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School-to-Work Transition (updated March 2002)

What are strategies that support the successful transition from school to work for students with disabilities?

What strategies support the transition of students with disabilities from school to work or community? "Today, transition is seen as more than providing service routes in the individual's movement from high school to employment— is seen as a comprehensive approach to educational program development consisting of an alignment of student goals with educational experiences and services. The 1997 Reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) defines transition services as a coordinated set of activities for a student with a disability that:

  • Is designed within an outcome-oriented process, which promotes movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational training, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation.
  • Is based upon the individual student's needs, taking into account the student's preferences and interests.
  • Includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation.
(From ERIC Digest E593, Planning Student-Directed Transitions to Adult Life, 2000, http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/eric/e593.html)

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ERIC Search Terms Used

special education OR disabilities!


transitional programs OR school work relationship

EJ627844 EA538277
Transition Services: Plans for the Future.
Katsivannis, Antonis; Zhang, Dalun
Principal Leadership, v1 n7 p38-43 Mar 2001
ISSN: 1529-8957
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Evaluative (142)
Journal Announcement: CIJDEC2001
To address disabled students' troubling outcomes, the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services identified school- to-work transition as a major priority. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act mandates that transition services be part of secondary students' IEPs. Principals' and parents' responsibilities are discussed.
Descriptors: Agency Cooperation; Community Education; *Disabilities; *Education Work Relationship; Federal Programs; High Schools; *Individualized Education Programs; *Special Education; *Transitional Programs

ED450519 EC308276
Transition and Post-School Outcomes for Youth with Disabilities: Closing the Gaps to Post-Secondary Education and Employment.
Author Affiliation: National Council on Disability, Washington, DC.(BBB27386)
Pages: 75
Publication Date: November 01, 2000
Sponsoring Agency: Social Security Administration (DHEW), Washington, DC. (BBB01215)
Availability: National Council on Disability, 1331 F Street, NW, Suite 1050, Washington, DC 20004-1107; Tel: 202-272-2004; Web site: http://www.ncd.gov.
Document Type: Reports--Evaluative (142)
Journal Announcement: RIEAUG2001
This report presents an analysis of research on the state of transition, post- secondary education, and employment outcomes for youth and young adults with disabilities over the past 25 years. It identifies what has worked in the areas of transition planning, services, and supports. It also considers what should work in light of unmet needs and unserved populations, focusing on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Youth Opportunity Movement, Youth Councils and One- Stop Centers under the Workforce Investment Act. Also discussed are the Presidential Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities, the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act, and demonstration projects in special education. Recommendations are offered for the nation (eight recommendations), state and local communities (nine recommendations), and the disability community (three recommendations). Major recommendations to the President and U.S. Congress address the following areas: (1) timely reports by agencies on compliance; (2) redesign of programs that are not producing results; (3) cooperation of the Department of Education and Social Security Administration on eligibility and incentives for greater self-sufficiency; (4) development of data and information-sharing across agencies regarding program implementation; (5) diffusion of knowledge about what works; and (6) specific inclusion of individuals with disabilities in federal programs.
Descriptors: Demonstration Programs; *Disabilities; *Education Work Relationship; Federal Aid; Federal Legislation; *Federal Programs; Financial Support; Postsecondary Education; Program Effectiveness; Secondary Education; Special Education; *Transitional Programs

ED448549 EC308163
Youth Focus: Planning for Transition. A National Teleconference. Participants Manual.
Author Affiliation: Institute for Rehabilitation and Research, Houston, TX.(BBB24141); National Council on Independent Living, Arlington, VA.(BBB36389)
Pages: 72
Publication Date: September 14, 2000
Notes: "Developed as part of the ILNET: an ILRU/NCIL National Training and Technical Assistance Project." Contributions by Margaret Gallaway, Carri George, Dawn Heinsohn, Maurean Hollowel, Darrell Lynne Jones, Kristy Langbehn, Raymond Lin, and Krista Mortenson. Audiotape of conference and Do-It-Yourself kit not available from ERIC. "Building Your Future: A Guide to Transition from School to Work and Community" was developed by the Central New York Transition Coordination Site and funded by the New York State Education Department, Division of Special Education Service.
Sponsoring Agency: Rehabilitation Services Administration (ED), Washington, DC. (EDD00034)
Contract No: H132B99002
Availability: ILRU Program, The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research S. Shepherd St., Suite 1000, Houston, TX 77019; Tel: 713-520-0232 (Voice); Tel: 713- 520-5136 (TTY); Web site: http://www.ilru.org; The National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), 1916 Wilson Blvd., Suite 201, Arlington, VA 22201; Tel: 877-525- 3400 (Toll Free Voice/TTY); Web site: http://www.ncil.org.
Document Type: Guides--Non-classroom (055); Test/questionnaires (160)
Journal Announcement: RIEJUN2001
This participant's manual for a teleconference on independent living for youth with disabilities provides an agenda for the teleconference, a list of trainers, and information for assisting students' transitions to adult life. It includes "Building Your Future: A Guide to Transition from School to Work and Community," a publication for students developed by the Central New York Transition Coordination Site. This publication contains information on transition planning, laws and regulations governing transition planning, student participation in the Individualized Education Program process, making informed decisions, vocational assessment in the transition process, the roles of students and parents in working with the school, advocacy, shopping for adult service agencies, funding the choices, social security administration benefits, guardianship, and due process and the Client Assistance Program. Ten transition planning areas are outlined, and a transition planning checklist is included. Guidelines on how to advocate are provided. Following the manual, an overview of the transition process is included for families, along with a student satisfaction questionnaire and parent satisfaction questionnaire on transition services. The publication closes with a transition planning self- assessment inventory and a list of 18 related resources.
Descriptors: Advocacy; Check Lists; Community Programs; Delivery Systems; *Disabilities; *Education Work Relationship; Educational Legislation; *Federal Legislation; Financial Support; Independent Living; Individualized Education Programs; Planning; Secondary Education; *Self Advocacy; Services; Student Participation; *Student Rights; Teleconferencing; *Transitional Programs; Young Adults

ED441324 EC307920
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997 Transition Requirements: A Guide for States, Districts, Schools, Universities and Families.
Storms, Jane; O'Leary, Ed; Williams, Jane
Author Affiliation: National Transition Network, Minneapolis, MN.(BBB32512); Western Regional Resource Center, Eugene, OR.(BBB23407); Utah State Univ., Logan. Mountain Plains Regional Resource Center.(BBB25507)
Pages: 113
Publication Date: May 2000
Notes: This document has been reviewed by the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) for consistency with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (P.L. 105-17) and the final regulations published on March 12, 1999. For related transition requirements guide, see ED 393 243.
Sponsoring Agency: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (ED), Washington, DC. (EDD00011)
Contract No: H326R980006H326R980009H158-M50001
Availability: Publications Office, Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota, 109 Pattee Hall, 150 Pillsbury Dr. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Tel: 612-624-4512. National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials, Oklahoma State University, 816 W. 6th St., Stillwater, OK 74078. Tel: 800-223-5219 (Toll Free); e-mail: brookdj@okstate.edu. For full text: http://www.www.rrfcnetwork.org/wrrc/wrrc/wrrc.html.
Document Type: Guides--Non-classroom (055)
Journal Announcement: RIENOV2000
This monograph is intended to provide technical assistance for the implementation of the transition requirements of Public Law 105-17, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1997. Following an introduction, individual sections present: (1) a description of the importance and intent of transition requirements for youth as they prepare to enter the adult world; (2) a recommended process for developing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) that include the transition requirements; (3) a checklist of the transition requirements; (4) commonly asked questions and answers (concerning IEP content, transition participants, parent participation, agency responsibilities, and graduation); and (6) a summary of monitoring findings and studies related to implementation of the transition requirements. Appendices include a sample IEP and samples of student, parent and agency invitations, follow-up letters, and transfer of rights documents. Also appended are the IDEA '97 transition related amendments and final regulations.
Descriptors: Check Lists; *Compliance (Legal); *Disabilities; Education Work Relationship; Educational Legislation; Federal Legislation; Federal Regulation; Guidelines; *Individualized Education Programs; Secondary Education; Standards; *Transitional Programs

EJ619706 EC626505
Paid Internships and Employment Success for Youth in Transition.
Luecking, Richard G.; Fabian, Ellen S.
Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, v23 n2 p205-21 Fall 2000
ISSN: 0885-7288
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Research (143)
Journal Announcement: CIJJUL2001
This article presents information on the characteristics and post-school outcomes of youth (N=3,024) who participated in the Bridges School to Work internship program at seven sites from 1993 to 1997. Neither gender, race, nor primary disability made a significant difference in employment status at 6 months post-internship. Work behaviors during the internship were highly predictive of later employment status.
Descriptors: *Disabilities; *Education Work Relationship; *Employment Potential; Followup Studies; Graduate Surveys; High Schools; *Internship Programs; *Predictor Variables; Racial Factors; Sex Differences; Student Characteristics; Transitional Programs

EJ619702 EC626501
Increasing Employment Earnings: Extended Transition Services that Make a Difference.
Izzo, Margo Vreeburg; Cartledge, Gwendolyn; Miller, Larry; Growick, Bruce; Rutkowski, Susan
Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, v23 n2 p139-56 Fall 2000
ISSN: 0885-7288
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Research (143)
Journal Announcement: CIJJUL2001
A pre-test post-test control group design examined the effects of extending transition services beyond graduation on the employment earnings of vocational students (N=62) with disabilities. Youth receiving the extended services had higher earnings and were more likely to be employed or in a training program at 2- and 5- year follow-up.
Descriptors: *Disabilities; *Employment; Followup Studies; High Schools; *Program Effectiveness; *Transitional Programs; *Vocational Education; Wages

EJ619283 CG556312
Individualized Transition Planning for Students with Learning Disabilities.
Cummings, Rhoda; Maddux, Cleborne D.; Casey, Jack
Career Development Quarterly, v49 n1 p60-72 Sep 2000
ISSN: 0889-4019
Document Type: Journal articles (080)
Journal Announcement: CIJJUL2001
A lack of effective transition planning for students with learning disabilities may result in inadequate postsecondary adjustment problems (i.e., under- or unemployment). To ensure more positive outcomes, transition planning must begin in the elementary grades, be built on theory-based assessment, and focus on academic and counseling activities that teach vocational and social skills, self-awareness, and self-advocacy.
Descriptors: Career Counseling; Career Development; High Risk Students; High School Graduates; *Learning Disabilities; Student Educational Objectives; *Transitional Programs; Underachievement
EJ619203 CE537322
Three Recommendations To Improve Transition Planning in the IEP.
Roessler, Richard; Shearing, Alma; Williams, Edward
Journal for Vocational Special Needs Education, v22 n2 p31-36 Win 2000
ISSN: 0195-7597
Document Type: Journal articles (080)
Journal Announcement: CIJJUL2001
Strategies to improve transition planning include the following: (1) assess students' transition goals using life-skills assessments related to career education; (2) incorporate students' and parents' perspectives using future-based assessment and planning; and (3) specify interventions for achieving outcomes.
Descriptors: Disabilities; *Educational Planning; *Individualized Education Programs; Special Education; *Student Educational Objectives; Student Evaluation; *Transitional Programs

EJ614791 EC626024
How a Transition Profile Helps Students Prepare for Life in the Community.
Neubert, Debra A.; Moon, M. Sherril
TEACHING Exceptional Children, v33 n2 p20-25 Nov-Dec 2000
ISSN: 0040-0599
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Descriptive (141); Test/ questionnaires (160)
Journal Announcement: CIJAPR2001
This article presents an instrument, the Transition Profile, which secondary educators and rehabilitation professionals have designed and field-tested. The Transition Profile is a method of summarizing pertinent information collected during the secondary years and may be useful in the process of determining eligibility for vocational rehabilitation services.
Descriptors: Data Collection; *Disabilities; Eligibility; Evaluation Methods; Profiles; *Records (Forms); Secondary Education; *Student Evaluation; Student Records; *Transitional Programs; *Vocational Rehabilitation

EJ614610 EA537609
Transition Plans for Students with Disabilities.
Doyle, Mary Beth
Educational Leadership, v58 n1 p46-48 Sep 2000
ISSN: 0013-1784
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Evaluative (142)
Journal Announcement: CIJAPR2001
An interactive transition plan is a document that a student with disabilities makes with the assistance of friends, family members, or school personnel. This plan helps the student communicate relevant information to the general-education teacher. Sharing plans with receiving teachers can be rewarding and insightful.
Descriptors: *Disabilities; Elementary Education; *Mental Retardation; *Program Implementation; *Teacher Student Relationship; *Transitional Programs

ED448563 EC308178
Improving Student Outcomes: Promising Practices and Programs for 1999-2000.
A Directory of Innovative Approaches for Providing Transition Services for Youth with Disabilities.
Kohler, Paula D.; Hood, Lisa K.
Author Affiliation: Illinois Univ., Champaign. Transition Research Inst.(BBB31910)
Pages: 118
Publication Date: 2000
Sponsoring Agency: Special Education Programs (ED/OSERS), Washington, DC. (EDD00017)@National Inst. on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (ED/OSERS), Washington, DC. (EDD00064)
Contract No: DE-H158M50001
Availability: Transition Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, 117 Children's Research Center, 51 East Gerty Dr., Champaign, IL 61820; Tel: 217-333-2325; Web site: http://www.ed.uiuc.edu/sped/tri/institute.html. Document Type: Reference materials--Directories/Catalogs (132); Reports-- Descriptive (141); Test/questionnaires (160)
Journal Announcement: RIEJUN2001
This directory profiles 20 programs that promote post-school outcomes for students with disabilities through inclusive school-to-work systems. Three criteria were used to select the programs: (1) the nomination featured a program or practices that provide transition- or school-to-work-related services or instruction to students with disabilities, (2) the nomination provided sufficient information and evidence to understand the purpose, context, and activities of the program or practices; and (3) the nomination provided evaluation information to indicate the extent of implementation and the outputs and/or outcomes associated with that implementation. Following background information on the National Transition Alliance for Youth and Disabilities (NTA) Transition Practices Framework, the directory provides key information about the promising programs. The first items featured include the contact information, the program's mission, and organizational details. Information is then presented about the program's consumers, including the target populations and the disability areas represented by the consumers. Next, the NTA Transition Practices Framework categories addressed by each program are identified. Detailed descriptions of the programs and a summary of their evidence of success are included. Finally, success stories that describe students' experiences withsome of the programs are provided. The appendix includes the NTA nomination forms and an index of the profiled programs.
Descriptors: *Career Development; Career Education; College School Cooperation; *Disabilities; *Education Work Relationship; Employment; Outcomes of Education; Partnerships in Education; Program Descriptions; *Program Design; School Business Relationship; Secondary Education; Teaching Methods; *Transitional Programs; Vocational Education

EJ611286 EC625450
Improving Graduation and Employment Outcomes of Students with Disabilities: Predictive Factors and Student Perspectives.
Benz, Michael R.; Lindstrom, Lauren; Yovanoff, Paul
Exceptional Children, v66 n4 p509-29 Sum 2000
ISSN: 0014-4029
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Research (143)
Journal Announcement: CIJFEB2001
Two studies involving adolescents with disabilities examined secondary and transition practices. Findings indicate that career-related work experience and completion of student-identified transition goals were highly associated with improved graduation and employment outcomes. Individualization of services around student goals and personalized attention from staff were highly valued by participants.
Descriptors: Adolescents; *Disabilities; Education Work Relationship; Educational Attainment; *Employment; *Graduation; Predictor Variables; Secondary Education; *Student Educational Objectives; Student Participation; *Transitional Programs; Work Experience; *Work Experience Programs

EJ609769 EC625282
A Transition Portfolio for Jeff, a Student with Multiple Disabilities.
Demchak, MaryAnn; Greenfield, Robin G.
TEACHING Exceptional Children, v32 n6 p44-49 Jul-Aug 2000
ISSN: 0040-0599
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Descriptive (141)
Journal Announcement: CIJJAN2001
This article describes the use of a transition portfolio to help a student with severe, multiple disabilities make the transition from middle school to high school. It describes the information gathering process and desirable portfolio components including personal and medical information, positioning, educational programming, adaptations and supports, communication, reinforcement strategies and behavior support, and problem solving.
Descriptors: High Schools; Middle Schools; *Multiple Disabilities; *Portfolios (Background Materials); *Severe Disabilities; *Transitional Programs

EJ608105 EC625046
Young Adults with Mental Disabilities--Does Transition Planning Make a Difference?.
Frank, Alan R.; Sitlington, Patricia L.
Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, v35 n2 p119-34 Jun 2000
ISSN: 1079-3917
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Research (143)
Journal Announcement: CIJDEC2000
The effectiveness of transition planning for individuals with mental retardation was investigated by comparing outcomes of 322 adults who graduated from high school in 1985 with 82 who graduated in 1993. The class of 1993 demonstrated better outcomes in several areas of adult adjustment. Recommendations for improvements are discussed.
Descriptors: Adults; *Coping; Educational Attainment; Educational Planning; Employment; High Schools; *Mental Retardation; *Outcomes of Education; *Program Effectiveness; Secondary Education; *Transitional Programs

EJ608018 EC624933
Linking Transition Services to Student Outcomes for Students with Moderate/ Severe Mental Retardation.
Brown, Pat
Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, v23 n1 p39-55 Spr 2000
ISSN: 0885-7288
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Research (143)
Journal Announcement: CIJDEC2000
Case studies of 6 students with moderate/severe mental retardation investigated the impact of the federal transition mandate on student outcomes. Data revealed that high school programs have become more community-based, employment oriented, and age-appropriate with an increased emphasis on establishing linkages with adult service providers.
Descriptors: Adolescents; *Agency Cooperation; Case Studies; *Employment; Federal Legislation; *Mental Retardation; *Outcomes of Education; Program Effectiveness; *Program Improvement; *Transitional Programs; Young Adults

EJ608016 EC624931
Do Individualized Transition Plans Match the Postschool Projections of Students with Learning Disabilities and Their Parents?.
Thompson, James R.; Fulk, Barbara M.; Piercy, Sheryl Wernsing
Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, v23 n1 p3-25 Spr 2000
ISSN: 0885-7288
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Research (143)
Journal Announcement: CIJDEC2000
Information recorded on Transition Planning Guides was compared with the perceptions of 22 students with learning disabilities and their parents regarding postsecondary goals and anticipated support needs. Findings indicate little relationship between the postsecondary outcomes and support needs recorded and those expressed by students and parents during interviews.
Descriptors: Educational Planning; *Individualized Education Programs; Interviews; *Learning Disabilities; Parent Attitudes; Postsecondary Education; Secondary Education; Student Attitudes; *Student Needs; *Student Personnel Services; *Transitional Programs

ED445057 TM031673
Assessing Transition Skills in Employment Settings: A Potential Model.
Sparkman, Dana
Pages: 15
Publication Date: 2000
Document Type: Reports--Descriptive (141)
Journal Announcement: RIEFEB2001
This paper describes a model for assessing transition skills of special needs students in an employment situation. The reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensured that students with special needs would participate in the development of a transition plan by the age of 14. The requirement to include transition goals for these students has presented a new challenge for educators: how to assess skills in transition environments. Traditional methods of assessment have addressed prevocational skills, but little progress has occurred in evaluating a student's developing skills once that student is engaged in employment. The advantages that curriculum-based assessments demonstrate in the classroom may carry over into transition environments as well. The Site-Based Evaluation Plan (STEP) is a potential model for evaluating a student's skill in the transition to employment, which involves all stakeholders equally in the transition process. In this model, evaluation becomes a curriculum-based assessment tool, with the job skills becoming the student's transition curriculum.
Descriptors: *Disabilities; *Job Skills; *Special Education; *Student Evaluation; *Transitional Programs

ED444285 EC307974
100 Activities for Transition.
Lyle, Molly
Pages: 109
Publication Date: 2000
Availability: Hawthorne Educational Services, Inc., 800 Gray Oak Dr., Columbia, MO 65201; Tel: 573-874-1710; Fax: 800-442-9509 ($15).
Document Type: Guides--Non-classroom (055)
Journal Announcement: RIEFEB2001
This manual describes 100 ways to make a commitment to transition via Individual Transition Goals for students with disabilities. The goals cover five basic transition areas: (1) communication and problem solving; (2) daily living; (3) securing and keeping a job; (4) career awareness; and (5) self-determination. To help meet those objectives, 100 activities are described that correspond to the theme areas. Activities are designed to be completed within a class period, although many can be expanded to several class periods depending on students' needs and the community resources accessed. The manual includes a Job Shadowing Unit that provides tips on setting up a job shadow program involving parents, employers, and students and on evaluating the experience. Information is provided on the legal issues and risks of job shadowing, activities before job shadowing, activities between job shadow experiences, and the students' and employers' role. A resources section includes many samples and fill-in worksheets to illustrate and accompany the 100 transition activities. It also includes forms to complete with information from local community resources, such as contacts at local community colleges, organizations, leisure sites, and employment agencies. A list of Internet addresses for locating career and job information has also been included.
Descriptors: *Career Awareness; Career Exploration; Career Planning; Daily Living Skills; *Disabilities; Employment Experience; Employment Opportunities; Interpersonal Communication; *Learning Activities; Problem Solving; Secondary Education; *Self Determination; Student Educational Objectives; *Transitional Programs

ED426539 EC306973
Transition Planning: A Team Effort. NICHCY Transition Summary, TS10.
Gutierrez, Mary Kate
Author Affiliation: National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities, Washington, DC.(BBB29829); Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC.(FGK00112)
Pages: 25
Publication Date: January 1999
Sponsoring Agency: Special Education Programs (ED/OSERS), Washington, DC. (EDD00017)
Availability: National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY), P.O. Box 1492, Washington, DC 20013; Tel: 800-695-0285 (V/TTY) (Toll- Free); Tel: 202-884-8200 (V/TTY); e-mail: nichcy@aed.org; Web site: http://www.nichcy.org
Document Type: Reports--Descriptive (141)
Journal Announcement: RIEJUN1999
This summary on transition planning provides ideas and information on how students, families, school personnel, service providers, and others can work together to help students with a disability make a smooth transition after leaving high school. It focuses on creative transition planning and services that use all the resources that exist in communities, not just the agencies that have traditionally been involved. This publication also provides: (1) definitions of some terms used in transition planning; (2) lists of individuals and agencies that can help the Individualized Education Program Team create a successful transition plan; (3) guides to finding the groups and agencies that provide transition services; (4) examples of creative transition plans; and (5) ways to improve the transition system by working at the community level. The four ways in which people can interact to establish or improve services and plan for young adults preparing for transition from school to post- school activities are described and include networking, service coordination, cooperation, and collaboration. A transition services phone interview guide is included to help providers find out about services that other agencies may offer.
Descriptors: Adolescents; *Agency Cooperation; Community Programs; *Disabilities; *Education Work Relationship; Educational Planning; *Individualized Education Programs; Rehabilitation Programs; Secondary Education; *Transitional Programs

EJ606591 EC624805
Transition Planning Inventory (TPI).
Kohler, Paula D.
Diagnostique, v24 n1-4 p249-56 1998-1999
ISSN: 0737-2477
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Descriptive (141)
Journal Announcement: CIJNOV2000
This article describes the Transition Planning Inventory, a formal assessment and planning tool for use with students with disabilities in individualized educational planning. It assesses skills in employment, daily living, leisure activities, community activities, community participation, health, self-determination, communication, and interpersonal relationships. Its administration, standardization, reliability, and validity are discussed.
Descriptors: Adolescents; Citizen Participation; Communication Skills; Community Programs; *Daily Living Skills; *Disabilities; *Employment Potential; Interpersonal Competence; Leisure Time; Secondary Education; Self Determination; Standardized Tests; *Test Content; Test Format; Test Interpretation; *Test Reliability; Test Reviews; *Test Validity; Testing; Transitional Programs; Young Adults

EJ604907 EC624507
Using Successful Models of Student-Centered Transition Planning and Services for Adolescents with Disabilities.
Morningstar, Mary E.; Kleinhammer-Tramill, P. Jeannie; Lattin, Dana L.
Focus on Exceptional Children, v31 n9 p1-19 May 1999
ISSN: 0015-511X
Document Type: Guides--Non-classroom (055); Journal articles (080); Reports-- General (140)
Journal Announcement: CIJOCT2000
This article traces the history of transition programs for adolescents with disabilities and the role that transition plays within current reform efforts. Best practices are discussed and strategies for school programs are provided, including individualized planning, involvement of family and support networks, a focus on community outcomes, and interagency collaboration.
Descriptors: Adolescents; *Agency Cooperation; Community Programs; *Disabilities; *Educational History; Educational Strategies; *Family Involvement; Models; *Program Design; Secondary Education; Services; *Transitional Programs

Available from your local book store or library:

Vocational Curriculum for Individuals with Special Needs: Transition from School to Adulthood. Edited by Paul Wehmann and Pamela Sherron Targett. PRO-ED Publishers. 8700 Shoal Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78757. 800.897.3202. http://www.proedinc.com

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