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Hoagies' Gifted Presentations

Here are the conference presentations that make Hoagies' Gifted Education Page and Carolyn K. a sought-after presenter for both keynotes and breakout sessions!

Gifted 201: A sampler of advanced topics
...Learn more about advanced topics in giftedness: Social / Emotional Needs, Testing and Assessment, Academic Acceleration, OverExcitabilities (OEs), and Underachievement. Presented at NJEA Atlantic City
The Gifted Parent Online: Totally Free Internet Tools for Parent Support & Advocacy
A guide to totally free resources parents and teachers of the gifted can use immediately.  Presented at NAGC, Tampa.
Online Bargain Basement: Free High School Courses
...explains how to select and use an online course for your student, and offers samples of a variety of the best free online high school courses. Also get the handout, Using the Online Bargain Basement (Word).  Presented at NAGC, Charlotte
Online Bargain Basement Returns: Free K-12 Enrichment
...updates our 2006 presentation, this time including resources for K-12 and beyond, for both acceleration and enrichment, with interactive courses for individual students and robust curriculums to be used with an entire group or class... all FREE!  Presented at NAGC, Minneapolis, November 2007
Online Bargain Basement: Professional Development
...guides teachers, administrators, counselors and other professionals to FREE professional development resources in many corners of the Internet!  Presented at NAGC, Atlanta, November 2010
Online Bargain Basement takes on Global Awareness
...guides teachers, parents and students to FREE resources to develop our kids globally aware learning environment. Find free tools that you already own or use, then explore languages, cultures, TV shows, cartoons, penpals, contests, social projects and more!  Presented at NAGC, Denver, November 2012
Recent Brain Research for Teachers & Other Curious Souls (2013 update) Recommended by Wenda Sheard
After a background in critiquing research, learn about dozens of recent research studies of the brain, and what they show. Updated for all the great new research through 2013, don't miss this informative collection of research
Testing and Assessment of Gifted Children: What do all these scores mean?
...helps teachers, parents, counselors and other professionals understand what the tests really tell us about gifted children.  What's the difference between intelligence, ability and achievement tests?  How do the scores compare across tests?  Can scores be affected by outside factors?  Presented at NAGC, NJAGC, and many other state and national conferences.
Last updated December 01, 2020

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Recommended best links, also visit Hoagies' Don't Miss! Recommended best products, also visit Hoagies' Shopping Guide: Gifts for the Gifted

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