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Many people have asked, will I create a table comparing the old and new IQ
test scores, similar to the WISC-III and/or WPPSI-R vs. SB L-M
data? Here it is, your chance to contribute your child's scores to the
anonymous data for this new table.
For this new table, I'm collecting data comparing gifted children's scores on now
the old
versions WPPSI-R, WISC-III or SB-4 to the same children's scores on the new
WPPSI-III, WISC-IV or SB-5. (SB L-M scores on the same children as the old
and new test pair are optional, and appreciated)
The entry form below will show which scores I'll put in the table.
To be a data point, the child must have scores from at least one old
test and one new test, and complete data for each test must be provided,
including full scale score, subscale scores, subtest ceilings, and age at
testing. One of the two test scores must be full scale >120.
Submitting data via this form is anonymous, unless you choose to provide your
e-mail address. While I would appreciate the chance to confirm the data,
an e-mail address is in no way required.
February, 2007 Current count:
After putting the data into Excel for analysis, I discovered that I have a
total of only 11 complete data points for WISC-III to WISC-IV comparison,
and 3 data points for various combinations of tests including Stanford Binet
scales as either the old or new IQ test. Many of the data points
submitted are missing either the old or new IQ test scores, and without this
combination, they are not useful for this study. The data still overly represents boys - if you have a girl
who has been tested on both WISC-III and WISC-IV, please contribute! I apologize, but must preserve the anonymity of the children.
Currently, the data is showing an average score of
137.7 for the WISC-III or WPPSI-R, compared to an average score of 135.4 for
the WISC-IV, for an average loss of 2.45 IQ points between the old and new
versions. Of the 11 data points, 7 lost IQ points between the two
tests, while only 4 gained points. The average number of subtest
ceilings dropped from 4.8 ceilings on the old test, to 3.5 ceilings on the
new test.
Please consider submitting your child's scores for
a data point, if you have both a WISC-III or WPPSI-R and a WISC-IV score.
Thank you!
Please check those subtests at or
above the 99th percentile, that is scaled scores of 17, 18 or 19...
Word Reasoning Perceptual Reasoning
Block design
Picture Concepts
Matrix Reasoning
Picture completion Working Memory
Digit span
Arithmetic Processing Speed
Symbol search
Word Reasoning
(Comprehension) Performance
Picture Concepts
Matrix Reasoning
Block design
(Picture completion)
(Object assembly) Other
(Symbol Search)
(Picture Naming)
Reasoning / Verbal Absurdities / Verbal Analogies
Memory for
Sentences / Last Word
Position and
Verbal Quantitative
Reasoning Nonverbal
Object Series /
Knowledge / Picture Absurdities
Nonverbal Quantitative
Form Board / Form
Delayed Response /
Block Span
Stanford-Binet Form L-M
SB L-M scores are optional, if you have them. Thank you.
Age at time of testing
Full Scale Score
Pinneau correction?
Any additional Comments...:
Was there anything unique about the administration of either test?
Was the child sick, tired, unhappy for either testing? Were any
twice exceptionalities noted? Anything else...
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Your contribution
is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.