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Hoagies' Blog Hop: Thoughts from the Mental Trenches

Thoughts from the Mental Trenches. Thoughts from the Depths. What makes you a healthy gifted person? What helps when you're not feeling mentally healthy? How about for your kids? Do they struggle with anxiety, depression, high-functioning autism, or other mental difference? What techniques help them maintain an even keel?

What helps you know that you're just as gifted, just as whole, when your mind is giving you grief? 

Don't miss our previous Blog Hops on related topics, including Perfectionism, Emotional Intelligence, Overexcitabilities (OEs), and Philosophical / Spiritual Anxiety.

To read all our past Blog Hops or join our next Blog Hop, visit Blog Hops for all our past and future topics. Special thanks to Pamela S. Ryan for our striking Blog Hop graphics!

My Intuition's 5 Signs of Impending Doom by Jen, repurposed genealogy
Like most people, the first half of my 20’s were filled with so many bad decisions that I lost count. At over 40, I’ve realized there are 5 signs of impending doom my intuition gives me to prevent potentially horrible decisions.

1. I feel pressured/ anxious about an impending timeline or arbitrary deadline.

Allowing me unhurried time to process and weigh information often evolves into a better plan or long term strategy. My four boys have already learned not to pressure me into a last minute decision. Mom will either automatically say no, or regret the yes, and be bitter about it. Neither option is ideal...
The interface of anxiety, overthinking and shame among gifted by Gail Post in Gifted Challenges
Gifted kids cannot just sit back, relax, and be themselves. They cannot expect to find friends wherever they go, or assume that school will be challenging, or trust that their teachers or coaches will understand and respect their differences. Their minds are working overtime as they size up each situation, decide how to act, and debate whether to display or hide their true nature.

Even though gifted people are no more susceptible to mental illness than anyone else, some gifted children and teens struggle with a tendency toward overthinking, worry, or cautious alertness. This tendency may develop despite the presence of a loving, supportive family, the absence of past trauma, a family history devoid of anxiety or depression, and a nervous system that is not necessarily "wired" to be hyper-responsive and reactive. It just goes with the giftedness territory...
Dealing with the Difficulties of Giftedness - One Day at a Time by Betsy, at BJ's Homeschool
We learned that our daughter was 2e when she was very young. Along the way we found ways to deal with some of the typical issues associated with giftedness. Along with sensory processing disorder and ADHD, our daughter struggled with anxiety. That was the biggest hurdle that she faced. Here's our story of what worked and helped her along the way...
What Parenting Taught Me About Mental Health by Valerie Bock, at Val's Version
Perhaps it was the relative anonymity of conversation on the Internet (most of us lived geographically remote from one another and were unlikely to ever meet) which led some people to report depression and anxiety in their kids – sometimes aggravated by hostile school situations, sometimes with no obvious cause. I felt fortunate that generally, my kids were doing ok, and surprised that mental health issues could strike so young.

Depression (anxiety?) returned to me in my mid thirties – in my case, expressed as extreme irritation with just about everything my husband and kids were doing. I could not be the mom I wanted to be, because every single thing was the straw that broke the camel’s back...
Her Son Wanted to Blow up His School. Here’s What She Did by Teresa Currivan, LMFT, in Help My Children Thrive
Samantha* was surprised. Her son was typically a very caring and empathetic child. So when he told her that he wanted to blow up his school, she wasn’t sure how to react. She asked what would happen to everyone in the school if it were to be blown up. He explained that the school would be empty and that only the building would be destroyed. Still, she was troubled...
Eyes Open, Intentions Set by Gordon Smith, in Gifted and Growing
How’s your mental health? Well that’s a tricky question. The term itself is one that begs for a road map, and we all have to become consciousness cartographers if we expect to arrive.

Increasing self-awareness is foundational in assessing and improving mental health. Seeing oneself more clearly is a necessary part of making change that is effective and lasting. When you’re gifted, there are some characteristics we know you’re more likely to carry...

To read all our past Blog Hops or join our next Blog Hop, visit Blog Hops for our past and future topics.  Special thanks to Pamela S. Ryan for our striking Blog Hop graphics!

Updated December 01, 2020

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