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Hoagies' Blog Hop: Perfectionism, Anxiety, and OCD
Perfectionism, Anxiety, & OCD. Perfectionism. Can I
make this good enough? Anxiety. Will they even care? And Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)... is it obsessive to
be anxious about being perfect? Are these separate, or do they all
intertwine? Can you have one without the other? Or is it a matter of
shades of gray...? What are some tools and approaches to help us
deal with our gifted realities, being good enough, reducing our
anxiety, and trying not to obsess? Learn here!
Don't miss our previous Blog Hops on related topics, including
Anxiety and
Thoughts from the Mental
To read all our past Blog Hops or join our next Blog
Hop, visit Blog Hops for all our past and future topics. Special
thanks to Pamela S. Ryan for our striking Blog Hop graphics!
Perfectionism, Anxiety, Empathy, and Expectations Collide — Gifted in
Portugal by Paula Prober,
Your Rainforest Mind
- Some thoughts from Ricardo of Portugal:
“All my life I was driven, motivated, sensitive, intense, and hyperactive. I
always cried easily with music, a memory, a movie or a person or animal
suffering. I have always searched for beauty in my life and I always felt
different, emotionally and cognitively. I always liked the positive things
about myself – the energy and intensity of feeling, the intelligence of my
out of the box arguments – but I always wanted to eradicate my anxiety and
my worries. In a way, I guess that I have been afraid of my brain – its
intensity and its hyperactivity in making so many driven thoughts…”
gifted children struggle with anxiety? by
Gail Post in
Gifted Challenges
- Are gifted kids really more anxious than others? Are they more likely to
be perfectionists, overthinkers, and emotionally reactive?
Most research (e.g., see Neihart) has found that gifted children, as a
whole, are no more prone to anxiety than anyone else. In fact, some suggest
that there is greater psychological resiliency among the gifted. Dabrowski's
overexcitabilities are not generalizable to all gifted people. Not every
gifted child or adult is emotionally reactive, sensitive or an overthinker.
But don't tell that to the parent - or teacher - of that anxious, highly
sensitive gifted child, the one having melt-downs over social injustice, or
Perfectionism, Anxiety, and OCD by Linda Wallin,
Living with Geniuses
- I have written previously about Panic Disorder, which, for me, was the
most extreme form of anxiety I have ever experienced. I hope none of you
have to go through anything like it. It led me to investigate anxiety in
depth, starting with a book called, The Anxiety Disease, by David Sheehan.
It’s not high on the bestsellers list at Amazon, but it helped me come to
terms with something that didn’t make any sense.
Last night, when I lay awake at midnight worrying about all the things I had
to do, I realized my perfectionism was part of my problem... -
Scarlet Letter P: How Perfectionism and Procrastination are Intertwined by
Aurora Remember
In high school when we read the Scarlet Letter, we had an assignment where
we had to pick a letter to represent one of our own faults or weaknesses. I
picked the letter P for both Procrastination AND Perfectionism. My teacher
believed the procrastination part but refused to believe the perfectionism
What she didn’t understand that the procrastination had it’s origins in
To read all our past Blog Hops or join our next Blog Hop, visit
Blog Hops for our past and future topics.
Special thanks to Pamela S. Ryan for our striking Blog Hop graphics!
December 01, 2020