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Readings on Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD)
or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD)

The ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education (ERIC EC)
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ERIC EC Minibib EB11
Updated August 2001

Citations with an ED (ERIC Document; for example, ED123456) number are available in microfiche collections at more than 1,000 locations worldwide; to find the ERIC Resource Collection nearest you, point your web browser to: http://ericae.net/derc.htm. Documents can also be ordered for a fee through the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS): http://edrs.com/, service@edrs.com, or 1-800-443-ERIC. (no longer available)

Journal articles (for example, EJ999999) are available for a fee from the originating journal (check your local college or public library), through interlibrary loan services, or from article reproduction services such as: Infotrieve: 800.422.4633, www4.infotrieve.com, service@infotrieve.com; or ingenta: 800.296.2221, www.ingenta.com, ushelp@ingenta.com.

Armstrong, Thomas. (1995). The Myth of the A.D.D. Child: 50 Ways To Improve Your Child's Behavior and Attention Span without Drugs, Labels, or Coercion. Dutton Publishers, 375 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014. 302pp.
This book presents 50 ways parents can manage the behavior and learning of their child with ADD. The strategies cover a variety of topics including diet, daily activities, health issues, relaxation, relationships, and social skills. An introductory section examines the nature of ADD and presents several theories of non-biological causes of ADD-ADHD behavior. It addresses the benefits and drawbacks of the use of medication and discusses the range of non-drug alternatives for controlling ADD.

Asher, Michael J., & Gordon, Steven B. (1998). AD/HD Forms Book: Identification, Measurement, and Intervention. Research Press, 2612 N. Mattis Ave., Champaign, IL 61822. 116pp.
This guide contains 30 forms for use in educational settings with children and adolescents who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). Includes forms for behavior analysis, behavior change, accommodations, social skills contracts, and reinforcement inventories.

Barkley, Russell A. (1995). Taking Charge of ADHD: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents. Guilford Press, 72 Spring St., New York, NY 10012. 294pp.
This book is designed to help parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) care for their children in a way that ensures the health of the entire family. It advances the theory that ADHD is more than just a deficiency in attention and impulse control, but a fundamental deficiency in the ability to look toward the future and control one's behavior based on that foresight. Presents principles for managing children with ADHD, keys to school success, and ways for parents and families to cope with ADHD.

Bramer, Jennifer S. (1996). Succeeding in College with Attention Deficit Disorders: Issues and Strategies for Students, Counselors and Educators. Specialty Press, Inc., 300 N.W. 70th Avenue, Suite 102, Plantation, FL. 189pp.
This guide for students with attention deficit disorders (ADD) and their counselors and teachers offers practical advice for success in college. The chapters include interviews and case studies concerning college students and ADD, empowerment through self-advocacy, study skills, and the role of educators and counselors in the success of college students with ADD.

Brown, Dale S. (2000). Learning a Living: A Guide To Planning Your Career and Finding a Job for People with Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Dyslexia. Woodbine House, 6510 Bells Mill Rd., Bethesda, MD 20817. 340pp.
The book emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, a positive attitude, research, and enlisting the help of others in career development. It discusses how to evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses, select a suitable college, obtain accommodations at school and on the job, practice social skills, research potential careers and companies, network within professional and support associations, and apply legal rights.

Cohen, Michael W. (1998). The Attention Zone: A Parents' Guide to Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Taylor & Francis, 1900 Frost Road, Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007-1598. 234pp.
This book for parents provides an overview of ADHD and includes additional topics including the symptom profile and frequent coexisting conditions, adults with ADHD, the impact on families, perceptions of children and adolescents with ADHD, general treatment principles, special adolescent treatment issues, managing family stress, school strategies, principles of medical intervention, and nontraditional therapies.

Dendy, Chris, & Zeigler A. (1995). Teenagers with ADD: A Parents' Guide. Woodbine House, 6510 Bells Mill Rd., Bethesda, MD 20817. 382pp.
This book discusses the wide range of issues and challenges that face teenagers with attention deficit disorders (ADD) and ways their parents and teachers can help. It provides an overview of ADD including the diagnostic process and frequently associated syndromes. The emotional impact of this diagnosis is also examined including common pitfalls for family relationships. Medical and psychological treatment options are then discussed. Common behaviors displayed by adolescents with ADD, more serious problems as well as substance abuse, sexual activity, depression, and other risky behaviors are explored.

Dornbush, Marilyn P., & Pruitt, Sheryl K. (1995). Teaching the Tiger: A Handbook for Individuals Involved in the Education of Students with Attention Deficit Disorders, Tourette Syndrome or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Hope Press, PO Box 188, Duarte, CA 91009-0188. 282pp.
This book provides practical guidance concerning children with the neurological impairments of attention deficit disorder, Tourette syndrome, or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Topics covered include treatment (including school interventions) classroom modifications, academic interventions, the IEP process, computer-assisted instruction, and social skills.

Dowdy, Carol A., Patton, James R., Smith, Tom E.C., & Polloway Edward A. (1998). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the Classroom: A Practical Guide for Teachers. PRO-ED, 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757-6897. 291pp.
This book is intended to provide regular and special education teachers with the practical information they need to teach students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). An overview of ADHD is first presented, followed by topics that include classroom management techniques, instructional methods, development of student-regulated strategies, the use of medications, home-school collaboration, collaboration among educators in the school setting, and transition to postsecondary education and adult living.

Flick, Grad L. (1998). ADD/ADHD Behavior-Change Resource Kit: Ready-to-Use Strategies & Activities for Helping Children with Attention Deficit Disorder. Prentice Hall Direct, PO Box 11075, Des Moines, IA 50336. 391pp.
This book is a comprehensive resource for parents, teachers and mental health professionals dealing with children who have attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It provides comprehensive information about the neurobiological nature of ADD and ADHD, detailed reference materials on diagnosis and treatment, examples of behavior problems, specific exercises and activities to enhance knowledge of behavioral procedures to use with ADD/ADHD, and intervention strategies.

Freed, Jeffrey & Parsons, Laurie. (1997). Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained World: Unlocking the Potential of Your ADD Child. Simon and Schuster, Rockefeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. 241pp.
This book presents basic principles for working with children with ADD, focusing on visualization and a right-brained approach to "the big picture." Separate chapters are devoted to specific strategies for improving students' spelling, reading, writing, and math skills, followed by a chapter focusing on study techniques. It gives guidelines for helping such children achieve an appropriate measure of discipline and organization outside school. It discusses strengths and weaknesses of drug treatments for ADD and alternative treaments.

Hartmann, Thom. (1996). Beyond ADD: Hunting for Reasons in the Past & Present. Underwood Books, PO Box 1609, Grass Valley, CA 95945. 216pp.
This book expands upon the common understanding of Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD) by examining how different people with ADD exhibit different symptomatic behaviors, ranging from hyperactivity to withdrawal. Examines the impact of environmental pollutants, nutritional deficiencies, the short attention span of the dominant consumer culture, and overpopulation. The difficulties encountered by gifted students and visual learners are also documented.

Jordan, Dale R. (1998). Attention Deficit Disorder: ADHD and ADD Syndrome. Third Edition. PRO-ED, Inc., 8700 Shoal Creek Boulevard, Austin, TX 78757-6897. 202pp. This book reviews neurological and biochemical causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Chapter topics also include: myths and misconceptions about people with ADD; the difficulties that students with ADHD or ADD have in the classroom, at home, and on the job; the legal status of ADHD and ADD; the use of drug therapy, nutritional and organizational strategies; and behavior modification strategies for controlling ADHD and ADD.

McEwan, Elaine K. (1995). Attention Deficit Disorder: Helpful, Practical Information. A Guide for Parents & Educators. Harold Shaw Publishers, Box 567, 388 Gundersen Drive, Wheaton, IL 60189. 311pp.
This book provides strategies for school success and techniques for home management in families affected by ADHD. Individual chapters focus on the symptoms and diagnosis, the role of medical and educational professionals, the use of medications, special education laws and programs, the legal rights of parents, successful classroom strategies, and behavior management and discipline techniques for the home.

Nadeau, Kathleen G. (1996). Adventures in Fast Forward: Life, Love, and Work for the ADD Adult. Brunner/Mazel, Inc., 19 Union Square West, New York, NY 10003 ($18.95). 210pp.
Focusing on adults with ADD, this book explains diagnosis of adult ADD and treatment with medication, education, psychotherapy, and coaching. It gives information on learning life-management skills (including stress management), building a strong marriage and family life, improving social skills, and managing ADD in the workplace.

Smallwood, Diane L., Ed. (1997). Attention Disorders in Children: Resources for School Psychologists. National Association of School Psychologists, 4340 East West Highway, Suite 402, Bethesda, MD 20814. 302pp.
This compilation of articles and book chapters from other National Association of School Psychologists publications addresses: life stories on attention problems from the viewpoints of parents, teachers, and students; alternative viewpoints of attention disorders; and resilience and hope in children at risk for developing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems. The importance of home-school partnerships in working with young children with oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorders is also discussed.

Solden, Sari. (1995). Women with Attention Deficit Disorder: Embracing Disorganization at Home and in the Workplace. Underwood Books, PO Box 1607, Grass Valley, CA 95945. 288pp.
This book combines real-life anecdotes and treatment experiences along with recent clinical research to form a guide for women and girls with Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD). It explores the synergy between ADD symptoms and the cultural expectations placed on women, and examines such indirect effects as underachievement, depression, and difficulties in relationships. A new model of treatment is presented, including a new screening tool designed especially for women.

Films for the Arts and Humanities, PO Box 2053, Princeton, NJ 08543-2053. 800.257.5126. Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder in Children, Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder: Taming the Turmoil, Ritalin: Drug Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder.

Fanlight Productions, 4196 Washington St., Suite 2, Boston, MA 02131. 800.937.4113. Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder in Children, The Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults.

The Learning Seed, 330 Telser Road, Lake Zurich, IL 60047-6701. 800.634.4941. Why Can't Michael Pay Attention? Understanding Attention Hyperactive Disorder.

Caffrey, Jaye Andras, (1997). First Star I See. Verbal Images Press, 19 Fox Hill Drive, Fairport, NY 14450. 150pp.

Carpenter, Phyllis, & Ford, Marti. (2000). Sparky's Excellent Misadventures: My A.D.D. Journal by Me (Sparky). Magination Press, 750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002. 32pp.

Corman, Clifford L., & Trevino, Esther. (1995). Eukee: The Jumpy Jumpy Elephant. Waterfront Books, 85 Crescent Road, Burlington, VT 05401. 20pp.

Galvin, Matthew. (1988). Otto Learns about His Medicine: A Story about Medication for Hyperactive Children. Magination Press/Brunner Mazel, 19 Union Square West, New York, NY 10003. 32pp.

Gehret, Jeanne. (1991). Eagle Eyes: A Child's View of Attention Deficit Disorder. Verbal Images Press, 19 Fox Hill Dr., Fairport, NY 14450. 14pp.

Janover, Caroline. (1997). Zipper, The Kid with ADHD. Woodbine House, Inc., 6510 Bells Mill Rd., Bethesda, MD 20817. 164pp.

Moss, Deborah M. (1989). Shelley: The Hyperactive Turtle. Woodbine House, 6510 Bells Mill Rd., Bethesda, MD 20817. 20pp.

Zimmett, Debbie. (2001). Eddie Enough! Woodbine House, 6510 Bells Mill Rd., Bethesda, MD 20817. 48pp.

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