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Teaching Social Studies to Students with Learning Disabilities
(July 1999)
What strategies can be used for teaching Social
Studies to students with learning disabilities?
Teachers in inclusive classrooms regularly face the difficult
task of having to modify the curriculum to reach all of their
students, many of whom have special needs. Students with
disabilities, whether physical, emotional, or cognitive in
nature, respond to the curriculum differently from other
students. For example, depending on the disability itself and
other factors affecting their ability to succeed academically,
students may need modifications such as advance and graphic
organizers, instructional scaffolding, additional practice and
time to complete assignments, and/or alternative media (e.g.,
large-print materials, audiotapes, or electronic materials).
Without specific modifications, the standard curricular
materials can be inadequate for these students, and too
frequently they can find themselves blocked from access to
essential aspects of the curriculum. Teachers must adjust the
materials or their presentation to break down the barriers and
assist these students in learning.
The IDEA Amendments of 1997 require that students with
disabilities have access to the general education curriculum.
This legislative requirement makes the accessibility of
curricular materials an issue of even greater importance than it
otherwise would be. To meet the goal of equal access to the
curriculum for everyone, to enable each student to engage with
his or her lessons in a meaningful way, teachers must be prepared
to provide useful alternatives in terms of both curricular
materials and instructional delivery. Well-adapted materials
without an effective method of teaching are practically useless,
but with the proper tools and instructional methods, a good
teacher encourages each member of the class to participate
directly in the learning experience.
(From Preface,ERIC/OSEP Mini-Library
on Adapting Curricular Materials. 1999. Volume 1, Toward
Successful Inclusion of Students with Disabilities: The
Architecture of Instruction; Volume 2, Adapting Reading and Math
Materials for the Inclusive Classroom (Kindergarten through Grade
Five); and Volume 3, Adapting Language Arts, Social Studies, and
Science Materials for the Inclusive Classroom (Grades Six Through
Eight). Mini-Library available from CEC's ERIC Clearinghouse on
Disabilities and Gifted Education. 1.888.CEC.SPED. Stock No.
P5304. $21.60/CEC members; $30.95/non-members. ISBN
Following are links to related Internet resources and Internet
discussion groups, as well as selected citations from the ERIC
database and the search terms we used to find the citations.
You can search the ERIC database yourself on the Internet through either of the following web sites:
ERIC Citations
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ERIC Search Terms Used
learning disabilities
social studies or
civics or geography or history or political science
ED418034 SO028712
Development of Geographic Literacy in Students with Learning
Bennett, Wendy M.
EDRS Price - MF01/PC02 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Document Type: PROJECT DESCRIPTION (141)
Geographic Source: U.S.; California
Journal Announcement: RIEAUG98
This paper addresses issues related to the development of
geographic literacy by describing, explaining, and discussing
these issues as they relate to the current reform movement in the
teaching of geography. Emphasis is placed on how this
information relates to students with learning disabilities. The
paper emphasizes the importance of effective teaching of
geographic literacy in students with learning disabilities.
There is a lack of activities related to geography in the special
education curriculum and the student's Individualized Education
Plan (IEP) does not generally include geography goals. The
paper questions the artificial activities that are in place in
the special education curriculum. This review of the literature
is intended as a search for ideas, strategies, and ways to
effectively reach the population of students with learning
Descriptors: Developmental Disabilities; Elementary Secondary
Education; *Geographic Concepts; *Geography; *Geography
Instruction; *Learning Disabilities; Learning Problems; Social
Studies; World Geography
EJ499314 EC610677
Elaborative Maps for Enhanced Learning of Historical Information:
Uniting Spatial, Verbal, and Imaginal Information.
Brigham, Frederick J.; And Others
Journal of Special Education, v28 n4 p440-60 Win 1995
ISSN: 0022-4669
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJJUL95
Three formats of maplike displays containing historical event and
location information were presented to 72 middle school students
with learning disabilities(LD). Although recall of locations was
significantly greater than recall of event information in all
conditions, both mnemonic and elaborative encoding improved
Descriptors: Instructional Materials; Junior High Schools;
*Learning Disabilities; *Learning Strategies; *Locational Skills
(Social Studies); *Maps; Memory; Middle Schools; Mnemonics;
*Recall (Psychology); *United States History
EJ497674 EC610612
State the Facts.
Conderman, Gregory; Tompkins, Bonita J.
TEACHING Exceptional Children, v27 n3 p57-58 Spr 1995
ISSN: 0040-0599
Language: English
Document Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE (080); TEACHING GUIDE (052)
Journal Announcement: CIJJUN95
Target Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
A teacher-developed board game, designed for upper elementary and
middle school students with mild disabilities, promotes student
familiarity with their home state and applies problem-solving and
map-reading skills in a cooperative-learning format.
Descriptors: Cooperative Learning; *Educational Games;
*Geography; Intermediate Grades; Junior High Schools; *Map
Skills; Middle Schools; *Mild Disabilities; Problem Solving;
Social Studies; *Teacher Developed Materials
ED421418 SO029064
Acquisition and Application of Study Skills and Test Taking
Strategies with Eighth Grade Learning Disabled Students Failing
Social Studies.
Fatata-Hall, Kimberley
46p.; Ed.D Practicum, Nova Southeastern University.
EDRS Price - MF01/PC02 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Document Type: PRACTICUM PAPER (043)
Geographic Source: U.S.; South Carolina
Journal Announcement: RIEDEC98
This practicum was designed to improve the social studies
averages of eighth-grade learning disabled students by using
direct instruction and small group interaction. A study skills
course was developed after student and teacher surveys indicated
the need and desire for the class. The course curriculum
included outlining skills, multiple choice and true false test
preparedness, and organizational skill development. Analysis of
the students' test scores after the 12-week class revealed that
the averages in social studies rose thirteen points.
Students reported they felt more confident in their test-taking
abilities and displayed better organizational skills through the
use of a table of contents for their notebooks. Teachers reported
an increase in class participation during group discussions.
Descriptors: Academic Achievement; Action Research; Grade 8;
Junior High Schools; *Learning Disabilities; *Learning
Strategies; Middle Schools; Notetaking; Outlining (Discourse);
Social Studies; *Special Education; Student Improvement; Study
Habits; *Study Skills
EJ532363 EC614646
Authenticity in Learning: Multimedia Design Projects in the
Social Studies for Students with Disabilities.
Ferretti, Ralph P.; Okolo, Cynthia M.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, v29 n5 p450-60 Sep 1996
ISSN: 0022-2194
Language: English
Document Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE (080); POSITION PAPER (120)
Journal Announcement: CIJMAR97
This article explains reasons for focusing on social studies as
an untapped domain in which to foster thinking and problem
solving skills of students with disabilities, discusses the use
of multimedia technology in supporting projects in the social
studies, explores considerations in implementing multimedia
design projects, and examines challenges to implementation of
such projects.
Descriptors: Curriculum Development; Educational Media;
Educational Strategies; Elementary Secondary Education;
*Instructional Design; *Learning Disabilities; *Multimedia
Instruction; *Problem Solving; *Social Studies; Teaching Methods;
*Thinking Skills
EJ496171 EA530139
Addressing Learning Differences Right from the Start.
Heron, Elizabeth; Jorgensen, Cheryl M.
Educational Leadership, v52 n4 p56-58 Dec-Jan 199 1995
ISSN: 0013-1784
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJMAY95
Without careful attention to learning-disabled students'
strengths and weaknesses, learning styles, language processing
abilities, and reading levels, these students can fail to master
content and essential knowledge about the Civil War and other
subjects. Alternative approaches include providing in-class
readings for group discussion and outside reading materials at
different grade levels, holding small-group discussions, and
using film and video creatively.
Descriptors: *Civil War (United States); *Disabilities; *Lesson
Plans; *Mainstreaming; *Media Adaptation; Secondary Education;
*United States History
Identifiers: *Inclusive Educational Programs
EJ527702 EC614287
Hypertext Support for Remedial Students and Students with
Learning Disabilities.
Higgins, Kyle; And Others
Journal of Learning Disabilities, v29 n4 p402-12 Jul 1996
Special series: Technology.
ISSN: 0022-2194
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJDEC96
Evaluation of the use of social studies hypermedia (text only)
study guides with 25 high school students, either learning
disabled or receiving remedial instruction, found that the
hypertext provided adequate reinforcement to move students toward
continued, unprompted use of a hypermedia study guide, and that
short-term and long-term retention of information could be
Descriptors: *Computer Assisted Instruction; High Schools;
*Hypermedia; *Instructional Effectiveness; *Learning
Disabilities; Remedial Instruction; Retention (Psychology);
Social Studies; *Study Guides
EJ532388 EC614671
Teaching Law Concepts within Mainstreamed Middle School Social
Studies Settings.
Hollenbeck, Keith; Tindal, Gerald
Diagnostique, v21 n4 p37-58 Sum 1996
ISSN: 0737-2477
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJMAR97
Target Audience: Researchers
A study compared the performance of 21 sixth graders receiving
Title I services, 13 with learning disabilities, 9 gifted
students, and 58 others on a legal knowledge test after a 3-week
course in a mainstream setting. The groups differed
significantly on declarative knowledge tasks, but not on
procedural and conditional knowledge tasks. Results support a
collaborative conceptual teaching model.
Descriptors: *Concept Formation; Cooperative Learning;
Economically Disadvantaged; Educational Strategies; Grade 6;
*Inclusive Schools; Instructional Effectiveness; Intermediate
Grades; Junior High Schools; Juvenile Justice; *Knowledge Level;
*Law Related Education; *Learning Disabilities; Middle Schools;
Problem Solving; Social Studies; *Teaching Methods; Teaching
EJ539242 EC615722
Using Teacher-Guided Practice To Help Students with Learning
Disabilities Acquire and Retain Social Studies Content.
Hudson, Pamela
Learning Disability Quarterly, v20 n1 p23-32 Win 1997
ISSN: 0731-9487
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJJUL97
Sixth and seventh grade students (n=18) with mild to moderate
learning disabilities (LD) were taught social studies by using
instructional sequence techniques. Results found LD students
performed significantly better when these techniques (breaking
new material into small units of information and providing
frequent student practice and teacher feedback) were used.
Descriptors: Drills (Practice); Educational Principles; Feedback;
*Instructional Effectiveness; Intermediate Grades; Junior High
Schools; *Learning Disabilities; Learning Processes; Middle
Schools; *Sequential Approach; Social Studies; *Teaching
EJ525997 EC613807
Using a Learning Set to Increase the Test Performance of Students
with Learning Disabilities in Social Studies Classes.
Hudson, Pamela
Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, v11 n2 p78-85 Spr
ISSN: 0938-8982
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJNOV96
This study of 20 sixth- and seventh-grade students with learning
disabilities receiving social studies instruction found that
prelesson learning set activities (including interactive review
of previous instruction, statements of lesson objectives and
expectations, and discussion of the lesson's importance) resulted
in significantly better performance on unit and maintenance class
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; *Advance Organizers;
*Instructional Effectiveness; Intermediate Grades; Junior High
Schools; *Learning Disabilities; Performance Factors; Resource
Room Programs; Review (Reexamination); *Social Studies; Student
Educational Objectives; *Teaching Methods
Identifiers: *Learning Sets
ED418047 SO028745
Reciprocal Teaching of Social Studies in Inclusive Elementary
Lederer, Jeffrey M.
37p.; Paper based upon the author's dissertation presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association
(Chicago, IL, March 25, 1997).
EDRS Price - MF01/PC02 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; New Mexico
Journal Announcement: RIEAUG98
This study examines the effectiveness of Reciprocal Teaching
during social studies instruction in fourth-, fifth-, and
sixth-grade inclusive classrooms (N=128) in a rural school system
in New Mexico. Reciprocal teaching is a method of scaffolded
instruction that has been demonstrated to improve reading
comprehension in students of various ability levels.
Experimental and control classrooms at each grade level contained
approximately the same number of students with learning
disabilities. Comprehension assessments were administered at
baseline and once weekly thereafter for a total of four measures.
Results indicated that students in the experimental groups
improved their performance on comprehension measures more than
students in the control group. This improvement continued to be
displayed after 30 days in both the sixth and fourth grades. The
data also suggest that students with learning disabilities
improved their ability to compose summaries as compared to the
control students.
Descriptors: Disabilities; Grade 4; Grade 5; Grade 6; *Inclusive
Schools; Intermediate Grades; *Reading Comprehension; *Reciprocal
Teaching; *Social Studies
Identifiers: *Scaffolding
EJ539241 EC615721
Using Mnemonic Strategies To Teach Information about U.S.
Presidents: A Classroom-Based Investigation.
Mastropieri, Margo A.; And Others
Learning Disability Quarterly, v20 n1 p13-21 Win 1997
ISSN: 0731-9487
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJJUL97
Target Audience: Researchers; Practitioners
Over a six-week period, students (N=19) with learning
disabilities in an inner-city middle school were taught the
chronological order of the U.S. presidents. Half the time a
modified mnemonic keyword-pegword strategy was used and the other
half rehearsal and representational pictures. Delayed
posttesting revealed a significant main effect for instructional
condition in favor of the mnemonic instruction.
Descriptors: *Instructional Effectiveness; *Learning
Disabilities; Learning Strategies; *Memorization; Middle Schools;
*Mnemonics; *Presidents of the United States; Secondary
Education; Teaching Methods; United States History; Urban
EJ541937 SO528558
Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners in the Social Studies
Classroom through Collaborative Methods of Instruction.
Negron, Elsy; Ricklin, Leslie Perfect
Social Studies and the Young Learner, v9 n2 p27-29 Nov-Dec
ISSN: 1056-0300
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJAUG97
Target Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
Recounts the case of a learning disabled sixth grader
mainstreamed into a social studies class. Describes a variety of
instructional strategies and activities that capitalize on the
student's strengths to facilitate learning. These include
critical thinking maps, semantic maps, simulations, and
kinesthetic learning.
Descriptors: Cognitive Development; Cognitive Mapping; Cognitive
Style; Creative Activities; Elementary Education; Grade 6;
*Individualized Instruction; Instructional Effectiveness;
Intellectual Development; *Learning Activities; *Learning
Disabilities; Learning Modalities; Learning Problems;
*Mainstreaming; Simulation; *Social Studies; *Special Needs
Students; Teaching Methods
Identifiers: *Algozzine (B)
EJ542825 EC616443
Knowledge Acquisition and Technology-Supported Projects in the
Social Studies for Students with Learning Disabilities.
Okolo, Cynthia M.; Ferretti, Ralph P.
Journal of Special Education Technology, v13 n2 p91-103 Fall
ISSN: 0162-6434
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJSEP97
Target Audience: Researchers
Effects of project-based instruction were assessed in a study of
21 students (mean age 12) with learning disabilities who
developed social studies projects from source materials using
word processing tools alone or using multimedia presentation
tools. Students in both groups acquired substantial content
knowledge, but neither group differed in motivation to learn more
or in length of written product.
Descriptors: *Instructional Effectiveness; Intermediate Grades;
Junior High Schools; *Learning Disabilities; *Multimedia
Instruction; *Research Papers (Students); *Social Studies;
Student Motivation; Student Projects; Student Research; United
States History; *Word Processing
EJ502291 SO526503
Social Studies for "All" Students. Teacher's Resources.
Porter, Priscilla H., Ed.
Social Studies and the Young Learner, v7 n4 p26-27,30 Mar-Apr
Theme issue topic: "Diverse Learners in the Social Studies
ISSN: 1056-0300
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJAUG95
Target Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
Maintains that the inclusive classroom is one in which all
students, regardless of differences can flourish. Discusses the
role of cooperative learning in establishing and maintaining an
inclusive classroom. Maintains that inclusion promotes
Descriptors: *Classroom Environment; Cognitive Style; Cooperative
Learning; Educational Objectives; *Educational Strategies;
Elementary Education; Ethnic Groups; *Learning Disabilities;
*Learning Strategies; *Social Studies; Sociocultural Patterns;
Special Needs Students; *Teacher Behavior; Teaching Methods
Identifiers: *California Department of Education
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