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The official home page of the PG Cult...

Collected by Carolyn K. director, Hoagies' Gifted Education Page

How do you know when you're a member of the cult?  Ah, you'll know...  See how many of these PG cult membership questions you can answer.  And remember, these questions are collected from a variety of pg folks - any one individual will not fit all these criteria at the same time!

What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
    Don't miss the movie, now on DVD!
    Have you enjoyed the BBC radio version?
        (MP3 CDs, dubious audio quality but great fun)

Can you sing Tom Lehrer's The Elements?
    At full speed?
    Can you at least hum the tune?
        Bonus question: Do you know where the tune is from?  (Hint: see item 1 of this question...)

Can you recite the Preamble to the Constitution?
    Can you sing it?
    Do you know any other Schoolhouse Rock songs?
        Can you name them all, by album?
    Do you also own the 1996 version (Schoolhouse Rock! Rocks) with
        Skee-Lo singing "Mr. Morton" and "My Hero, Zero," performed by the Lemonheads?

Do you know the four move checkmate?

Do you know more than 6 digits of π?
    More than 10 digits?
    More than 50 digits??

How about e?

Can you solve the Rubik's Cube?
    In under 3 minutes
    Without ever reading a solution book?
    How about the Rubik's 4x4Rubik's 5x5?  Have you tried Rubik's Revolution?

Have you seen the Reduced Shakespeare Company?
    Do you own The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged?
        The Complete Word of God, Abridged?
        The Reduced Shakespeare Company Christmas?
    Do you have it memorized?

Do you know P.D.Q. Bach?
     How about Peter Schickele?
     Have you sung any of his songs?
     Have you read Definitive Biography of P.D.Q. Bach?

Can you beat everyone you know at SET?

Can you identify the following movies...
        Have you seen any of them more than once?
        Have you seen all of them more than once?
        Have you ever dressed up as a character from any of them?

Do you remember Firesign Theater?
    Off I go, wearing my tight pajamas!

Do you know Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor? (listen or purchase E Power Biggs Bach Toccata & Fugue)
    Did you and your friends play it in high school, just to listen?
    Did you use it as your wedding recessional?

Do you play D&D?
    Do you own your own dice?
    Do you DM?

Do you know where Xanth is?

Do you refer to others as Muggles, mostly because they just don't understand you?

Are you researching your family's genealogy?
    Before you retire?
    Before you even have kids?

Have you ever sung...
    Poisoning Pigeons in the Park?
    When Alabama Gets the Bomb?
    New Math?

Have you read books by any of the following authors...
    Terry Pratchett?
    Stephanie Tolan?
    Orson Scott Card?
    Tamora Pierce?
        Have you read all the works of any of these authors?
        Have you read all the works of all of these authors?

Have you ever called anyone a "shrubbery"?

Do you own CDs of any of the following artists...
    Weird Al Yankovic?
    Tom Lehrer?
    They Might Be Giants?
    Dr. Demento?
    Loudon Wainwright III?
    Austin Lounge Lizards?
    The Bobs?
    The Ramones?
    Allan Sherman... Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh?
        Do you have any of these on vinyl?
        ...on 8-track?

Do you know the words to...
    Why Does The Sun Shine? (The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas)
    Have you seen TMBG in concert?
    Do you own any of (ALL of?) the albums? No!  Dial-A-Song: 20 Years of They Might Be Giants  They Might Be Giants  For The Kids  Flood  The Spine  They Got Lost

Do you have musical instruments in your home?
    Do you have more musical instruments than people?
    Do you have a "music room" in your house (known in other homes as the living room, family room, or some other room)?

Can you recite...
    The Jabberwocky?
    the Bene Gesserit Litany against Fear?
    Shakespeare's Sonnets?
    Hamlet's soliloquy "To be, or not to be: that is the question..."?
    Hamlet's speech "What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason!"
    Macbeth's speech "To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day..."
    any passage from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, in Middle English?
    Ground Control to Major Tom?

Have you ever belonged to the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)?
    Are you still a member?

Do you have the sheet music: Too Many Songs by Tom Lehrer (with not enough illustrations by Ronald Searle)?

Can you do the Time Warp again?
    Do you have the 25th anniversary edition DVD?  Neither do we, but we have this RHPS edition...
    It's just a jump to the left...

Have you read Stephen Chbosky's The perks of being a wallflower?

Have you seen...
    Attack of the Killer Tomatoes?
        ...any of its sequels?
    Dark Star?
    Hardware Wars?
        Do you have copies of any of these?

Are you pedantic about the correct use of apostrophes?
    It's "its"!

Have you seen the latest physics cult classic...
    What tHe ßleep DQ W∑ (k)πow!?
        Did you get all the jokes?

Have you seen these other cult films...
    The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai?

Do you remember...?
    King of Hearts?
        Do you have a copy?

Have you watched...
    Dr. Who?
        Can you name The Five Doctors?
            Can you name all seven doctors? (bonus points for eight!)
                In order?
        Do you have a Tom Baker scarf?  And wear it?
    Red Dwarf?
    Dark Shadows?

Do you know how to speak...

Have you watched The Princess Bride?
    More than once?
    Do you quote from it, in conversation?

Have you memorized...
    any entire Gilbert & Sullivan operettas?
    any entire Broadway musical?
        before you were 8 years old?
        before you were 5 years old?
    the closing song of the musical Chess, just because the history of Chess and its players fascinated you?
        Each game of chess means there's one less variation left to be played...  (who, me? ;-)

And for the "final Jeopardy" question... (drum roll, please...)
    Would your {spouse / significant other / friends} answer yes to a bunch of these questions, too?

Yup, you belong!

copyright © 2004 Carolyn K.
Last updated December 01, 2020

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