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Bibliographies of Gifted Research

Acceleration Institute Annotated Bibliography
From the folks who bring you A Nation Deceived and A Nation Empowered...
Duke TIP Research Bibliography
Duke TIP researchers have authored many peer-reviewed research papers articles. A list of major research publications, arranged by author. Use the key word search below to sort articles by topic or date...
Frances A. Karnes Center for Gifted Studies Bibliography for Parents
Online and book resources for parents of the gifted...
Gifted Children & Homeschooling: An Annotated Bibliography compiled by Kathi Kearney
"This list represents much of the written record in this century about gifted children and homeschooling."
Grouping: A Short, Data Based Primary Journal Research Sources Bibliography by Joseph S. Renzulli
The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented (NRC/GT), University of Connecticut, Storrs
IQ and Human Intelligence
Annotated bibliography of the study of human intelligence
Johns Hopkins CTY Staff Bibliography
Lists the scholarly work completed by current and former CTY staff since CTY’s
founding in 1979. It includes: (1) published books, book chapters, journal articles, and op-ed pieces; (2)
unpublished technical reports that summarize internal research and program evaluation studies; and (3)
dissertations and theses that involve research on CTY students. Copies of many of these papers are
available on the Internet; others can be requested from CTY’s research department upon request...
Minibibliographies for Gifted Education
ERIC Minibibs contain annotated readings on a particular topic. Topics include Social Emotional Needs of Gifted Children, Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities, Homeschooling Resources, Middle School Gifted, and others
Radical Acceleration of Highly Gifted Children: An Annotated Bibliography of International Research Recommended by Miraca U.M. Gross and Helen E. vanVliet, a Templeton Foundation grant project
The first-ever annotated bibliography of international research on highly gifted children who graduate from high school three or more years early.  Tidbits include "Educators who most actively supported acceleration were those individuals who had received some training in gifted education. Those who were most vocal in their opposition admitted to having no such training," "In all studies the attitudes of students towards acceleration were positive both in terms of their academic needs and their social and emotional needs. Students in all three studies reported high levels of satisfaction, academically and emotionally, when the curriculum was challenging and provided them with options, and when they were allowed a voice in its design and execution," and "The percentage of individuals married was about the same for men in all groups, with a slightly higher rate of marriage for highly accelerated men. Women who were members of the highly accelerated group were less likely to marry. Separations and divorces occurred less often among the highly accelerated subjects."
Research on Giftedness and Gifted Education: Status of the Field and Considerations for the Future by Jonathan A. Plucker and Carolyn M. Callahan
Gifted education has a rich history and a solid if uneven research base. As policy makers and educators increasingly turn their attention to advanced students and educational excellence, the time is ripe for a dispassionate analysis of the field’s conceptual and empirical strengths and weaknesses. The purpose of this special feature article is to highlight advances in theories and research related to giftedness and gifted education, note the promising areas for additional research, and propose next steps for improving the quality and utility of empirical work in this important area...
Stephanie Tolan's Nonfiction
Articles and books by Stef Tolan, many about gifted children...
updated December 01, 2020

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