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Hoagies' Blog Hop November 2014: Gifted Self-Care

Before we head into this year's holiday season, let's talk about Gifted Self-Care.  Whether it's caring for our selves, or teaching self-care to our kids, we all need to spend a little time taking care of me, myself and I. Care for yourself might simply be a cup of coffee or a chocolate bar all by yourself, a massage, a good book, or date night with your spouse (and without the kids). For our kids, we might teach them deep breathing, meditation or even escaping a stressful situation, when possible.  And we always want them to know that we, like them, need to take care of ourselves!

Don't miss our previous Blog Hops, May: The "G" Word, August: Gifted friendships and October: Gifted Advocacy.  If you'd like to join our next Blog Hop, visit Gifted Blog Hops.  Special thanks to Pamela S. Ryan for our Blog Hop graphics!

Remember to click the Next Blog button at the bottom of each blog to move on to the next blog without returning here.  It's a great way to Hop around our Blog Hop!  (Note: 5 blogs from Discovering Your Awesome and Aurora Remember's and Amy Harrington's blogs are not "in the loop" this month; visit separately.)

Sometimes Self-Care is About Trust by Jayde Piltzer, Discover Your Awesome
I’m used to being one of the most competent people in any room. I have a history of expecting other competent people to be too busy, and too critical. I expect them to value independence strongly. These expectations are a story–it is not even a true story, but it is buried deep. I used to keep myself safe by isolating myself as much as possible. The more overwhelmed and scared I felt, the further I hid, and the more I pretended I could do anything, and that nothing bothered me....
Undercover Agent Forever: Impostor Syndrome by Ray Lardie, Discover Your Awesome
But there is good news. Most everyone is undercover, which means that you’re not alone. That can be really hard for your brain to accept–no one else looks like they’re panicking on the inside. But neither do you. Remember, you’re all undercover, and you’re all really good at it. What people don’t realize is that you’re all agents from the same department...
Giving Yourself Permission: Making Self-Care a Priority by Shannon R., Discover Your Awesome
I often get caught up in the feeling that I’m too busy and there’s no time for self-care. That’s a huge sign for me: it means that I’m overextended and I need to spend more time on self-care, not less. It also means that I’ve let self-care slide to a lower spot on the list of priorities and it’s time for me to give myself permission to rank it higher up the list again. Put self-care higher on your list. Reduce the number of things you have to do. Delegate something...
Sudden-Onset Social Paranoia: What to Do When Your Brain Abruptly Tries to Eat You by Ray Lardie, Discover Your Awesome
It’s nonsense, but already your mind is racing though a record of everything you’ve said and done since sitting down together. Are you talking too much? Is the topic boring? Is the seating arrangement wrong? Your futile attempts to stop your mind short do nothing to prevent the bloom of anxiety in your gut. It doubles as you recall how perceptive your friends are–they’ll notice your fidgeting, the strained smiles that come with the knowledge that people are talking about you...
On Self-Care by Catie, My Little Poppies
Self-care needs vary by individual. I have a lot of roles (mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend...) and in order for me to be my best self in each of these roles, I need to take care of myself. Obviously, I cannot always squeeze in all of the following but on the days I do? Look out, world!
Six Ways to Refresh Yourself by Braver than you believe
There are lots of lists, how-to’s, and recommendations for taking care of yourself, and I don’t want to add to all that. I just want to say one thing: Try it...
When Gifted Overexcitiblities and an Introverted Personality Collide by Mrs. Warde, Sceleratus Classical Academy
I thought I was smart enough to learn from the mistakes of others; but I still fell into the trap, blinded by my enthusiasm and wanting the best for my kids. But the best for them does not include a mother who is too tired by doing the extra things to do the most important things. And I suspect I may not be the only introvert out there who is sacrificing my best well being for the sake of activities for my children...
Mindful Self-Care by Lisa Rivero
Meditation for Over-Thinkers. I have found that many highly intellectual people are wary of meditation. They think it is not conducive to creativity, too unscientific, too new age, too religious, or too, well, nonintellectual. However, especially for people who are thinkers first and foremost, meditation can be a valuable part of physical and mental health...
Self Care, Where Art Thou? by Nicole Diatto, in Patchwork Poppies
No one will do it for you but you… Self care, where art thou?…

I use to wait on my husband to notice I needed a break.. Oh what a mistake and immature thinking. I can’t wait for self care to come to me. I need to be the one to push aside time for myself. I’ve come to the conclusion that if others can do it, so can I. Its about shifting priorities and getting my life more in order...
Self Care – Setting Physical and Mental Health Goals by Elgarmummy
We really need to have self care so that we would not be a burden to others. I am no superwoman. It is time to take care of myself. My children need me and my students need me. I need to be in tip top condition before I can really be there for others. I have signed up for a 100-day challenge, to finish 2014 strong, instead of waiting till 2015 to set new resolutions. I have decided on two types of health goals....
Where Caring Becomes Self-care by Gift-Ed Connections
How do we care for ourselves as we work to discover our own “truth” which can often come in conflict with other “truths”? I hesitate in recommending a “12 step program” as your body and mind likely have different requirements than mine and you may choose to focus more on alleviating the symptoms as opposed to my ongoing quest to find the source of my dis-ease...
If I'm So Smart, Why Am I So Stressed Out? by Paula Prober, Your Rainforest Mind
You need to do the things that nourish you and relax you and heal you so that you can be the person you're meant to be. Don't waste any more time. You can't be your authentic powerful purposeful self without nourishing your heart, your mind, your body, your soul and your spirit. Don't wait any longer...
Stress management toolbox: Nine tips for parents of gifted children by Gail Post in Gifted Challenges
Just like every other parent, gifted children's parents also need tools for managing stress. Despite beliefs that raising a gifted child is a breeze, most parents of gifted kids would readily claim that it's no picnic. Weathering challenges like overexcitabilities, isolation from peers, asynchronous development, and boredom with school are heartbreaking for parents to witness. Advocacy efforts with schools can seem daunting, and decisions about extra-curriculars, possibly transferring schools, or even homeschooling can be overwhelming. And it's often lonely, since many other parents either don't understand or frankly dismiss these concerns...
Teaching Kids Self-Care by Planet Smarty Pants
Emotional self-care is also something that we, as parents, continue to teach throughout our children’s lives, even sometimes without realizing that we are doing it. Children are watching us all the time learning how we deal with stress, worry, and overload. I believe that the best way to teach emotional self-care is through personal example, through explaining to our kids why we say “no” to things and why we say “yes”...
Gifted Self-Care by Homeschooling Hatters
This is another blog topic that's kind of laughable from me. In general, I'm just spectacularly bad at self-care. I have a million things to do, and they're going to get done if it kills me. And sometimes I wonder if maybe that's not really the best attitude to have. Determination is all well and good, but sometimes maybe it's worth it to take some time off of tasks to just relax...
Be sure to adjust your own oxygen mask before assisting others... by Carolyn K., in Hoagies' Nibbles and Bits
Whatever we do to take care of ourselves, it's important that we actually DO it. It's important to take care of ourselves before we try to take care of our kids and spouse (in no particular order). It's even more important for our kids to see us taking care of ourselves--our minds, bodies, eyes, relationships--they need to learn to do the same thing for themselves.

Whatever you do for to relax and rejuvenate yourself, keep a few things in mind...
Turning to Pen and Paper by  Zadra Rose Ibañez, guest blogger for Institute for Educational Advancement
One of the questions we routinely ask applicants during an interview for a position with IEA is: “How do you deal with stress?” If one were to ask me that, I would have several answers—take deep breaths, go for a walk, or listen to music, for example—but the answer that would describe the tactic that is first and most effective for me would be, “Journal about the situation.”

My good friend’s father is a very wise, very prominent businessman. One piece of advice I will always remember from him is...
Press Pause for Better Content Streaming by Diane Hale, in Schooling the Gifted
This idea of pressing pause and walking away for a little self-regulating of my own frustration made me think about how we as adults need to do that for the gifted children in our lives. We are all trying to stream a lot of mental content all day. Whether we are school administrators, teachers, or parents, taking time to keep ourselves in mental check does so much for our children. We also need to give gifted children the freedom and the skills to self-regulate for themselves. I got to thinking about my streaming video and how the steps I took to make a better movie viewing experience for myself can be followed in our lives and in our children’s lives...
Where's Your Oxygen Mask? by Aurora Remember
I know I know, you've heard that you should always put on your own oxygen mask first before helping to put it on others. This sounds good in theory, but you seem to have misplaced your mask. The best advice I was ever given when I started as a school psychologist was from my intern supervisor who was retiring after 30 years with much recognition for excellence. He told me that My first responsibility is to take care of myself and my connections with people are much more important than my connections with paper or things. This advice has served me well over the years, yet...
Mommy Needs a Time-Out by Gifted Unschooling
When deep breaths just aren’t cutting it, then mommy needs a time-out
Time-outs really are for parents despite what you’ve heard. When children are being whiney or demanding that is precisely when they need us the most for reassuring comfort. What happens when you are all tapped out? You cannot effectively parent peacefully if you are at your wit’s end so you need to know how and when to remove yourself from the situation before you become old yeller. Nobody likes being around mean mommy when she has lost her temper. ...

Updated December 01, 2020

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