secret joins were in almost every large city and could be entered if you knew the code words.  Discover the secrets of the Prohibition Era-why you should mind your beeswax and watch out for the gumshoe talking to the fuzz or you might end up in the cooler!...
Top Secret Files of History: Pirates and Buried Treasure: Secrets, Strange Tales, and Hidden Facts Recommended (or from Amazon)
Pirates of the Golden Age had to deal with scurvy, fight ferocious battles, and eat everything from monkeys to snakes to sea turtles, but you won't learn that in your history books! Discover the truth about Anne Bonny, the Irish woman who was a true Pirate of the Caribbean, and the secrets of Blackbeard and the daring pirate Cheng I Sao. Then learn how to talk like a pirate and make a buried treasure map for your friends...
Top Secret Files of History: The Wild West: Secrets, Strange Tales, and Hidden Facts about the Wild West Recommended (or from Amazon)
Bandits, lawmen, six shooters, bank robberies, and cowboys were all a part of the Wild West. But so were camels, buried treasure, and mail-carrying ponies. Dive into strange tales like the mysterious Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine and Rattlesnake Dick's lost fortune. Discover the truth about notorious legends like Pistol Pete, Buffalo Bill, bandit queen Belle Starr, and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Then, learn how cowboys branded and drove cattle and how to make your own chuck wagon grub...
Top Secret Files of History: World War I: Spies, Secret Missions, and Hidden Facts Recommended (or from Amazon)
Flame throwers, spy trees, bird bombs, and Hell Fighters were all a part of World War I, but you won't learn that in your history books! Uncover long-lost secrets of spies like Howard Burnham, "The One Legged Wonder," and nurse-turned-spy, Edith Cavell. Peek into secret files to learn the truth about the Red Baron and the mysterious Mata Hari. Then build your own Zeppelin balloon...
Top Secret Files of History: World War II: Spies, Secret Missions, and Hidden Facts Recommended (or from Amazon)
Spy school, poison pens, exploding muffins, and Night Witches were all a part of World War II, but you won't learn that in your history books! Crack open secret files and read about the mysterious Ghost Army, rat bombs, and doodle bugs. Discover famous spies like the White Mouse, super-agent Garbo, and baseball player and spy, Moe Berg. Then build your own secret agent kit and create a spy code...

More titles for the Growing Historian

Adam of the Road by Elizabeth Janet Gray
The adventures of eleven-year-old Adam as he travels the open roads of thirteenth-century England searching for his missing father, a minstrel, and his stolen red spaniel, Nick
Anthony and the Magic Picture Frame: The Story of the Boy Who Traveled into the Past by Stepping through the Picture Frame on His Bedroom Wall Recommended by Michael S. Class
Turns American history into a grand time-travel adventure. Gorgeous hardcover with phenomenal illustrations. Anthony walks on the moon with Neil Armstrong, plays baseball with Lou Gehrig, and flies from New York to Paris with Charles Lindbergh, storms the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, cries with survivors of the Holocaust, watches battle-weary marines raise the American flag on Iwo Jima.  Be sure to visit Anthony's authors' blog The Right Frame of Mind for more discussion on the lessons of history
Betsy and the Emperor by Staton Rabin
Betsy's family hosts Napoleon Bonaparte, and he is intrigued to find she's not afraid of him!  A remarkable relationship develops, as they both face challenges...
Black Powder by Staton Rabin
Langston Davis loves to go to his science class, where he studies astronomy. He and Neely Neubart have been best friends forever, and Langston becomes concerned when his pal starts running with a gang and lets his grades fall. Then Neely is gunned down by his own gang, and Langston will go to any measures to get him back. When Mrs. Centauri, his science teacher, shows him the time machine she's invented, the 14-year-old uses it to go back to the 13th century so he can convince Dr. Roger Bacon to destroy his formula for gunpowder, thus preventing Neely's murder. What follows is a touching story of two great scientific minds discovering the humanity behind the ideas. Langston is particularly well-developed as an intelligent, mostly responsible African-American finding his way...
Building Big by David Macauley
David Macaulay's hit PBS series Building Big: Bridges/Domes/Skyscrapers/Dams/Tunnels cannot take you as far as this book does into the wonders of the constructed world: dams, domes, skyscrapers, tunnels, and bridges. It's also a trip through time, transporting you, for instance, from Rome's Ponte Fabricio (built in 62 B.C.) to the 1930s Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to France's Ponte de Normandie across the Seine, which was the longest bridge on earth when completed in 1994...
History of US (10 volumes) by Joy Hakim (or paperback)
Master storyteller Joy Hakim has revised and expanded her pioneering history of the United States for this third edition. This award-winning series begins during the last Ice Age with hunter-gatherers who head east to a new continent in search of game and fish. Or purchase the 11 volumes individually.  (Christian)
The First Americans Prehistory-1600
War, Terrible War 1855-1865
Making Thirteen Colonies 1600-1740
Reconstructing America 1865-1890
From Colonies to Country 1735-1791 An Age of Extremes 1880-1917
The New Nation 1789-1850 War, Peace, and All That Jazz 1918-1945
Liberty for All? 1820-1860
All the People 1945-2001
Sourcebook and Index: Documents That Shaped the American Nation
A History of US: Assessment Book: Books 1-10
In Search of Molly Pitcher by Linda Grant De Pauw
When Peggy McAllister learns about the Rattletop Award for "excellence in eighth grade social studies," she is determined to win it with a research paper on a Great American Hero. But when she chooses Molly Pitcher, the famous Revolutionary War heroine of the Battle of Monmouth, as her subject, she runs into difficulties. With the help of her Greatgramps, a retired private investigator, his lady friend Mrs. Spinner, a local historian and secret author of historical romance novels, and Ms. Guelphstein, a dedicated reference librarian, Peggy sorts through a maze of confusing and contradictory evidence to identify the "real" Molly Pitcher...
Way of the Warrior Kid: From Wimpy to Warrior the Navy SEAL Way by Linda Grant De Pauw
Marc learns to become a Warrior Kid after his uncle Jake, a Navy SEAL, comes to stay for the summer. Fifth grade was the worst year of Marc’s life. He stunk at gym class, math was too hard for him, the school lunch was horrible, and his class field trip was ruined because he couldn’t swim. And the most awful thing about fifth grade? Kenny Williamson, the class bully, who calls himself the King of the Jungle Gym. When Marc’s mother tells him that his uncle Jake is coming to stay for the whole summer, Marc can’t wait. Uncle Jake is a for-real, super-cool Navy SEAL. And Uncle Jake has a plan....
Cartoon Histories
The Cartoon History of the Universe / Volumes 1-7 by Larry Gonick
An uproarious joyride through the ancient world, from the Big Bang to Alexander the Great 
The Cartoon History of the Universe II / Volumes 8-13 by Larry Gonick
"A gift to those of us who love to laugh and who love to learn." From the Springtime of China to the Fall of Rome 
The Cartoon History of the Universe III: From the Rise of Arabia to the Renaissance by Larry Gonick
This third installment begins in the year 395, with the closing of Europe's pagan temples, and ends in 1492, with Columbus and crew setting sail... 
The Cartoon History of the United States by Larry Gonick
A good historical perspective on the contradictory entity that is the United States 
by E. L. Konigsburg
A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver While waiting in heaven for divine judgment to be passed on her second husband, Eleanor of Aquitaine and three of the people who knew her well recall the events of her life
The Second Mrs. Gioconda Relates, from the point of view of his servant Salai, how Leonardo da Vinci came to paint the Mona Lisa.
Outrageous Women in History
Outrageous Women of Ancient Times by Vicki León
Outrageous Women of the Middle Ages by Vicki León
Outrageous Women of the Renaissance by Vicki León
Uppity Women of Ancient Times by Vicki León
Uppity Women of Medieval Times by Vicki León
Uppity Women of the Renaissance by Vicki León
Uppity Women of Shakespearean Times by Vicki León
Uppity Women of the New World by Vicki León
Outrageous Women of Colonial America by Mary Rodd Furbee
Outrageous Women of the American Frontier by Mary Rodd Furbee
Outrageous Women of Civil War Times by Mary Rodd Furbee

Young Oxford History of Women in the United States (11 volumes) by various authors, Nancy F. Cott, General Editor

This 11 volume series show the variety and importance of American women's experiences in the history of our nation. Or purchase the volumes individually..
The Tried and the True : Native American Women Confronting Colonization,
The Colonial Mosaic : American Women 1600-1760,
The Limits of Independence : American Women 1760-1800,
Breaking New Ground : American Women 1800-1848,
An Unfinished Battle : American Women 1848-1865,
Laborers for Liberty : American Women 1865-1890,
New Paths to Power : American Women 1890-1920,
From Ballots to Breadlines : American Women 1920-1940,
Pushing the Limits : American Women 1940-1961,
The Road to Equality : Women Since 1962,
Biographical Supplement and Index.
Metropolis: Ten Cities: Ten Centuries Recommended by Albert Lorenz
In tracing the evolution of the metropolis, architectural illustrator Albert Lorenz dazzles readers with his extraordinary visual depictions of some of the greatest defining moments in human history (a hit with the visual spatial learners!)

Great Decisions

You Are the Explorer by Nathan Aaseng
Presents a historical situation, pinpoints a pivotal moment of choice, offers several practical options for the reader to consider, then describes the actual historical decision and its consequences; includes Columbus, Cortes, Champlain and more...
You Are the General by Nathan Aaseng
Choose among options available to commanders in seven 20th-century battles. Playing no favorites among nations, he sympathetically presents the German campaigns against France in 1914 and Britain in 1940, the 1942 Japanese attack on Midway, the D-Day invasion, the U.N. defense of South Korea in 1950, the 1968 Vietnamese Tet Offensive, and Desert Storm
You Are the General II: 1800-1899 by Nathan Aaseng
Only the military-minded will be interested in these eight present-tense vignettes, in which the reader takes the role of general and must make decisions about various nineteenth-century battles, including Waterloo, Little Big Horn, and Gettysburg

The Older Historian

The Day the Universe Changed by James Burke (or Kindle edition)
Examines 8 periods in history when our view of the world shifted dramatically: in the eleventh century, when extraordinary discoveries were made by Spanish crusaders; in fourteenth-century Florence, where perspective in painting emerged; in the fifteenth century, when the advent of the printing press shook the foundations of an oral society; in the sixteenth century, when gunnery developments triggered the birth of modern science; in the early eighteenth century, when hot English summers brought on the Industrial Revolution; in the battlefield surgery stations of the French revolutionary armies, where people first became statistics; in the nineteenth century, when the discovery of dinosaur fossils led to the theory of evolution; and in the 1820s, when electrical experiments heralded the end of scientific certainty. Based on the popular television documentary series...
Einstein's Refrigerator and Other Stories from Flip Side Of History by Steve Silverman
Weird and bizarre subjects of true-life stories...
Lindbergh's Artificial Heart: More Fascinating True Stories From Einstein's Refrigerator by Steve Silverman
More weird and bizarre true-life stories...
Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James W. Loewen
Even if you think you're well acquainted with American history, you're in for a surprise. The information contained in this book is that which every American should know...
A Short History of Nearly Everything Recommended by Bill Bryson, or A Short History of Nearly Everything: Special Illustrated Edition
From primordial nothingness to this very moment, A Short History of Nearly Everything reports what happened and how humans figured it out. [Bryson's] aim is to help people like him, who rejected stale school textbooks and dry explanations, to appreciate how we have used science to understand the smallest particles and the unimaginably vast expanses of space...
What If?: The World's Foremost Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been by Robert Cowley
Counterfactuals - considerations of alternate outcomes - make up one of the main provinces of military history.  What if Sitting Bull had had a machine gun at Little Big Horn? What if Attila the Hun had had a time machine? What if Columbus had landed in India after all?...
Also read What If? 2: Eminent Historians Imagine What Might Have Been and What Ifs? of American History: Eminent Historians Imagine What Might Have Been
The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century by Thomas L. Friedman
What Friedman means by "flat" is "connected": the lowering of trade and political barriers and the exponential technical advances of the digital revolution that have made it possible to do business, or almost anything else, instantaneously with billions of other people across the planet. This in itself should not be news to anyone. But the news that Friedman has to deliver is that just when we stopped paying attention to these developments... is when they actually began to accelerate.

Dangerous Days, history for Adults, available through Amazon.com and Amazon.uk.co

Dangerous Days in Elizabethan England: Thieves, Tricksters, Bards and Bawds by Terry Deary (or Amazon.co.uk)
The reign of Elizabeth I, a Golden Age? Try asking her subjects. Elizabethans did all they could to survive in an age of sin and bling, of beddings and beheadings, galleons and guns. Explorers set sail for new worlds, risking everything to bring back slaves, gold, and the priceless potato...
Dangerous Days in Roman Empire: Terrors, Torments, Diseases and Death by Terry Deary (or Amazon.co.uk)
The Romans have long been held up as one of the first 'civilised' societies, and yet in fact they were capable of immense cruelty. Not only that, but they made the killing of humans into a sport. The spoiled emperors were the perpetrators (and sometimes the victims) of some imaginative murders...



Sophie's World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy by Jostein Gaarder
Wanting to understand the most fundamental questions of the universe isn't the province of ivory-tower intellectuals alone, as this book's enormous popularity has demonstrated. A young girl, Sophie, becomes embroiled in a discussion of philosophy with a faceless correspondent. At the same time, she must unravel a mystery involving another young girl, Hilde, by using everything she's learning. The truth is far more complicated than she could ever have imagined... 


The Examined Life: Advanced Philosophy for Kids by David A. White
Follow-up to Philosophy for Kids: 40 Fun Questions..., and delve deeper into the philosophical questions kids (and adults) care about deeply. Through vibrant discussions and debate, students will grapple with age-old questions about the nature of Friendship (Aristotle), Time (Augustine), Knowledge (Plato), Existence of God (Aquinas), Perception (Berkeley), Free and Society (Rousseau), and many more...
Looking At Philosophy: The Unbearable Heaviness of Philosophy Made Lighter by Donald Palmer
Organized historically and augmented by more than 400 cartoons designed to make teaching and learning more fun, this lighthearted work born of serious scholarship can be used as a core text or as a supplement in introductory courses... 
Philosophy for Kids: 40 Fun Questions That Help You Wonder ... About Everything! by David A. White
"What does it mean to be fair?" "How do you know who your friends are?" "What is time?" "Are you the same person you were five years ago?" "Can something logical ever not make sense?" If you have ever wondered about questions like these, you are well on your way to becoming a philosopher! Become acquainted with the wonders of philosophy... 
Philosophy for Teens: Questioning Life's Big Ideas by Sharon M. Kaye and Paul Thompson
"What is love?" "Is lying always wrong?" "What is discrimination?" "Do you think about weird things?"  What a perfect opening line for our kids! Lots of ideas, to help teens (and gifted pre-teens) think about the big questions that they have.  Full of "thought experiments" to keep them thinking after they put the book down...
The Philosophy Files by Stephen Law
In a friendly and accessible way, the author introduces some of philosophy's big questions, from "Is there a God?" to "Should I eat meet?".  Explore philosophical puzzles from ancient times to modern day, in a fun to read and re-read book!
Young Person's Guide to Philosophy by Jeremy Weate
Introduces over twenty-five of the world's greatest philosophers and presents a simple version of the tenets of philosophy (reviews poorly for average kids, but our kids seem to like it) 

Political Science

Teens Take It to Court: Young People Who Challenged the Law—and Changed Your Life by Judge Tom Jacobs
Because 14-year-old Deborah Weisman challenged her school's policy regarding prayer at graduation ceremonies, teens know they can take a stand on issues that matter to them. This fascinating book describes precedent-setting cases that reveal the power of social action and prove that teens can change the law...

Great Decisions

You Are the Corporate Executive by Nathan Aaseng
Mini-MBA class for the junior high set, readers are asked to make decisions in eight case studies based on real-life problems faced by familiar corporations
You Are a Juror by Nathan Aaseng
The reader becomes a juror rendering a verdict in some of the twentieth century's most sensational trials, including the Lindbergh kidnapping and O.J. Simpson murder cases. Each trial's background and unique legal issues are clearly discussed; brief summaries of the prosecution and defense arguments are presented evenhandedly
You Are the President by Nathan Aaseng
Study a crisis faced by each of eight twentieth-century U.S. presidents, among them, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and Richard Nixon. The stated problems are accompanied by three to five possible presidential responses, putting the reader right into the Oval Office to weigh evidence and choose solutions to complex situations
You Are the President II: 1800-1899 by Nathan Aaseng
Eight important decisions facing nineteenth-century presidents are each introduced with background notes and the pros and cons of four possible options. The actual choice made by the president is revealed, along with the result and some hindsight on the wisdom of each decision
You Are the Senator by Nathan Aaseng
Using the historical background provided, the reader casts a vote in eight twentieth-century congressional decisions, including the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Brady gun control bill. A follow-up text tells how the Senate actually voted and what the ramifications of the decision were
You Are the Supreme Court Justice by Nathan Aaseng
Following a brief introduction to the Supreme Court, readers are encouraged to rule on several landmark Supreme Court cases. For each case, background information, legal history, options, the court's decision, and the result are provided
You Are the General by Nathan Aaseng
Playing no favorites among nations, he sympathetically presents the German campaigns against France in 1914 and Britain in 1940, the 1942 Japanese attack on Midway, the D-Day invasion, the U.N. defense of South Korea in 1950, the 1968 Vietnamese Tet Offensive, and Desert Storm. Each chapter provides sufficient background information followed by the likely prospects for three or four different courses of action and, finally, the real-life choice and its result...


Fandex Family Field Guides between a toy and a book, and lots of fun! 
With topics from history to nature and more, these shaped cards include tons of pictures and facts...  My kids love these!
bulletWashington, D.C., New York City, Africa, 50 States
The Great City Search by Emma Helbrough (or visit Usborne Books and search on "Great Search")
Search through the detailed illustrations of cities the world, looking for people, things, and clues to your next destination!
The Great Planet Earth Search by Emma Helbrough (or visit Usborne Books and search on "Great Search")
Search through the detailed illustrations of places in the world, examining our fascinating world and its features, from dust devils in the desert, to fossils in a limestone cave...
The Great World Search by Kamini Khanduri (or visit Usborne Books and search on "Great Search")
Search through the detailed illustrations of places in the world, showing cultures around the world.  Great entertainment for kids from pre-reading through adult!
My Street by Rebecca Treays & Rachael Wells (or visit Usborne Books and search on "Young Geography")
Fun flap book that looks at the street where we live, inside and out...
My Town Recommended by by Rebecca Treays (or visit Usborne Books and search on "Young Geography")
Award-winning, fun flap book that looks at the town where we live, with maps and more...

Horrible Geography, by Anita Ganeri, now available from Amazon.co.uk and  Amazon.com.  Visit Horribles! for the whole Horrible collection!

Bloomin' Rainforests (or from the Amazon.co.uk Bloomin' Rainforests)
Enter the exotic world of lush and steamy rainforests. Fern acts as our guide, conquering her fear of heights and spiders to introduce the reader to the world's tallest trees, stinkiest plants and hairiest insects
Cracking Coasts (or from the Amazon.co.uk Cracking Coasts)
Shiver! as Captain Scott reaches the South Pole (only to find he's been beaten to it). And find out how some intrepid explorers found their way without maps, why others always traveled in disguise, and what really happened on the expeditions in their secret diaries...
Desperate Deserts (or from the Amazon.co.uk Desperate Deserts)
Wave goodbye to boring geography lessons as you step onto the scorching sands of Desperate Deserts... Shudder! as you're forced to drink camel pee to stay alive.  Have you got what it takes to survive?
Earth Shattering Earthquakes and Violent Volcanoes (or from the Amazon.co.uk Earth Shattering Earthquakes and Violent Volcanoes separately)
Discover how to predict earthquakes, how scientists prepare for them and what really goes on under the Earth's crust when an earthquake hits in...
Read the diaries of volcano survivors; get clued-up with the spotter's guide to eruptions; plan an explosive holiday with the volcano vacation guide; marvel at red-hot volcanic rocks the size of cars; and tremble before boiling hot geysers...
Freaky Peaks (or from the Amazon.co.uk Freaky Peaks)
A thrilling mountain tour from Everest to Kilimanjaro...
Intrepid Explorers (or from the Amazon.co.uk Intrepid Explorers)
Shiver! as Captain Scott reaches the South Pole (only to find he's been beaten to it). And find out how some intrepid explorers found their way without maps, why others always traveled in disguise, and what really happened on the expeditions in their secret diaries...
Monster Lakes (or from the Amazon.co.uk Monster Lakes)
Shiver! as Captain Scott reaches the South Pole (only to find he's been beaten to it). And find out how some intrepid explorers found their way without maps, why others always traveled in disguise, and what really happened on the expeditions in their secret diaries...
Perishing Poles (or from the Amazon.co.uk Perishing Poles)
venture into the chilly world of "Perishing Poles", with huge icebergs, hungry polar bears and frostbite to challenge intrepid explorers...
Raging Rivers and Odious Oceans (or from the Amazon.co.uk Raging Rivers and Odious Oceans separately)
A turbulent river tour from ice cap to ocean, read the secret dairy of a brave river explorer and get to know your watery wildlife with the spotter's guide, and a guide to oceans with the gritty bits left in!
Stormy Weather (or from the Amazon.co.uk Stormy Weather)
Read about the frozen turtles falling out of the sky, the man struck by lightning seven times who survived, the weather-watchers flying straight into the eye of a hurricane. Or read the weather safety manual, learn how to build a storm shelter and pick up survival tips on a tornado tour...
Wild Islands (or from the Amazon.co.uk Wild Islands)
Marvel! as a brand-new island pops up from the sea. Gasp! at the hot-tempered island that blew its top. Choke! on the smell of an island dragon's foul breath. And if that's not wild enough for you ... discover where to find coconuts with magical powers, try to crack the case of the missing island...

Cultural Voices

Bread and Roses, Too by Katherine Paterson
Reveals the prejudice faced by immigrants as they strive to create a better life for their families...
The Color of Water by James McBride
The stunning autobiography of a black journalist who discovers his mother is actually white and Jewish...
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
A cultural biography of life as an Irish American.  Francie learns early the meaning of hunger and the value of a penny. She is her father's child--romantic and hungry for beauty. But she is her mother's child, too--deeply practical and in constant need of truth...
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
View of life as a black American (play).  "Miss Hansberry has etched her characters with understanding, and told her story with dramatic impact. She has a keen sense of humor, an ear for accurate speech and compassion for people."

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