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Hoagies' Blog Hop: Gifted Adults...

Gifted Adults. That's what all those gifted kids grow up to be!  But what does it mean to you? When does it matter? College? Early Adulthood? Family years? Middle-age? Elder years?

How does it feel to be a Gifted Adult? Do you feel alone? How do you find other GAs? Does it matter?  

Don't miss our previous Blog Hops, including Child Activists - Supporting Gifted Idealist Children!, and The "G" Word.

To read all our past Blog Hops or join our next Blog Hop, visit Blog Hops for our past and future topics.  Special thanks to Pamela S. Ryan for our striking Blog Hop graphics!

Gifted adults: Embracing complexity by Gail Post in Gifted Challenges
Gifted adults may be surprised to realize that they have not outrun their childhood
difficulties. In some ways, we all carry our middle schools selves around with us. But
gifted adults often assume they have jettisoned that frustration and grief-filled
childhood baggage along with way.
Not so fast.

Gifted adults often face the same challenges in their social, emotional and work lives
that caused stress during childhood. However, as adults, they possess greater
resources, maturity and wisdom to manage and overcome these difficulties. They even
can learn to embrace and enjoy their complexity!...
How will you know a gifted adult when you see one? by Paula Prober, Your Rainforest Mind
How do you know that you're with a gifted adult?

There are clues.

It probably won't be obvious. And they certainly won't tell you. In fact, they may not even know themselves. They may just think that they're weird. Or a little crazy.Or a lot crazy.

There are certain questions that they will have trouble answering. Questions that most people think are simple. Questions like: What do you want to be when you grow up? What is your favorite book? What color do you want to paint your living room? How are you?...
Finding Your Flock by Jessie in CounterNarration
When I first posted on this topic about a year and a half ago, it was with some trepidation. The label is undoubtedly tacky to many, and can easily be read with an assumption of arrogance. I hope I've made it clear that this is very far removed from my purposes, which are closer to the "giftedness as special education" idea, if anything at all; indeed, it was more a question of trying to figure out why, if I was told by teachers I had so much promise, I also kept running into walls that others didn't seem to face. Perhaps to some extent, that's just life. But I did have a particular type of struggle that, by definition, others didn't seem to have (including, significantly, others who had been in gifted programs): why do you always have to do things the hard way? Why can't you just do what everyone else is doing? I asked myself this for the first time in college, but even then I retorted to myself, "Because this is what works for me!" and went at it. It was always the right choice for me. But it was usually harder, and usually came at a cost, because that is what happens when you seem to have a compulsion to forge your own path. Oh, dear. Are you sure you want to do that? Maybe you'd rather do this! It would be easier. Probably less trouble. And we know how to help you down that path!...
Gifted Adults from an Elder's Perspective by Joy Navan, ongiftedelders
We did not hear the word gifted as a child. We thought we were odd. Even as we age, it is difficult to say aloud, ‘I am a gifted adult.’ We realize the differences in our reasoning, but mostly in our feelings. When loved ones hurt, we feel physical pain. A breathtaking sunset brings tears to our eyes. We lie awake at night, wishing we could set things right in the world. We labor to internalize the wisdom of Candide to tend our own garden; and, when we do so, it is with an intensity that could ignite the universe.

An Elder's Perspective...
Gifted Adults: Finding Your Tribe by Carolyn K., Hoagies' Nibbles and Bits
My family spent this past weekend in a hotel 5 hours from home. We joined attendees from a dozen states across the U.S. and two Canadian provinces. The conference we attended was for Gifted families, in particular those who self-identify as "highly or profoundly gifted." The theme this year was "Tribe." Adults and kids, parents and elders to tots of only a few months of age, spending the weekend together, learning about new and old topics in giftedness, but mostly just spending the time Together...
Like Father, Like Son - Giftedness Across the Generations by Heather in WonderSchooling
This week, I've been watching the Bright & Quirky Online Summit, a video conference of all things 2e, anxiety, gifted, ADHD, etc. It's been great - encouraging & enlightening.

One thing that struck me as a common theme in so many of these talks is how often parents started to understand their own giftedness, their own struggles with sensitivity or executive function, as they watched their children struggle and wanted to help them.

I was describing one of the talks to my husband, talking about the gifted characteristic of Rage to Master, and he got a smile on his face. I had been describing how gifted individuals have a strong need to complete a challenge, to fully understand a problem, to not give up until it had been conquered -- and this fits my husband to a T...
This is hard to write… by Chocky's Child
A little over three decades ago now, at the age of twelve, in large part because of problems I had fitting into my school environment, I spent a couple of hours sitting a test.

The results that emerged from that testing program gave me a label – I was a ‘gifted child’.

I have talked elsewhere about the effects getting that label had on me.  They were, for the most part, positive. I’d known I was different from most other kids in certain ways from at least the time I started pre-school if not before,  but I didn’t have a name for what I was, or any real explanation for it, and in the absence of an identifier, I looked for reasons why I was different, and some of the conclusion I came to were problematic to say the least...

The Strength of the Mind by Linda Wallin, Living with Geniuses
Because they need stimulation and variety in their everyday life, many gifted adults have a hard time meeting life partners. They also have a hard time making friends who are intellectually and creatively stimulating. They are passionate about a cause and single-minded in their pursuit of that cause. Often, their feelings of being right makes them appear stubborn or opinionated. Existential depression can occur when life events pile up or a situation becomes untenable.

In work, they are aware of nuances that their superiors can’t see and have a hard time with bosses who can’t even imagine what they are talking about. Emotional sensitivity may cause them to be hurt by the slights of others. Sensory awareness may make it hard to concentrate when the room is too hot, noisy or tense. Perfectionism is often another characteristic of gifted adults, causing them to demand excellence from themselves and others...
To read all our past Blog Hops or join our next Blog Hop, visit Blog Hops for our past and future topics.  Special thanks to Pamela S. Ryan for our striking Blog Hop graphics!

Updated December 01, 2020

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