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by Ellenson, age 14

"written of the intensity of being a highly gifted teen in a very traditional school in those first days of high school"

As I walk through the halls
(through the halls, through the halls)
I am banging my head against the walls.

Beating, pounding, suppressing all the things inside,
Flooding them away, trying to suffocate my pride,
Drowning in all the useless pains that fill our lives.

Push them away, push them away,
I donąt want them at all.
Keep them away, keep them away,
I refuse to let them make me fall.

They push and they shove,
But still I stumble on.
A crushing force, falling on me from above.
But still I stumble on,
Still I tumble on
Into the vivid darkness,
Where I will eventually drown
In the sea of faces
In the lack of places
For a person like me.
A person like me.

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