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Gifted Students at Risk
"And so it was that an effort that arose out of concern at the lack of fair
racial representation produced a solution that nearly all its architects and
proponents, including Strauss, admit is unlikely to deliver many more black
and Hispanic students..." Catherine Gewertz,
Affirmative Reaction
- Achievement
Trap: How America Is Failing Millions of High-Achieving Students from
Lower-Income Families
by Joshua S. Wyner, John M. Bridgeland, John J. DiIulio, Jr., A Report by the
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation & Civic Enterprises with original research by
- There are far fewer lower-income students achieving at the highest levels
than there should be, they disproportionately fall out of the high-achieving
group during elementary and high school, they rarely rise into the
ranks of high achievers during those periods, and, perhaps most
disturbingly, far too few ever graduate from college or go on to graduate
school. [It] is not that high-achieving students from lower-income
backgrounds are suffering more than other lower-income students, but that
their talents are similarly under-nurtured... (requires Adobe Reader)
Talented, and Black: A Guide for Families of African American Gifted
Learners by Joy Lawson Davis
- What does it really mean to be gifted and African American in the U.S.
today? What do parents and teachers of gifted black students need to know to
help students explore their potential, thrive in school and life. Easy to
read, full of great insight for every reader, regardless of race...
- The
elephant in the classroom
by Ellis Page and Timothy Keith
- Schooling in a homogeneous group of students appears to have a positive
effect on high-ability students' achievements, and even stronger effects on
the achievements of high-ability minority youth. Grouping does not seem to
affect negatively the achievements of low-ability youth. Indeed, ability
grouping seems to have no consistent negative effects on any group or any
outcome we studied. We assert that ability grouping may have positive
effects on gifted students' learning, the most important educational
outcome, and that these effects seem particularly powerful on gifted
minority youth...
Gifted Kids at Risk:
Who's Listening?
by Pat Schuler, Creative Insights
- It is time to say clearly: bright kids are not better, yet they are
different; and because they are, they face different issues...
The Survival Guide for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning
by Kelly Huegel 
- Gifted kids often feel alone, and gifted GLBTQ kids can feel even more
alone. A contemporary look at society and its growing acceptance of
people who are GLBTQ, including updates on efforts to promote equality,
including the current status of legislative initiatives concerning safe
schools, gay marriage, workplace equality, transgender expression, and Don’t
Ask, Don’t Tell. Issues-based information and advice. This frank, sensitive
book is written for young people who are questioning their sexual or gender
identity, those who are ready to work for GLBTQ rights, and those who may
need advice, guidance, or reassurance that they are not alone...
Overlooked Gems: A National Perspective on Low-Income Promising Learners
a monograph co-sponsored by
NAGC with the Center
for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary, and funded by
the Jack
Kent Cooke Foundation
- This monograph provides the field of gifted education with a blueprint for
working in schools with children of poverty, for activating community-based
opportunities for them, and for forging new partnerships and collaborative
with universities and other agencies to deliver relevant services...
(requires Adobe Reader) Also available
in print version, High
Potential Learners in Low Income Settings
Silent Epidemic
A report by John M. Bridgeland, John J. DiIulio and Karen Burke Morison of
Civic Enterprises (requires
Adobe Reader)
say their schools expected too little of them by Greg Tuppo, USA Today
Dropouts Leave School Due to Boredom, Lack of Encouragement, Report Finds
- Commissioned by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the report, The
Silent Epidemic: Perspectives of High School Dropouts, found that nearly
50 percent of 470 dropouts surveyed said they left school because their
classes were boring and not relevant to their lives or career aspirations...
Populations in Gifted Education: Understanding Our Most Able Students From
Diverse Backgrounds
by Jaime A. Castellano and Andrea Dawn Frazier (or from
- Leading experts in the field combine their knowledge of and leadership
experience with gifted students from diverse backgrounds to help include
historically underrepresented students in gifted education programs that
serve our most able students. Raises the awareness level and knowledge base
of all educators, particularly teachers of the gifted, with focus on topics
such as gifted education in rural environments, highly gifted learners,
twice-exceptional children, gifted females, gifted and talented students on
the autism spectrum, English language learners, underachievement, and
students from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds...
Agenda for the Future: Closing the Achievement Gap for Underrepresented
Groups in Gifted and Talented Education Synthesis of the Needs
Assessment Conference
- Four monographs from this valuable NRC/GT conference, January 20-21, 2005
Adobe Reader)
 | Evaluation, Placement, and Progression: Three Sites of Concern for
Student Achievement |
 | Latino Achievement: Identifying Models That Foster Success Promoting
Sustained Growth in the Representation of African Americans, Latinos, and
Native Americans Among Top Students in the United States at All Levels of
the Education System |
 | Issues and Practices in the Identification and Education of Gifted
Students From Underrepresented Groups |
Affirmative Reaction by
Catherine Gewertz
After school district lawyers advised district leaders in 1998 against any
race- conscious policy, the district dropped race as a factor in its intensely
competitive admissions process and dismantled a much-lauded preparation
program for disadvantaged students. Since then, district officials have
watched Thomas Jefferson population grow less and less representative of the
growing racial and ethnic diversity...
Indian Gifted and Talented Students: Their Problems and Proposed Solutions
by Rockey Robbins
The thoughts and feelings of gifted and talented students participating in
a summer enrichment program, Explorations In Creativity (EIC). ...describes
the struggles of identity, prejudice, and peer pressure that these students
experience and must endure because they are Indian and gifted and talented.
A list of issues and problems and possible solutions these students saw in
American education is included along with three of their personal essays
Still We Rise: The Trials and Triumphs of Twelve Gifted Inner-city High School
Students by Miles Corwin
As LA Times reporter Miles Corwin chronicles in this troubling yet
uplifting book, the ills of the inner city have not completely defeated Toni
Little's advanced-placement students at Crenshaw High School, with whom Corwin
spent the 1996-1997 academic year as a silent observer...
20% of high school drop-outs gifted? by Laura Vanderkam in
Gifted Exchange
The topic for today's post: the statistic that 20% of high school dropouts
are gifted. This stat gets used in a variety of formats... In other words,
what this survey reveals is that students identified as gifted (by a broad
definition) and other students drop out at the same rate
a Bridge: A Combined Effort Between Gifted and Bilingual Education by
Valentina I. Kloosterman
The under representation of linguistically and culturally diverse children
in gifted programs is a worldwide problem
challenge for culturally diverse families of gifted children: forced choices
between achievement or affiliation by Donna Ford, in
Gifted Child Today
On one hand, if I say, okay, we'll stay in the inner city, then we have
the issue off "acting White" when a student (my son/daughter) is a minority
and does well academically because of stereotypes about minority students,
especially African American students. On the other hand, we have the issue of
isolation when a minority student is in a predominantly White gifted program...
Challenges of Educating the Gifted in Rural Areas by Joan D. Lewis (or from
Addresses the challenges and benefits of rural schools, shares how to
adapt traditional gifted education programs for rural settings, and
identifies and examines the components of a workable, successful
collaboration among school administrators, teachers, students, parents, and
other supporters from the community...
Schools' Expectations of Native American Students by James Raborn
The under-representation of Native American students in urban public
school programs for the gifted and talented is alarming...
culturally responsive gifted education classrooms understanding "culture" is
the first step by Donna Y. Ford and James L. Moore, III, in
Gifted Child Today
The implications of increased student diversity (world diversity) are
profound, suggesting that teachers must become more familiar with the
realities of culture and its impact on teaching and learning...
Issues in the Identification and Nurturance of Promising Students from Low
Income Backgrounds by Joyce VanTassel-Baska, NRC/GT Senior Scholars Series
There is little disagreement in the field of gifted education about the
need to have a broader diversity of students in programs for the gifted,
especially those representative of low socio-economic backgrounds and minority
students. However, our track record has been less than sterling... (scroll
Students Society by Evan Morgan, published in MacLeans.caNo wonder our high school students are struggling!
Learning Outcomes for Diversely Gifted Adolescents: Education in the
Social/Emotional Domain by Dona J. Matthews
An approach to addressing both [young women and students from minority
groups, who continue to be underrepresented at the highest career
achievement levels, and traditional support systems, like family and
community, dissolving and disintegrating] is the implementation of a Human
Development course of study, starting early and building systematically over
time. In such a course, students could be helped to construct principled
understandings of social and emotional functioning, becoming more aware of
the benefits of social diversity, and wiser decision-makers. Applications
appropriate for working with gifted secondary school students are discussed
Gifts Often Come in Plain Brown Wrappers by Fred A. Bonner, II
Does the academically gifted African-American student experience college
in a manner much different from the typical college student?
Futures: Risk and Vulnerability Among Latino High-Achievers by Patricia
Focuses on high-achieving Latino students and the language, culture, and
immigration-status issues that can greatly affect their motivation and
ultimate achievement. The achievement gap is not just a phenomenon that
exists at the mid-range of scores; it is a significant feature of
achievement at the upper-score ranges as well. These high-achieving Latino
students are more likely to come from economically and educationally
disadvantaged backgrounds. Their academic futures can be considered fragile
— hanging by a thin thread of hope that nothing will go terribly wrong in
their extended families, or in school, that will dash their pursuit of
academic success. Interventions must be designed to close the achievement
gap attend to the needs of the entire academic spectrum of Latino
students... (requires Adobe Reader)
Dropouts: The Who and the Why by Joseph S. Renzulli and Sunghee Park
According to a 1983 study, up to 18% of all high school drop-outs are gifted and talented.
Gifted dropouts were generally from a lower socio-economic status family and
had little or no access to extracurricular activities, hobbies, and
computers. Also read:
Students Who Drop Out: Who and Why: A Meta-Analytical Review of the
Literature by Esra Kaskaloglu
An exhaustive search revealed 16 studies, which were coded with 21
independent samples which yielded 1025 isubjects. ...Finally, with respect
to the factors affecting underachievement, the study confirmed that many
gifted underachievers were suffering from lack of the gifted program or
having not enough challenge at school, poor student-teacher and student-peer
relationship, bored or disinterested in school... (requires
Adobe Reader)
Gifted Children and Their Families Prepare for College: A Handbook Designed to
Assist Economically Disadvantaged and First-Generation College Attendees
by Avis L. Wright and Paula Olszewski-Kubilius
Comprehensive guide to college and financial aid planning, from knowing
yourself to selecting a college, getting information, writing the application,
interviewing, being accepted and gaining financial aid...
and Serving Recent Immigrant Children Who Are Gifted (ERIC digest #E520)
by Carole Ruth Harris
The challenge of identifying gifted children and providing them with
appropriate educational services is particularly complex when they are recent
immigrants to the United States...
in Equity: How "Equity" Can Lead to Inequity for High-Potential
Students by Camilla P. Benbow and Julian C. Stanley
Over the past three decades, the achievement of waves of American students
with high intellectual potential has declined as a result of inequity in
educational treatment. This inequity is a result of an extreme form of
egalitarianism within American society and schools, which involves the
pitting of equity against excellence rather than promoting both equity and
excellence, anti-intellectualism, the "dumbing-down" of the
curriculum, equating aptitude and achievement testing with elitism, the
attraction to fads by schools, and the insistence of schools to teach all students
from the same curriculum at the same level. In this article, we
provide recommendations for positive change... (requires
Adobe Reader)
the Eyes of the Beholder: Critical Issues for Diversity in Gifted Education
edited by Diane Boothe and Julian C. Stanley (or from
How does gifted education serve special populations, including a variety
of culturally diverse populations? How does education deal with these
children today, and how can we improve their education? How do gender
and/or socio-economic diversity affect gifted education?
Children With Special Abilities (MCWSA) by Cecylia Rymarczyk Hyde
Māori and Pākehā perceptions of giftedness are different. Many teachers,
who are powerful role models for all students, have been found to have
negative attitudes and low expectations of their Māori students. These
factors affect the performance of Māori students in general, and gifted
Māori students in particular. One major resolution, which would go a long
way to addressing the problems associated with providing for these children,
should be to forge a working partnership between the school and the Māori
community at large...
the Needs of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse and Special-Needs
Students in Rural Communities: A Report on McREL's Diversity Roundtable IV
from McREL
Implementing differentiated instruction. How can the teacher meet
the needs of one or two [GT] learners in the calssroom? [GT students]
do not know how to put themselves in the zone of proximal development.
It is the teacher's job to do that. One approach is... (requires Adobe Reader)
and Mathematics Swarthmore College
Articles and efforts to encourage minorities in mathematics...
gifted kids left behind by Karen Adler,
The demographics of any school should be mirrored in the gifted and
talented population. In too many cases, they say, teachers and
administrators fail to identify poor and minority children as gifted,
especially in schools with a wide range of ethnic, racial and income
diversity. Educators agree that identifying gifted minority children as
young as possible is crucial. By the time they get to fourth grade, they
start to be influenced by peer pressure...
Students in Special and Gifted Education Commission on Behavioral and
Social Sciences and Education (2002)
From the enactment of the 1975 federal law requiring states to provide a
free and appropriate education to all students with disabilities, children
in some racial/ethnic groups have been identified for services in
disproportionately large numbers. [This report] includes the
representation of minority children in gifted and talented programs as well,
where racial/ethnic disproportion patterns are, generally speaking, the
reverse of those in special education...
Case Studies of Teachers and Classrooms Successful in Supporting Academic
Success of High Potential Low Economic Students of Color by Carol Ann
Tomlinson, Holly Gould, Stephen Schroth and Jane Jarvis
In some classrooms, the pattern of underachievement is reversed and the
students do succeed. How? Teachers and schools do not have to be
excellent. The definition of success established by a school or
teacher will shape student opportunity for long-term academic success.
To be more effective in developing the capacity of high potential low
economic students of color, schools will have to be more effective in
developing the capacity of virtually all students of color. Educators
who are most effective in supporting the academic success of students of
color support the students in learning to live comfortably in two worlds...
(requires Adobe Reader)
Creative / Artistic Giftedness in American Indian Students by Jill
Discusses the importance of nurturing creative/artistic giftedness in
American Indian students. Although the educational system has ignored the
creative/artistic expression as gifted, research findings offer teachers
direction in terms of identifying creative/artistic gifted and talented
students, provide alternative definitions, and present "wholistic"
curriculum strategies based on brain structure. Emphasis rather than neglect
of creative/artistic methods of teaching is stressed to enhance the
potential of gifted and talented American Indian students
and Profiles of Promising Learners From Poverty by Joyce VanTassel-Baska
Includes the role of culture in education, curriculum for promising
learners, psychosocial stressors that affect these learners, professional
development for teachers of low-income students, and state policy
implementation to affect these students' educations...
Personal Perspective on Tribal-Alaska Native Gifted and Talented Education
by Rosemary Ackley Christensen
Discusses the term "giftedness," and argues that the existing
interpretation applies only to the White world and that it does not agree
with Tribal definitions. As a result, gifted and talented children of Indian
heritage are not being recognized. A cultural stance is called for in
interpreting "giftedness"
Perspectives of Gifted and Talented American Indian Education by Stuart
A. Tonemah
Standardized tests for gifted and talented students are biased toward the
larger American society and that American Indian and Alaska Native students,
because of their cultural differences, are overlooked and denied entrance
into gifted and talented programs. The relevancy of a
culturally-specific gifted and talented differentiated curriculum for
American Indians developed by American Indians is beneficial and necessary...
Sustained Growth in the Representation of African Americans, Latinos, and
Native Americans Among Top Students in the United States at All Levels of
the Education System by L. Scott Miller
Proposes that an entity should be created that would be concerned with
developing model preschool and parent education programs that could improve
the school readiness of middle and high SES youngsters from underrepresented
groups, while another entity should be created that would specialize in
evaluating programs and strategies at the higher education level that serve
underrepresented minority students... (requires Adobe Reader)
Access for Culturally Diverse Gifted Students: From Deficit to Dynamic
Thinking (Theory into Practice) by Donna Ford and Tarek C. Grantham
Why are diverse students underrepresented, and how can we recruit and
retain more diverse students in our gifted programs? Factors contributing to
the persistent underrepresentation of Black students in gifted education are
presented, along with suggestions for changes...
Talent: Cross-Case Study of Two High Potential Students With Cerebral Palsy
by Colleen Willard-Holt, Pennsylvania State UniversityInvestigates the
manners in which gifted children with cerebral palsy and no speech
manifested their cognitive abilities, and the ways in which their
educational settings facilitated the development of their abilities. A
number of indicators of cognitive ability were identified, and facilitative
and inhibitive aspects of the educational settings were described...
Run Short For Gifted Students by Del Siegle
Being a gifted young learner should not mean you lose your right to a
quality education. Unfortunately, the current system of accountability
in education epitomized by the federal No Child Left Behind Act creates an
environment in which the individual right to a quality education has been
all but revoked for bright students, particularly those from underserved and
disadvantaged backgrounds...
of California’s most gifted students are being ignored, advocates say by Carla Rivera, Los Angeles Times
Highly intelligent, talented students need special programs to keep them
engaged and challenged. But experts say too often they aren't even
identified -- especially in low-income and minority schools -- and they
become emotional dropouts...
Loss: Why So Many of the Country's Top-Achieving Low-Income Students Never Go
to College Johns Hopkins Headlines@Hopkins
There are also approximately 21,000 high school seniors whose academic
achievement places them in the top 20 percent of the nation, but who will
not enroll in college after high school because they are from poor
Teacher Like Me: Does Race, Ethnicity, or Gender Matter? by Thomas S.
The results indicate that the racial, ethnic, and gender dynamics between
students and teachers have consistently large effects on teacher perceptions
of student performance. However, the effects associated with race and
ethnicity appear to be concentrated among students of low socioeconomic
status and those in the South. Since these teacher perceptions are clearly
likely to influence educational opportunities as well as the classroom
environment, this evidence implies that these classroom interactions make
important contributions to the observed demographic gaps in student
and Writing Skills in High Ability, Ethnic Minority, High School Students
by Deborah Coates and Mariolga Reyes
Acquiring the skills necessary for academic success is a major academic
and social problem facing gifted under represented, ethnic minority, high
school students
Navajo Eyes: Examining Differences in Giftedness by Elizabeth Ann
This study compares perceptions of giftedness and talent (G/T) among
parents and teachers of Navajo and Anglo children. Ethnographic description
elucidated qualitative differences found among the teacher and the parent
groups. Level of acculturation was a significant differentiating factor
among responses. Two of the recommendations resulting from the study were
(1) that teachers be trained in Navajo culture and values before they come
to the reservation to teach, and (2) that G/T programs need to use
alternative methods to identify G/T Navajo students
collegiate high school earns big honor by Rita Farlow, St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg Collegiate High School received the greatest number of
points on the [Florida] school accountability report. The school
enrolls grades 10-12 in a three-year program that allows students to earn a
high school diploma and a college associate degree simultaneously.
"It's good to note that early college experiences are an excellent source of
college access for minority students. They receive the support for the
transition to prepare them for collegiate classes"...
be young, gifted, African American, and male - case studies by Fred Arthur
Bonner, II
Factors observed in two case studies... 1. perceptions of each
academically gifted African American male undergraduate at two different
universities, concerning his relationship with the institution in the
cultivation of his academic giftedness, 2. What identifiable factors
influenced the success of the academically gifted African American male
collegian?, 3. What were these factors specific to the type of institution
attended? ...
The Riddle - In Search of Specially Gifted Children by Timothy Kalyegira
in The Monitor (Kampala)
[The puzzle] about Africa is "Disorder in her cities yet people seem [to
be] intelligent!" Children from well-to-do families who attended the
best schools in East and Central Africa or fine schools abroad, but the
mediocrity is still unmistakably there. If caring and disciplined
parenting were all it took to become a genius, many of us would be in that
Hall of Fame today...
Among Gifted Minority Students: Problems and Promises (ERIC digest #E544)
by Donna Y. Ford and Antoinette Thomas
Some minority groups of gifted learners, particularly Black, Hispanic
American, and Native American, have been underrepresented in gifted
among gifted students of color: implications for educators by James L.
Moore, III, Donna Y. Ford and H. Richard Milner
Social and psychological barriers commonly impede the academic performance
of gifted students of color. Efforts to reverse underachievement among
students of color have failed because these students have been misguided.
Until the needs and issues surrounding cultural diversity are addressed,
gifted students of color will continue to underachieve academically...
of minority students in gifted and talented education by Lidia T Anguiano
What is gifted and talented education, and why have minorities been
consistently under-represented in such programs? Recommendations offered to
promote a high-quality education for all students regardless of their
identification, placement, or ethnicity...
Minority Achievement and Course Taking by Richard Tapia and Cynthia Lanius
Even at the bachelor's level, from 1975 to 1995, science and engineering
degrees earned by underrepresented minorities rose from 6 to only 8 percent of
all such degrees earned (NSB, 1998). Given the huge growth in minority
population, especially Hispanic, during this same time period, we actually may
have declined proportionally rather than increased...
Edisons: Fostering the Talents of Vocational-Technical Students by Lori
A. Taylor, Jefferson County Public SchoolsTo reach and nurture a broader
spectrum of gifted and talented students, changes must be made in some of
the practices currently being used. New approaches are needed for providing
conceptual frameworks, identification processes, and implementation
strategies for gifted and talented programs. Broadened screening practices
should be utilized which look for this potential creative productivity in a
range of fields. Finally, creative productive behavior should be nurtured
through activities which may influence a lifelong process of career
Untold Story of Resistance: African-American Educators and IQ Testing in the
1920,s and '30's by Alan Stoskopf
Research and experience demonstrate that this version of "education
reform" will negatively impact all students, especially students of color from
lower income backgrounds. We also know that the best assessments originate in
the classroom and are an ongoing part of a student's reflection of her or his
progress. Few people realize that current critiques of testing and the calls
for more authentic forms of assessment have been built in part upon the
pioneering work of African-American intellectuals in the 1920s and 1930s...
Identifying, Cultivating, and Rewarding Talents of Students From Special
Populations by David St. Jean
Focuses on the reasons for the under representation of students from
special populations in gifted and talented programs and the proposals to
deal with improving this problem
Last updated
December 01, 2020