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Space Links

Also visit Physics, and Science for links in Science, including Science Fair Projects, Science Museums, and Natural Science for links in Biology, Entomology, Genetics, Geology, and Natural Science!


bulletAstronomy Cast weekly webcast on stars, planets, black holes, and lots more - check out the archive!
bulletAstronomy Picture of the Day Check every day!
bulletCelestia Recommended free space simulation lets you explore our universe in three dimensions (download for Windows, Mac, Linux)
bulletCelestia Motherlode supplementary material for Celestia
bullet Educational dramatic educational tools in astronomy
bulletThe Constellations All 88 constellations, from Greek Myths to star charts and more
bulletThe Earth / Moon System change the period from days to hours to minutes, and watch the moon phases and sky motion...
bulletFormation of the Solar System a YouTube video animation
bulletHistory of Astronomy I and History of Astronomy II a YouTube video history
bulletVirtual Reality Moon Phase Pictures View the phase of the Moon for any date and time, 1800-2199 A.D.  Today's actual phase of the moon, updated to the minute... Moon Phase Calendar
bulletMoon Phases a YouTube video explanation!
bulletStanford Solar Center don't miss the solar activities!
bulletStellarium free software which renders realistic skies in real time (download for Linux/Unix, Windows and MacOSX)

Aurora Borealis

bullet N1Bug.web Aurora Borealis detailed technical information
bulletGeophysical Institute includes Red Sprites and Blue Jets, Aurora Forecast (daily) and more...
bulletHourly STD DMSP/POLAR Auroral Activity Report
bulletSpace Weather Resources tons of real-time space weather data sources

Planets, Stars and Beyond

bulletAmazing Space uses the Hubble Space Telescope's discoveries to inspire and educate about the wonders of our universe
bulletAstroKids Astronomy Magazine's kids' site...
bulletAstronomy.com science, hobby, photos, features, and more
bulletAstroVenture Search for and design a habitable planet!
bulletAn Atlas of the Universe The first map shows the nearest stars, other maps slowly expand out to the entire visible universe
bulletCosmic Classroom See the world and our Universe in a different light... ultrared!
bulletCosmic Journey a history of scientific cosmology
bulletFranklin Institute Online: Educational Hotlist from Art to Math to Music to Science and more...
bulletThe Galaxy Song Flash animation of the Eric Idle classic, seen in The Meaning of Life...
bulletGalaxy Zoo online project to identify the shapes of millions of galaxies!
bullet Online Help Sought to Organize Galaxies "We have more data than we can assimilate, and we need help.''
bulletGoogle Moon NASA imagery to visit to our celestial neighbor. Happy lunar surfing (be sure to zoom ALL the way in)...
bulletGrowing Up in the Universe Recommended The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures for Children by Richard Dawkins (YouTube)
bulletWaking Up in the Universe
bulletDesigned and Designoid Objects
bulletClimbing Mount Improbable
bulletThe Ultraviolet Garden
bulletThe Genesis of Purpose
bulletHeavens Above all the information you need to observe satellites such as the ISS and the Shuttle, spectacular events such as the dazzlingly bright flares from Iridium satellites as well as a wealth of other spaceflight and astronomical information
bullet Interactive Solar System see the planets, asteroid belt, and comets in 3-D...
bulletISS EarthKam stunning, high quality photographs of our planet taken from the Space Shuttle and International Space Station...
bulletMars Exploration Rover Mission robotic exploration of the red planet...
bulletNASA "NASA is deeply committed to spreading the unique knowledge that flows from its aeronautics and space research..."
bullet NASA Kids' Club Pick your skill level, and have fun in space!
bulletNASA Quest Meet the people of NASA and look over their shoulders as they make NASA's goals a reality
bulletNASA TV RealPlayer or Windows Media version of NASA TV for those of us who can't get it on cable...
bulletNASA Calendar of Live Events
bulletNASA News & Events When will the ISS be visible?  When will the shuttle launch? 
bullet Nine Planets, A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System
bulletNova Recommended companion websites to PBS Nova episodes, including these and TONS more...
bulletEinstein's Big Idea and Einstein Revealed
bulletDeath Star
bulletOrigins and Runaway Universe
bulletNova Online Five to ten minute video shorts, on subjects from Science to Space, Economics to History and more... (YouTube)
bulletPerspective How big are we?
bulletThe Planetary Society the largest nonprofit, nongovernmental space advocacy group on Earth!
bulletPlanet Quest the search for another earth...
bullet Powers of Ten Recommended View the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth. Then move through space towards the Earth in successive orders of magnitude until you reach a tall oak tree, then move from the actual size of a leaf into a microscopic world that reveals leaf cell walls, the cell nucleus, chromatin, DNA and finally, into the subatomic universe of electrons and protons...
bullet Profiles of Frontierswomen Learn more about these exceptional women...
bulletRed Colony the latest news, images, and happenings on the future of Mars...
bullet Science Times 25th Anniversary Big Science Questions Will Humans Ever Visit Mars?, What Is Gravity, Really?, and more...
bulletSmithsonian Kids From history to worldwide to air and space to science and beyond, plus something new every day!
bulletOur Solar System in Pictures solar system pictures and quizzes
bulletSolar System Live the Earth, sky, stars at the horizon, track Earth satellites, and more
bulletSolar System Simulator See what one solar body looks like when viewed from another!
bulletSpace Kids Stories, questions, and answers, contests and games for the younger crowd
bulletSpace.com related site (to Space Kids) for an older crowd
bulletSpaced Penguins Recommended an interactive space flight experience
bulletSpace Science News an astronomy update every day by e-mail
bulletSpace Weather Science news and information about the Sun-Earth environment
bulletStarChild, a learning center for young astronomers from the people at NASA
bulletStephen Hawking's Universe Share my excitement at the discoveries, past and present, which have revolutionized the way we think
bulletSue Kientz' Illustrated Stories Bring your youngest children for great stories from the Galileo, Sojourner, and other space adventurers!
bulletLittle Rock The story of a little rock on Mars...
bulletSpacecraft Galileo at Jupiter
bulletSpacecraft Cassini is Visiting Saturn!
bulletVirtual Journey into the Universe Created by student team for 1999 ThinkQuest competition (Shockwave and Java)
bulletWindows to the Universe a fun and different web site about Earth and Space sciences
bulletWorld Builders Have you ever wanted to build your own world?
bulletWorld Sunlight Map Watch the sun rise and set all over the world, with accurate cloud cover!

Also visit Physics, and Science for links in Science, including Science Fair Projects, Science Museums, and Natural Science for links in Biology, Entomology, Genetics, Geology, and Natural Science!

Last updated December 01, 2020

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