| +Plus
Magazine introduces readers to the beauty and the practical applications
of mathematics |
| 1-100
Factored and other posters for our visual-spatial kids, you have
to see this one to believe it! |
20 Greatest Equations Maxwell's, Euler's, Pythagoras', Einstein's... |
| The Abacus the art of calculating with beads, from its history, to its use today |
| Absurd Math Pre-algebra from another dimension...
| Algebasics
An online Algebra course in 16 chapters, with great instruction and
examples! (Flash enabled) |
| algebra.help
a collection of lessons, calculators, and worksheets to help
students... |
| Algebra Lessons from Absolute Value, to the Quadratic Formula, to
Vertical Line Test... |
| Arthur
Benjamin does "Mathemagic" a TED Talk you have to see to
believe! |
| Art
of Problem Solving For avid students of mathematics, including the
largest, most active online problem solving community in the world, USAMTS
Talent Search, Math Jams guided improvisational problem solving sessions, and
more! |
| Babylonian
Mathematics Our first knowledge of mankind's use of mathematics comes from
the Egyptians and Babylonians |
| BeatCalc Beat the Calculator, with this weekly trick (mailing list, type "subscribe" in message body)
| BeatCalc BeatCalc archives with over
400 math tricks! |
| Bob
- Penrose Tiling Generator and Explorer (downloadable software) |
| BrainPop
Health, science,
technology, math, English and more... (some free, some subscription) |
| Calculus
'Thrift Shop' Parody: Teens' Hilarious Macklemore Cover For School
Project |
| Can
you solve Franklin's puzzle? Benjamin Franklin stumps us once
more! |
Change Maker the Cash Register Game |
Fiction vs. Physics Reality, or The Geometric Progression of
Vampires |
Classic Fallacies several proofs that 2=1, and more... |
| clickmazes,
unique interactive puzzles and mazes, including
Oskar's collection |
Math Projects for Science Fairs |
| Cogito.org
news and features, questions and answers, even mentors, in math and
science! |
| Convert-me.com
Units conversion / metric conversion online |
| Cool Math Tessellations, fractals, dampening functions, careers in math and cool links, too |
| CyberChase
fun interactive arithmetic games |
explore harmonograms, spirographs, and lissajous figures |
| EPGY K8 Puzzle Page although only EPGY students can compete, these are still great puzzles for everyone! |
| eTutor
Graphing Calculator a great tool for math students of all ages! |
| Even
Number proof even zero is an even number! |
| ExploreMath.com
Advanced math concepts, tons of interactive activities... |
| Fermat prime numbers Fermat (1601-1665) conjectured that every number of the form 22x+1 is prime... |
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section Fibonacci's show up everywhere! |
| Franklin Institute Online: Educational Hotlist from Art to Math to Music to Science and more... |
| Girls
Go Tech discover careers and explore games in math, science and
technology... especially for girls! |
| Hex
a simple, yet elegant, board game, invented by John Nash (and
independently by Piet Hein) - can you find your path? (Java) |
to Calculate Pi by Throwing Frozen Hot Dogs an amazing
experiment that actually works! |
Will Derive Just a fun little song (parody of "I will survive")
for all of us who've taken calculus |
| If
the IRS Had Discovered the Quadratic Formula for our mathies,
especially those old enough to have filed taxes (requires
Adobe Reader) |
| Illuminations
Activities interactive math from
Illuminations |
| Interactives
from Annenberg Media Learner...
| It
slices, It dices an introduction to the ʃ of calculus |
| JuggleMaster
download, and create your own juggling patterns! |
| Kaleidoscope Painter A
mesmerizing site! |
Kenny's Math and Physics Help Great explanations for good questions in math and physics |
Site knots and links, viewed from a (mostly) mathematical perspective,
including free KnotPlot program download |
| Lure
of the Labyrinth digital game for middle-school pre-algebra
students, with a wealth of intriguing math-based puzzles wrapped
into an exciting narrative game in which students work to find their
lost pet - and save the world from monsters! |
History of Mathematics archive mathematician biographies, math history,
and more... and it's interesting! |
| Make-a-Flake
Create your own interactive snowflakes - great art, great
symmetry... |
| Mastermind
choose 2 to 6 colors, and play! |
| Math
Apprentice Math is the path to anything you want to be...
skateboard through town and find out! |
| Math Baseball from
FunBrain, Score runs with your math skills
"I make pictures with candy and math. You get to look at them!"
But it's far more than that... |
| The
Math Circle a program of courses designed for students who enjoy math and
want the added challenge of exciting topics that are normally outside the
school curriculum... |
| The
Math Dude Quick and Dirty Tips
Simple answers to tricky math questions, from Addition and
Subtraction to the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci! |
| Math Forum from
Drexel, including these and more...
| Math
in the Movies Oz, Die Hard, Bedazzled, and more... |
| Math
Open Reference: Volume 4 Plane Geometry great interactive
applets demonstrate
tangents, and
much more! |
| Math
Playground Interactive math puzzles, including Rubik's Cube and the Towers
of Hanoi, among others |
| Math
Riddles Great problems and puzzles, with a live teacher
supporting your answers! |
| Math-Mate
hundreds of free math tutorial lessons filled with explanations and
handy hints |
| Math,
Physics & Engineering Applets Oscillations and Waves, Acoustics,
Electricity and Magnetism, and lots more! |
| Mathematical
Quotations Server "Life is good for only two things, discovering
mathematics and teaching mathematics"-- Sim鯮 Poisson |
| Mathematics with Alice for anyone interested in learning more about Mathematics, but who find Math textbooks too dry |
| Mathematics
is Everywhere poster campaign featuring the ever growing importance of
Mathematics in modern society... |
| MathMovesU
an interactive world of math fun! (middle school level+, by
Raytheon) |
| MathNerds.com
Free, discovery-based, mathematical guidance via an international, volunteer
network of mathematicians... |
| MathPlayground Logic Games Creative logic puzzles for all ages!
Check out Civiballs, Factory Balls and more... |
| Maths
is Fun tons of fun, from basic math to data, geometry, money,
algebra and more. Don't miss the games... |
| Mega
Mathematics from Hotel Infinity to Graphs and Knots to Map Theory, tons of great math! |
| Mudd
Math Fun Facts Divisibility by Seven, Math and Calculus
Limericks, Goldbach's Conjecture, Wallis' Formula and more from our
friends at Harvey Mudd |
| Murderous
Maths The books, the extra bits, games, hints, tricks, puzzles... they're
all here! |
| Mystery
Master Logic Puzzles logic puzzles, with printable solving grids |
| National
Library of Virtual Manipulatives for Interactive Mathematics Pre-K to
12th grade virtual manipulatives... |
| Negative
Exponent Intuition a quick video with an "Aha!" message
(YouTube) |
| nrich free mathematics enrichment resources for pupils of all ages, online
resources including discussion forums and mathematics thesaurus... |
| Notes
on Prefixes the Système International d'Unités or SI. yotta, zetta,
exa, peta... |
| National
Security Agency/Central Security Service Kids and Youth Peer into the
secret world of cryptology... |
Math Education Program the math used in each episode of
constants and computation π, e, log2 and other constants,
binary splitting, Newton's iteration and other algorithms, counting primes,
and more... |
| Octave
GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for
numerical computations... |
π Day a song for your favorite holiday! |
periodical promoting mathematics, designated for high school students |
| Paper
Models of Polyhedra platonic solids, Archimedian solids, uniform
polyhedra, compounds, literally hundreds of paper models |
| PHI:
The Golden Ratio or Golden Section in Nature, Art, Science and
Religion |
| Planarity
Arrange the vertices such that no edges overlap |
Solids (a.k.a. Dice Shapes) 5 regular solids are also called the
5 Platonic solids... (or try
Wikipedia) |
| The
Prime Glossary your Internet guide to the terminology of prime numbers |
| Purplemath
Algebra Resource, with lessons and self-evaluation |
| Puzzle
interactive GamePuzzles |
| The
Puzzling World of Polyhedral Dissections Stewart Coffin's book, now
on the web |
| Rainforest
Maths fun interactive math activities K-6 |
Math Pro learn math concepts and problem solving strategies, real video
solutions, improve your confidence! |
| Science (and Math) Help On-line help with any science or math w/ NASA consultants
(Yahoo group) |
| Simpsons
Math The Simpsons is one of the most literate TV programs on the air,
containing many references to subject matter and scholars! |
| Slide
Rule (often nicknamed a "slipstick") is a mechanical analog
computer... |
| The
Sliding Block Puzzle Page
tons of great interactive sliding puzzles! |
| The
Sound of pi a concert of huge proportions! |
| Thinking
Blocks interactive math tool to help students learn how to solve
challenging word problems |
| SolveIt! University of Delaware's
Math Enrichment Program by mail |
| Stephen's
Guide to the Logical Fallacies Logical fallacies are errors of reasoning,
errors which may be recognized and corrected by prudent thinkers. This site
indexes and describes all known logical fallacies... |
| Tessellations Lots of them! |
| Tessellation Town create your own tessellations, interactively |
| Totally
Tessellated comprehensive introduction to tessellations, with history,
math, and of course, Escher! |
| Trachtenberg
Speed System of Arithmetic far superior to the current arithmetic taught
in schools and it has been found to increase self confidence and
concentration... |
Statistics flash demos... |
| Unizor
rigorous mathematical topics addressed usually by those high school
teachers and advanced students who strive to deepen their
understanding of principles and concepts of mathematics... |
| ViHart
Amazing math and doodle videos that make math concepts simple, fun,
and exciting! |
| Virtual
pre-k to 12th grade, numbers, algebra, geometry, and more - great interactive
fun! |
Algebra An exploratory of algebra [I and II] through the eye |
| WatchKnow
videos to learn from, organized... check the leaderboard, by topic,
or search for whatever you need |
| WebSudoku
Number puzzle, but no math required... trillions of puzzles! |
| Wolfram
| Alpha computational search engine... solves anything
mathematical! |
| Wolfram MathWorld The web's most extensive mathematics
resource! |
| Women
and Mathematics Monthly posters about the life and work of a woman who
has made a contribution to the mathematical sciences... |
| Your
Age on Other Worlds how does the revolution of our planet affect
your age? How old would you be on Mercury...? |
| Zomepad
Modeling Software
with models to follow, examine and build a new challenge every