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What's New on Hoagies' Gifted Education Page in Early 2007?

Hottest Links and New Pages in Early 2007... 

bulletMore great Kapla Block sets Recommended, in Kids & Teens: Smart Construction Toys
bulletWarcraft, and World of Warcraft Recommended , in Software Favorites
bulletListen! Recommended in Hot Topics Reading List: Classics and Grief & Mourning
bulletMichael Clay Thompson Language Arts Curriculum Recommended, in Homeschool Curricula
bulletUK Education secretary arranges boys' bookshelves Recommended, in Reading Lists
bulletIn Homeschool Curricula
bulletPhonics Pathways: Clear Steps to Easy Reading and Perfect Spelling Recommended
bulletReading Pathways: Simple Exercises to Improve Reading Fluency Recommended
bulletRunning the Numbers: An American Self-Portrait Recommended, in Kids & Teens: Art and Variety Store
bulletIn Software Favorites...
bulletZoo Tycoon 2 and Expansion Packs Recommended
bulletRoller Coaster Tycoon 3 Wild
bulletVocab Minute Recommended, a new podcast in Kids & Teens: Links For the Love of Words...
bulletNew Kids & Teens: Hot Topics! Reading List... Puzzle Books!  Including...
bulletAdvancing Through Analogies series, Logic Safari series, Connections series, ...and lots more!
bulletLife of Fred Recommended, in Homeschool Curricula
bulletZome Model of the Month Recommended, in Kids & Teens: Math and Variety Store
bulletNew page, 2e = Exceptional Squared!
bulletNonverbal Learning Disorders Recommended, in Nonverbal Learning Disorder
bulletMicrosoft Defender Anti-Spyware software, in PC Security Recommended
bulletBefore referring a gifted child for ADD/ADHD evaluation Recommended, in Attention Deficit (AD/HD)
bulletGifted LD: Just the FAQs Recommended, in Twice Exceptional
bulletNew Page Introducing... Ocelot Recommended, in Nonverbal Learning Disorder
bulletColleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About Colleges Recommended , in (Early) College Planning and Success Stories and Gifted Books
bulletNew page, Nonverbal Learning Disabilities, including...
bulletNonverbal Learning Disabilities at Home: A Parent's Guide
bulletNonverbal Learning Disabilities at School: Educating Students with NLD, Asperger Syndrome and Related Conditions
bulletNew page, Sibling Relationships, including...
bulletThe Effects of Sibling Competition
bulletGifted and Nongifted Siblings
bulletTips for Reducing Sibling Rivalry
bulletUniquely Gifted - Siblings of Twice-exceptional children
bulletblobs.org Recommended, in Kids & Teens: Science
bulletHigh Potential Learners in Low Income Settings Recommended, in Gifted Students At Risk
bulletCogito.org Recommended, in Mathematically Gifted, Kids & Teens: Math, Scientifically Gifted and Kids & Teens: Science
bulletNew article Underachievement in Exceptionally Gifted Adolescents and Young Adults: A Psychiatrist’s View, in Gifted Underachievement and Counseling the Gifted
bulletGifted Education Left Behind Recommended, in Gifted Education
bulletDon’t let 20/20 hindsight happen to you Recommended, in Depression and Suicide and Social / Emotional Aspects of Giftedness
bulletTexas Education Agency Released Tests, Answer Keys, and Scoring Guides Recommended, in Proficiency Testing
bulletHow legitimate is the Flynn effect for the gifted? Recommended in Testing and Assessment

June 19-30 2007

bulletAlison's Montessori and Educational Materials, in Educational Products
bulletBaywood Learning Center, in Gifted Conferences
bulletMore great Kapla Block sets Recommended, in Kids & Teens: Smart Construction Toys
bulletBeaver and Steve, in Kids & Teens: Cartoons
bulletThe Social Impact of Girls with ADHD, in Attention Deficit (AD/HD)
bulletAn Interview with Mark Bade and Linda Neumann: Twice Exceptional, in Twice Exceptional and Journals and Magazines on Gifted
bulletWrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Programs, in Gifted Conferences
bulletDealing with Gifted and Talented Students (PA), in Gifted Conferences
bulletArsDigita University, in (Free) Online High School Courses
bulletAnatomical Chart Company, in Educational Products
bulletBig Head: A Book About Your Brain and Your Head , in Hot Topics Reading List: Science: As They Grow...
bulletWhy Do You Love Me? , in Hot Topics Reading List: On Being Gifted: Social Stuff
bulletMicrosoft Office Live Free Website, in Kids & Teens: Programming
bulletDM of the Rings, in Kids & Teens: Cartoons and Variety Store
bulletPaper Toys, in Kids & Teens: Art, Theater, Music
bulletPlexers of the Month, in Kids & Teens: Brain Teasers
bulletMath Dictionary for Kids, in Kids & Teens: Links for Young Gifted Kids
bulletYoung Investor, in Kids & Teens: Economics: Stocks
bulletTons of new books in Hot Topics Reading List: On Being Gifted: Social Stuff
bulletKnowing And Doing What's Right: The Positive Values Assets
bulletProud to Be You: The Positive Identity Assets
bulletMaking Choices And Making Friends: The Social Competencies AssetsSmart Ways To Spend Your Time: The Constructive Use Of Time Assets
bulletDoing And Being Your Best: The Boundaries And Expectations Assets
bulletLoving to Learn: The Commitment to Learning Assets
bulletHow to Do Homework Without Throwing Up
bulletGet Organized Without Losing It
bulletHow to Take the Grrrr Out of Anger
bulletWhat in the World Do You Do When Your Parents Divorce?: A Survival Guide for Kids
bulletCliques, Phonies, & Other Baloney
bulletStress Can Really Get on Your Nerves!
bulletWhat to Do When You're Scared and Worried: A Guide for Kids
bulletStick Up for Yourself: Every Kid's Guide to Personal Power & Positive Self-Esteem
bulletHands Are Not for Hitting, Words Are Not for Hurting
bulletListen and Learn, Be Polite and Kind, Share and Take Turns
bulletJoin in and Play, Understand and Care, When I Feel Afraid
bulletRespect and Take Care of Things, Talk And Work It Out
bulletBe Honest and Tell the Truth, Be Careful And Stay Safe
bulletKnow and Follow the Rules
bulletWhat to Do When Good Enough Isn't Good Enough: The Real Deal on Perfectionism: A Guide For Kids , also in Perfectionism
bulletCharlie Bone, in Kids & Teens: Books & Authors
bulletGifted Students Who Drop Out: Who and Why: A Meta-Analytical Review of the Literature, in Gifted Students At Risk
bulletA high school with more clicks than cliques, in Schools for the Gifted
bulletHarry Potter homeschool group, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletPBS: Humpback Whales, in Kids & Teens: Natural Science
bulletWarcraft, and World of Warcraft Recommended , in Software Favorites
bullet Once You Know, You Newegg Affiliate program for Nerds!
bulletListen! Recommended in Hot Topics Reading List: Classics and Grief & Mourning
bulletCartoon Laws of Physics, in Kids & Teens: Physics and Mechanics
bulletNew donations for Gifted Teacher and Administrator of the Year Contest!

June 1-15 2007

bulletSummer Institute for the Gifted (SIG) Instructors, Bryn Mawr PA Campus, in Gifted Help Wanted!
bulletJetstream, in Internet Investigations
bulletWaterloo Unlimited (Canada), Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletCartesian Bear Designs, in Nerd Shirts
bulletCanadian Mathematical Society (CMS) Math Camps, in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletGreat new stories, in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletHilary Kinal (PA), in Professionals familiar with the Gifted
bulletThe Mysterious Benedict Society, in Hot Topics Reading List: Mystery and On Being Gifted
bulletIn Gifted Conferences...
bulletCalifornia Homeschooling Network Family Expo (CA)
bulletNational Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) 56th Annual Convention (2009, MO
bulletIn Kids & Teens: Smart Construction Toys...
bulletKapla Stacks Red Color Square, Bamboo Collection Contina, Keva Planks
bulletVice President, Institute for Educational Advancement, in Gifted Employment
bulletThe Writing Problems of Visual Thinkers, in Visual-Spatial Learners
bulletBrief History of the Internet, in Kids & Teens: Programming
bulletEuroTales, in Kids & Teens: Social Studies
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Mathematics and Programming...
bulletMummy Math: An Adventure in Geometry
bulletPatterns in Peru: An Adventure in Patterning
bulletSir Cumference and the Isle of Immeter
bulletLancaster Co. PArtners for Gifted Education, in Gifted Conferences
bulletTwisted Fish, in Kids & Teens: Smart Card Games
bulletSchools Are For Fish, in Kids & Teens: Cartoons and Home Schooling
bulletTiger Eyes, in Grief & Mourning
bulletMore great comments, in Hoagies' Visitors Speak
bulletRafael Corrales, in Grade Skipped and Successful
bulletSpectrum Academy (UT), in Schools for the Gifted
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Science...
bulletThe Anatomy Coloring Book
bulletColor Anatomy
bulletThe Dangerous Book for Boys , in Hot Topics Reading List: Potpourri
bulletWhole Brain Atlas, in Kids & Teens: Natural Science

May 16-31 2007

bulletQueen Bee Moms & Kingpin Dads: Dealing with the Parents, Teachers, Coaches, and Counselors Who Can Make--or Break--Your Child's Future , in Parenting Gifted Children
bulletQueen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and Other Realities of Adolescence , in Gifted Adolescents
bulletBerkeley Parents Network (CA), in Schools for the Gifted
bulletMyPhysicsLab, in Kids & Teens: Physics and Mechanics
bulletFox River Country Day School (IL), in Schools for the Gifted
bulletThe Center for the Gifted (IL), in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletThe Art of the Brick, in Kids & Teens: Art and Games
bulletDifferentiating Instruction-Creating Ladders to Student Success, in Continuing Education Programs and Gifted Conferences
bulletSynaesthesia: Too Well Connected: Why certain people see words in colour, in Sensitivities
bullet'Speare: The Literacy Arcade Game, in Software Favorites and Educational Products
bulletShakespeare Learning Commons, in Internet Investigations
bulletIn Asperger's Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism...
bulletMeeting the Challenges of Adolescence
bulletMindblindness: An Essay on Autism and Theory of Mind
bulletChanging the path of the river, in Tidbits of Wisdom from (and for!) Parents of Gifted Children
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Classics, Mystery, Poetry...
bulletThe Good Liar
bulletLeaping Beauty: And Other Animal Fairy Tales
bulletFragile Futures: Risk and Vulnerability Among Latino High-Achievers, in Gifted Students At Risk
bulletInstitute for Global Environmental Studies (IGES), in Contests and Awards
bulletAccountability Frankenstein: Understanding and Taming the Monster , in Proficiency Testing
bulletAn educational pyramid, in Gifted Education Quotes
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Science: Physics...
bulletFeynman's Rainbow: A Search for Beauty in Physics and in Life
bulletThe Physics of Star Trek
bulletYKYT Spouse OAGCW..., in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletBetter Than School: One Family's Declaration of Independence, in Home Schooling
bulletCurriculum Compacting: A Research-based Differentiation Strategy for Culturally Diverse Talented Students, in Curriculum Modifications and Gifted Students At Risk
bulletConservatory Prep Senior High (FL), in Schools for the Gifted
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Science: All Ages...
bulletAnimal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life
bulletThe Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
bulletGet Body Smart, in Kids & Teens: Natural Science: Biology
bulletCicada Brood Distribution, in Natural Science: Entomology
bulletFinale Notepad, in Art, Theater, Music
bulletDetectives in the Classroom, in Internet Investigations
bulletIn Physics and Mechanics and Social Studies: History...
bulletEngineering the Pyramids
bulletThe Surprising Truth Behind the Construction of the Great Pyramids
bulletMichael Clay Thompson Language Arts Curriculum Recommended, in Homeschool Curricula
bulletACT vs. SAT, in Inventory of Tests: ACT
bulletMassachusetts Academy of Math and Science, in Early College Entrance Programs
bulletEarly College High Schools, in Early College Entrance Programs
bulletThe Impact of an Undergraduate Honors Program on Gifted University Students, in Social / Emotional Aspects of Giftedness and (Early) College Planning and Success Stories
bulletAnd What About College? in Home Schooling Gifted Children
bulletRhode Island Advocates for Gifted Education (RIAGE) Statewide Meeting, in Gifted Conferences
bulletDavidson Gifted Issues Discussion Forum, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletLEILA J. LEVI, LEVI M. CLANCY, a minor v. JACK O’CONNELL, in his official capacity as Superintendent of Education for the State of California, in Gifted Advocacy and Highly, Exceptionally, and Profoundly Gifted
bulletConnections Academy, in Schools for the Gifted
bulletNueva School Gifted Learning Conference (CA), in Gifted Conferences
bulletManitoba Science Academy, in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletPennsylvanians for the Education of Gifted Students (PEGS), in Regional Gifted Organizations
bulletPEGS-Talk (PA), in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletUK Education secretary arranges boys' bookshelves Recommended, in Reading Lists
bulletIn Homeschool Curricula
bulletPhonics Pathways: Clear Steps to Easy Reading and Perfect Spelling Recommended
bulletReading Pathways: Simple Exercises to Improve Reading Fluency Recommended

May 3-15 2007

bulletFourth Grader Suspended For Not Answering A WASL Question, in Proficiency Testing
bulletIn Twice Exceptional...
bulletEnabling or Empowering? Adaptations and Accommodations for Twice-Exceptional Students
bulletHow Does One Identify the Learning Disabled Gifted?
bulletCollegiate Inventors Competition, in Contests and Awards
bulletTrampolines, in 2E (Twice Exceptional) Products
bulletLearn to Play Chess with Fritz and Chesster 2: Chess in the Black Castle, in Software Favorites
bulletIn Movies Featuring Gifted Kids (and Adults!)...
bulletBridge to Terabithia
bulletCharlotte's Web
bulletHelping Kids Get Organized: Some Suggestions for Parents, in Underachievement and Technology and the Gifted Child
bulletImproving Schools: One Person is a Fruitcake, 50 People are a Powerful Organization, in Gifted Advocacy
bulletRunning the Numbers: An American Self-Portrait Recommended, in Kids & Teens: Art and Variety Store
bulletIn Software Favorites...
bulletZoo Tycoon 2 and Expansion Packs Recommended
bulletRoller Coaster Tycoon 3 Wild
bulletBarbara Klein (CA), in Psychologists familiar with the Gifted
bulletVocab Minute Recommended, a new podcast in Kids & Teens: Links For the Love of Words...
bulletVienna Vegetable Orchestra, in Kids & Teens: Music
bulletScience of Hitting , in Hot Topics Reading List: Mathematics and Potpourri
bulletIn Mathematically Gifted and Magazines for Gifted Kids (and Adults!)...
bulletMathematical Association of America
bulletMathematical Reflections
bulletIn Summer and Saturday Programs...
bulletAwesome Math Camp (AMSP), TX
bulletAwesomeMath Year-round (AMY)
bulletABC Ontario Bright and Intellectually Gifted Children Bulletin Board, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs

April 16-30 2007

bulletTips for parents: An Integral approach to the Social and Emotional Development of the Profoundly Gifted, in Social / Emotional Aspects of Giftedness and Highly, Exceptionally, and Profoundly Gifted
bulletCharlie Eppes, in Grade Skipped and Successful: Fictional Characters
bulletKids, too! in Hoagies' Page Visitors Speak...
bulletMemory, in Kids & Teens: Interact!
bulletHot Spot, in Smart Hands-On Toys
bulletIKnowThat.com, in Kids & Teens: Young Kids, Science and Homework Help
bulletWatch that cheetah run, in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletPete's Pike, in Smart Hands-On Toys and Smart Toy Companies
bulletRecognizing Gifted Students: A Practical Guide for Classroom Teachers, in Identification of Gifted Children
bulletIn Schools for the Gifted...
bulletLincoln Park High School (IL)
bulletGifted High School at Interlake (WA)
bulletIn Gifted Help Wanted!...
bulletEditor, Parenting for High Potential Magazine
bulletExecutive Director, The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education
bulletGiftedness and LD: Twice Exceptional and Still Struggling, in Twice Exceptional
bulletMakeBeleifs Comix, in Kids & Teens: Art, Theater, Music and Variety Store
bulletUP Diliman Class of 2007 has 8 top honors (Philippines), in (Early) College Planning and Success Stories
bulletNew Kids & Teens: Hot Topics! Reading List... Puzzle Books!  Including...
bulletAdvancing Through Analogies series
bulletLogic Safari series
bulletConnections series
bullet...and lots more!
bulletLife of Fred Recommended, in Homeschool Curricula
bulletMathematics Enhancement Programme, in Internet Investigations
bulletZome Model of the Month Recommended, in Kids & Teens: Math and Variety Store
bulletLynne Azpeitia (CA), in Professionals familiar with the Gifted: Counselors
bulletPedagoguery Software: Tess Contest, in Contests and Awards
bulletMillersville's GIFTED-ATMU, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletIn Gifted Conferences...
bulletWorld Council for Gifted and Talented (WCGTC) 18th Biennial Conference, Canada
bulletBeyond Giftedness XV (CO)
bulletSummer Institute for the Gifted (SIG) Gifted Education Conference (PA)
bulletLeap Into Action (NJ)
bulletCreating North Stars Workshop
bulletBelin-Blank Advanced Leadership Institute (B-BALI)

April 1-15 2007

bulletBoredom, bet lands kid in college at 12, in (Early) College Planning and Success Stories
bulletIn Humanities & Linguistics Gifted and Hot Topics Reading List: On Being Gifted...
bulletThe Art of Fiction: Notes on Craft for Young Writers
bulletOn Becoming a Novelist
bulletGifted Children of Denmark, in Regional Gifted Organizations
bulletBeyond IQ (BIQ) Boston, May 2008, in Gifted Conferences
bulletIn Summer and Saturday Programs...
bulletLanguage & Culture Institute (ILCI) - Chinese (IA)
bulletVisual Arts Institute (VAI) (IA)
bulletSpark the Wave (PA)
bulletMonkeys on the Moon, in Smart Card Games
bulletIn Kids & Teens: Smart Hands-On Toys...
bulletCover Your Tracks
bulletHot Spot
bulletMarvel City Crossing
bulletPrairie Dog Town
bulletSpin Out
bulletHal Prince, in Grade Skipped and Successful
bulletFlorida Virtual School (FLVS), in Distance Learning Programs and Schools for the Gifted
bulletThe hundredth animal...(with pictures!), in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletTeachers in denial, in Ridiculous Things I Heard Today
bulletAristotle on Childhood, and Noddings on standardized education, in Education Quotes
bulletHalfway Down the Stairs, in Magazines for Gifted Kids
bulletNational Repository of Online Courses (NROC), in (Free) Online High School Courses
bulletAlgebra 1A and Algebra 1B
bulletAP Biology I and AP Biology II
bulletJason S. Wheatley (OH), in Professionals: Counselors
bulletSouth Shores Therapies (MA), in Professionals: Occupational Therapists
bulletHudson Valley School for the Gifted (NY), in Schools for the Gifted
bulletAsperger's Syndrome: Separating Myth from Reality, in Asperger's Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism
bulletWIRED Geekdad blog, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletJournal of Advanced Academics, in Journals and Magazines on Gifted
bulletBASI™ (Basic Achievement Skills Inventory), in Inventory of Tests
bulletEureka, in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletAnimated Bayeux Tapestry, in Kids & Teens: Art, Theater, Music and History and Social Studies
bulletIn Kids & Teens: Smart Paper-n-Pencil Toys or Miscellaneous Smart Toys...
bulletBrainquest After School: Weird Stuff
bulletBrainquest After School: Sports
bulletUkrainian Egg Gallery, in Kids & Teens: Art
bulletWhat is D&D?, in Kids & Teens: Variety Store
bulletThe Writer's Almanac, in Kids & Teens: Daily Links!
bulletIn Kids & Teens: Art, Theater, Music, Social Studies: History, Natural Science, Science...
bulletPBS shows, including...
bulletMuhammad: Legacy of A Prophet
bulletThe Roman Empire in the First Century
bulletTesla: Master of Lightening
bullet...and lots more!
bulletXE Currency Converter, in Kids & Teens: Economics and Variety Store  Maybe I'm the only one who's fascinated by the variation in the world's currencies, but... maybe not
bulletIn Kids & Teens: Programming...
bulletWorld Wide Web Consortium
bulletW3C Validator
bulletW3 Schools
bulletGifted Ice Cream Making, in Kids & Teens: Science and Variety Store

March 17-30 2007

bulletFreedom: A History of US, in Homeschool Curricula
bulletUniversity of Michigan University Center for Child and Family, in Psychologists familiar with the Gifted
bulletAsperger's and Girls , in Asperger's Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism
bulletWebmonkey for Kids, in Kids & Teens: Programming and Kids & Teens: Young Kids
bulletIn Kids & Teens: Art...
bulletTate Online and Young Tate
bulletEssentials of Music, in Kids & Teens: Music
bulletHow It's Made, in Kids & Teens: Science
bulletSue Cosley (NY), in Professionals familiar with the Gifted
bulletADD & Coming of age, in Attention Deficit (AD/HD)
bulletZappos Shoes, in Sensitivities
bulletNew page, 2e = Exceptional Squared! 
bulletDon't miss Grade Skipped and Successful and Notable Homeschoolers
bulletHandheld pen scanners, in 2E (Twice Exceptional) Products
bulletIn Nonverbal Learning Disorder...
bulletBridging the Gap: Raising a Child with Nonverbal Learning Disorder
bulletDeveloping an Educational Plan for the Student with NLD
bulletNonverbal Learning Disability: How to Recognize It and Minimize Its Effects
bulletNonverbal Learning Disorders Recommended
bulletNonverbal Learning Disorders Association (NLDA)
bulletStudents with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
bulletCogito Programs | Summer Programs, in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletIn Gifted Conferences, our most comprehensive conference listings ever!
bulletEdweek Education Book Chat, Online, March 2007
bulletUnderstanding Bilingual Hispanic Adolescents in Gifted Ed., TX, March 2007
bulletTAGT Leadership Conference, TX, March 2007
bulletAnnual Gifted Girls Conference, TX, April 2007
bulletCarrollton-Farmers Branch Spring Symposium, TX, April 2007
bulletIdentifying Gifted Students from Poverty, April 2007
bulletProject M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds, UK, April 2007
bulletNAGC Regional Academies, IL and PA, Late Spring 2007
bullet8th National Conference for Local Authorities, UK, May 2007
bulletThe Neurobiology of Giftedness, UK, June 2007
bullet29th Annual Intermountain Conference on the Education of the Gifted & Talented, UT, June 2007
bulletCTD Opportunities for the Future Conference, IL, June 2007
bulletDiscover! Purdue's Summer Institute for Educators, IN, June 2007
bullet3rd NACE National Challenge Award Conference, UK, June 2007
bulletQueensland Association for Gifted & Talented Children Children's Conference, Australia, July 2007
bulletWhither Scholarship in our Schools?, UK, July 2007
bulletSummer Institute on Academic Diversity, VA, July 2007
bulletConfratute, CT, July 2007
bulletMaking gifts: children as action researchers, UK, September 2007
bulletShare-Indiana Conference on Parenting & Teaching Gifted Children, IN, Fall, 2007
bulletThe Gifted Association of Missouri (GAM) Conference, October 2007
bulletFlorida Association for the Gifted (FLAG) Conference, October 2007
bulletWashington Association of Educators of the Talented and Gifted Conference (WAETAG), October 2007
bulletIllinois Association for Gifted Children (IAGC), December 2007
bulletKentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE), February 2008
bulletNew Jersey Association for Gifted Children (NJAGC), February 2008
bullet22nd Annual International Conference on the Autonomous Learner Model, CO, June 2008
bulletCalifornia Association for the Gifted, February 2009 and March 2010
bulletThe ACT and SAT, in An Inventory of Tests
bulletMicrosoft Defender Anti-Spyware software, in PC Security Recommended
bulletIn Kids & Teens: Smart Board Games...
bullet24/7 The Game
bulletVanished Planet
bulletSMU The College Experience, TX, in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletSummers-Knoll School, MI, in Schools for the Gifted
bulletIn Testing and Assessment and Frequently Answered Questions (FAQs)...
bulletHow to Use the New IQ Tests in Selecting Gifted Students
bulletI Know My Child is Smart; Why Does She Need Testing?
bulletAkeelah and the Bee, in Movies Featuring Gifted Kids (and Adults!)
bulletSigns of giftedness or not, in Ridiculous Things I Heard Today
bulletTo thine own self be true, A new model of female talent development, in Gifted Adults and Gender Issues
bulletHoagies' Page Nominated for the Surf Aquarium 2007 Top Online Educator Award
bulletMany great new nominees, Meet the 2007 Nominees in our Gifted Teachers and Administrator of the Year Contest!

March 1-15 2007

bulletIn Grouping Gifted Children...
bulletTotal School Cluster Grouping: An Investigation of Achievement and Identification of Elementary School Students
bulletPromoting Student Achievement and Exemplary Classroom Practices through Cluster Grouping: A Research-Based Alternative to Heterogeneous Elementary Classrooms
bulletBuns of Strudel's Nerd Notes, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletGobblet Jr. On the Go, in Smart Toys for Young Children
bulletIn Classic Smart Games...
bulletTrivial Pursuit
bulletFractal Geometry, in Kids & Teens: Math
bulletJourneys to the Distant Fields of Prime, about Terence Tao, in Grade Skipped and Successful
bullet2006 Year-End Google Zeitgeist, in Kids & Teens: Links For the Love of Words... and Variety Store  Where is Villanova?  Tom Clancy spoke at my graduation...
bulletBefore referring a gifted child for ADD/ADHD evaluation Recommended, in Attention Deficit (AD/HD)
bulletIn Schools for the Gifted...
bulletBurris Laboratory School (IN)
bulletK12 (virtual charter school in 20 states plus D.C.)
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Science Fiction and Fantasy: Pre-teen...
bulletStravaganza: City of Masks
bulletStravaganza: City of Stars
bulletStravaganza: City of Flowers
bulletCanon 3D-PaperCraft, in Kids & Teens: Art: Origami / Paper Craft
bulletMean Girls, in Parenting Gifted Girls and Movies Featuring Gifted Kids (and Adults!)
bulletIn Twice Exceptional...
bulletGifted LD: Just the FAQs Recommended
bulletAccommodating the social and emotional needs of secondary gifted/learning disabled students, also in Social / Emotional Aspects of Giftedness
bulletBread and Roses, Too , in Hot Topics Reading List: Cultural Voices
bulletHacking My Child's Brain, in Sensory Integration (SI)
bulletUtah Gifted, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletChaoscope, in Kids & Teens: Math and the Chaoscope Gallery in Kids & Teens: Art
bulletIn Gifted Conferences...
bulletAdvocacy for Gifted and Talented Education in New York State (AGATE)
bulletASPEN® Spring 2007 Conference (NJ)
bulletNew Page Introducing... Ocelot Recommended, in Nonverbal Learning Disorder
bulletGiftedness and Egalitarianism in Education: A Zero Sum? in Gifted Education
bulletPaper Retriever, in Kids & Teens: Volunteer!
bulletIn Smart Toy Companies and Smart Toys for Young Children...
bulletCranium Giggle Gear Mega Mask with Robot, Bug, and Alien Parts
bulletCranium Giggle Gear Mega Mask Fun Fairy
bulletCranium Super Fort, also in Smart Construction Toys
bulletColleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About Colleges Recommended , in (Early) College Planning and Success Stories and Gifted Books
bulletAsperger Syndrome and Long-Term Relationships , in Asperger's Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism and 2E (Twice Exceptional) Books, and just in case, in Gifted Adults
bulletBelin-Blank Exceptional Student Talent Search Interpretation Guide, in Talent Search Programs

February 16-28 2007

bulletAstronomy Cast, in Kids & Teens: Space
bulletGifted? Autistic? Or Just Quirky? As More Children Receive Diagnoses, Effects of These Labels Seem Mixed, in Twice Exceptional
bulletChild-size Masterpieces, in Homeschool Curricula
bulletPresident of Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA), in Gifted Help Wanted!
bulletIn Kids & Teens: Art, Theater, Music...
bulletRobert J. Lang Origami
bulletThe Origami Lab: Why a physicist dropped everything for paper folding
bulletWe are about as smart as we're going to get, says IQ pioneer, in Testing and Assessment
bulletHomework Without Tears: A Parent's Guide For Motivating Children to Do Homework and to Succeed in School , in Twice Exceptional and 2E (Twice Exceptional) Books
bulletIn Gifted History...
bulletArithmetical Prodigies
bulletA Study of Talent in Drawing
bulletThe Education of Karl Witte: Or, The Training of the Child
bulletTesting Your Gifted Child: A Springboard for Effective Advocacy, in Testing and Assessment
bulletDiscover! (IN), in Gifted Conferences
bulletMentorships: A Guidebook, in Mentors for Gifted Children
bulletAdvocating for Exceptionally Gifted Young People: A Guidebook, in Highly, Exceptionally, and Profoundly Gifted
bulletConsidering the Options: A Guidebook for Investigating Early College Entrance (Parent version and Student version), in (Early) College Planning and Success Stories
bulletIn Summer and Saturday Programs...
bulletPipe Organ Encounter
bulletVillage Harmony Summer Camp
bulletTexas Parents of the Profoundly Gifted, in Regional Gifted Organizations
bulletIn Gifted Conferences...
bulletcSplash 2007, Courant Institute, NY
bulletMathSplash, Courant Institute, NY
bulletThe Telephone, in Kids & Teens: Science
bulletIn Parenting Gifted Children...
bulletSome Children Under Some Conditions: TV and the High Potential Kid, in also in Technology and the Gifted Child
bulletHelping Gifted Children and Their Families Prepare for College: A Handbook Designed to Assist Economically Disadvantaged and First-Generation College Attendees, also in (Early) College Planning and Success Stories
bulletProfiles of Successful Practices for High Ability Students in Elementary Classrooms, in Curriculum Modifications
bulletUnderstanding the Special Giftedness of Young Interpreters, in Humanities & Linguistics Gifted
bulletIn Gifted Students At Risk...
bulletRecognizing Talent: Cross-Case Study of Two High Potential Students With Cerebral Palsy
bulletUndiscovered Edisons: Fostering the Talents of Vocational-Technical Students
bulletProgramming Opportunities for Students Gifted and Talented in the Visual Arts, in Creatively Gifted
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Mathematics: Ready for Algebra, Geometry and more...
bulletThe Mathematics of Oz: Mental Gymnastics from Beyond the Edge
bulletA Passion for Mathematics: Numbers, Puzzles, Madness, Religion, and the Quest for Reality
bulletThe Mobius Strip: Dr. August Mobius's Marvelous Band in Mathematics, Games, Literature, Art, Technology, and Cosmology
bulletIn Depression and Suicide and Hot Topics Reading List: Self Help for Teens...
bulletThe Turning Hour
bulletWhen Living Hurts: what-to-do book for yourself or someone you care about who feels discouraged, sad, lonely, hopeless, angry or frustrated, unhappy, bored, depressed, suicidal
bulletWhen Something Feels Wrong: A Survival Guide About Abuse for Young People, in Hot Topics Reading List: Self Help for Teens
bulletHandling Sibling Rivalry, in Sibling Relationships
bulletThe Green Glass Sea, in Hot Topics Reading List: Science
bulletH. G. Wells classic novels, in Hot Topics Reading List: Science Fiction and Fantasy and Reading List: Classics, Mystery, Poetry

February 19 2007

bulletNew page, Nonverbal Learning Disabilities, including...
bulletNonverbal Learning Disabilities at Home: A Parent's Guide
bulletNonverbal Learning Disabilities at School: Educating Students with NLD, Asperger Syndrome and Related Conditions
bulletNew page, Sibling Relationships, including...
bulletThe Effects of Sibling Competition
bulletGifted and Nongifted Siblings
bulletTips for Reducing Sibling Rivalry
bulletUniquely Gifted - Siblings of Twice-exceptional children
bulletStudy of Mathematically Precocious Youth After 35 Years: Uncovering Antecedents for the Development of Math-Science Expertise, in Mathematically Gifted
bulletInternational School of Tucson (AZ), in Schools for the Gifted
bulletblobs.org Recommended, in Kids & Teens: Science
bulletIn Asperger's Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism and 2E (Twice Exceptional) Books...
bulletIn a Pickle And Other Funny Idioms
bulletMad as a Wet Hen!: And Other Funny Idioms
bulletPunching the Clock: Funny Action Idioms
bulletIt Figures!: Fun Figures of Speech
bulletScholastic Dictionary Of Idioms
bulletDavidson Institute for Talent Development, in Gifted Help Wanted!
bulletIn Schools for the Gifted...
bulletBridges Academy (CA)
bulletMontgomery County Public Schools (MD)
bulletCampbell School (VA)
bulletIn Twice Exceptional...
bulletThe 2E Dilemma: Understanding and Educating the Twice Exceptional Child
bulletRetention for a Gifted LD/ADD Child?
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Mathematics: Ready for Algebra, Geometry and more...
bulletAha! Insight and Aha! Gotcha
bulletE=mc2: A Biography of the World's Most Famous Equation
bulletLetters to a Young Mathematician
bulletThe Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdos and the Search for Mathematical Truth
bulletMy Brain is Open: The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erdos
bulletUncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture: A Novel of Mathematical Obsession
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Mathematics: Between Arithmetic and Higher Math, The Triumph of Numbers: How Counting Shaped Modern Life
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Mathematics: For All Ages...
bulletWhat is the Name of this Book?: The Riddle of Dracula & Other Logical Puzzles
bulletThe Riddle of Scheherazade: And Other Amazing Puzzles
bulletLady or the Tiger? And Other Logic Puzzles Including a Mathematical Novel That Features Godel's Great Discovery
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Mathematics: Young Adults, Freakonomics [Revised and Expanded]: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything
bulletIn Hot Topics Reading List: Science...
bulletThe Velocity of Honey and More Science of Everyday Life
bulletIn On A Lighter Note...

February 1-15 2007

bulletMake: Technology on Your Time, in Magazines for Kids (and Adults!)
bulletIn Gifted Conferences...
bulletSummers-Knoll Gifted Conference (MI), March 2007
bulletMichigan Alliance for Gifted Education 2006 East Conference, April 2007
bulletWorkshop for New Teachers in Gifted Programs, July 2007
bulletNew England Conference on Gifted and Talented Education, October 2007
bulletVirginia Conference on Gifted Education, October 2007
bulletGifted and learning disabled: A neuropsychologist’s perspective, in Twice Exceptional
bulletGifted Adults in Work, in Gifted Adults
bulletTips for selecting the right counselor or therapist for your gifted child, in Counseling the Gifted
bulletMichele Paiva, new sponsor of our Gifted Teachers and Administrator of the Year Contest!
bulletThe Infamous Double Slit Experiment, in Kids & Teens: Science
bulletDosage debate... in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletHow Not to Talk to Your Kids: The Inverse Power of Praise, in Social / Emotional Aspects of Giftedness
bulletUnderstanding and Raising Boys, in Parenting Gifted Children and Gender Issues
bulletIn Philosophy...
bulletInstitute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC)
bulletThe Tao of Pooh and The Te of Piglet
bulletThe cartilage tube... in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When..
bulletSummary of data so far, in Data Collection: Old and New IQ Test Score Pairs
bulletLove and Work: The Legacy of Early University Entrance, in (Early) College Planning and Success Stories
bulletThe preschoolers are coming! in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletHigh Potential Learners in Low Income Settings Recommended, in Gifted Students At Risk
bulletUC Berkeley Webcasts, in Internet Investigations
bulletX marks the chapter, in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletThe Source for Nonverbal Learning Disabilities , in Twice Exceptional and 2E (Twice Exceptional) Books
bulletLD Podcast, in Twice Exceptional and Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletVirtual High School, in Distance Learning Programs
bulletCogito.org Recommended, in Mathematically Gifted, Kids & Teens: Math, Scientifically Gifted and Kids & Teens: Science
bulletJulian Stanley, in Gifted History
bulletResponsibility: Raising Children You Can Depend On, in Parenting Gifted Children
bulletMental math, a god's sister, graphing calculators and sad undercover work, in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletNew article Underachievement in Exceptionally Gifted Adolescents and Young Adults: A Psychiatrist’s View, in Gifted Underachievement and Counseling the Gifted
bulletGifted but Learning Disabled, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletCouncil of Parent Attorneys & Advocates Conference (COPPA), in Gifted Conferences
bulletDesigning Programs for High-Ability Learners, in Gifted Programs
bulletCalifornia University of Pennsylvania School Psychology Clinic, in Psychologists familiar with the Gifted
bulletDumont-Willis Extra Easy Evaluation Battery (DWEEEB), in On A Lighter Note...
bulletTom West, in Gifted Conferences and Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletSummer Wonders (TX), in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletComprehensive Testing Program (CTP 4), in An Inventory of Tests
bulletDEEP Summer Academy, Ontario, in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletIn Bullies...
bulletBullying Among Children and Youth
bulletDeveloping an Anti-Bullying Program: Increasing Safety, Reducing Violence
bulletNew ways to stop bullying
bulletIn Gifts to Share...
bulletPlant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign
bulletroots & shoots
bulletIn Gifted Education...
bulletGifted Education Left Behind Recommended
bulletTalented Students, on Hold

January 20-31 2007

bulletSoil-net, in Kids & Teens: Natural Science: Geology and Young Kids
bulletIn (Early) College Planning and Success Stories...
bullet19-year-old Okoye poised to join NFL
bulletYoung Teen College Students Report Happiness
bulletIn Gifted Conferences...
bulletAEGUS (Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving Students), OH
bulletGifted and Talented Edufest, ID
bulletCHADD's 19th Annual / 20th Anniversary International Conference on AD/HD, VA
bulletTAGT Professional Development Conference, TX
bulletSPLASH! On Wheels
bulletWisconsin Association for Talented and Gifted (WATG)
bulletCalifornia Association for the Gifted (2008)
bulletPentagonia, in Kids & Teens: Smart Board Games
bulletQwitch, in Smart Card Games and Smart Toy Companies
bulletWashington's Farewell Address, in Kids & Teens: Social Studies
bulletThe Genius in All of Us, in Gifted Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Blogs
bulletWord du Jour, in Kids & Teens: Daily!
bulletCosmic Journey, in Kids & Teens: Space
bulletIn Summer and Saturday Programs...
bulletCalifornia State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS) (CA)
bulletSummer Schools of Excellence (PA)
bulletDumbledore Is Not Dead, in Kids & Teens: Books & Authors
bulletCC, in Acronyms, Terms, and other things we need to know
bulletOne Minute Test-taking Tips, in Testing and Assessment and Proficiency Testing
bulletThey ALL deserve better than this, in Ridiculous Things I Heard Today
bulletArticles now located on Hoagies' Gifted Education Page, thanks to Our Gifted Online Conferences...
bulletAssessment and Testing: What about the SB5, WISC-IV, and Other Tests? and it's Printer-Ready version, in Testing and Assessment
bulletThe Best of Both Worlds, in Home Schooling Gifted Children
bulletParents conceptions of giftedness, in Parenting Gifted Children
bulletSlide Rule, in Kids & Teens: Math
bulletthe Real CTY, in Talent Search Programs
bulletP-adic jump and shout, in You Know You're the Parent of a Gifted Child When...
bulletLearning & Thinking Styles, in Learning Styles
bulletIn Gifted Education...
bulletIntelligence in the Classroom: Half of all children are below average, and teachers can do only so much for them
bulletWhat's Wrong With Vocational School? Too many Americans are going to college
bulletAztecs vs. Greeks: Those with superior intelligence need to learn to be wise
bulletOh, you actually wanted to learn? in Ridiculous Things I Heard Today

January 1 - 17 2007  HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007!!

bulletDoogie Howser, in Fictional Grade Skipped and Successful
bulletEnvironmental Studies Summer Youth Institute (ESSYI) NY, in Hoagies' Gifted: Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletBright Kid Blues, in Academic Acceleration
bulletWillard Wigan, in Kids & Teens: Art, Theater, Music
bulletDon’t let 20/20 hindsight happen to you Recommended, in Depression and Suicide and Social / Emotional Aspects of Giftedness
bulletArt of Problem Solving, in Gifted Help Wanted!
bulletClick-O-Matic Guide to Choosing a Homeschool Approach, in Home Schooling Gifted Children
bulletPerfectionism and the Gifted Adolescent: Recognizing and Helping Gifted Adolescents Deal with their Perfectionistic Tendencies, in Perfectionism and the Gifted Child and Gifted Adolescents
bulletAn Interview with Frances R. Spielhagen: About Gifted Ed in the New Millennium, in Gifted Education
bulletIn Gifted Conferences...
bulletArizona Association of Gifted & Talented
bulletNebraska Association for the Gifted
bulletOklahoma Association of Gifted, Creative, & Talented
bulletGeorgia Association for Gifted Children (GAGC)
bulletNorth Carolina Association of Gifted & Talented (NCAGT) Institute on Acceleration
bulletQueensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children
bulletVermont Council for Gifted Education (VCGE) Spring Conference
bulletOhio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC) Teacher Academy
bullet21st Annual International Conference on the Autonomous Learner Model
bulletSummer Institute for Teachers and Administrators on Curriculum and Programs for High Ability Learners
bulletAlabama Association for Gifted Children (AAGC)
bulletThe Ninth Biennial Henry B. & Jocelyn Wallace National Research Symposium on Talent Development
bulletBucks County Intermediate Unit #22 (PA)
bulletPennsylvania Gifted Institutes (2 - Millersville and Bucks County, PA)
bulletScratch, in Kids & Teens: Programming Links
bulletTexas Education Agency Released Tests, Answer Keys, and Scoring Guides Recommended, in Proficiency Testing
bulletGreat Books Summer Program (CA and MA), in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletEarthStorm, in Internet Investigations
bulletSummerland, in Hot Topics Reading List: Science Fiction and Fantasy
bulletArts Alive, in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletHow legitimate is the Flynn effect for the gifted? Recommended in Testing and Assessment
bulletAll Cats Have Asperger Syndrome, in Asperger's Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism and 2E (Twice Exceptional) Books
bulletMilton Friedman, in Grade Skipped and Successful
bulletComplete Idiot's Guide to Amateur Theatricals, in Hot Topics! Reading Lists: But Why???
bulletTalent Developing Studio Enrichment Program for Gifted Students (VA), in Summer and Saturday Programs
bulletMae Jemison, in Grade Skipped and Successful
bulletSociety of Professional Journalists Mark of Excellence Awards, in Contests and Awards
bulletsimCEO, in Kids & Teens: Economics, Variety Store Links and Internet Investigations

Hottest Links and New Pages in What's New in Late 2006?

bulletAdditional details added to Testing and Assessment: What Do the Tests Tell Us? Recommended
bulletBedlam Cube Recommended, in Smart Hands-On Toys
bulletPentagon-Hexagon Zig-Zag (PHiZZ) Unit Recommended, in Kids & Teens: Art, Theater, Music Links
bulletSmart Talk: What Kids Say About Growing Up Gifted Recommended, in Hot Topics Reading List: On Being Gifted and Gifts for the Gifted: the Best of Hoagies' Shopping Guide
bulletA Parent's Guide to Gifted Children Recommended , in Gifted Books and Parenting Gifted Children
bulletModels of Counseling Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults Recommended , in Counseling the Gifted and Professional Books
bulletStrategies for Differentiating Instruction: best practices for the classroom Recommended , in Curriculum Modifications and Professional Books
bulletWrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy: The Special Education Survival Guide Recommended , in Twice Exceptional and 2E (Twice Exceptional) Books
bulletUser Friendly Recommended, in Kids & Teens: Cartoons...
bulletWikiBooks Recommended, in Online Text Materials
bulletThe Survival Guide for Kids with ADD or ADHD Recommended , also in Attention Deficit (AD/HD) and Hot Topics Reading List: On Being Gifted: Social Stuff
bulletWhat Parents Want Teachers (and Professionals) to Know Recommended, in Frequently Answered Questions (FAQs) and Highly, Exceptionally, and Profoundly Gifted
bulletWhat IQ tests DON'T tell us... Recommended, in Tests Tell Us?
bulletIQ Subtest Analysis: Clinical Acumen or Clinical Illusion? Recommended, in Testing and Assessment
bulletThe Treb Challange Recommended, in Kids & Teens: Physics and Mechanics, Social Studies and Interact!
bulletThe Mislabeled Child: How Understanding Your Child's Unique Learning Style Can Open the Door to Success Recommended, in Gifted Books and Twice Exceptional
bulletGifted Education Professional Development Package Recommended, in Gifted Education
bulletSmart as We Can Get?: Gains on certain tests of intelligence are ending in some places Recommended, in Testing and Assessment
bulletSafe Browsing, in PC Security Recommended
bulletThe Right Frame of Mind, a blog for Anthony and the Magic Picture Frame: The Story of the Boy Who Traveled into the Past by Stepping through the Picture Frame on His Bedroom Wall Recommended, in Hot Topics Reading List: History

Barnes & Noble

Recommended best links, also visit Hoagies' Don't Miss! Recommended best products, also visit Hoagies' Shopping Guide: Gifts for the Gifted

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