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Selected Readings for Parents
and Educators of Gifted Children

The ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education (ERIC EC)
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ERIC EC Minibib EB6
Updated December 2002

Adderholdt, M., & Goldberg, J. (1999). Perfectionism: What's bad about being too good? (rev. ed.). Free Spirit Publishing, Inc., http://www.freespirit.com/
Designed for gifted students who are prone toward perfectionism, this book explores some of the possible reasons for perfectionism and offers strategies for learning how to ease up and get perfectionism under control.

Baldwin, A. Y., & Vialle, W. (Eds.) (1998). The many faces of giftedness: Lifting the masks. Wadsworth Publishing Company, http://www.wadsworth.com
This book explores the myriad of ways in which the potential giftedness of individuals and groups is masked by the collective, myopic vision of society, with emphasis on the United States and Australia. It begins with an introductory chapter, "Potential That Is Masked," that discusses this phenomenon. The book is then organized into five parts with each part representing a particular mask.

Baum, S. M., Reis, S. M., & Maxfield, L. R. (Eds.). (1998). Nurturing the gifts and talents of primary grade students. Creative Learning Press, Inc., http://www.creativelearningpress.com/
This book is organized into four parts: identifying gifts, interests, and learning styles; program and curricular models for talent development; curricular ideas and strategies; and classroom management.

Berger, S. (1998). College planning for gifted students (2nd. ed. revised). The Council for Exceptional Children, http://www.cec.sped.org
Provides a detailed 6-year plan that guides the gifted student through critical college and career choices based on student's knowledge of self and educational options. Revised second edition includes web-based resources.

Castellano, J. A. (2003). Special populations in gifted education: Working with diverse gifted learners. Allyn & Bacon, http://www.ablongman.com
This text illuminates the reality that gifted students are from all backgrounds and that their talents transcend cultural, ethnic, and linguistic ties, handicapping conditions, sexual orientation, poverty, and geography. Topics include characteristics, curriculum, instruction, assessment and evaluation, nurturing, and meeting their social, emotional, academic, and cognitive needs.

Castellano, J. A., & Diaz, E. (Eds.) (2002). Reaching new horizons: Gifted and talented education for culturally and linguistically diverse students. Allyn & Bacon, http://www.ablongman.com
This text offers a comprehensive overview at the interface between bilingual/multicultural/ESL education and gifted education. Chapters include program delivery models, bilingualism, and identification and assessment.

Clark, B. (2002). Growing up gifted: Developing the potential of children at home and at school (6th ed.). Prentice Hall, http://vig.prenhall.com/
This comprehensive reference includes sections on brain research, the emotional and social aspects of growing up gifted, and current educational models. The sixth edition retains proven parts of its original structure and combines it with the knowledge and best practices from a variety of sources.

Cline, S. (2000). Giftedness has many faces: Multiple talents and abilities in the classroom. Winslow Press, http://winslowpress.com/
This book describes giftedness in each of the domains and guides teachers in the identification and nurturing of special abilities in all children. One chapter introduces a model that integrates multiple intelligence theory with curriculum differentiation appropriate for the gifted.

Cline, S., & Schwartz, D. (1999). Diverse populations of gifted children: Meeting their needs in the regular classroom and beyond. Prentice Hall, http://vig.prenhall.com/
This book is designed to help classroom teachers identify and plan for gifted children from special populations. It examines ways in which teachers can help these students reach their potential.

Colangelo, N., & Davis, G. (Eds.) (2003). Handbook of gifted education (3rd ed.). Allyn & Bacon, http://www.ablongman.com
A comprehensive book on identifying, teaching, and counseling gifted students. Divided in parts that include conceptions and identification, instructional models and practices, creativity and thinking skills, psychological and counseling services, special topics, and the future.

Coleman, L. J., & Cross, T. L. (2000). Being gifted in school: An introduction to development, guidance, and teaching. Prufrock Press, Inc., http://www.prufrock.com
This book reviews past developments within the field of gifted education and identifies the current trends, issues, and beliefs to be faced in the 21st century. The book is organized to provide a framework for those who are responsible for nurturing the development of gifts and talents in the home, school, and community.

Davis, G. A., & Rimm, S. B. (1998). Education of the gifted and talented (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, http://www.ablongman.com
A standard introductory textbook in gifted education. The most notable change for this edition is a new chapter on counseling that addresses the social, emotional, and education/career needs and problems of gifted children, and outlines specific counseling-related roles for teachers, parents, counselors, and even school administrators.

Delisle, J. (2000). Once upon a mind: Stories and scholars of gifted child education. Wadsworth Publishing, http://www.wadsworth.com/
This book introduces students to the research and practice of gifted child education as well as to the individuals who represent current and historical thinking in the discipline. The author spotlights the life stories of gifted child educators and adults who were gifted and explores the characteristics of the gifted individual, the identification of gifted students in the classroom, and the development of curriculum and instruction for the gifted student.

Delisle, J., & Lewis, B. (2002). The survival guide for teachers of gifted kids: How to plan, manage, and evaluate programs for gifted youth. Free Spirit Publishing, Inc., http://www.freespirit.com/
The authors explain how to set the foundation for a gifted program; how to evaluate, identify, and select students; how to differentiate the regular curriculum for gifted kids (with lesson samples); how to extend or enrich the content areas, and how to develop survival skills needed at a time when gifted education is questioned, threatened, and underfunded.

Delisle, J., & Galbraith, J. (2002). When gifted kids don't have all the answers: How to meet their social and emotional needs. Free Spirit Press, http://www.freespirit.com/
After a section devoted to identifying the gifted and the need for specialized education programs for this population, this work delves into the emotional dimensions of giftedness and how to understand gifted kids from the "inside out" through first-person stories, classroom-tested activities, guided discussions, and up-to-date resources.

Freeman, J. (2001). Gifted children grown up. Taylor & Francis, Inc., http://www.taylorandfrancis.com
This book describes the outcomes of a longitudinal study of 210 British children that compared the recognized and the unrecognized gifted with their classmates. It describes what has happened to them and their families as they have grown up in very different circumstances, in poverty or wealth, through many types of schooling and life opportunities.

Friedman, R. C., & Shore, B. (Eds.) (2000). Talents unfolding: Cognition and development. American Psychological Association, http://www.apa.org
In this book, developmental, educational, cognitive, and professional psychologists explore early identification of giftedness, what happens when child prodigies grow up, and environmental characteristics that are needed for talent to develop into genius. Fourteen chapters written by experts in the field.

Ford, D. Y., & Harris, J. J. III (1999). Multicultural gifted education. Teachers College Press, http://store.tcpress.com/
Bridging the fields of gifted and multicultural education, this book is designed to provide a comprehensive practical resource for raising the expectations and level of instruction for gifted minority students. It offers case studies of multicultural gifted education in practice, suggests methods of best practices for classroom teachers, supplies sample activities, and provides guidelines and a checklist to help evaluate current multicultural education programs.

Galbraith, J., & Espeland, P. (Eds.) (1999). The gifted kids' survival guide: For ages 10 & under (rev. ed.). Free Spirit Publishing, Inc., http://www.freespirit.com/
Intended for young gifted students, this book offers short information pieces, exercises, and suggestions for adjusting to life following identification as a gifted/talented (GT) student. Examples of contents include: "8 Great Gripes of Gifted Kids," and "The Perfection Infection (and Cure)."

Galbraith, J. (2000). You know your child is gifted when...A beginner's guide to life on the bright side. Free Spirit Publishing, Inc., http://www.freespirit.com/
This book uses humorous cartoons and commentary on giftedness to provide parents with information on the characteristics, challenges, and joys of parenting a gifted child. Throughout the book, first-person stories from parents of children with giftedness offer reassurance and insights.

Galbraith, J., & Delisle, J. (1996). The gifted kids' survival guide: A teen handbook. Free Spirit Publishing, Inc., http://www.freespirit.com/
Written with help from hundreds of gifted teenagers, this book is a guide for teens to surviving and thriving in a world that doesn't always value, support, or understand high ability.

Gallagher, J. J., & Gallagher, S. A. (1994). Teaching the gifted child (4th ed.). Allyn & Bacon, http://www.ablongman.com/
A classic comprehensive text divided into three general parts: the gifted child and the changing school program, content modifications (in specific academic areas), and information-processing strategies.

Guyer, B. P. (2001). The pretenders: Gifted people who have difficulty learning. High Tide Press, http://www.hightidepress.com/
This book tells the stories of eight people with above average to highly gifted levels of intellect, who also have significant, previously unrecognized and undiagnosed, learning disabilities. Their discovery of their true abilities and gifts after years of humiliation with the educational system and the trials of daily life is detailed.

Halsted, J. W. (2002). Some of my best friends are books: Guiding gifted readers from preschool to high school (2nd ed.). Great Potential Press, Inc., http://www.giftedbooks.com
Designed for parents, educators, and others concerned with the development of gifted children, this book is a guide to reading for gifted students in preschool through grade 12 and includes an annotated bibliography of almost 300 recommended books.

Heacox, D. (2001). Differentiating instruction in the regular classroom: How to reach and teach all learners, grades 3-12. Free Spirit Publishing, Inc., http://www.freespirit.com/
This book provides a wide variety of strategies for differentiating instruction for students in grades 3-12. Ten chapters provide an overview of differentiated content, process, and product, and the role of the teacher in a differentiated classroom.

Karnes, F. A., & Bean, S. M. (Eds.) (2001) Methods and materials for teaching the gifted. Prufrock Press, Inc., http://www.prufrock.com
This book is designed to provide strategies and resources for differentiating the instruction of gifted learners. It addresses characteristics and needs of gifted learners, instructional planning and evaluation, strategies for best practices, and supporting and enhancing gifted programs. Twenty-one chapters written by noted authors.

Karnes, F. A., & Chauvin, J. C. (2000) Leadership development program manual. Great Potential Press, Inc., http://www.giftedbooks.com/
This manual discusses the Leadership Skills Inventory (LSI), an assessment for children in upper elementary grades as well as with young adults that identifies areas of strength and weakness in leadership ability. Sections include the purpose of the LSI, use of the inventory, administering the inventory, scoring the inventory, interpreting the inventory, and history and development of the inventory.

Karnes, F. A., & Marquardt, R. G. (1999). Gifted children and legal issues: An update. Great Potential Press, Inc., http://www.giftedbooks.com/
This book attempts to report on and synthesize all new (since this book's 1991 edition) legal actions concerning the education of gifted and talented children. Examples of issues covered include advanced placement concerns, home-schooling problems, personal injury, and civil rights.

Kay, Keisa (Ed.) (2000). Uniquely gifted: Identifying and meeting the needs of twice-exceptional students. Avocus Publishing, Inc., http://www.avocus.com
The 32 readings in this collection discuss the needs of children who are both gifted and also have special needs such as a disability ("twice exceptional"). The readings are grouped into four major sections. "Family Matters: Perspectives from Family Members," "Teaching Strategies: Learning and Leadership," "Research and Theory: Discovering Possibilities," and "Administrative Options: Working Together."

Kerr, B. (1997). Smart girls: A new psychology of girls, women, and giftedness (rev.ed.). Great Potential Press, Inc., http://www.giftedbooks.com
This book expands previous research on why smart girls and gifted women often fail to develop their potential. It reports a 10-year and 20- year follow-up study of graduates of a special high school curriculum designed to foster leadership and success among gifted females.

Kerr, B. A., & Cohn, S. J. (2001). Smart boys: Talent, manhood, and the search for meaning. Great Potential Press, Inc., http://www.giftedbooks.com
This book explores issues faced by gifted boys and men and the concerns of those around them and explores the relationship of special intellectual ability to the role of males in our society.

Khatena, J. (2000). Enhancing creativity of gifted children: A guide for parents and teachers. Hampton Press, Inc., http://www.hamptonpress.com/
This book on enhancing the creativity of gifted children begins with stories of gifted children, each illustrating characteristics that distinguish each child's uniqueness. It goes on to delineate the role and power of parents and teachers in bringing a child's creative potential to fruition. Specific measures of creativity that may be used to identify gifted children are described, as are typical characteristics such as the ability to learn school subjects, lead others, and perform in the arts.

Maker, C. J., & Nielson, A. B. (1995). Teaching models in education of the gifted (2nd ed.). PRO-ED, http://www.proedinc.com/
Explains curriculum principles for gifted learners, looking at the learning environment, content, process, and product, and details curriculum and teaching strategies for elementary classrooms, such as interdisciplinary units of study, weekly and daily plans, and task-card activities based on Williams' teaching strategies for thinking and feeling. This edition develops a new model of characteristics that comprise giftedness and the ways it is exhibited.

Montgomery, D. (Ed.) (2000). Able underachievers. Whurr Pub Ltd., http://www.whurr.co.uk/
Written by scholars from six different countries, this book discusses patterns of underachievement, gender differences, and overcoming underachievement. The book stresses the need to modify curriculum, teaching, and learning methods in order to include all learners. Eleven chapters.

Neihart, M., Reis, S. M., Robinson, N. M., & Moon, S. M. (Eds.), (2002). The social and emotional development of gifted children: What do we know? Prufrock Press, Inc., http://www.prufrock.com
This resource examines the essential topics teachers, parents, and researchers need to know about the social and emotional development of gifted children. Twenty-four papers written by experts in the field summarize decades of research in chapters on peer pressure and social acceptance, resilience, delinquency, and underachievement.

Parke, B. N. (2003) Discovering programs for talent development. Corwin Press, http://www.corwinpress.com/
This book presents 65 programs that are readily available in most school districts and communities, and assesses each program's potential for serving the needs of talented students, based on its levels of content acceleration, in-depth topic immersion, and interest exploration.

Perry, T., Steele, C., & Hilliard, A. (2003). Young, gifted, and black: Promoting high achievement among African-American students. Beacon Press, http://www.beacon.org/
The three authors reframe outdated ideas and argue that understanding how children experience the struggle of being black in America is essential to improving how schools serve them.

Piirto, J. (1999). Talented children and adults: Their development and education (2nd ed.). Prentice Hall, http://vig.prenhall.com/
This comprehensive, introduction to the characteristics and education of the gifted and talented takes a lifespan approach to developing talented individuals focusing on factors that encourage talent from birth through adulthood.

Renzulli, J. S., Leppien, J. H., Hays, T. S., & Knox, R. (Eds.) (2000). The multiple menu model: A practical guide for developing differentiated curriculum. Creative Learning Press, Inc., http://www.creativelearningpress.com
Based on constructivist learning theory, this guide presents six practical menus that are intended to guide curriculum developers as they bring together an understanding of a discipline, its content and methodologies, and a vast array of instructional techniques to challenge learners on all levels.

Rimm, S. B. (2001). Keys to parenting the gifted child (2nd ed.). Barrons Educational Series, http://barronseduc.com
This book provides parents with guidelines on how to determine if their children are unusually gifted and how to prepare them for school. Recommendations are provided to ensure that gifted children are sufficiently challenged in the classroom, while reducing emotional stresses to which intellectually gifted children are often prone.

Rivero, L. (2002). Creative home schooling for gifted children: A resource guide. Great Potential Press, Inc., http://www.giftedbooks.com
Chapters include reasons to home-school, curriculum resources, how to get started, record keeping, positive changes for the family, college planning, "big ideas" thematic approach, how gifted children learn, traditional and classical approaches, and parent interviews.

Rogers, K. B. (2001). Re-forming gifted education: Matching the program to the child. Great Potential Press, Inc., http://www.giftedbooks.com
This guidebook is designed to assist schools in providing appropriate education experiences for all gifted and talented children, regardless of the child's talent area, age, ethnic origin, or economic level. There are 10 chapters.

Sheffield, L. J. (2002). Extending the challenge in mathematics: Developing mathematical promise in K-8 students. Corwin Press, http://www.corwinpress.com/
Combining theory and practice, Sheffield expertly guides the reader through the process of mathematical talent development from identifying students with mathematical potential, to finding and creating first-rate problems for exploration and strategies for assessment.

Sheffield, L. J., (Ed.) (1999). Developing mathematically promising students. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, http://www.nctm.org/
This book, written on the recommendation of the Task Force on Mathematically Promising Students, investigates issues involving the development of promising mathematics students. Topics include the definition of promising students; the identification of such students; appropriate curriculum, instruction, and assessment; cultural influences; teacher preparation and enhancement; and appropriate next steps.

Silverman, L. (Ed.). (2000). Counseling the gifted and talented. Love Publishing Co., http://www.lovepublishing.com/
A comprehensive resource for counselors and teachers of gifted learners and graduate students in counseling psychology. The author examines both the cognitive complexity and emotional intensity of gifted children and discusses the need for modification of counseling techniques. Specific strategies for individual and group counseling are provided.

Smutny, J. F. (Ed.) (2002). Underserved gifted populations. (Perspectives on Creativity Research). Hampton Press, http://www.hamptonpress.com/
An anthology covering populations such as minority groups, culturally and linguistically diverse students, and gifted students with disabilities.

Smutny, J. (Ed.) (2003). Designing and developing programs for gifted students. Corwin Press, http://www.corwinpress.com/
Thirteen authors bring together a comprehensive guide to developing different types of programs and learning experiences for gifted students. The book provides guidelines for designing and implementing curriculum for pre-K through middle school, identifying and selecting the best teachers, creating the vital support networks among parents, school, and community, assessing the program's impact on children, parents, and teachers, and developing special programming for the disadvantaged gifted students.

Smutny, J. F. (2001). Stand up for your gifted child: How to make the most of kids' strengths at school and at home. Free Spirit Publishing, Inc., http://www.freespirit.com/
This text is designed to enable parents to become powerful advocates for their gifted children at school and at home. Chapters focus on becoming an advocate at home, advocacy at school, and community advocacy.

Smutny, J. F. (Ed.) (1998). The young gifted child: Potential and promise: An anthology. Hampton Press, Inc., http://www.hamptonpress.com/
Forty-one papers on young gifted children are grouped in sections on identification, special populations, parenting, social/emotional needs, and education.

Smutny, J. F., Walker, S., & Meckstroth, E. (1997). Teaching young gifted children in the regular classroom. Free Spirit Press, http://www.freespirit.com
This resource helps teachers identify young children who are gifted and tailor the learning environment to meet their needs. Separate sections offer specific suggestions for enriching math, science, language arts, and social studies curricula. Other sections cover meeting the needs of children from diverse populations, working with parents, and understanding children's emotional and social needs.

Starko, A. J. (2001). Creativity in the classroom: Schools of curious delight (2nd ed.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 10 Industrial Ave., Mahwah, NJ 07430-2262.
This book is designed to help teachers link research and theory regarding creativity to the everyday activities of classroom teaching. Its mission is to provide enough theory and enough examples of applications to enable teachers to convert what they learn to their everyday grouping arrangements, lesson plans, assessment activities, and grading schemes.

Sternberg, R. (2001). Teaching for successful intelligence. Prentice Hall, http://vig.prenhall.com/
This text is based on Sternberg's research-supported theory that students need to develop analytical, creative, and practical thinking abilities in order to acquire successful intelligence. It addresses the notion that many educational programs seem to develop people's intelligence in only one area (analytical) and that students need all three to be successful in life.

Strip, C. A., & Hirsch, G. (2000). Helping gifted children soar: A practical guide for parents and teachers. Great Potential Press, Inc., http://www.giftedbooks.com
Intended for parents of gifted children, this book stresses the importance of positive relationships between parents and teachers as they work to meet children's academic, emotional, and social needs.

Torrance, E. P., Goff, K., & Satterfield, N. B. (1998). Multicultural mentoring of the gifted and talented. Prufrock Press, http://www.prufrock.com
This guide offers guidance for mentoring programs and relationships serving gifted and/or talented students from multicultural and/or disadvantaged environments.

Tomlinson, C. A., Kaplan, S. N., Renzulli, J. S., Purcell, J., Leppien, J., & Burns, D. (2001). The parallel curriculum: A design to develop high potential and challenge high-ability learners. Corwin Press, Inc., http://www.corwinpress.com
This book presents a model of curriculum development for gifted students offering four parallel approaches that focus on ascending intellectual demand as students develop expertise in learning. Each chapter details the four curriculum approaches, discusses the meaning, key features, characteristics, content and standards, teaching methods, assessment, learning activities, resources, and modifications based on learner need. An extended example of each curriculum approach completes these chapters.

Van Tassel-Baska, J. (2003). Curriculum planning and instructional design for gifted learners. Love Publishing Co., http://www.lovepublishing.com/
This text includes a comprehensive framework for curriculum planning, designs an effective planning model for instruction, outlines specific instructional strategies and curriculum units and presents guidelines for learning assessment and curriculum evaluation.

Van Tassel-Baska, J. (1994). Comprehensive curriculum for gifted learners (2nd ed.). Allyn & Bacon, http://www.ablongman.com/
Divided in four major parts: the process of curriculum making, adapting curriculum in the traditional content areas, integrating curriculum from key learning realms, and the process of curriculum doing. Chapters by J. Feldhusen, D. Johnson, K. Seeley, and L. Silverman.

Van Tassel-Baska, J., Benbow, C., Feldhusen, J., Seeley, K., & Silverman, l. (1998). Excellence in educating gifted & talented learners (3rd ed.). Love Publishing, http://www.lovepublishing.com/
Well-known authors provide a comprehensive view of giftedness. Divided in four parts: Conceptions of talented learners: focus on individual and group differences; serving talented learners in special programs; proving effective curriculum and instruction for gifted and talented learners; and, helping the gifted and talented achieve excellence.

Van Tassel-Baska, J., Johnson, D., & Boyce, L.N. (1996). Developing verbal talent: Ideas and strategies for teachers of elementary and middle school students. Allyn & Bacon, http://www.ablongman.com/
Based on the work accomplished by the K-8 Curriculum Project for High Ability Learners, this book describes a curriculum framework for language arts.

Vaughn, S., Bos, C. S, & Schumm, J. S. (2003). Teaching exceptional, diverse, and at-risk students in the general education classroom (3rd ed.). Allyn & Bacon, http://www.ablongman.com/
Designed for general education teachers, this book contains specific learning activities and sample lessons for immediate practical applications in the inclusive classroom. The book is organized into three sections: mainstreaming, inclusion, and laws; the education of students with specific disabilities; teaching students who are culturally and linguistically diverse, students at-risk, and gifted or talented students.

Winebrenner, S. (2001). Teaching gifted kids in the regular classroom: Strategies and techniques every teacher can use to meet the academic needs of the gifted and talented (revised, expanded, updated). Free Spirit Publishing, Inc., http://www.freespirit.com/
This book offers teachers of all grades teaching/management strategies for providing gifted students in regular classes the enriched curriculum they need. Chapters include topics such as working with underserved groups, instructional strategies, subject areas, independent study, and how to plan curriculum for all students at the same time and still create differentiated activities.

Walker, S. Y. (2002). The survival guide for parents of gifted kids: How to understand, live with, and stick up for your gifted child (rev. ed.). Free Spirit Publishing, Inc., http://www.freespirit.com/
Designed for parents of gifted children, this book discusses the background and history of gifted education, characteristics that make gifted children unique, and the needs of gifted children.

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