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Videos on Inclusion
The ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education (ERIC EC)
ERIC EC Minibib EB29
August 2002
Compiled by Abigail Miklos
ADHD Inclusive Instruction and Collaborative Practices. (1995). Council for Exceptional Children, 888-232-7323,
This 38-minute video demonstrates proven teaching techniques that are positive, practical, and educationally sound for use by teachers working with students who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in regular classrooms. The video depicts real teachers, in real classroom situations with real students, as they successfully educate those with ADHD and similar needs. The focus is on what regular classroom teachers
can do to meet the unique challenges that these students present, and on encouraging teachers to recognize that students with ADHD have many positive attributes and much to offer. There is an emphasis on active learning and teamwork throughout the video.
A Circle of Inclusion [Videotape and Manual] (1995). Learner Managed Designs, Inc., 316-773-7488,
This documentary-style video and accompanying manual set forth a compelling rationale for inclusive early childhood education. The 27-minute video shows how inclusion has become a reality for young children with severe disabilities, by focusing on three youngsters as they participate with typically developing peers in early childhood classrooms at Raintree Montessori School in Lawrence, Kansas, a private "mainstream"
community preschool and child care program. Issues are depicted that arose during the transition of the children into the program. Special educators, early educators, the parents of the three featured children, and parents of several typically developing children share their initial concerns, experiences, and motivation for participation in the program.
Educating Peter. (1993). Program Development Associates, 800-543-2119,
This 30-minute award-winning videotape recording highlights the complexities and rewards of including children with disabilities in general education classrooms. It is the story of a child with Down syndrome and his classmates. The video chronicles the school year of Mrs. Stallings' third grade class, from their first harrowing week through tribulations and discovery. Finally Mrs. Stallings, Peter, and her other students find the rewards and triumphs of educating Peter.
Inclusion: Heaven or Hell? (1995). LRP Publications, 800-341-7874,
This 18-minute video demonstrates how to comply with the least restrictive environment (LRE) requirements of the IDEA by using real-life examples and insightful commentary on inclusion litigation. The video deciphers the legal requirements and gives practical advice on how to provide appropriate programming for special education students without unnecessary litigation.
Inclusion: Profiles of Successful Students (1999).
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), 800-933-2723,
This set of three videotape recordings addresses the inclusion of students with disabilities in general education classrooms. The first videotape (38 minutes) provides a broad overview of the concept of inclusion, regular and special education teacher collaboration, student assessment, and accommodations for students with disabilities. The second videotape (25 minutes) provides a more detailed look at specific classroom strategies for
including students with disabilities. The third tape (20 minutes) profiles students with disabilities who have been successfully integrated into general education classrooms.
Making Assessment Accommodations: A Toolkit For Educators [Manual and Videotape] (2000). Council for Exceptional Children, 888-232-7733,
This "toolkit" is intended to provide educators, administrators, and family members with an overview of assessment accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities and to be used as a staff development tool. The toolkit is organized into five parts. An introductory section provides an overview of the toolkit. A 15-minute videotape looks at commonly used assessment accommodations from the perspectives of practitioners, policymakers, administrators, and parents. The Practitioner's Guide briefly describes the most commonly used accommodations in five areas: timing, scheduling, setting, presentation, and response. The Administrator's Guide includes a discussion of implementation along with examples of schools that have made assessment accommodations for students with disabilities. This section also includes a pamphlet to share with family members. The final section presents suggestions and ideas for using the toolkit in staff development sessions for small study groups. An appendix provides material suitable for overhead presentation or as handouts.
Making Inclusion Work: Video and Facilitator's guide (1999), 800-547-6747,
This videotape recording provides practical strategies for teaching diverse learners, for using collaborative teaching methods, and for planning guidelines. It provides creative, practical ideas for making inclusion work. Topics addressed include: (1) the definition of inclusion; (2) a long-term planning process to assist in prioritizing a child's needs; (3) a
process for modifying curriculum and instruction; (4) a format for integrating learning styles information into lesson planning; (5) a planning matrix to organize the merging of Individualized Education Program (IEP) objectives into a regular classroom; (6) strategies to use with students; and (7) strategies for making co-teaching effective. The accompanying Facilitator's Guide offers ideas for using the videotape with groups and individuals, regular classroom teachers, special education teachers, paraprofessionals, staff developers, administrators, and related professionals. Handouts are included in the appendix that provide examples discussed in the video, as well as notetaking outlines to help keep participants engaged.
One of Us: Four Stories of Inclusion (1996). Fanlight Productions, 800-937-4113,
This 27-minute video offers an upbeat look at integrating people with developmental disabilities into mainstream society, focusing on: (1) 4-year-old Daniel with hypotonia, whose motor, language, and social skills have all improved dramatically since he was integrated into a regular preschool class; (2) 10-year-old Peter with Down syndrome, whose teachers and classmates testify to the benefits of having him included in their activities; (3) 12-year-old Johan with complex medical needs, whose welcoming church and neighborhood improve his sense of acceptance and well-being; and (4) Maryann, an adult with cerebral palsy, who searched for and found cooperative housing in her home community and now works to make churches in
her area accessible to people with disabilities. Together, their stories make a positive case for full inclusion of people of all ability levels in the community.
The Power of 2: Making a Difference through Co-Teaching. The Inclusion Series, Tape 3. [Videocassette and Facilitator's Manual] (1996). Council for Exceptional Children, 888-232-7733,
This package consists of a 42-minute videotape and accompanying facilitator's guide for use in presenting workshops on the creation and maintenance of co-teaching programs in elementary and secondary schools to foster the inclusion of students with disabilities. The workshops offer an introduction of key co-teaching concepts, and are structured around the following five major components: the belief system underlying successful co-teaching; the prerequisites of individual teachers; collaborative relationships maximizing co-teaching effectiveness; classroom arrangements that co-teachers need to agree upon when sharing instruction; and the context in which co-teaching is best implemented. Materials provided for the facilitator include strategies for relating the content to audience experiences, discussion questions, activities to deepen understanding of content, and a handout summarizing content from each component.
Special Needs Students in Regular Classrooms? Sean's Story. (1995). Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 800-257-5126,
This 45-minute videotape chronicles the story of an 8-year-old boy with Down syndrome who was part of a battle over inclusion of students with disabilities in regular education classes. The program chronicles the boy's first year in a regular classroom setting and also follows the story of his friend, who also has Down syndrome but whose parents chose to keep him in the special education school. The program talks to students,
parents, teachers, and administrators on both sides of the issue.
Standards & Inclusion: Can We Have Both? (1998). National Professional Resources, Inc., 800-453-7461,
Designed for regular and special educators, this 40-minute video profiles inclusive schools from around the country that have successfully incorporated academic standards. It addresses many of the critical issues facing educators who are supporting students with disabilities in inclusive settings. Topics discussed include: (1) the consequences of higher standards; (2) the seven factors of successful inclusion; (3) the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the implications for schools; and (4) the restructuring of our schools. The video stresses collaboration between regular and special education teachers and shows that all children benefit from good inclusive practices.
They're Just Kids (1998). Future Educational Films, 800-343-5540,
Designed to facilitate the integration of children and adults with special needs into the community, this 26- minute documentary shows how children with disabilities can positively affect the lives of typical children when they are included in regular classes. The video focuses on the benefits that typical students receive when they interact with students who have special needs. Specifically, it centers on the friendships developed by
four children, ages 8 to 17, with such disabilities as cerebral palsy and Down syndrome. The video is told primarily from the typical child's point of view, with perspectives from parents and teachers. A brochure includes positive comments from parents and students who have viewed the video.
Together We're Better. The Inclusion Series. [Three Videotapes]. (1993). Comforty Media Concepts, 708-475-0791.
Three videos, totaling 157 minutes, present highlights from a week-long Inclusion Workshop conducted in Chicago in January 1992, led by Marsha Forest, Jack Pearpoint, and Judith Snow. An overview of their comprehensive program of inclusion is presented, demonstrating how to analyze a problem, map out the desired goal, and find ways to achieve that goal. Effective tools and strategies for fostering an inclusive environment are discussed. Tape 1 (59 minutes) includes "Introduction to Inclusion: The Four H's," "The Philosophy of Inclusion: ABC's," "Two Roads: The Road to Exclusion and the Road to Inclusion," and "Thoughts on Disabilities, Differences and Giftedness." Tape 2 (37 minutes) demonstrates inclusive strategies that may be used in fostering an
inclusive education. It includes: "Curriculum of Caring," "Quaker Meeting Circle," "Qualitative Evaluation Procedure," "The Six Hats," and "Circle of Friends." Tape 3 (51 minutes) presents information on a long-term visionary process called MAPS (Making Action Plans) and a problem-solving strategy called PATH (Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope). A companion book titled "The Inclusion Papers" and a poster are provided.
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