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These communities include support for parents and teachers, timely short
articles and links for kids, and brain research and gifted education
features for adults and kids! |
Hottest Links and New Pages in 2016...
New Pages on Hoagies' Gifted Education Page...
 | A new blog hop,
Blog Hop: Child Activists - Supporting Gifted Idealist
 | Four Life Lessons to Help Your Big-Hearted Idealist
Avoid Burnout |
 | Nurturing Activism in Gifted Students |
 | 7 Ways to Support Our Compassionate, Justice-Minded
Kiddos |
 | Before you try to convert me to your cause... |
 | Child Activists: Ten Stories about Inspirational
Kids |
 | Blog Hop:
Emotional Intelligence
 | Emotional Intelligence: They Do Exist |
 | Stop Crying or I’ll Give You Something to Cry About:
The Misguided Notion That Boys Must Be Tough |
 | 10 Ways to Foster Emotional Intelligence at Home |
 | Teaching Children to be Emotionally Intelligent |
 | Too Sensitive, Too Dramatic, Too Intense -- What is
Emotional Intelligence? |
 | Emotional Intelligence and the Over Excitable Gifted
Learner |
 | The Fifth Be-Attitude of Gifted Elders ~ Nurture
Your Poetic Soul, Emotional Intelligence, a Request |
 | Intelligence and Emotion |
 | How to Parent with Empathy |
 | What is Emotional Intelligence? |
 | Supporting & Developing EQ in Your Child |
 | Your Needs are Not an Afterthought: Giftedness,
Self-Care, Individuality, Excitability |
 | Raising Emotionally Intelligent Kids |
 | Nurturing Emotional Intelligence in Kids |
 | Managing Overwhelming Emotions |
 | Emotional Intelligence and the Over-Excitable Gifted
Learner |
 | Blog Hop:
Acceleration, again
 | What is so threatening about academic acceleration? |
 | Acceleration Considerations |
 | When Your Child Exceeds What Schools Offer |
 | Should My Gifted Child Skip a Grade? |
 | Academic Acceleration and Gifted Children |
 | Acceleration: Skipping to Succeed |
 | Why Not Accelerate? |
 | Just One Mom's Perspective on Grade Acceleration |
 | Why is Academic Acceleration (Still) So
Controversial? |
 | Successfully Advocating for your Child's Grade Skip |
 | Accelerating to What? |
 | A Time to Accelerate, A Time to Brake |
 | Blog Hop: Community
 | Gifted Community |
 | What Community? |
 | Impostor, Scholar, Procrastinator, Healer -- Your
Multidimensional Self |
 | Finding Your Community |
 | Getting to Know the People in My Neighborhood |
 | 2E Community Confidential: The Truth About Finding
Your People |
 | Circle the Wagons |
 | The Search for Compatible Lifeforms |
 | Find Your Tribe ~ The Third Be-Attitude of Gifted
Elders |
 | Changing Perspectives: Are You a Gifted Myth-Buster? |
 | How to Love a Gifted Person |
 | Building an "Offline" Gifted Community |
 | Good Things About Grade Acceleration |
 | Parents of young musicians: Finding community and
support |
 | Blog Hop: Gifted
Social Issues

 | Where in the World is Your Carmen Sandiego?
Collecting clues along our way through life |
 | Amazing Things Happen When You Find a Friend! |
 | Is your gifted teen socially isolated? |
 | The PYHI Project |
 | Be-Attitudes of Gifted Elders - A Social Legacy |
 | Relational Aggression and Learning |
 | Giftedness and Social Issues |
 | I'm afraid of sharing too much with friends |
 | Goodbye To Your Impostor Syndrome -- Hello To Your
Authentic Self |
 | Giftedness and the Impact of Trauma |
 | Social Self-Esteem and Gifted Kids |
 | A Dark Day: Social Issues in School |
 | Social Issues in Asynchronous Children |
 | Why it Stinks to be Gifted in Schools Today |
 | Who Do You Think You Are? |
 | Online Bullies: When Your Kid Trolls |
 | Healthy Families |
 | Smart or Popular? Empowering Gifted Girls |
 | Blog Hop: All
Things Science

 | Summer of STEAM |
 | The Science of Who Gifted People Will Be When We
“Grow Up” |
 | 15+ Superb Books for Young Scientists |
 | All Things Science |
 | The Science of Summer |
 | Lego Robotics |
 | Women, success, and harnessing inherent strengths |
 | 10 Tips for Raising Science Loving Kids |
 | 10 Ways to Expose Your Kids to Science |
 | Blog Hop:
Mysteries of the Brain
 | Mysteries of Giftedness: One does not equal all |
 | Women, success, and harnessing inherent strengths |
 | Mysteries of Giftedness: Hello, Old Friend, You’re
Back Again |
 | The Gifted Brain and Sensory Processing Disorder |
 | Giftedness in Action: The Beauty Beyond the Mystery |
 | My Weird Brain |
 | Who Is Gifted: The Mysteries Surrounding
Identification |
 | The Mystery of Music |
 | The Mysteries of High Intelligence: Bravery Required |
 | The Awesome Weirdness of Gifted Kids |
 | Discovering Herself |
 | Quirks of the Gifted Brain |
 | The Mysteries of SQ: Our Most Important Intelligence |
 | See Me |
 | A party for the Tree Octopu |
 | Blog Hop: Gifted in
Pop Culture
 | Giftedness in the Media |
 | Picture Books for Gifted Children |
 | Einstein, the Big Bang, and Scorpion |
 | Everything I needed to know about being a smart kid,
I learned from 80's movies |
 | "G" in Popular Culture ~ or ~ How to Be a Gifted
Elder |
 | Profiling the Gifted in Popular Culture |
 | Gogglebox
 | and Gogglebox 2 |
 | Using Pop Culture References to Explain Giftedness |
 | Gilmore Girls and Two Faces of Giftedness |
 | Gifted in Pop Culture: Role Models Required |
 | It's Been a While... |
 | Gifted Characters In Korean And Japanese Dramas |
 | Giftedness Magnified |
 | Blog Hop: Forming
Gifted Groups
 | Age Integrated Gifted Discussion Groups |
 | The Value of Parent Support Groups |
 | One Person Can Make a Difference |
 | Power in numbers: How gifted advocacy parent groups
can help you and your kids (Or how I went from perplexed
parent to empowered advocate) |
 | Dear Gifted Parent: A Letter From An Educator |
 | 7 Reasons to Team Up: Special Education and Gifted
Needs |
 | And My World Changed Forever: The Importance of
Parent Groups |
 | Why Join a Gifted Parent Group? |
 | What Is That Thing Called Community? |
 | To your herd you must go! |
 | Schoolyards to Social Media: Supporting the Parents
of Gifted Learners |
 | SMPGs: The Heart of SENG |
 | Academic Boosters Club (ABC) |
 | Three Reasons to Join a Parent Support Group |
 | Blog Hop: March
 | For the Love of Math |
 | Homeschool Math: 10 Ways to Keep it Fun! |
 | In Praise of Math |
 | Math and the Gifted Learner |
 | How to Keep Your Girl's Confidence in Math |
 | What Keeps Women From STEM Careers? |
 | Reigniting Math: Connections Over Corrections and
the Embrace of Wonderment |
 | Mathematics Education Should Include a Strong
Foundation in Logic |
 | 5 Ways to Help Your Child Love Math More |
 | Math and Football |
 | March Mathness Blog Hop |
 | Aliens, Math and Jerky |
 | Math is Fun! |
 | Blog Hop: Other
 | My16th Fear: Never Having a College Degree |
 | Elusive Love Affair: Achievement from an Elder’s
Perspective |
 | Gifted Achievement: Breaking Free of that Proverbial
Box |
 | Bachelor of Bouncing, Doctor of Daydreaming |
 | Other Achievement |
 | Pressure, Paralysis And Your Great Potential |
 | Who is the gifted underachiever? Four types of
underachievement |
 | The Catch-22 of Gifted Underachievement |
 | The Path to Achievement |
 | Rethinking Achievement | Helping Gifted Kids Thrive
at Home |
 | Giftedness and the Myth of Meritocracy |
 | Move the Rock |
 | Beyond Achievement |
Best of new links: Articles, research, books, toys, PC protection...
December 13 2016
December 1 2016
 | A new blog hop,
Blog Hop: Child Activists - Supporting Gifted Idealist
 | Four Life Lessons to Help Your Big-Hearted Idealist
Avoid Burnout |
 | Nurturing Activism in Gifted Students |
 | 7 Ways to Support Our Compassionate, Justice-Minded
Kiddos |
 | Before you try to convert me to your cause... |
 | Child Activists: Ten Stories about Inspirational
Kids |
November 30 2016
November 24-25 2016 Happy American
November 1 2016
 | Blog Hop:
Emotional Intelligence
 | Emotional Intelligence: They Do Exist |
 | Stop Crying or I’ll Give You Something to Cry About:
The Misguided Notion That Boys Must Be Tough |
 | 10 Ways to Foster Emotional Intelligence at Home |
 | Teaching Children to be Emotionally Intelligent |
 | Too Sensitive, Too Dramatic, Too Intense -- What is
Emotional Intelligence? |
 | Emotional Intelligence and the Over Excitable Gifted
Learner |
 | The Fifth Be-Attitude of Gifted Elders ~ Nurture
Your Poetic Soul, Emotional Intelligence, a Request |
 | Intelligence and Emotion |
 | How to Parent with Empathy |
 | What is Emotional Intelligence? |
 | Supporting & Developing EQ in Your Child |
 | Your Needs are Not an Afterthought: Giftedness,
Self-Care, Individuality, Excitability |
 | Raising Emotionally Intelligent Kids |
 | Nurturing Emotional Intelligence in Kids |
 | Managing Overwhelming Emotions |
 | Emotional Intelligence and the Over-Excitable Gifted
Learner |
 | Why? in You Know You're the
Parent of a Gifted Child When... |
October 25 2016
October 13 2016
October 12 2016
 | In Attention Deficit (AD/HD) and
Executive Function (EF) and 2E
(Twice Exceptional) Books...
 | Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary "Executive
Skills" Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential
 | Smart but Scattered Teens: The "Executive Skills"
Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential |
 | That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week: Helping
Disorganized and Distracted Boys Succeed in School and Life
 | In Hot Topics!
Science, Things That Make You Go Yuck!
 | Mystifying Mutants
 | Odd Couples
 | Crooked Critters
 | Extreme Living
October 1 2016
 | Blog Hop:
Acceleration, again including...
 | What is so threatening about academic acceleration? |
 | Acceleration Considerations |
 | When Your Child Exceeds What Schools Offer |
 | Should My Gifted Child Skip a Grade? |
 | Academic Acceleration and Gifted Children |
 | Acceleration: Skipping to Succeed |
 | Why Not Accelerate? |
 | Just One Mom's Perspective on Grade Acceleration |
 | Why is Academic Acceleration (Still) So
Controversial? |
 | Successfully Advocating for your Child's Grade Skip |
 | Accelerating to What? |
 | A Time to Accelerate, A Time to Brake |
September 2 2016
September 1 2016
 | Blog Hop: Community
 | Gifted Community |
 | What Community? |
 | Impostor, Scholar, Procrastinator, Healer -- Your
Multidimensional Self |
 | Finding Your Community |
 | Getting to Know the People in My Neighborhood |
 | 2E Community Confidential: The Truth About Finding
Your People |
 | Circle the Wagons |
 | The Search for Compatible Lifeforms |
 | Find Your Tribe ~ The Third Be-Attitude of Gifted
Elders |
 | Changing Perspectives: Are You a Gifted Myth-Buster? |
 | How to Love a Gifted Person |
 | Building an "Offline" Gifted Community |
 | Good Things About Grade Acceleration |
 | Parents of young musicians: Finding community and
support |
August 23 2016
August 1 2016
 | Blog Hop: Gifted
Social Issues 
 | Where in the World is Your Carmen Sandiego?
Collecting clues along our way through life |
 | Amazing Things Happen When You Find a Friend! |
 | Is your gifted teen socially isolated? |
 | The PYHI Project |
 | Be-Attitudes of Gifted Elders - A Social Legacy |
 | Relational Aggression and Learning |
 | Giftedness and Social Issues |
 | I'm afraid of sharing too much with friends |
 | Goodbye To Your Impostor Syndrome -- Hello To Your
Authentic Self |
 | Giftedness and the Impact of Trauma |
 | Social Self-Esteem and Gifted Kids |
 | A Dark Day: Social Issues in School |
 | Social Issues in Asynchronous Children |
 | Why it Stinks to be Gifted in Schools Today |
 | Who Do You Think You Are? |
 | Online Bullies: When Your Kid Trolls |
 | Healthy Families |
 | Smart or Popular? Empowering Gifted Girls |
July 1 2016
 | Blog Hop: All
Things Science 
 | Summer of STEAM |
 | The Science of Who Gifted People Will Be When We
“Grow Up” |
 | 15+ Superb Books for Young Scientists |
 | All Things Science |
 | The Science of Summer |
 | Lego Robotics |
 | Women, success, and harnessing inherent strengths |
 | 10 Tips for Raising Science Loving Kids |
 | 10 Ways to Expose Your Kids to Science |
June 8 2016
June 1 2016
 | Blog Hop:
Mysteries of the Brain ,
 | Mysteries of Giftedness: One does not equal all |
 | Women, success, and harnessing inherent strengths |
 | Mysteries of Giftedness: Hello, Old Friend, You’re
Back Again |
 | The Gifted Brain and Sensory Processing Disorder |
 | Giftedness in Action: The Beauty Beyond the Mystery |
 | My Weird Brain |
 | Who Is Gifted: The Mysteries Surrounding
Identification |
 | The Mystery of Music |
 | The Mysteries of High Intelligence: Bravery Required |
 | The Awesome Weirdness of Gifted Kids |
 | Discovering Herself |
 | Quirks of the Gifted Brain |
 | The Mysteries of SQ: Our Most Important Intelligence |
 | See Me |
 | A party for the Tree Octopu |
May 11 2016
May 2 2016
May 1 2016
 | Blog Hop: Gifted in
Pop Culture ,
 | Giftedness in the Media |
 | Picture Books for Gifted Children |
 | Einstein, the Big Bang, and Scorpion |
 | Everything I needed to know about being a smart kid,
I learned from 80's movies |
 | "G" in Popular Culture ~ or ~ How to Be a Gifted
Elder |
 | Profiling the Gifted in Popular Culture |
 | Gogglebox
 | and Gogglebox 2 |
 | Using Pop Culture References to Explain Giftedness |
 | Gilmore Girls and Two Faces of Giftedness |
 | Gifted in Pop Culture: Role Models Required |
 | It's Been a While... |
 | Gifted Characters In Korean And Japanese Dramas |
 | Giftedness Magnified |
April 30 2016
April 17 2016
April 15 2016
April 1-5 2016
 | Blog Hop: Forming
Gifted Groups
 | Age Integrated Gifted Discussion Groups |
 | The Value of Parent Support Groups |
 | One Person Can Make a Difference |
 | Power in numbers: How gifted advocacy parent groups
can help you and your kids (Or how I went from perplexed
parent to empowered advocate) |
 | Dear Gifted Parent: A Letter From An Educator |
 | 7 Reasons to Team Up: Special Education and Gifted
Needs |
 | And My World Changed Forever: The Importance of
Parent Groups |
 | Why Join a Gifted Parent Group? |
 | What Is That Thing Called Community? |
 | To your herd you must go! |
 | Schoolyards to Social Media: Supporting the Parents
of Gifted Learners |
 | SMPGs: The Heart of SENG |
 | Academic Boosters Club (ABC) |
 | Three Reasons to Join a Parent Support Group |
March 28 2016
March 8 2016
March 1 2016
 | In Summer and Saturday Programs...
 | GenCyber Camp (SD) |
 | SPARC Camp (CA) |
 | Blog Hop: March
 | For the Love of Math |
 | Homeschool Math: 10 Ways to Keep it Fun! |
 | In Praise of Math |
 | Math and the Gifted Learner |
 | How to Keep Your Girl's Confidence in Math |
 | What Keeps Women From STEM Careers? |
 | Reigniting Math: Connections Over Corrections and
the Embrace of Wonderment |
 | Mathematics Education Should Include a Strong
Foundation in Logic |
 | 5 Ways to Help Your Child Love Math More |
 | Math and Football |
 | March Mathness Blog Hop |
 | Aliens, Math and Jerky |
 | Math is Fun! |
 | Asean Johnson: Chicago's Activist 4th Grader Fights for
Educational Equality, in
Gifted Kids' Success Stories |
 | In Gifted Help Wanted!...
 | Quest Academy (IL) Lower and Middle School Heads,
Lower School Science Teacher |
February 17 2016
February 16 2016
February 15 2016
 | Moving Past Perfect: How Perfectionism May Be Holding
Back Your Kids (and You!) and What You Can Do About It
in Perfectionism |
 | Tomorrowland, in Movies Featuring
Gifted Kids (and Adults!) |
 | Roycemore School (IL), in
Schools for the Gifted Child |
 | Patty Martens (CO), in
Psychologists familiar with the Gifted |
 | New topics for upcoming blogs, in
Hoagies' Gifted Blog Hops |
 | In Gifted Conferences,
Events, Gatherings...
 | Special presentation of The Neuroscience of Gifted
(CA) |
 | REACH 2016 (NJ) |
 | LC PAGE Super Saturday (PA) |
 | TAGT Leadership Conference (TX) |
 | CEC Convention and Expo (MO) |
 | Orange County Council for Gifted and Talented
Education (OCC GATE) (CA) |
 | 2017 |
 | Arkansas Gifted and Talented Education Conference
(AGATE) (also 2018 and 2019) |
 | Iowa Talented and Gifted Association (ITAG) |
 | CEC Convention and Expo (MA) |
 | Asian Mensa Gathering + Australian Mensa Conference
2017 (Australia) |
Learning Mathematics Contest, in
Contests, Awards and Scholarships |
 | The Mathematics Calendar 2016, in
Mathematically Gifted,
Hot Topics! Mathematics,
Hot Topics! Puzzle Books,
Smart Paper-n-Pencil Toys,
Games & Puzzles |
February 1 2016
 | Blog Hop: Other

 | My16th Fear: Never Having a College Degree |
 | Elusive Love Affair: Achievement from an Elder’s
Perspective |
 | Gifted Achievement: Breaking Free of that Proverbial
Box |
 | Bachelor of Bouncing, Doctor of Daydreaming |
 | Other Achievement |
 | Pressure, Paralysis And Your Great Potential |
 | Who is the gifted underachiever? Four types of
underachievement |
 | The Catch-22 of Gifted Underachievement |
 | The Path to Achievement |
 | Rethinking Achievement | Helping Gifted Kids Thrive
at Home |
 | Giftedness and the Myth of Meritocracy |
 | Move the Rock |
 | Beyond Achievement |
 | In Gifted Conferences, Events,
 | Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC) Teacher
Academy |
 | Massachusetts Association for Gifted Education
(MAGE) |
 | Washington Association of Educators of the Talented
and Gifted Conference (WAETAG) |
 | Ohio Association for Gifted Children Annual
Conference (OAGC) |
 | Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education (PAGE) |
 | Wake Academy (NC), in Schools
for the Gifted Child |
 | In Visual Processing...
 | Care of the Patient with Accommodative and Vergence
Dysfunction |
 | Pediatric Eye And Vision Examination |
 | Care of the Patient with Learning Related Vision
Problems |
 | New York Times: Concocting a Cure for Kids With
Issues |
January 29 2016
 | In Gifted Conferences, Events,
 | Nurturing the Potential of Twice-Exceptional
Students: Practical Guidelines for Understanding and
Supporting 2e Students (online) |
 | An Evening with Dr. Dan Peters - Make Your Worrier a
Warrior! (CA) |
January 24 2016
January 10 2016
January 6 2016
Hottest Links and New Pages in 2015...
New Pages on Hoagies' Gifted Education Page...
 | Blog
Hop: Surviving the Holidays
 | Calm Kids Down With Doodle Diaries |
 | Holiday stress: What parents of gifted children need
to know |
 | Holidays with the Quirky |
 | How to Strip Your Holidays Naked |
 | Surviving the Holidays with Gifted Intensities |
 | Surviving the holidays |
 | Managing Your Gifted Child's Intensity During the
Holidays |
 | Let the Season be the Gift |
 | finding fun in family history |
 | Enriching Holiday Gatherings with Intergenerational
Interviews |
 | Surviving the Holidays with a House Full of Gifted
Folks |
 | 4 Ideas To Engage Your Child During Holidays |
 | Blog Hop: Ages
& Stages of Giftedness
 | What Age Does Giftedness Begin? |
 | I See You, Poppy Parent |
 | The Gifted Journey: In Two Repetitive Stages |
 | An Orange in the Apple Barrel |
 | Why do smart women forego success? |
 | How to Help Smart and Confused Kindergartners: With
Comics! |
 | Uncharted Territory: Early Milestones and
Educational Planning |
 | Sidetracked by Dabrowski |
 | Young Gifted Children--Reflections From Parenting |
 | The Magic Years |
 | The Pressure to be Super Smart at all Times |
 | Different Stages of Giftedness In Young Children |
 | In Blog Hop:
Asking for Help
 | The Oxygen Mask: Gifted and 2e Parenting |
 | This too shall pass...but in the meantime I'm asking
for Help |
 | Help! Where Do I Get It? |
 | Gifted Children and Adults: When is Therapy Helpful? |
 | How and When to Ask For Help |
 | Learning to Ask for Help (begins with how it's been
offered in the past) |
 | When You Want to Send the Gift(edness) Back |
 | When Your Gifted Child is Struggling in School:
Things to Consider |
 | Choosing Help |
 | Yes, you need help! |
 | Dear Tired Mama of Gifted Kids... |
 | Seeking Help for the Uniquely Normal... or Normally
Unique |
 | Open to Receive |
 | Blog Hop:
Overexcitabilities (OEs)
 | OEs IRL (Dabrowski's Overexcitabilities in real
life) |
 | So, What Are OEs? |
 | Stories of the OEs |
 | If Only It Were as Simple as “Naughty or Nice” |
 | On Being “Too Much” |
 | Overexcitabilities: Love Them, Hate Them |
 | The Bright Side of Overexcitabilities in Gifted
Children |
 | Supporting your emotionally excitable gifted child |
 | Even Ramshackle is a Blessing |
 | Overexcitabilities are Super Powers |
 | Overexcitibilities and Why They Matter for Gifted
Kids |
 | Overexciteabilities/Hypersensitivities |
 | Overexcitabilities And Cartoon Characters |
 | Homeschooling and Overexcitabilities |
 | Understanding Overexcitabilities: The Basics |
 | Making Use of Dabrowski’s Overexcitabilities |
 | May the Hypersensitivities Be With You |
 | Overexcitabilities, Dabrowski, and “The Rest of the
Story” |
 | OE’s, Oh,No!…OE’s, Oh,Yes! |
 | Blog Hop: Gifted
 | Gifted 101 for Teachers New to Gifted Students |
 | Gifted 101, What You Need to Know |
 | 101 Things I've Learned From Homeschooling My Gifted Son |
 | Starting School for Gifted Learners |
 | “Extreme Science, Extreme Parenting”…Extreme Giftedness |
 | Gifted 101 |
 | Beginning the Journey: Gifted 101 |
 | Tips for parents of gifted children: What most parents
wish they had known |
 | 10 Things You Need to Know About Teaching or Parenting
Gifted Kids |
 | The Kipling Method |
 | So You Have a Gifted Child |
 | Stormy Clouds, Deep Water: Time to Find Kindred Spirits |
 | 4 Life Lessons To Teach Your Gifted Kids (and one for
you to learn, too) |
 | Your Gifted Child's Education: When to Get Off the Bus
and Leave Traditional School Behind |
 | The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Gifted Kids |
 | Learning About Giftedness |
 | These are a few of my favorite books |
 | Carry On, Keep Learning, and Breathe |
 | Oh, no, my kid might be gifted! Where do I start? |
 | 7 Tips For Parents With Gifted Children |
 | Gifted 101: The 6 Gifted Profiles |
 | Nurturing the Gifted Child |
 | Hiccup Horrendous Haddock Explains Giftedness |
 | Blog Hop:
Gifted Relationships
 | Relationships Require Work |
 | Finding and Forging Gifted Friendships |
 | Friends and Relations |
 | If I'm So Smart, Why Am I So Lonely? |
 | Sisterhood Of Mothers With Gifted Children |
 | Gifted Relationships. The Silver Lining in the
Gifted Storm |
 | Gifted adults and relationships: Ten patterns that
may cause problems |
 | 8 Tips for Successful Group Work: Relationship Dance
Is Not Always Easy |
 | Intensity X2 |
 | Gifted Relationships |
 | Five Relationships Any Gifted Kid Needs |
 | 7 Tips to Help Your Child Build Healthy Friendships |
 | Gifted and Struggling with Relationships? The
Virtues are a Good Place to Start |
 | The Power of Special Connections: Gifted/Special Needs Friendships |
 | Blog Hop: The
Gift of Free Time
 | The Value of Free Time |
 | The gift of free time |
 | Free Time: When Kids Take the Wheel |
 | The gift of free time: Reclaiming the preschool
years |
 | Free Time: Critical for Gifted Children to Engage in
Philosophical Thinking? |
 | Signing Up For Sports |
 | The Space Between: The Luxury of Discovering Your
Own Happiness |
 | Free Time? What Free Time? |
 | Summer of Gamification |
 | 4 Ideas For Children In Their Free Time |
 | Free Time, What’s That? |
 | Sabbatical of Sorts |
 | Blog Hop: 2e Kids
 | Twice Exceptional |
 | Helping 2E Children Thrive |
 | 5 Tips to Conquer Homework with a 2E Kid |
 | Twice Exceptional Hatters |
 | Convergence Insufficiency and Reading Problems |
 | 2E is... |
 | Advocating for the Twice-Exceptional Child |
 | Let's Hear It For Special Ed |
 | In a 2e Kid's Shoes |
 | How to Parent a 2E Child |
 | Twice Exceptional or Misdiagnosed |
 | Homeschooling Twice Exceptional Kids |
 | Twice-Exceptional: Giftedness Served up with a side
of Lagging Skills |
 | The Danger Of Twice Exceptional Students Undiagnosed |
 | Beneath the Surface: Twice-Exceptional Students |
 | Blog Hop: Anxiety
 | When the Worry Gets Overwhelming |
 | Gifted, Perfectionism, and Anxiety All in One |
 | Anxiety |
 | Are gifted individuals really perfectionists? |
 | Anxiety About Her Education |
 | Make Your Own Worry Basket |
 | Anxiety in Gifted Children: 3 Simple Steps Parents
and Educators Can Take |
 | Anxiety and Giftedness. What is the reality? |
 | The More You Know, The More You Worry |
 | Driving Forward |
 | Childhood Anxiety from Adult Shenanigans |
 | Spooky |
 | 12 Anxiety Issues Parents Of Gifted Children Face |
 | Conquer Anxiety |
 | Panic Disorder: Anxiety at its Worst |
 | Anxiety: From Gordon Neufeld to Kazimierz Dabrowski
and beyond |
 | Two Anti-Anxiety Tips for Kids |
 | Contagious Anxiety |
 | Blog Hop:
 | Should We Accelerate Our Gifted Child? |
 | Academic Acceleration |
 | To Each His Own |
 | The Physics of Learning |
 | Slay the Stay-Put Beast: Thoughts on Acceleration |
 | On Acceleration |
 | All Children Can Learn and “All Children Should Be
Learning,” Joan Smutny |
 | Acceleration: A (Not So) Simple Fix? |
 | Speed Bumps To Gifted Acceleration |
 | Accelerating to What and to Where? Evaluating the
Velocity of Gifted Learners in a System that Must Change |
 | A Pace By Any Other Name... |
 | Acceleration & Early College |
 | Acceleration: Noah's Story (guest post) |
 | Blog Hop: Testing
 | Ceilings and Ceiling Tiles: A Call for Civil
Disobedience |
 | Gifted Testing: A Beginner's Guide |
 | Gifted Testing In Singapore From A Parent's
Perspective |
 | Giftedness: To Test or Not To Test? |
 | Not Everyone Hates Tests (Just Most of Us) |
 | Tests for Tests Sake |
 | How to explain IQ testing to your gifted child |
 | To Test, or Not To Test -- That Is the Question |
 | Keeping Score |
 | Testing? How? |
 | Gifted Testing… Elitist?… Limited?… Necessary? |
 | Gifted Testing Dilemma |
 | To Test or Not To Test Gifted Children |
Best of new links: Articles, research, books, toys, PC protection...
 | Galaxy Trucker
in Smart
Strategy Games |
 | Screen Time = Scream Time
in Technology and the Gifted Child |
 | Looping Louie
in Smart Games for
Young Children |
 | Summoner Wars
in Smart Card Games and Smart
Strategy Games |
 | Pixar in a Box
in Programming Links |
 | Mom's Graduation Speech
in Twice Exceptional Gifted
Students |
 | A Nation Empowered: Evidence Trumps the Excuses Holding
Back America’s Brightest Students
in Academic Acceleration |
 | Game About Squares
in Gifted Apps |
 | AdBlock Plus
in PC Security: Safe
Browsing |
 | What It Feels Like: Auditory Processing Disorder
in Auditory Processing
Disorder (APD / CAPD) |
 | Colorku
in Smart Hands-On Toys
and Puzzles |
 | It's OK to be Smart!
in Science |
 | How to Puzzle Cache
, in
Geocaching 103:
Puzzle Caches |
 | What Do You Do With an Idea?
in Hot Topics! On Being Gifted |
Last updated
December 01, 2020