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Strengthening the Third "R"
Research Connections
Fall 2002

Contacts and Resources

If you would like to know more about the research referenced in this issue, you can contact the following individuals and organizations by postal mail, telephone, or e-mail, or by using the URLs provided.

Research Connections was prepared with funding from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, under Contract No. ED-99-CO-0026. It is in the public domain and may be freely reproduced and disseminated. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of OSEP or the Department of Education.


    John Cawley
    University of Connecticut
    861 Middle Turnpike
    Storrs, CT 06268

    Paula Maccini and Joe Gagnon
    University of Maryland
    1308 Benjamin Building
    College Park, MD 20742

    Marjorie Montague
    University of Miami
    5202 University Drive
    Merrick Bldg #321
    Coral Gables, FL 33146

    Rene Parmar
    St. Johns University
    8000 Utopia Parkway
    Jamaica, NY 11439

    Martha Thurlow
    National Center on Educational Outcomes University of Minnesota
    75 East River Road
    Minneapolis, MN 55455

    John Woodward
    University of Puget Sound
    1500 N. Warner
    Takoma, WA 98416


    Jordan, D. (2000). Lamar professors offer ESL and math CD-ROMS for deaf and hearing students. Hispanic Outlook, 10(17), 19-21.

    Cawley, J. (2002). Mathematics interventions and students with high incidence disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 23(1), 2-6.

    Cawley, J., Parmar, R., Foley, T., & Roy, S. (2001). Arithmetic performance of students: Implications for standards and programming. Exceptional Children, 67(3), 311-328.

    Gersten, R., & Chard, D. (1999). Number sense: rethinking arithmetic instruction for students with mathematical disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 33(1), 18-28.

    Hasselbring, T., Goin, L., & Bradsford, J. (1987). Effective mathematics instruction: Developing automaticity. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 19(3), 30-33.

    Kapperman, G., & Sticken, J. (in press). A software tutorial for learning the Nemeth Code of Braille mathematics. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness.

    Maccini, P., & Gagnon, J. (2002). Perceptions and application of NCTM Standards by special and general education teachers. Exceptional Children, 68(3), 325-344.

    Montague, M., Applegate, B., & Marquard, K. (1993). Cognitive strategy instruction and mathematical problem-solving performance of students with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 8(4), 223-232.

    Thurlow, M., & Bolt, S. (2001). Empirical support for accommodations most often allowed in state policy (Synthesis Report 41). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, National Center on Educational Outcomes.

    Woodward, J., & Baxter, J. (1997). The effects of an innovative approach to mathematics on academically low achieving students in inclusive settings. Exceptional Children, 63(3), 373-388.

    Research Connections is a biannual review of research on topics in special education, focusing on research sponsored by the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs. This issue of Research Connections was developed by Warger, Eavy Associates for the ERIC/OSEP Special Project.

    The ERIC/OSEP Special Project is operated by The Council for Exceptional Children through the ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education.

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