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Hoagies' Blog Hop: 2020: The Year of...

2020: The Year of....  2020 was a year none of us could have imagined in our wildest dreams... except maybe the fantasy writers. Masks. Social Distancing. Quarantine. Shutdown. Zoom for school, work, socializing, everything.

What stands out about 2020 to you? The year the appliances all died? The year you learned how easy (or hard) it is to homeschool gifted kids? The year of anxiety and stress? What does 2020 mean to you?

If you'd like to read all our past Blog Hops or join our next Blog Hop, visit Blog Hops for all our past and future topics.  Special thanks to Pamela S. Ryan for our striking Blog Hop graphics!

10 Reasons Why 2020 is the Year of Connection by Nancy DeBellis, at The Grayson School
It was difficult to pick a word or phrase for this Hoagies’ Gifted Blog Hop given the challenge of “2020 is the year of ______.” So many options! A year of learning to fail in front of students, a year of grace, a year of unanticipated challenges, a year of appreciation for things we might otherwise take for granted. But for better or worse, CONNECTION was part of every topic I brainstormed, so it deserves its own top ten list...
Parenting in 2020: The “cool mom” trap by Gail Post in Gifted Challenges
While most families muddle through each long day, week, and month, they recalibrate their decisions on the basis of family risk factors, local case numbers, and what needs or demands are most pressing. These daily choices may be complicated by the “cool mom” (or “cool dad, grandparent, guardian, caregiver”) dilemma — the pressure to appear invulnerable to worries. We long to be the cool parent who is light on rules, and now, willing to play fast and loose with COVID-19 precautions. Hey, we're not going to succumb to fear...
Navigating the Winter of Our Discontent by Joy Navan, in On Gifted Elders
I write this post as our nation is well on the way to over 12.5 million cases of Covid 19 and over 257,000 have died of the disease. Nevertheless, many of our fellow citizens continue to ignore the experts, refuse to wear masks, and avoid social distancing. To quote Shakespeare, “Now is the winter of our discontent.”

For gifted elders, we fear for our own health and that of our loved ones. A good number of us are choosing to self-isolate in hopes of escaping infection especially if, in addition to age, there are other conditions that put us at risk. Nevertheless, we are anxious and as winter approaches our mood darkens with the waning sunlight of shortened days. However, there are strategies and actions that we can take to lift our spirits and brighten our moods...
2020: A Year of Disintegration by Heather, The Fringy Bit
Anyone else feel the impact and/or decay of the year 2020? Please tell me I’m not alone in feeling like all of my insides and outsides, my mind and my soul have been broken up into small parts as a result of the ginormous collision of all the worlds’ ills within a mere 12 months.

It's been a year. A year that’s inspired pretty snowflake Christmas ornaments laced with the f-bomb. We all know the global events that have inspired these dainty baubles, so no need for me to list them out here, but without exaggeration we can claim to have lived through a year that has quite literally, and I do mean the literal definition of literally, brought every social scourge to the surface...
2020 The Year of Zoom by Wenda Sheard, J.D. Ph.D. Thoughts on Life and Learning
During our Thanksgiving service at church this morning, by Zoom, it occurred to me that (1) I’m surprised I enjoy staying home so much, and (2) my fear of staying home was a fear of being isolated and unable to interact with others, and (3)—and here’s the kicker—I wouldn’t be half as happy during 2020 if it weren't for Zoom contact with two-dimensional people...
2020: The Year of Rediscovery by Ann Grahl, Supporting Gifted Learners
Like so many other intense thinkers and feelers, I already had a tendency (more a necessary habit) of overthinking, dwelling, and otherwise going down rabbit holes of all sorts, which I would ultimately crawl back out of. As 2020 has unfolded, however, I’ve found myself revisiting some of the pits I had previously escaped and closed behind me. And it seems the days of isolation have become days of reacquaintance with the parts of myself I had unconsciously buried.

So, the digging began, and here’s some of what I unearthed....
2020 The year of Solitude by Linda Wallin, Living with Geniuses
It seems a decade ago that I went to Florida to write. I didn’t know how cold it was in January, but I was surprised that it was not as much fun to spend a month alone as I had expected. I had friends there, as we met several times, but my greatest joy was walking four miles a day along the beach. I didn’t know how much of this year would be spent alone.

There are three words I use to describe the experience of being alone; isolation, loneliness and solitude. Luckily for me, I had taken the Road Scholar week in Kentucky learning about Thomas Merton, one of the great thinkers of the twentieth century. Thomas Merton had become a monk in, of all places, Louisville, Kentucky. He took a vow of silence, except for his classes. Nine times a day he returned to the sanctuary to worship. He was so skillful a writer that the church gave him free rein on what he wrote. They were happy with the income and he was prolific. Because of this man, I was able to see the value of being alone...
2020: A Year of Focus by Heather in WonderSchooling
20/20. When things are in focus and you can see clearly -- I know it's actually more complicated than that, but for us, this year really has been a year of focus. Because of the shakeup in our world and in our daily routines, we, like so many of our friends and neighbors, were forced to ask ourselves hard questions about what was really important: What could we keep? What could we let go of? What could we change or work around? What was essential?

Just like Maslow's hierarchy, when things get shaken up, you start with the basics:
- Do we have enough food?
- Can we make good choices and protect ourselves (and others) to stay healthy?
- Is my job stable? How can I make it work or make ends meet in this current crisis?

And then those questions get answered - we find ways to make sure our basic needs and those of our families are met, we breathe a sigh of relief, and then move up the pyramid, so to speak...

If you'd like to read all our past Blog Hops or join our next Blog Hop, visit Blog Hops for our past and future topics.  Special thanks to Pamela S. Ryan for our striking Blog Hop graphics!

Updated December 01, 2020

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