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The Horrible books are available (through Amazon.com in the U.S. and Amazon.co.uk in the U.K.  They're published by Scholastic, and sometimes available in "packages" that include multiple titles at a discount, from Scholastic and Scholastic U.K. 

Better yet, visit Del Sol Books Recommended in the U.S. for both Horrible books and Horrible Science and Horrible Histories Magazines, otherwise available only to our friends across the pond!  Enjoy your Horrible reading!

And enjoy Horrible reading to you!  Listen to Terry Deary read Horrible Histories.  Scroll down to the cute little girl...

Dangerous Days, history for Adults, available through Amazon.com and Amazon.uk.co

Dangerous Days in Elizabethan England: Thieves, Tricksters, Bards and Bawds by Terry Deary (or Amazon.co.uk)
The reign of Elizabeth I, a Golden Age? Try asking her subjects. Elizabethans did all they could to survive in an age of sin and bling, of beddings and beheadings, galleons and guns. Explorers set sail for new worlds, risking everything to bring back slaves, gold, and the priceless potato...
Dangerous Days in Roman Empire: Terrors, Torments, Diseases and Death by Terry Deary (or Amazon.co.uk)
The Romans have long been held up as one of the first 'civilised' societies, and yet in fact they were capable of immense cruelty. Not only that, but they made the killing of humans into a sport. The spoiled emperors were the perpetrators (and sometimes the victims) of some imaginative murders...

Dead Famous, available through Amazon.com and Amazon.uk.co

Albert Einstein and His Inflatable Universe by Mike Goldsmith (or Amazon.co.uk)
Even though he's dead, Al's still full of surprises...
Al Capone and His Gang by Alan Alan MacDonald (or Amazon.co.uk)
Al Capone is dead famous for: being handy with a machine gun, having one or two scars and hanging around with a rather nasty gang. But have you heard that Al: lived with his mum all his life, was a trend-setter in banana-coloured suits and went bananas in Alcatraz prison?
Boudica and Her Barmy Army by Toby Brown (or Amazon.co.uk)
She is dead famous for: - galloping to battle in a rattling chariot - being big and kinda scary - getting very, very angry with her Roman rulers But have you heard that Boudica: - learned to use weapons when she was a little girl - chopped off the Emperor Claudius's head (well, sort of) - burned London to the ground?
Cleopatra and Her Asp by Margaret Simpson (or from the Amazon.co.uk Cleopatra and Her Asp)
Get the inside story with Cleo's secret diary, find out what the Romans thought in The Centurion and discover what the locals scrawled on the walls about her...
Elizabeth I and Her Conquests by Margaret Simpson (or Amazon.co.uk)
Get the inside story with Elizabeth's secret diary, pick up the latest gossip in The Tudor Tatler, and find out all about Lizzy's World and how she made her crucial conquests...
Elvis and His Pelvis by Michael Cox (or from the Amazon.co.uk Elvis and His Pelvis)
You've probably heard of Elvis... He is dead famous for: ...being the King of Rock 'n' Roll ...causing a riot with a wiggle of his pelvis. But have you heard that Elvis ...escaped from tornadoes by hiding in a cave ...flew halfway across America for 22 giant sandwiches ...had a tooth stuck in his lung?
Henry the VIII and His Chopping Block by Alan Alan MacDonald (or Amazon.co.uk)
He is dead famous for: having a bit of a weight problem, marrying six unlucky wives and getting very carried away with his chopping block. But have you heard that Henry: was a handsome hunk and a sports star, accused his second wife of witchcraft and bricked up his bedroom door at night?
Horatio Nelson and His Victory by Philip Reeve (or Amazon.co.uk)
You've probably heard of Horatio Nelson... He is dead famous for: *courageously winning the Battle of Trafalgar. But have you heard that Horatio: *nearly got killed by a polar bear *ate rats and maggots *was pickled in a barrel of brandy?
Isaac Newton and his Apple by Toby Brown (or Amazon.co.uk)
He is dead famous for: discovering gravity, being a right clever dick and getting hit on the head with an apple. But have you heard that Isaac: came bottom of the class at school, poked sticks in his eye and nearly blinded himself and nearly got himself executed?
Inventors and Their Bright Ideas by Mike Goldsmith (or Amazon.co.uk)
You've probably heard of a few inventors and their bright ideas... But have you heard that... *Bell didn't invent the phone, but he did make a weird machine out of hay and a human ear *Stevenson didn't invent the train, but he did spend a lot of time collecting gas in bladders *Baird's telly was useless, and so were his thermostatic socks?
Joan of Arc and Her Marching Orders by Phil Robins (or Amazon.co.uk)
Get the inside story with Joan's secret diary, read the news that set France ablaze in The Gallic Globe, and find out exactly how a teenage girl gave an entire army its marching orders...
Leonardo Da Vinci and His Super-brain by Michael Cox (or Amazon.co.uk)
You've probably heard of Leonardo da Vinci... But have you heard that Leonardo: spent ten years making a seven-metre tall horse, thought pink was the coolest colour for clothes - loved to play practical jokes?
Mary Queen of Scots and Her Hopeless Husbands by Margaret Simpson (or Amazon.co.uk)
Mary Queen of Scots is dead famous for: having terrible taste in husbands, rotting away in Liz 1's prison and, totally losing her head - on the chopping block. But have you heard that Mary: was a six-foot stunner who had a charmed childhood, got kidnapped by a murderous lord - and married him, managed to give her executioner a fright or two?
Oliver Cromwell and His Warts by Alan MacDonald (or from the Amazon.co.uk Oliver Cromwell and His Warts)
How the Roundheads ousted the Royals!
Queen Victoria and Her Amusements by Alan MacDonald (or Amazon.co.uk)
She's dead famous for marrying a chap called Albert, wearing black clothes - all the time, and for saying "We are not amused". But have you heard that Queen Vic went on her holidays in disguise, was best pals with her Scottish servant and loved playing cards...for money?
Roald Dahl and His Chocolate Factory by Alan MacDonald (or Amazon.co.uk)
He's dead famous for writing loads of brilliant books for children, telling terrifying tales of the unexpected and creating a fantastic chocolate factory. But have you heard that Roald: was a fighter pilot and a spy in the Second World War, loved playing outrageous practical jokes, nearly lost his nose...twice?
Scientists and Their Mind-blowing Experiments by Mike Goldsmith (or Amazon.co.uk)
You've probably heard of a few scientists. But did you know: that Galileo was sentenced to life in prison for his shocking ideas about the solar system?; that Newton wasn't all that keen on science?; that Darwin wrote a book about his pet worms?
Sir Francis Drake and His Daring Deeds by Andrew Donkin (or Amazon.co.uk) To be published February 2006!
Spartacus and His Glorious Gladiators by Toby Brown (or Amazon.co.uk)
From camping out in a volcano with his army to dealing with pirates, Spartacus' story is full of surprises...
William Shakespeare and His Dramatic Acts by Michael Cox (or Amazon.co.uk)
You've probably heard of Elvis... He is dead famous for: ...being the King of Rock 'n' Roll ...causing a riot with a wiggle of his pelvis. But have you heard that Elvis ...escaped from tornadoes by hiding in a cave ...flew halfway across America for 22 giant sandwiches ...had a tooth stuck in his lung?
Winston Churchill and His Great Wars by Alan MacDonald (or Amazon.co.uk)
You've probably heard of Winston Churchill...He is dead famous for: smoking a massive cigar leading Britain to victory in World War II raising his fingers in a V sign. But have you heard that Winston: was a demon bricklayer had a fantastic collection of hats made a daring escape from prison?
Writers and Their Tall Tales by Andrew Donkin (or Amazon.co.uk)

Gruesome Guides, by Teary Deary

Dublin (or from the Amazon.co.uk Dublin)
Take a gore-tastic tour of the streets of Dublin, exposing all of its most scurrilous secrets. With the frightful full-colour map tourists can plot their path to the past - picnic with pirates at St Stephen's Green, creep around the cruel cathedrals and then head to dreadful Dublin castle. Torture, traitors and cut-throat Irish chieftain...
Edinburgh (or from the Amazon.co.uk Edinburgh)
Want to know: Whose pickled skin became a sought-after souvenir? Why it's alright to spit on the High Street? How the pupils of Edinburgh High School got away with murder? Plot your path to the past with a frightful full-colour map of the city's horrible highlights - climb up the cursed castle for tales of reckless raids and hit the High Street for a whole host of historical horrors...
London (or from the Amazon.co.uk London)
Want to know: Whose pickled skin became a sought-after souvenir? Why it's alright to spit on the High Street? How the pupils of Edinburgh High School got away with murder? Plot your path to the past with a frightful full-colour map of the city's horrible highlights - climb up the cursed castle for tales of reckless raids and hit the High Street for a whole host of historical horrors...
Stratford-upon-Avon (or from the Amazon.co.uk Stratford-upon-Avon)
Want to know: Whose pickled skin became a sought-after souvenir? Why it's alright to spit on the High Street? How the pupils of Edinburgh High School got away with murder? Plot your path to the past with a frightful full-colour map of the city's horrible highlights - climb up the cursed castle for tales of reckless raids and hit the High Street for a whole host of historical horrors...
York (or from the Amazon.co.uk York)
A gore-tastic tour of the streets of York, exposing all of its most scurrilous secrets. With the frightful full-colour map tourists can plot their path to the past - meet at the Minster, amble through the blood-soaked Shambles and then climb to Micklegate - where so many traitors headed off...

Horrible Geography, by Anita Ganeri

Bloomin' Rainforests (or from the Amazon.co.uk Bloomin' Rainforests)
Enter the exotic world of lush and steamy rainforests. Fern acts as our guide, conquering her fear of heights and spiders to introduce the reader to the world's tallest trees, stinkiest plants and hairiest insects
Cracking Coasts (or from the Amazon.co.uk Cracking Coasts)
Shiver! as Captain Scott reaches the South Pole (only to find he's been beaten to it). And find out how some intrepid explorers found their way without maps, why others always traveled in disguise, and what really happened on the expeditions in their secret diaries...
Desperate Deserts (or from the Amazon.co.uk Desperate Deserts)
Wave goodbye to boring geography lessons as you step onto the scorching sands of Desperate Deserts... Shudder! as you're forced to drink camel pee to stay alive.  Have you got what it takes to survive?
Earth Shattering Earthquakes and Violent Volcanoes (or from the Amazon.co.uk Earth Shattering Earthquakes and Violent Volcanoes separately)
Discover how to predict earthquakes, how scientists prepare for them and what really goes on under the Earth's crust when an earthquake hits in...
Read the diaries of volcano survivors; get clued-up with the spotter's guide to eruptions; plan an explosive holiday with the volcano vacation guide; marvel at red-hot volcanic rocks the size of cars; and tremble before boiling hot geysers...
Freaky Peaks (or from the Amazon.co.uk Freaky Peaks)
A thrilling mountain tour from Everest to Kilimanjaro...
Horrible Geography
10 fantastic books Explore your world the wild way! Be whisked away on a truly great escape! Grab your compass, put on your tin hat and wave goodbye to the classroom. It's time to go exploring and find out what geography's really all about! Plant-choked rainforests. Polar caps where ice-bears roar! Raging rivers, scorching sands and towering icebergs! See what lives in monster lakes, how violent volcanoes explode, and what happens when stormy weather hits. It's time for nature to get nasty! Includes Rainforests, Cracking Coasts, Deserts, Earthquakes, Freaky Peaks, Monster Lakes, Odious Oceans, Raging Rivers, Stormy Weather, Violent Volcanoes...
Intrepid Explorers (or from the Amazon.co.uk Intrepid Explorers)
Shiver! as Captain Scott reaches the South Pole (only to find he's been beaten to it). And find out how some intrepid explorers found their way without maps, why others always traveled in disguise, and what really happened on the expeditions in their secret diaries...
Monster Lakes (or from the Amazon.co.uk Monster Lakes)
Shiver! as Captain Scott reaches the South Pole (only to find he's been beaten to it). And find out how some intrepid explorers found their way without maps, why others always traveled in disguise, and what really happened on the expeditions in their secret diaries...
Perishing Poles (or from the Amazon.co.uk Perishing Poles)
venture into the chilly world of "Perishing Poles", with huge icebergs, hungry polar bears and frostbite to challenge intrepid explorers...
Raging Rivers and Odious Oceans (or from the Amazon.co.uk Raging Rivers and Odious Oceans separately)
A turbulent river tour from ice cap to ocean, read the secret dairy of a brave river explorer and get to know your watery wildlife with the spotter's guide, and a guide to oceans with the gritty bits left in!
Stormy Weather (or from the Amazon.co.uk Stormy Weather)
Read about the frozen turtles falling out of the sky, the man struck by lightning seven times who survived, the weather-watchers flying straight into the eye of a hurricane. Or read the weather safety manual, learn how to build a storm shelter and pick up survival tips on a tornado tour...
Tutankhamun and His Tombful of Treasure (or from the Amazon.co.uk Tutankhamun and His Tombful of Treasure)
Read about the frozen turtles falling out of the sky, the man struck by lightning seven times who survived, the weather-watchers flying straight into the eye of a hurricane. Or read the weather safety manual, learn how to build a storm shelter and pick up survival tips on a tornado tour...
Wild Islands (or from the Amazon.co.uk Wild Islands)
Marvel! as a brand-new island pops up from the sea. Gasp! at the hot-tempered island that blew its top. Choke! on the smell of an island dragon's foul breath. And if that's not wild enough for you ... discover where to find coconuts with magical powers, try to crack the case of the missing island...

Horrible Histories, by Terry Deary and more...

The Angry Aztecs and the Incredible Incas (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Angry Aztecs and The Incredible Incas)
The Awesome Egyptians (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Awesome Egyptians)
Awful Egyptians (or from the Amazon.co.uk Awful Egyptians)
The Barmy British Empire (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Barmy British Empire)
The brutal facts about how Britannia ruled the waves - from infamous antics in India to dreadful deeds down under. Read about savage slavers, rotten rebels and nasty natives
Big Fat Book of Christmas (or from the Amazon.co.uk Big Fat Book of Christmas)
Full of festive things that go bump in the night - the perfect read on a cold winter's night when you're waiting for Santa to bring a sleigh full of goodies. Christmas will never be the same again...
Blitzed Brits (or from the Amazon.co.uk Blitzed Brits)
Blood-Curdling Box of Books
20 foul favourites from the "Horrible Histories" series presented in a blood-curdling box with flip-top lid...
A Brief History of Pants by Kjartan Poskitt (or from the Amazon.co.uk A Brief History of Pants)
From the prehistoric stone pants of Homo Pantiens to the mythical pants said to have been warn by Agamemnon himself in the Trojan Wars - readers even get a glimpse of Brunel's legendary suspension pants...
Cut-Throat Celts (or from the Amazon.co.uk Celt-Throat Celts)
Also Cut-Throat Celts Sticker-Activity Book (or from the Amazon.co.uk Cut-Throat Celts Sticker-Activity Book)
Cruel Crime and Painful Punishments (or from the Amazon.co.uk Cruel Crime and Painful Punishments)
Cruel Kings and Mean Queens (or from the Amazon.co.uk Cruel Kings and Mean Queens)
The Cut-throat Celts (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Cut-throat Celts)
Dark Knights and Dingy Castles (or from the Amazon.co.uk Dark Knights and Dingy Castles)
Also Dark Knights and Dingy Castles Sticker-Activity Book (or from the Amazon.co.uk Dark Knights and Dingy Castles Sticker-Activity Book)
Deadly Days in History (or from the Amazon.co.uk Deadly Days in History)
A whirlwind tour through the most dreadful, disastrous and deadly days in the whole of horrible history, from the grim Great Fire of Rome to the vile St Valentine's Day Massacre, leaving the gory bits in (and the boring bits out)....
Dreadful Diary (or from the Amazon.co.uk Dreadful Diary)
Dublin (or from the Amazon.co.uk Dublin)
Edinburgh (or from the Amazon.co.uk Edinburgh)
England (or from the Amazon.co.uk England)
Reveals the awful truth behind the rebellions, riots and rumpuses that have made England what it is today (whatever that is). From the cruel Celts right up to the terrible 20th century it's a tale that will make you quake
Even More Terrible Tudors (or from the Amazon.co.uk Even More Terrible Tudors)
The First World War (or from the Amazon.co.uk The First World War)
France (or from the Amazon.co.uk France)
Discover all the foul facts about France, including which king thought he was made of glass, why French bread was once made from broken tiles and bricks and how to play hopscotch like a French highwayman...
The Frightful First World War and the Woeful Second World War (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Frightful First World War and The Woeful Second World War)
The Gorgeous Georgians and The Vile Victorians (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Vile Victorians and the Gorgeous Georgians or The Vile Victorians and The Gorgeous Georgians separately)
The Groovy Greeks and The Rotten Romans (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Groovy Greeks and the Rotten Romans)
Horrible Christmas (or from the Amazon.co.uk Horrible Christmas)
Horrible Histories Collection
20 Brilliant Blood Curdling Books of the Horrible Histories. Savage Stone Age, Awesome Egyptians, Groovy Greeks, Rotten Romans, Cut-Throat Celts, Smashing Saxons, Vicious Vikings, Stormin Normans , Angry Aztecs, Incredible Incas, Measly Middle Age, Terrible Tudors, Slimy Stuarts, Gorgeous Georgians, Vile Victorians, Villinous Victorians, Barmy British Empire, Frighteul First World War, Woeful Second World War, Bilitzed Brits
Incredible Incas (or from the Amazon.co.uk Incredible Incas)
Ireland (or from the Amazon.co.uk Ireland)
Loathsome London (or from the Amazon.co.uk Loathsome London)
The Mad Miscellany (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Mad Miscellany)
All the dreadful details of horrible history you'll ever need to know - from rotten Roman graffiti to terrible teacher tortures and rude royal nicknames, the foul facts are all inside...
The Measly Middle Ages (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Measly Middle Ages)
Oxford (or from the Amazon.co.uk Oxford)
The Rotten Romans (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Rotten Romans)
Rotten Rulers (or from the Amazon.co.uk Rotten Rulers)
The low-down on the world's most loathsome leaders. From bizarre tsars and evil emperors to crazy kings and queens, people all around the world have suffered at the hands of their rulers for centuries. Whether they're nutty or nasty, fat or foul, those in charge rarely get it right
Rowdy Revolutions (or from the Amazon.co.uk Rowdy Revolutions)
Rowdy Revolutions, including which Chinese emperor was overthrown by his mum, why one revolution made ugly people very scared indeed and what Count Dracula was really like...
Rowdy Revolutions: America (only from the Amazon.co.uk)
Rowdy Revolutions: France (only from the Amazon.co.uk)
Rowdy Revolutions: Russia (only from the Amazon.co.uk)
Ruthless Romans (or from the Amazon.co.uk Rotten Romans)
The Savage Stone Age (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Savage Stone Age)
Don't miss The Savage Stone Age Sticker Book
The Slimy Stuarts (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Slimy Stuarts)
Smashing Saxons (or from the Amazon.co.uk Smashing Saxons)
Stormin' Normans (or from the Amazon.co.uk Stormin' Normans)
Stratford-Upon-Avon (or from the Amazon.co.uk Stratford-Upon-Avon)
Terrible Tudors and Slimy Stuarts (or from the Amazon.co.uk Terrible Tudors)
and Even More Terrible Tudors (or from the Amazon.co.uk Even More Terrible Tudors)
Twentieth Century (or from the Amazon.co.uk Twentieth Century)
The USA (or from the Amazon.co.uk The USA)
Bulging with the nastiest moments in American history since cruel Chris Columbus first sighted land... Which president was so scared of electric switches, he slept with the light on? Why Cowboys declared war on sheep? How to survive a civil battle? Read on for ghastly details on the grim Pilgrim Fathers, find out the truth about Bill the Kid and Calamity Jane, and see if you could have survived on the American Plains...
The Vicious Vikings and The Measly Middle Ages (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Vicious Vikings)
The Vile Victorians (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Vile Victorians)
Also The Vile Victorians Activity Book (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Vile Victorians Activity Book)
Wicked Words (or from the Amazon.co.uk Wicked Words)
All about the English language and its horrible history, including proverbs, wacky word games, and riddles
York (or from the Amazon.co.uk York)
Dreadful Diary (or from the Amazon.co.uk Dreadful Diary)
This diary has a foul and fascinating fact for every day of the year

Horrible History Handbooks, by Terry Deary...

The Horrible History of the World (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Wicked History of the World)
Knights (or from the Amazon.co.uk Knights)
Pirates (or from the Amazon.co.uk Pirates)
Villians (or from the Amazon.co.uk Villians)
Witches (or from the Amazon.co.uk Witches)
Discover the truth behind the pointy hats and black cats, and other idiotic ideas about witchcraft, and brace yourself for foul facts about the evil executions the poor people suffered...

America's Horrible Histories, by Elizabeth Levy...

Who Are You Calling a Woolly Mammoth?
Prehistoric America...
Awesome Ancient Ancestors
Are We There Yet?
America's Horrible Histories - More fun, with an American flare

Horrible Science, available through Amazon.com and Amazon.uk.co

Angry Animals  (or from Amazon.co.uk Angry Animals), also Animals Teachers' Resources 
Get to grips with gruesome grizzly bears, wolf down some facts about, er, wolves and snap up some savage shark stories
Blood, Bones and Body Bits (or from Amazon.co.uk Blood, Bones and Body Bits)
Perfect for budding young doctors and scientists
The Body Owner's Handbook (or from Amazon.co.uk The Body Owner's Handbook), also The Human Body Teachers' Resources
What you need to know about you...
Bulging Box of Science
Twenty titles from the Horrible Science series, presented in a bulging boxed set. Features Blood, Bones and Body Bits to Vicious Veg! Titles: Angry Animals Blood, Bones and Body Bits, Bulging Brains, Chemical Chaos, Deadly Diseases, Disgusting Digestion, Evolve or Die, Fatal Forces, Frightening Light, Killer Energy, Microscopic Monsters, Nasty Nature, Painful Poison, Shocking Electricity, Sounds Dreadful, Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens, The Fight for Flight, The Terrible Truth About Time, Ugly Bugs, and Vicious Veg
Bulging Brains (or from Amazon.co.uk Bulging Brains)
Discover how chopping your brain in half needn't be fatal, and whether girls or boys are the real masterminds in this book about grey matter
Chemical Chaos (or from Amazon.co.uk Chemical Chaos)
Delightful history of scientific development, while teaching basic chemistry
Deadly Diseases (or from Amazon.co.uk Deadly Diseases)
If you think you can stomach the sick side of Science, then read on to find out about all kinds of illnesses from the common cold to cruel cholera
Disgusting Digestion (or from Amazon.co.uk Disgusting Digestion)
Dishes up the dirt on your innards...  Also Disgusting Digestion Sticker-Activity Book or Amazon.co.uk Disgusting Digestion Sticker-Activity Book
Evolve or Die (or from Amazon.co.uk Evolve or Die)
Weird and wonderful facts about survival and extinction
Dr Grimgrave's Gruesome Guide to Poison (or from Amazon.co.uk Dr Grimgrave's Gruesome Guide to Poison)
Explosive Experiments (or from Amazon.co.uk Explosive Experiments)
Reveals how many mistakes scientists make on the road to discovery, while giving readers the chance to try a few things out for themselves
Fatal Forces (or from Amazon.co.uk Fatal Forces), also Forces Teachers' Resources  
Why do your ears stop you falling off your bike? What can make your fillings explode? Find out...
Fearsome Fight for Flight (or from Amazon.co.uk Fearsome Fight for Flight)
Laugh at some seriously silly flying stunts, find out which scientist was blown up in a balloon, and learn how to build a world-beating plane
Frightening Light (or from Amazon.co.uk Frightening Light), also Light Teachers' Resources  
How eclipses turn day into night, why rattlesnakes can still find a person in the dark and why legs seem to bend under water
Killer Energy (or from Amazon.co.uk Killer Energy), also Electricity Teachers' Resources  
Find out how your body turns stodgy school dinners into energy, why steaming manure can warm you up and how to build your own geothermal power station
Microscopic Monsters (or from Amazon.co.uk Microscopic Monsters), also Micro-organisms Teachers' Resources (due 3/20/06)
facts about the tiny world of microbes - viruses, bacteria, amoebas
Nasty Nature (or from Amazon.co.uk Nasty Nature), also Plants Teachers' Resources  
Slither into the animal world to discover what kind of frog lives in the toilet, and many other fantastic facts
Painful Poison (or from Amazon.co.uk Painful Poison)
Painful Poison will dish up a deadly dose! Are you brave enough to discover: how to turn your brother or sister into a zombie slave? why you are breathing in poison right now?
Really Rotten Experiments (or from Amazon.co.uk Really Rotten Experiments)
packed with loud, noisy, wet and soggy experiments that are guaranteed to make your friends and teachers squirm...
Shocking Electricity (or from Amazon.co.uk Shocking Electricity)
discover how an electric eel can give you a nasty shock?; why electricity keeps your heart beating?
Sounds Dreadful (or from Amazon.co.uk Sounds Dreadful)
The world of rumbling resonance, shocking sound waves and sonic boom gets a sound check
Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens (or from Amazon.co.uk Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens), also Earth and Beyond Teachers' Resources (due 3/20/06)
Are you spaced-out to discover: which astronomers killed people? why space makes the guts explode? what the moon smells like?
Suffering Scientists (or from Amazon.co.uk Suffering Scientists)
a potted history of scientists and their discoveries, from the first Greek brainboxes to modern day geniuses
The Stunning Science of Everything! (or from Amazon.co.uk The Stunning Science of Everything)
Taking a journey from the very small, to the very big, explore the horrible Universe...
Terrible Truth About Time (or from Amazon.co.uk The Terrible Truth About Time)
What happens if you go too close to a black hole? How do flies tell the time? Why the years pass more quickly as you get older?
Vicious Veg (or from Amazon.co.uk Vicious Veg)
Dig up the dirt on the world of plants
Ugly Bugs (or from Amazon.co.uk Ugly Bugs), also Mini-Beasts Teachers' Resources 
Itching to find our which bugs hide behind the wallpaper? What slugs do with their slime?  Also Ugly Bugs Sticker-Activity Book or Amazon.co.uk Ugly Bugs Sticker-Activity Book

The Knowledge, by Michael Cox, Alan MacDonald, Nick Arnold, and Kjartan Poskitt

Artful Art (or from the Amazon.co.uk Artful Art)
Awesome Archaeology (or from the Amazon.co.uk Awesome Archaeology)
Cracking Codes (or from the Amazon.co.uk Cracking Codes)
Crafty Crime-busting (or from the Amazon.co.uk Crafty Crime-busting)
Dreadful Drama (or from the Amazon.co.uk Dreadful Drama)
The Gobsmacking Galaxy (or from the Amazon.co.uk  The Gobsmacking Galaxy)
Incredible Internet (or from the Amazon.co.uk Incredible Internet)
Mind Blowing Music (or from the Amazon.co.uk Mind Blowing Music)
Mind-Boggling Buildings (or from the Amazon.co.uk Mind-Boggling Buildings)
Potty Politics English politics, but just as fun! (or from the Amazon.co.uk Potty Politics)
Smashin' Fashion (or from the Amazon.co.uk Smashin' Fashion)
Triffic Chocolate (or from the Amazon.co.uk Triffic Chocolate)
All the knowledge you'd love to know!!!

Murderous Maths, by Kjartan Poskitt...

Murderous Maths (or from the Amazon.co.uk Murderous Maths)
More Murderous Maths (or from the Amazon.co.uk More Murderous Maths)
Fractions and Averages: The Mean and Vulgar Bits (or from the Amazon.co.uk Fractions and Averages...)
Do You Feel Lucky?: The Secrets of Probability (or from the Amazon.co.uk Do You Feel Lucky?)
Vicious Circles and Other Savage Shapes (or from the Amazon.co.uk Vicious Circles and Other Savage Shapes)
The Essential Arithmetricks (or from the Amazon.co.uk The Essential Arithmetricks)
Murderous Math x10
10 Murderous Maths favorite titles...
Numbers: the Key to the Universe (or from the Amazon.co.uk Numbers: the Key to the Universe)
An introduction to number Theory
Professor Fiendish's Book of Diabolical Brain-benders (or from the Amazon.co.uk Professor Fiendish's Book...)
Desperate Measures (or from the Amazon.co.uk Desperate Measures)
All about measurement...
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Su Doku (or from the Amazon.co.uk Su Doku)
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