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Sex Education and Students with Disabilities
(updated April 2002)

Do you have any information on sex education for students with disabilities?

Students with mental retardation have a wide range of abilities and disabilities. Most of these students have difficulty learning as easily and comprehensively as their nondisabled peers. Many do not readily understand concepts presented in the abstract. Often the ability to generalize from experience is absent or greatly reduced. These learning characteristics increase the special education students' vulnerability to sexually transmitted disease, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Many students with mental retardation live more protected lives than do adolescents without disabilities. This overprotection often heightens the risk of abuse, lack of knowledge, habitual overcompliance, limited assertiveness, and undifferentiated trusting are frequent by-products of this "protected" lifestyle.

Frequently the following curriculum adaptations enhance the learning of students in special education:

  • Simplified but age-appropriate reading materials or media that do not require reading, hearing, vision, or mobility, depending on the student's level of ability.
  • Use of a variety of concrete teaching strategies to reinforce the information presented (e.g., written materials, audiovisual materials, role playing, interactive games, etc.)
  • Learning strategies that closely approximate real life.
  • Opportunities for interaction with nondisabled peers and role models.
  • Repeated opportunities for ongoing learning. (From Double Jeopardy: Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Special Education, Lynne Muccigrosso, CEC, 1991)

(From Double Jeopardy: Pregnant and Parenting Youth in Special Education, ERIC/CEC Minilibrary)

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sex education


special education OR disabilities!

EJ627985 EC627588
Sexuality Education for Adults with Developmental Disabilities.
Caspar, Laura A.; Glidden, Laraine Masters
Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, v36 n2 p172-77 Jun 2001
ISSN: 1079-3917
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Research (143)
Journal Announcement: CIJDEC2001
A sexuality education program with a newly developed curriculum was provided to 12 adults with developmental disabilities to examine whether their sexual awareness and knowledge could be increased and their attitudes regarding sexuality could be changed. Knowledge increased and attitudes changed for the adults following the program.
Descriptors: Adult Education; Adults; *Attitude Change; *Curriculum Design; *Instructional Effectiveness; Knowledge Level; *Mental Retardation; *Sex Education; *Sexuality

ED446401 EC308089
Sexuality Issues for Youth with Disabilities and Chronic Health Conditions. Healthy & Ready To Work (HRTW) Policy Brief.
Shapland, Ceci
Author Affiliation: Florida Univ., Gainesville. Inst. for Child Health Policy.(BBB26031)
Pages: 24
Publication Date: April 2000
Sponsoring Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration (DHHS/PHS), Washington, DC. Maternal and Child Health Bureau. (BBB32080) Contract No: U93MC00133
ISBN: 0-9700909-3-5
Availability: For full text: http://www.mchbhrtw.org/materials.
Document Type: Reports--Descriptive (141)
Journal Announcement: RIEAPR2001
This policy paper addresses sexuality issues of youth with disabilities and chronic health conditions. The first section introduces the problem of teen pregnancy and pregnancy prevention. The second section provides definitions of disabilities including both visible and invisible disabilities. Risk factors for teen pregnancy are identified and discussed next, including risks for all youth, risks for youth with disabilities, poor academic achievement/high dropout rate, low expectations for post high school outcomes, sexual abuse, cognitive difficulties, poor social skills, poor self-esteem and body image, and lack of information. The final section recommends needed actions and focuses on accommodating community programs for youth with disabilities. This section addresses: sex education, community family planning services, comprehensive programs, community partnerships, inclusion of young men, physical accessibility, contraceptive needs, acknowledgment of cultural diversity, and a checklist for programs. Five policy recommendations and a list of programs/ resources conclude the paper.
Descriptors: At Risk Persons; Chronic Illness; *Community Programs; Definitions; *Disabilities; Early Parenthood; *Pregnancy; *Prevention; Sex Education; *Sexuality; *Special Health Problems

ED432842 EC307325
Talking Sex! Practical Approaches and Strategies for Working with People Who Have Developmental Disabilities When the Topic Is Sex.
Maurer, Lisa T.
Author Affiliation: Planned Parenthood of Tompkins County, Ithaca, NY.(BBB35649)
Pages: 107
Publication Date: 1999
Availability: Planned Parenthood of Tompkins County, Education and Training Dept., 314 West State St., Ithaca, NY 14850; Tel: 607-273-1526, ext. 126; Web site: http://www.sextalk.org ($40).
Document Type: Guides--Classroom--Teacher (052)
Journal Announcement: RIEJAN2000
This guidebook provides information, activities, and overheads to help educators better understand approaches and strategies toward making sexuality education more accessible to persons with developmental disabilities. Chapter 1, "How Do I Start? Where Do I Start?," discusses providing accurate, age appropriate, and useful sexuality education. Chapter 2, "Why Do I Do This?," examines effects of sexuality education for people with developmental disabilities. The following chapter, "Who Is My Audience?," provides different definitions of developmental disabilities. Chapter 4, "What Might Slow Me Down," explores barriers to effective teaching and finding out the best available learning channels. Chapter 5, "How Do We Learn What We Know," discusses adaptive activities and the difficulties that people with developmental disabilities have in adapting to new situations. The next chapter, "Why is S/He Doing That?," explains the importance of making abstract ideas more concrete. The final chapter, "What Do I Say? How Do I Say It?," provides a framework for preparing and exploring sexuality and social skills education. Activities are provided for exploring feelings, paradigms, and levels of comfort. A list of resources is included. An appendix includes an historical overview of the history of society's attitudes toward people with developmental disabilities and sexuality.
Descriptors: Adolescents; Adults; *Family Life Education; Learning Activities; *Learning Strategies; *Mental Retardation; *Sex Education; *Sexuality; Teacher Education; Teaching Methods

EJ583813 EC621848
Program Evaluation of a Sex Education Curriculum for Women with Mental Retardation.
McDermott, Suzanne; Martin, Michelle; Weinrich, Martin; Kelly, Marcia
Research in Developmental Disabilities, v20 n2 p93-106 Mar-Apr 1999
ISSN: 0891-4222
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Research (143)
Journal Announcement: CIJNOV1999
The effectiveness of a sexual-education and health-promotion program for 252 women with mental retardation was analyzed using an evaluation model. Three factors (hygiene, social interaction, and sexual experience) affected sexual knowledge directly. An increase in sexual knowledge was associated with a greater number of instructional contacts.
Descriptors: Adults; *Females; *Health Promotion; *Hygiene; *Interpersonal Relationship; *Mental Retardation; Models; Program Effectiveness; *Sex Education

EJ583733 EC621168
Sexuality Education for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities.
Carter, Jade K.
Intervention in School and Clinic, v34 n4 p220-23 Mar 1999
ISSN: 1053-4512
Document Type: Guides--Non-classroom (055); Journal articles (080); Reports-- Descriptive (141)
Journal Announcement: CIJNOV1999
Discusses the challenges of sexuality education for students with specific learning disabilities and reviews the content of a program designed to teach human sexuality to this population. The critical role of parents/families is discussed, a course outline is provided, and a list of possible resources is given.
Descriptors: *Course Content; Learning Activities; *Learning Disabilities; *Parent Participation; Resource Materials; Secondary Education; *Sex Education; *Sexuality

ED434872 SP038804
The Individual with Intellectual Disabilities and Sex Education: Perspectives of Involved Adults.
Brown, Randel D.
Pages: 23
Publication Date: October 1997
Notes: Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Human Subjectivity (7th, Columbia, MO, October 1997).
Document Type: Reports--Research (143); Speeches/meeting papers (150)
Journal Announcement: RIEMAR2000
This study examined the perceptions of involved adults concerning sex education for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Participants were 40 individuals who provided direct care or instruction to individuals with intellectual disabilities or who had administrative responsibility for them. They completed a 36-item Q-sort that examined their opinions on the subject. Data analysis produced four belief systems: (1) normalization advocates, who were strong supporters of human rights for individuals with intellectual disabilities and believed in the importance of instructing them about sex and the moral implications of participating in sexual activities; (2) supporters of abstinence, who ardently supported sex education for individuals with intellectual disabilities to prevent possible abuse, who did not support sex outside of marriage, and who believed that this population could not successfully participate in marital relationships; (3) responsibility and control proponents, who strongly supported providing sex education to individuals with intellectual disabilities and offering extensive birth control measures; and (4) humanistic stalwarts, who were the strongest supporters of human rights for individuals with disabilities and contended that sex education, including birth control, is the right of all who can understand. They believed that individuals with intellectual disabilities should be allowed to participate in sexual activities and marriage with procreation if desired.
Descriptors: Administrator Attitudes; Attitude Measures; *Caregivers; Civil Liberties; Contraception; Developmental Disabilities; Elementary Secondary Education; *Mental Retardation; *Sex Education; Sexuality; *Special Education Teachers

EJ525991 EC613801
The Educational Effects of Providing AIDS-Risk Information to Persons with Developmental Disabilities: An Exploratory Study.
Scotti, Joseph R.; And Others
Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, v31 n2 p115-22 Jun 1996
ISSN: 1079-3917
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Evaluative (142)
Journal Announcement: CIJNOV1996
This study evaluated an HIV/AIDS education program provided to 31 employees of a sheltered workshop for persons with developmental disabilities. A survey of sexual activity supported the need for such a program. Comparison of pretest and posttest scores on an AIDS Risk Knowledge Test revealed an increase in knowledge that was related to the cognitive level of the participant.
Descriptors: *Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; Adults; *Developmental Disabilities; Instructional Effectiveness; *Knowledge Level; Program Effectiveness; Severity (of Disability); *Sex Education; *Sexuality; Sheltered Workshops

ED363591 SP034814
Special Needs Adolescents and Sexuality Education: A Health Challenge for the Nineties.
Olasov, Linda
Pages: 41
Publication Date: 1993
Notes: Paper presented at the Conference of the American School Health Association (Pittsburgh, PA, October 1993). Attachments contain broken type.
Document Type: Guides--Non-classroom (055); Opinion papers (120); Speeches/ meeting papers (150)
Journal Announcement: RIEMAR1994
This paper offers a rationale for offering sexuality education for youth with mental handicaps, and outlines several myths about human sexuality and the mentally handicapped. Sexual rights of the mentally handicapped are listed. Items that should be included in sexual counseling are noted. The paper also discusses critical content areas in sexuality education, effective teaching techniques, modification of instructional objectives and classroom activities to meet special students' needs, and selection and modification of materials. Attachments include methods for individualizing instructional objectives, a sexual bill of rights for people with disabilities, a privacy values clarification strategy, and a checklist for parents to indicate appropriateness of various behaviors.
Descriptors: Adolescents; Counseling; Instructional Design; Media Selection; *Mental Retardation; Secondary Education; *Sex Education; *Sexuality; *Teaching Methods; Values Clarification

EJ475939 EC607609
Sex Education Programs for People with Mental Retardation.
McCabe, Marita P.
Mental Retardation, v31 n6 p377-87 Dec 1993
ISSN: 0047-6765
Document Type: Information Analysis (070); Journal articles (080)
Journal Announcement: CIJMAY1994
Evaluation of data on the sexual knowledge, needs, and experience of people with mental retardation found an unmet need for sexual knowledge, caused partly by the largely negative attitudes of caregivers and parents about the sexuality of these individuals. Available sex education programs were found to be generally inadequate and unproven.
Descriptors: Attitudes; Caregivers; Educational Needs; *Knowledge Level; *Mental Retardation; *Parent Attitudes; Program Effectiveness; *Sex Education;*Sexuality

ED350791 EC301603
Sexuality and Disability: A SIECUS Annotated Bibliography of Available Print Materials.
Shortridge, James; And Others
Author Affiliation: Sex Information and Education Council of the United States, Inc., New York, NY.(QPX79370)
Pages: 9
Publication Date: September 1992
Availability: SIECUS, 130 West 42nd St., Suite 2500, New York, NY 10036 ($2.50 each for 1 to 4 copies, quantity discounts available; plus 15% postage and handling).
Document Type: Reference materials--Bibliographies (131)
Journal Announcement: RIEMAR1993
This annotated listing of print materials on sexuality and disability includes 61 publications as well as 2 databases and 23 organizations. Print materials are listed alphabetically by title within the following categories: books, materials for parents, materials for professionals, curricula, and journals/newsletters. Prices, addresses, and telephone numbers of sources are given for most materials. Materials were published from 1982 through 1991.
Descriptors: Adults; Databases; *Disabilities; Intermediate Grades; Periodicals; Resources; Secondary Education; *Sex Education; *Sexuality

ED348787 EC301407
Teaching Socialization and Sex Education to Persons with Mental Retardation.
Birch, Carol P.; Rouse, Geraldine R.
Pages: 24
Publication Date: April 1992
Notes: Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Council for Exceptional Children (70th, Baltimore, MD, April 13-17, 1992).
Document Type: Guides--Non-classroom (055); Reports--Descriptive (141); Speeches/meeting papers (150)
Journal Announcement: RIEJAN1993
This paper describes a language-based, problem-solving socialization and sex education curriculum designed for individuals with developmental delays. The curriculum aims to increase the students' understanding of themselves socially, psychologically, and physically enabled to function more effectively in a mainstream society that is ever changing. The program has a strong theoretical and applied research base in the areas of language development and thought, sociolinguistics, and cognitive behavior modification. It uses a process-oriented approach involving group interaction and natural context. This paper describes the program's philosophy, parental permission needed, student attitudes, and use of team teaching. Activities include vocabulary development; use of pictures, slides, and videotapes; semantic mapping; role play; problem solving; group work; and follow-up activities. The curriculum's 31 lessons cover such topics as hygiene, human reproduction, relationships, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and sexual abuse. A sample lesson plan is presented, on the topic of parts of the body.
Descriptors: Developmental Disabilities; Elementary Secondary Education; *Interpersonal Relationship; Language Acquisition; *Mental Retardation; Problem Solving; *Sex Education; Socialization; Teaching Methods

EJ452870 EC604236
Sex Education for Students with High-Incidence Special Needs.
Romaneck, Greg M.; Kuehl, Robert
Teaching Exceptional Children, v25 n1 p22-24 Fall 1992
ISSN: 0040-0599
Document Type: Guides--Non-classroom (055); Journal articles (080)
Journal Announcement: CIJMAR1993
The provision of adequate sex education to students with learning disabilities, behavior disorders, and mild mental disabilities should be a part of a general education effort to acclimatize them to full social integration. This paper discusses teaching strategies, issues in developing a sex education curriculum, and personal traits of successful sex education teachers.
Descriptors: *Behavior Disorders; Curriculum Development; Elementary Secondary Education; *Learning Disabilities; *Mild Mental Retardation; *Sex Education; Social Integration; Teacher Characteristics; Teacher Role; *Teaching Methods

ED346676 EC301289
Sexuality Education for Children and Youth with Disabilities.
Kupper, Lisa; And Others
Author Affiliation: Interstate Research Associates, Inc., Washington, DC.(BBB03860); National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities, Washington, DC.(BBB29829)
Source: NICHCY News Digest, v1 n3 1992 Pages: 29
Sponsoring Agency: Special Education Programs (ED/OSERS), Washington, DC. (EDD00017)
Contract No: H030A00002
Availability: Interstate Research Associates, NICHCY, PO Box 1492, Washington, DC 20013-1492 (single copies free).
Document Type: Collected works--Serials (022); Reference materials--Bibliographies (131)
Journal Announcement: RIENOV1992
This theme issue newsletter presents six brief articles on sexuality education for children and youth with disabilities. Each article presents an overview of important points to consider when providing sexuality education, then concludes with a list of materials for families and professionals. The first article, "The Development of Sexuality," presents essential information on sexuality and sexuality education. The second article, titled "The Importance of Developing Social Skills," offers parents suggestions in promoting their children's socialization skills. Next, "Teaching Children and Youth about Sexuality" offers suggested discussion topics by age group (preschool through adolescence). The fourth article is primarily a bibliography of resources (grouped by disability) concerned with "How Particular Disabilities Affect Sexuality and Sexuality Education". The next article briefly addresses "Fostering Relationships: Suggestions for Young Adults". The final article offers resources on special issues including sexual orientation, reproduction and birth control, protection against sexually transmitted diseases, and protection against sexual exploitation and abuse.
Descriptors: Adolescents; Children; Communicable Diseases; *Disabilities; Interpersonal Competence; Parent Child Relationship; Self Care Skills; *Sex Education; Sexual Abuse; *Sexuality; Social Development; Young Adults

ED332410 EC300272
Issues in Sexuality for Adolescents with Chronic Illnesses and Disabilities. CYDLINE Reviews.
Author Affiliation: Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. National Center for Youth with Disabilities.(BBB27870); Society for Adolescent Medicine, Granada Hills, CA.(BBB27871)
Pages: 48
Publication Date: January 1991
Sponsoring Agency: Health Resources and Services Administration (DHHS/PHS), Rockville, MD. Office for Maternal and Child Health Services. (BBB21976) Contract No: MCJ27361-010
Availability: National Center for Youth with Disabilities, University of Minnesota, Box 721-UMHC, Harvard St. at East River Rd., Minneapolis, MN 55455.
Document Type: Reference materials--Bibliographies (131)
Journal Announcement: RIEOCT1991
This annotated bibliography focuses on sexuality issues regarding adolescents and young adults with disabilities and chronic illnesses. The resources are grouped into the following categories: psychosocial development (23 references); attitudes and knowledge (11 references); sex education (34 references); sexual abuse (four references); reproduction (20 references); sex role and functioning (six references); treatment and counseling (13 references); and issues for parents (eight references). The references include books and journal articles primarily from medical periodicals. A separate section of 35 training and educational materials lists videotapes, films, manuals, curricula, booklets, and workbooks for use in training individuals with mental retardation/developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, hearing impairments, chronic illness, and multiple disabilities.
Descriptors: Adolescents; Child Abuse; *Chronic Illness; *Disabilities; Elementary Secondary Education; Individual Development; *Instructional Materials; Parent Education; Reproduction (Biology); *Sex Education; Sex Role; Sexual Abuse; *Sexuality; Training Methods; Young Adults

ED369215 EC302945
Positive Approaches: A Sexuality Guide for Teaching Developmentally Disabled Persons.
Maurer, Lisa
Author Affiliation: Planned Parenthood of Delaware, Wilmington.(BBB31780)
Pages: 112
Publication Date: 1991
Availability: Planned Parenthood of Delaware, 625 Shipley St., Wilmington, DE 19801 ($40, quantity discount available).
Document Type: Guides--Classroom--Teacher (052); Guides--Non-classroom (055)
Journal Announcement: RIESEP1994
This guide is intended to assist caregivers of people with development disabilities in acquiring knowledge about sexuality and skill in expressing sexuality in a safe and appropriate manner. Section 1 provides an overview of the history of sexuality and developmentally disabled individuals. The second section provides exercises for the caregiver to evaluate his/her own knowledge and feelings about sexuality. The third section provides exercises to help caregivers empathize with the situation of residents in an institutional setting as well as guidelines for leading discussions with clients on interactions, dating, and the media. Four checklists for a successful human sexuality program are given next, covering: knowing your audience, evaluating clients' knowledge level, identifying program goals, and practical considerations. Guidelines for beginning a sexuality education program are presented in the fifth section. Next, activity sets offer suggested activities and materials for use with clients, addressing the following topics: (1) anatomy and physiology, (2) birth control, (3) pregnancy and parenting, (4) relationships, and (5) sexually transmitted diseases. An appendix presents a summary of facts about sexuality and covers pregnancy and birth control, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), homosexuality, and masturbation. A glossary defines 33 terms about sexuality. Contains 12 references.
Descriptors: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; Adolescents; Adult Education; Adults; Check Lists; Contraception; *Developmental Disabilities; Homosexuality; Instructional Materials; Interpersonal Relationship; Knowledge Level; *Learning Activities; Lesson Plans; Pregnancy; Program Development; Secondary Education; *Sex Education; *Sexuality; Socialization; Training Methods; Venereal Diseases
Identifiers: Sexually Transmitted Diseases

ED345414 EC301174
Special Education: Secondary F.L.A.S.H. Family Life and Sexual Health. A Curriculum for Grades 7-12.
Stangle, Jane
Author Affiliation: Seattle-King County Dept. of Public Health, Seattle, WA.(BBB24152); Seattle Public Schools, WA.(ZBQ79200)
Pages: 313
Publication Date: 1991
Availability: Seattle-King County Department of Public Health, Family Planning Publications, 110 Prefontaine Ave., South, Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98104 ($35.00 plus postage and handling).
Document Type: Guides--Classroom--Teacher (052)
Journal Announcement: RIEOCT1992
This curriculum guide covers family life and sexual health (FLASH) in 28 lessonplans and is intended for special education students in grades 7-12. The curriculum is an adaptation of one developed for nondisabled students. Introductory material for the teacher offers guidelines on such topics as knowing one's state and local guidelines, planning a sexuality unit, preparing administrators and parents, responding to questions, and including the program in the student's Individualized Education Program. The lessons typically include specific objectives, materials needed, an agenda with several activities, sample communications to a "trusted adult," worksheets, and handouts. Topics addressed by the lesson plans include the following: the difference between public and private; self esteem; gender identification; families; friendship and dating; helpers, acquaintances, and strangers; nonverbal communication; assertiveness; asking for what you want; hearing "no"; saying "no"; decision making; touching; exploitation and getting help; anatomy; puberty; sexual health and hygiene; reproduction; pregnancy; parenthood; sexual decision making; birth control; germs and risk; sexually transmitted diseases; and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; and resources. Seven appendices offer guidelines of Washington State, checklists, assessment tools, and resource lists.
Descriptors: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; Anatomy; Assertiveness; Curriculum; Decision Making; *Disabilities; Diseases; *Family Life Education; Health Education; Hygiene; Lesson Plans; Secondary Education; Self Esteem; *Sex Education; Sexual Identity; *Sexuality; Special Education; State Standards; Units of Study; Venereal Diseases
Identifiers: FLASH Curriculum WA

ED344348 EC301073
The Right To Control What Happens to Your Body: A Straightforward Guide to Issues of Sexuality and Sexual Abuse.
Author Affiliation: G. Allan Roeher Inst., Toronto (Ontario).(BBB27622)
Pages: 43
Publication Date: 1991
ISBN: 1-895070-01-5
Availability: Roeher Institute, Kinsmen Building, York University, 4700 Keele St., North York, Ontario M3J 1P3 Canada ($7.00).
Document Type: Guides--Non-classroom (055)
Journal Announcement: RIESEP1992
Written for people with mental disabilities, this booklet focuses on ways that individuals with disabilities can protect themselves from sexual abuse and understand their individual rights pertaining to sexuality. An introduction explains discrimination and gives examples of sexual abuse. The first chapter briefly discusses sexuality and sexual abuse and illustrates male and female bodies. It provides evidence that people who do not tell someone about abuse are most likely to continue to be abused. The second chapter examines the special risk of abuse experienced by people with mental handicaps. The third chapter lists ways to notice possible sexual abuse and explains a board game (included in the booklet) to increase understanding of sexual abuse and choice. Chapter 4 looks at effects of sexual abuse. Prevention through education is briefly addressed in chapter 5 and sexually transmitted diseases are summarized in chapter 6. Chapters 7 and 8 discuss treatment after sexual abuse and Canadian laws about sexual abuse. Difficult words used in the booklet are identified and explained in a dictionary section. A form for emergency phone numbers, a word game based on the dictionary, and a bibliography of 11 items conclude the booklet.
Descriptors: Adolescents; Adults; Civil Liberties; Educational Games; Foreign Countries; Individual Power; Intervention; Legislation; *Mental Retardation; *Personal Autonomy; Prevention; Sex Education; *Sexual Abuse; *Sexuality; Therapy; Vocabulary
Identifiers: Canada

You may also find the following publication of interest: Sexuality: Your Sons and Daughters with Intellectual Disabilities, Karen Melberg Schwier and Dave Hingsburger, 223 pp. Available from Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., PO Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285-0624, 1.800.638.3775. http://www.brookespublishing.com.

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