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What's New in 2003?

Hottest Links in 2003...

bulletERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, now located directly on Hoagies' Gifted Education Page, linked in Readings
bulletExceptionally Gifted Children Recommended, new 2nd edition!, in Gifted Books and Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted
bulletEmpowering Gifted Minds: Educational Advocacy That Works Recommended, in Gifted Books and Advocacy
bulletMusic for Gifted Mind an old new page, in A Lighter Note
bulletAn Inventory of Tests, in Testing
bulletAcronyms... a translation guide!
bulletGeomag/Supermag Recommended, in Smart Toys
bulletGiftedness: The View from Within Recommended, in Identification
bulletTeaching With Love and Logic: Taking Control of the Classroom Recommended, in Professional Books and Gifted Books
bulletAssessing gifted children (now a local copy!), in Testing
bulletArticles by Kathi Kearney...
bulletParenting highly gifted children: The challenges, the joys, the unexpected surprises
bulletThe Early College Option
bulletThe 10 most commonly asked questions about highly gifted children
bulletHighly Gifted Children in Full Inclusion Classrooms
bulletLife in the Asynchronous Family and More Life with Max
bulletWhy Memorize Math Facts? in Frequently Answered Questions (FAQs) and Mathematically Gifted
bulletWhy Should I Have My Child Tested?, in Testing and FAQs
bulletDoctor Walt’s CAD For Kids Recommended, in Products
bulletDealing with Death of a loved one or a beloved pet
bulletPeer Rejection... Almost Bullying, in Bullies and Parenting
bulletFrequently Asked Questions About Testing and Assessing Giftedness Recommended in  Testing
bulletExceptionally and Profoundly Gifted Students: An Underserved Population Recommended by Miraca Gross, in Highly Gifted and Gifted Education
bulletQ is for Quark Recommended, in Hot Topics!...
bulletNationStates Recommended in Virtual Reality and Social Studies
bulletNew page, English Second Language (ESL)
bulletVirtual Manipulatives Recommended in Math
bulletLearning in School, in Underachiever and Kids Speak Out
bulletInvention at Play Recommended in Science and Variety Store
bulletPrivate Schools and the Profoundly Gifted, in Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted and FAQs
bulletDo I Stay or Do I Go? in Advocacy and FAQs
bulletTime to Start Thinking About Summer! in Summer and Saturday Programs and FAQs
bulletHow Squid Got Skipped: The Book of Squid, in Acceleration, Advocacy, and FAQs
bulletSpaced Penguins Recommended in Space, Physics, and Variety Store

December 30 2003

bulletTransferring ERIC digests and more to Hoagies' Gifted Education Page, due to the demise of the ERIC Clearinghouse system...
bulletHow Can I Help My Gifted Child Plan for College?
bulletERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, now located directly on Hoagies' Gifted Education Page, linked in Readings
bulletThe Chaos, in Language

December 27 2003

bulletIn Death and Dying...
bulletWhat's Heaven?
bulletThe Saddest Time
bulletWhat Is Death?
bulletDesser the Best Ever Cat
bulletGobblet, in Smart Toys
bulletWorld Builders, in Space and Investigations
bulletChristopher Columbus Awards, in Contests
bulletLark in the Morning, in Products
bulleteiMACS, in Academics
bulletIn Summer and Saturday Programs...
bulletGifted Math Program
bulletSummer Stretch

December 24 2003

bulletIn (Early) College Planning...
bulletTips for parents of profoundly gifted children on college admissions
bulletTips for parents: Help with federal aid for early college entrants

December 23 2003

bulletMystery Master Logic Puzzles, in Brain Teasers
bulletPurplemath, in Math
bulletNAGC Legislative Update, in Legal Resources
bulletOnly nine and off to high school, in Acceleration
bulletIn Materials
bulletSocial Studies School Service
bulletThe Writing Company
bulletEducators Publishing Services (EPS)

December 22 2003

bulletCritical Thinking, in Materials
bulletTwo new offerings by Our Gifted Online Conferences, in Conferences and On-Line Support

December 19 2003

bulletSpeaker for the Dead, Xenocide, and Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card, in Hot Topics!

December 10 2003

bulletThe Nobel Book of Answers : The Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev, Shimon Peres, and Other Nobel Prize Winners Answer Some of Life's Most Intriguing Questions for Young People, in Hot Topics!

December 9 2003

bulletExceptionally Gifted Children Recommended, new 2nd edition!, in Gifted Books, Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted and Don't Miss!
bulletRichard Perlmutter, Beethoven's Wig: Sing Along Symphonies, in Music for Gifted
bulletWhere's George?, in Geography and Economics
bulletSoftware History Dictionary, in Science and Social Studies
bulletNew York Times Big Science Questions, in Science, Natural Science, and Space
bulletUseless Information, in Social Studies and Variety Store
bulletand Useless Information books, Einstein's Refrigerator and Lindbergh's Artificial Heart, in Hot Topics!
bulletArthur Frommer's Budget Travel, in Magazines
bulletSidney Blumenthal, in Grade Skipped and Successful
bulletIn Conferences...
bullet10th Annual New England Conference on Gifted and Talented Education
bulletNebraska Association for the Gifted Annual Conference, 2005 & 2006!

December 3 2003

bulletLots of new resources, in Materials
bulletThe Underground Railroad, in Social Studies

December 1 2003

bulletToo Smart for Good, in Underachiever, Impostor Syndrome, and Gifted Adults
bullet"Fairness," fear, and being "too smart," in Gifted Education and Identification
bulletKid genius just can't get ahead, in (Early) College Planning and Success Stories
bulletThe trials and tribulations of being too smart, in Social/Emotional
bulletYour Kid is Smart, in Parenting
bulletIn Summer / Saturday Programs...
bulletWomen's Technology Program
bulletSplash! Stanford

November 30 2003

bulletLeapfrog Explorer Globe, in Smart Toys

November 28 2003

bulletIn Educators, a new page, Materials, a collection of products and publishers of materials for use in gifted education.  This page is for everyone who works with gifted students!  Watch this page for lots more additions...

November 27 2003 - American Thanksgiving

bulletI give thanks to all my friends and visitors for your support during the unscheduled absence of Hoagies' Gifted Education Page, and
bulletI give thanks to 1and1.com, for their 3 year free hosting offer!

November 25 2003

bulletUse of the SB5 in the Assessment of High Abilities, in Testing and Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted

November 23 2003

bulletIn Math...
bulletBabylonian Mathematics, also in Social Studies
bulletMath in the Movies
bulletUnderstanding Statistics
bulletVisual Algebra
bulletMaple Tutorials
bulletGetting the Physics Right, in Physics
bulletExcess repetition is bad, in Gifted Quotes

November 18 2003

bulletGifted children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), in ADHD
bulletThe Composer Next Door, in Musically Gifted

November 6 2003

bulletEmpowering Gifted Minds: Educational Advocacy That Works Recommended, in Gifted Books and Advocacy

November 5 2003

bulletMath Counts, in Academic Programs
bulletArlie Books
bulletPatrick's Press
bulletZephyr Press

October 19-29 2003

bulletSpace Weather, in Space
bulletKnowledge Master Question of the Day, in Daily!
bulletThe Power of Persuasion, in Variety Store
bulletThink About It, in Young Children
bulletAwesome Stories, in Social Studies
bulletToonTown, in Virtual Reality
bulletThe Picture of Everything, in Cartoons
bulletBogus Math Proofs, in Math
bulletFixed Nurturing Appreciation of Reading, in Parenting
bulletA Counselor's Perspective on Parenting High Potential, in Counseling and Parenting
bulletTV and Nintendo and other ploys, in Ridiculous Things I Heard Today
bulletIn You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When....
bulletEnlightening, Will eat for math, and Spider circulatory system
bulletI'm being rambunctious!
bulletIn Advocacy
bulletAdvocating for Talented Youth
bulletCommunicating Effectively With Your Gifted Child's School
bulletNRC/GT Looks at Self-Reflection of Classroom Practices, in Curriculum
bulletFuture Problem Solving Program, in Academic Programs
bulletAre Programs and Services for Gifted and Talented Students Responsive to Beliefs? in Gifted Programs
bulletMany new quotes, in Education Quotes
bulletA different sort of intelligence, in Gifted Quotes
bulletPrimary Grade Challenge Math, in Products and Gifted Books
bulletIn (Early) College Planning and Success Stories...
bullet12-year-old begins medical school
bulletColleges That Change Lives
bulletGifted Kids Speak project, in Parents
bulletWhat We Have Learned About Gifted Children, in Identification and Don't Miss!
bulletHighly Gifted and the Press, now directly on Hoagies' Page, in Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted
bulletHomeschool Spin: The Dark Side, in A Lighter Note
bulletAEGUS conference (Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving Students), in Conferences
bulletIn Hot Topics!
bulletFamous Dead People series, in History
bulletMurderous Maths series, in Mathematics
bulletTons of new Horrible Science titles
bulletAdded Washington, in Mandates
bulletIn Testing...
bulletHistory of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales: Content and Psychometrics
bulletInside the New SAT Test
bulletGraphomotor Skills: Why Some Kids Hate to Write: Things to Know and How to Help, in Twice Exceptional
bulletMIT OpenCourseWare (college level courses!) in Investigations
bulletBoy donates hair to cancer patients, in Sensitivity
bulletSTAR Reading added to Grade Levels of Reading Books: How Can You Tell?

October 1-14 2003

bulletMusic for Gifted Mind an old new page, in A Lighter Note
bulletWhen lunch hour turns into 'Lord of the Flies': Thousands of kids miss school for fear of being attacked or harassed, in Bullies
bulletGifted or ADD?, a Born to Explore resource, in ADHD
bullet DiscoveryStore.com New Associates partner in Products, Publishers and Nerd Shirts
bulletMultiplication Products for all learning styles, in Multiplication
bulletHot Topic, in Nerd Shirts
bulletNew quotes in Education Quotes
bulletIn You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When....
bulletFor parents to read...
bulletThe case for the Stanford-Binet L-M as a supplemental test, in Testing and Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted
bulletAn Inventory of Tests, in Testing
bulletAcronyms updated to include testing terms...
bulletUpdate to Why Should I Have My Child Tested?
bulletOcean Facts and Statistics, in Natural Science
bulletSmart Toys...
bulletBinary Arts Brick / Egg Puzzles, Binary Arts GoGetter,
bulletEquate (back by popular demand...), Geomag/Supermag Recommended
bulletTangoes, Triazzles
bulletKaboose Kids Domain Software Reviews, in Software
bulletAtlas Shrugged essay contest, in Contests
bulletMillicent Min, Girl Genius, in a new Hot Topics! category... Being Gifted
bulletLet's Talk Gifted discussion board, in On-Line Support
bulletReading Instruction for the Primary Gifted Learner, in Curriculum
bulletNurturing Appreciation of Reading, in Parenting

September 17-30 2003

bulletNumber Stuff, in Math
bulletLearning That Lasts a Lifetime: Former Students Tell Us What Works! in Curriculum
bulletGiftedness in Poverty, in At Risk
bulletGiftedness is Heart & Soul, in Social / Emotional
bulletProfoundly Gifted Guilt, in Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted and Parenting
bulletArchaeology, in Magazines
bulletHigh IQ for Humanity, in Charities
bulletIn Gifted Education...
bulletThe Gifted Child in the Regular Classroom
bulletTwenty-Five Years Later - Spinning Our Wheels or Moving Forward?
bulletAsynchrony: Intuitively Valid and Theoretically Reliable
bulletUsing Film in Teacher Training: Viewing the Gifted Through a Different Lense
bulletLeaving No Child Behind: Breaking Our Educational System of Privilege, in At Risk
bulletGiftedness: The View from Within Recommended, in Identification
bulletNew quotes in Education Quotes
bulletIn Kids Speak Out...
bulletMean Priest Dessert
bulletVirtual conference on Twice Exceptional, in Conferences and On-Line Support
bulletTeaching With Love and Logic: Taking Control of the Classroom Recommended, in Professional Books, Gifted Books, and Don't Miss!
bulletScrambled argument, and Sweet addition, in You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When....
bulletReal Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood, in Gender Issues and Gifted Books
bulletIn Praise of Elitism, in Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted and Educational Theories
bulletIn Language...
bulletBehind the Name
bulletOnline Etymology Dictionary
bulletSuperKids Vocabulary Builders, also in Daily!
bulletThe Animated Internet, in Science and Young Kids
bulletMath Games, in Multiplication
bulletIn Praise of Elitism, in Highly Gifted and Educational Theories
bulletIn Gifted Programs...
bulletGifted Education in Today's Schools
bulletIs Your School Using Best Practices?
bulletNorthwestern University's CTD Talent Newsletter, in Readings
bulletGifted Adolescents' Talent Development Through Distance Learning, in Distance Learning
bulletIn Advocacy...
bulletParent Advocates: Creating Opportunities for Gifted Students
bulletPaving the Way for Achievement: How one family met their student's unique educational needs
bulletWhat Parents Like about the Saturday Enrichment Program, in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletNorthwestern CTD Annotated Bibliography, in Bibliographies
bulletSocial & Emotional Characteristics of Gifted Students with Maureen Neihart, in Conferences
bulletIn Books & Authors...
bulletCaptain Underpants, Ricky Ricotta

September 1-15 2003

bulletMore new quotes, in Education Quotes and Gifted Quotes
bulletRemoved Illinois gifted mandate, section 14, from Mandates
bulletBest Paper Planes, in Physics and Variety Store
bulletAmerican / Canadian Mt. Everest Expedition, in Investigations
bulletConcrete observations, and "of" where?, in You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When.... 
bulletA Day with Linda Silverman, in Conferences
bulletOwl and Mouse maps and map games, in Geography
bulletOwl and Mouse software, in Young Kids
bulletShad Valley, Canada, in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletPrism, Washington, in Schools
bulletNorth Atlantic Regional Schools, in Distance Learning
bulletAdvocacy 101, in Advocacy
bulletFernette Eide, Neurolearning, in Professionals
bulletJerry L. Johns Reading Inventory, in Reading Levels
bulletCultivating otherwise untapped potential, in Gifted Programs
bulletGifted and Talented International, in Journals
bulletMy College Guide, in (Early) College Planning and Success Stories
bulletWhen talent masks learning disability, in Twice Exceptional and Identification
bulletThe Challenge of Being Gifted, in Advocacy and Gifted Programs
bulletAssessing gifted children (now a local copy!), in Testing
bulletAcceleration: Evaluating the Controversy over Higher-Speed Education, in Acceleration
bulletWhat You Need to Know About Individualizing for Gifted in Your Schools, in Gifted Programs
bulletIn Hot Topics!...
bulletCool Women, Hot Jobs... and how you can go for it, too!
bulletLittle Women, Heidi, The Sword in the Stone
bulletEleanor Estes'...
bulletPinky Pye, Ginger Pye, The Hundred Dresses, The Moffats
bulletThe Middle Moffat, Rufus M., The Moffat Museum
bulletThe Five Children and It
bulletThe Gammage Cup, and it's sequel, The Whisper of the Glocken
bulletAnswers to Common Questions about Ability Grouping, in Grouping and FAQs
bulletIn College...
bulletLittle Man on Campus
bulletCollege a resource for the youngest students
bulletJohns Hopkins Research Bibliography, in Bibliographies
bulletCritter Cams, in Natural Science
bulletIn Smart Toys...
bulletRiver Crossing, Plexers, Calligraphy: A Complete Lettering Kit, Flags of the World

August 20-30 2003

bulletQuo Vadis*, Gifted Education, in Curriculum
bulletNASA Quest, in Investigations
bulletIn Social Studies...
bulletAn Abridged History of Central Asia
bulletAn Abridged History of Europe
bulletOntario Gifted website and parents board, in On-Line Support
bulletFinish Lines, in Smart Toys
bulletEuropean Council for High Ability (ECHA), in Regional Organizations
bulletIn Conferences
bulletQueensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children, September 2003
bulletMississippi Association for Gifted Children (MAGC), October, 2003
bulletGAM conference (Missouri), October, 2003
bullet14th Annual SAGE Conference, Edmonton Canada, November 2003
bulletLearning Brain Expo, January 2004
bulletArizona Association of Gifted & Talented, February 2004
bulletIllinois Association for Gifted Children (IAGC), February 2004
bulletArkansas Association for Gifted and Talented (AGATE), February 2004
bulletKentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE), February 2004
bulletNebraska Association for the Gifted, February 2004
bulletOklahoma Association of Gifted, Creative, & Talented, February 2004
bulletBeyond Giftedness 11, February 2004
bulletCalifornia Association for the Gifted, February 2004
bulletNew Jersey Association for Gifted Children (NJAGC), March 2004
bulletGeorgia Association for Gifted Children (GAGC), March 2004
bulletNational Curriculum Network Conference, March 2004
bulletNorth Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented NCAGT/PAGE, March 2004
bulletPennsylvania Association for Gifted Education (PAGE), April 2004
bullet27th Annual Intermountain Conference on the Education of the Gifted & Talented, June 2004
bulletGifted and Talented Edufest, July 2004
bulletQueensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children, July 2004
bullet9th Conference of the European Council for High Ability (ECHA), Pamplona Spain, September 2004
bulletWorld Council for Gifted and Talented (WCGTC) 16th Biennial Conference, August 2005
bulletBeyond IQ (BIQ) in Boston and Chicago, 2004, in Conferences
bulletSENG, Arlington, VA, 2004, in Conferences
bulletMaxine Young, Audiologist, in Other Professionals
bulletRobot Sketcher, in Programming Links in Math
bulletTower of Hanoi (updated link), in Brain Teasers
bulletThe Mathematical Cartoons of Larry Gonick, in A Lighter Note and Cartoons
bulletNew Cartoons page, in Hoagies' Kids
bulletPhilosophy for Kids, in Internet Investigations
bulletStephen's Guide to the Logical Fallacies, in Internet Investigations and Math

August 1-17 2003

bulletGifted virtual conference, in Conferences and On-Line Support
bulletFCOVD Kenneth Lane, TX, in Professionals
bulletArticles by Kathi Kearney...
bulletParenting highly gifted children: The challenges, the joys, the unexpected surprises, in Parenting and Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted
bulletThe Early College Option, in (Early) College Planning and Success Stories
bulletThe 10 most commonly asked questions about highly gifted children in FAQs, Parenting and Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted
bulletHighly Gifted Children in Full Inclusion Classrooms, in Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted and Twice Exceptional
bulletLife in the Asynchronous Family and More Life with Max, in Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted and Success Stories
bulletWhy is it called Hoagies'? in Who Am I?
bulletOn-line conference, Extreme Giftedness: What's so Different About It? at Our Gifted Online Conferences in On-Line Support
bulletDiscovering highly gifted students, in Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted, Identification and Talent Search
bulletBeyond testing: Applying a mentor model for young mathematically talented students, in Mentors and Math Gifted
bulletFlirting with underachievement, in Underachiever
bulletIn (Early) College Planning and Success Stories...
bulletPomp and Unique Circumstance: SUNY prodigy, 14, all set to graduate
bulletPhillips Family Spans a Century at Carnegie Mellon
bulletAge has been no barrier to this freshman
bulletWunderkinds, in Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted
bulletMentorship of the highly creative, in Mentors
bulletOverexcitability and the highly gifted child, in Dabrowski and Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted
bulletIn Parenting...
bulletHow Parents Can Support Gifted Children
bulletFostering Academic Creativity in Gifted Students
bulletIn Curriculum...
bulletIntegrating the Arts into the Curriculum for Gifted Students
bulletDifferentiating the Language Arts for High Ability Learners
bulletThe Identification of Students Who Are Gifted, in Identification

July 2003

bulletCafe Press, Colorful Images, Hacker Threads, and What on Earth?, in Nerd Shirts
bulletOur Gifted Online Conferences, in On-Line Support
bulletCartoonster, in Art & Theater
bulletFlamingos, a great new column for gifted parents, in FAQs and A Lighter Note

June 2003

bulletHarry Partch's Instruments, in Music
bulletBookcrossing - release your old books, in Volunteer!
bulletNocturnal animals, in You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When.... 
bulletAlbert Einstein quote, in Education Quotes
bulletDream Green, makers of Noble Celts, Tic Tac Chec, and more... in Smart Toys
bulletDefinitions of Giftedness, in Identification
bulletWatch those ordinances!, in You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When.... 
bulletOzy and Millie, a timely comic strip!,  in A Lighter Note

May 2003

bulletChildren Who Enter Kindergarten Late or Repeat Kindergarten: Their Characteristics and Later School Performance, in Kindergarten
bulletWhy Memorize Math Facts? in Frequently Answered Questions (FAQs) and Mathematically Gifted
bulletKlingon, in Language
bulletBoxerMath, in Distance Learning
bulletConsidering Independent Boarding Schools as an Educational Alternative, in Schools
bulletRe: Why Nerds are Unpopular, in Social / Emotional
bulletArt of Problem Solving, in Math
bulletGifted Children with Learning Disabilities: A Review of the Issues, in Identification and Twice Exceptional
bulletMinnesota Council for the Gifted and Talented (MCGT) Annual Conference, in Conferences
bulletEducation Soaring (Oregon), in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletSchool's Out, in Home School
bulletWhat's good for you? Infinity!, in You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When.... 
bulletEvolution Game, in Natural Science and Virtual Reality
bulletFERPA, in Advocacy and Testing
bulletFighting Guilt, in Parenting and Twice Exceptional
bulletKites On A Roll, in Products
bulletCollege Planning for Gifted Students, in Gifted Books
bulletKnossos Games, in Brain Teasers
bulletAcronyms... a translation guide!
bulletIn Counseling...
bulletCounseling Gifted and Talented Students
bulletAssessing and Advocating for Gifted Students: Perspectives for School and Clinical Psychologists
bulletRecurring Themes in Career Counseling of Gifted and Talented Students
bulletChallenging Schools' Expectations of Native American Students, in Gifted Students at Risk
bulletDealing With the Needs of Underachieving Gifted Students in a Suburban School District: What Works! in Underachiever
bulletGreat new essay! I never wanted to be one of THOSE moms... which was sadly followed by The Apology, also in FAQs, Highly Gifted and Kindergarten
bulletEarthWalk, in Spirituality
bulletAcceleration: Is moving ahead the right step? in Gifted Education and Acceleration
bulletCultivating otherwise untapped potential, in Gifted Education
bulletBEC Homepage - Bose-Einstein Condensation... the 5th state of matter! in Science
bulletSamantha, in Social / Emotional and Kids Speak Out
bulletVocabulary lessons, in You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When.... 

April 2003

bulletAnimated Engines, in Physics
bulletCoolmath Graphing Calculator, for when you leave your TI at school, in Math and Homework Help
bulletUnited States Constitution, in Social Studies
bulletThis is True, in Daily!
bullet Conferences...
bulletBeyond IQ, Seattle
bulletTwice Exceptional: Gifted Children with Disabilities, Iowa
bulletPaper Flier, in Variety Store and Physics
bulletNew e-greetings sites, in Variety Store
bulletNoble Celts (chess in the round), in Products
bulletHealth food! and more... in You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When.... 
bullet Schools...
bulletCentral Academy (Iowa)
bulletThe Anderson Program, NY
bulletGrievingChild.org, in Death
bulletThe Elements (an animation of a Tom Lehrer song), in Science
bulletDrag-and-Drop Map of the Middle East, in Geography
bulletEgpg-gifted, in On-Line Support
bulletWhy Should I Have My Child Tested?, in Testing and FAQs

March 2003

bulletAnother definition of Dyslexia, in Twice Exceptional
bulletAdded more on test ceilings to What is Highly Gifted? Exceptionally Gifted? Profoundly Gifted? And What Does It Mean?
bulletSolar System Simulator, in Space
bulletOde to Joy and Race Cars, I love you this much, and It's the same principle..., in You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When.... 
bulletScience Stuff, in Products
bulletScience News, in Magazines
bulletIn Summer and Saturday Programs in Texas...
bulletEmpowering Teen Leaders Program
bulletTexas Honors Leadership Program
bulletWho Named It? in Science
bulletDuke TIP 2001-2002 Talent Search Results Summary, in Talent Search
bulletDoctor Walt’s CAD For Kids Recommended, in Products
bulletMultiplication.com, in Multiplication
bulletThe Seventh Biennial Henry B. & Jocelyn Wallace National Research Symposium on Talent Development, 2004, in Conferences
bulletDealing with Death of a loved one, or a beloved pet, in Sensitivity and Reading Lists...
bulletPeer Rejection... Almost Bullying, in Bullies and Parenting
bulletTesting on the SB L-M? Better Hurry!, in Testing

February 19-28 2003

bulletFrequently Asked Questions About Testing and Assessing Giftedness Recommended in  Testing
bulletEdwin Powell Hubble, of telescope fame, in Grade Skipped and Successful
bulletA Forgotten Voice: A Biography of Leta Stetter Hollingworth, in Gifted Books and Professional Books
bulletLeta Stetter Hollingworth, the mother of Gifted, in Grade Skipped and Successful
bulletAdded Abebooks Associates program, links on Gifted Books and Professional Books
bulletNationStates Recommended in Virtual Reality and Social Studies
bulletIn Social Studies...
bulletFacsimile & SSTV History
bulletThe Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient Egypt
bulletVoices of the Holocaust
bulletImpressionism, in Art & Theater
bulletA new page of Links: Music, including The Classical Music Archives
bulletIn Natural Science...
bulletFroguts, Red Gold: The Epic Story of Blood
bulletScience Knows No Boundaries, Visible Human Server
bulletKapili, in Geography
bulletBookPop, in Young Kids
bullet2020Green, in Investigations and Economics
bulletIn Investigations Collections...
bulletScholastic Internet Field Trips, Science NetLinks
bulletThe Kennedy Center ArtsEdge MarcoPolo, ReadWriteThink
bulletIn Investigations Lesson Plans...
bulletTeaching 9/11, Music Composition, Patterns of Communication
bulletBuros Institute of Mental Measurements, in Testing
bulletSoundview Conference on Gifted Education, Washington, in Conferences
bulletHarry Shearer, voice on The Simpsons, in Grade Skipped and Successful
bulletIlluminations lesson plans, in Investigations
bulletSeamfree Socks, in Sensitivity
bulletDilbert comics for engineers, in A Lighter Note
bulletThe Man Who Had Beard Liquid, in Kids Speak Out
bulletMarble Drop, Widget Workshop
bulletWhy Nerds are Unpopular, in Social / Emotional and Middle School
bulletIn Hot Topics!...
bulletIn SciFi / Fantasy...
bulletShatterglass, a new Tamora Pierce novel
bulletDiane Duane's Young Wizard series
bulletProf. E. McSquared's Original, Fantastic & Highly Edifying Calculus Primer: Expanded Intergalactic Version, in Mathematics
bulletIn Vocabulary...
bullet500 Key Words for the SAT, and How to Remember Them Forever!
bulletVocabulary Cartoons, and Vocabulary Cartoons II
bulletA cube in a world of flat squares, and A purple leaf on a green tree, in You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When....

February 1-18 2003

bulletExceptionally and Profoundly Gifted Students: An Underserved Population Recommended by Miraca Gross, in Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted and Gifted Education
bulletEvaluating the Appropriateness of the SAT I: Reasoning Test for Seventh and Eighth Graders (check out the graphs showing Talent Search kids' scores in math and verbal), in Talent Search
bulletNASA Events, in Space
bulletIn Summer and Saturday Programs...
bulletiD Tech Camps by InternalDrive
bulletGeorgetown University's International Relations Program
bulletGeorgetown University's Summer College for High School Juniors
bulletGeorgetown University's College Prep Program
bulletIn Hot Topics!...
bulletHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Q is for Quark Recommended
bulletMath for Kids & Other People Too!, Math Appeal
bulletMath for All Seasons, The Best of Times
bulletIn Acceleration and Highly Gifted...
bulletGuidelines for Grade Advancement of Precocious Children
bulletA Look Back at Educational Non-Acceleration: An International Tragedy
bulletEducational Research and Educational Policy: The Strange Case of Acceleration, also in Educational Theories
bulletHatrack, official Orson Scott Card website, in Nerd Shirts
bulletShakespeare, in You Know You're The Parent of a Gifted Child When....
bulletNew Hampshire Association for Gifted Education (NHAGE) Annual Spring Workshop, in NH Association for Gifted Education
bullet"Play Partner" or "Sure Shelter"? Why gifted children prefer older friends.. in Social / Emotional
bulletAssociation for Gifted & Talented Students of Louisiana (AGTS), in Regional Organizations
bulletIn Conferences (2003 conferences in date order...)
bulletIllinois Association for Gifted Children (IAGC)
bulletArizona Association of Gifted & Talented
bulletArkansas Association for Gifted and Talented (AGATE)
bullet2003 Indiana Association for the Gifted IAG/DOE
bullet12th State Conference of the Queensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children
bullet26th Annual Intermountain Conference on the Education of the Gifted & Talented
bulletSummer Learning Brain Expo 2003
bulletNew England 2003 Homeschool & Family Learning Conference
bulletAlabama Association for Gifted Children (AAGC)
bulletWisconsin Association for Talented and Gifted (WATG) Fall Conference
bulletKGTC Annual Convention
bulletAssociation for Gifted & Talented Students of Louisiana
bulletOhio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC)
bulletWashington Association of Educators of the Talented and Gifted (WAETAG)
bulletTexas Association for the Gifted and Talented (TAGT)
bulletState of Illinois Gifted Education Conference
bullet Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in Hot Topics!
bulletHistory of Influences in the Development of Intelligence Theory & Testing, in Testing and Readings
bulletMansfield University Summer Gifted Camp, in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletThe Gifted Development Center's 2nd Annual PG Retreat, July, in Conferences
bulletNew page, English Second Langauge (ESL)
bulletScience Jokes, in Science
bulletDunham Academy, CA, in Schools
bulletAmazing Kids!, in Contests and Mentors

January 20-30 2003

bulletIn Social Studies...
bulletAnimatedAtlas.com, The Food Timeline
bulletVirtual Manipulatives Recommended in Math
bulletIn Hot Topics!, a new topic in Science... Genetics
bulletThey Came from DNA
bulletGenome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters
bulletEDSITEment, in Investigations
bulletNHS and NJHS Student Contests and Activities
bulletLearning in School, in Underachiever and Kids Speak Out
bulletInvention at Play Recommended in Science and Variety Store
bulletPhases and Eclipses, in Investigations
bulletA new page, Volunteers!, in Links, full of volunteer opportunities for our caring kids!
bulletIn Science...
bulletWebElements Professional Edition and WebElements Scholar Edition
bulletPeriodic Table of Comic Books
bulletGenius May Be an Abnormality: Educating Students with Asperger's Syndrome, or High Functioning Autism, in Twice Exceptional and Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted
bulletSAT talent searches lead nowhere for many, in Talent Search, Gifted Programs and Acceleration
bulletVisual Elements Periodic Table, in Science
bulletIn Space
bulletRed Colony, Our Solar System in Pictures
bulletReading at 8 Months? That Was Just the Start, in Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted and Acceleration
bulletSt. Thomas Choir School, in Schools

January 1-15 2003

bulletPrivate Schools and the Profoundly Gifted, in Highly Gifted and FAQs
bulletIn Social / Emotional...
bulletProfiles of the Gifted and Talented
bulletThe Impact of Giftedness on Psychological Well-Being
bulletIn Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted...
bulletCharacteristics of Extreme Intelligence
bulletVulnerabilities of Highly Gifted Children
bulletUnderstanding and Encouraging the Exceptionally Gifted
bulletGirl Prodigies, Some Evidence and Some Speculations, in Gender Issues and Highly, Exceptionally, Profoundly Gifted
bulletDo I Stay or Do I Go? in Advocacy and FAQs
bulletTime to Start Thinking About Summer! in Summer and Saturday Programs and FAQs
bulletHow Squid Got Skipped: The Book of Squid, in Acceleration, Advocacy, and FAQs
bulletAttention Teachers! Homogeneous is [not always] a bad word!, in Curriculum
bullet-OLogy, in Young Kids
bulletCode: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software, in Programming Hot Topics!
bulletFantasy in Hot Topics!
bulletThe Pit Dragon trilogy by Jane Yolen
bulletTwo by Monica Furlong
bulletThe Chronicles of Chrestomanci by Diana Wynne Jones
bulletSpaced Penguins Recommended in Space, Physics, and Variety Store
bulletThe Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You, in Gifted Adults and Gifted Books
bulletCurriculum as Profound Engagement with the World, in Curriculum
bulletIn Gifted Programs...
bulletIndividual Instruction Plan Menu for the Gifted Child
bulletBasic Educational Options for Gifted Students in Schools
bulletCamp Emerson, MA, in Summer / Saturday Programs
bulletSincerity, an original poem in Kids Speak Out
bulletLink fixes, and my apologies that all ThinkQuest links are currently broken - the sites is expected back, new and improved, shortly!
bulletSelf-Knowledge, Self-Esteem and the Gifted Adult, in Gifted Adults
bulletTerry Prachett's Discworld, Fantasy in Hot Topics!
bulletplus Discworld for young readers!
bulletVCGE Spring Conference (Vermont), in Conferences
bulletUncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood, in Hot Topics!
bulletIs Your Child Hyperactive? Inattentive? Impulsive? Distractible?: Helping the Add/Hyperactive Child in ADHD and Gifted Books

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