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GT-Value FAQ (updated August 1998)
Help! I need research to support the value of appropriate programs for gifted and
talented students. There is opposition to the idea and we are conducting a campaign to show
support for the program.
The first step in planning responsible advocacy for gifted students is to
contact your state Department of Education in your state's capitol and find out if your state has
policies, regulations, or guidelines on gifted education. (A list of state offices is available at
( Gifted education is mandated in only about half the states. In some cases, identification is
mandated; in others, programming is mandated; in some, both identification and service are
mandated. If you are fortunate enough to live in a state where service is mandated, you can
communicate with your community's education leaders about the intent or meaning of that
mandate when applied to your school district. If a non-mandate state provides only guidelines
for identifying gifted students, it is unlikely that school districts have formal identification
procedures. However, school districts may provide programming options and services (not
formal programs) for students whom the districts deem these services appropriate. Before
launching a campaign, it is important to understand the current system in your state or district
and use it as part of your strategy.
Responsible advocacy also includes an active lobbying effort for a rigorous regular education
curriculum. There are several reasons to do so. First, a gifted education curriculum is based on
the regular education curriculum. Second, every child is entitled to an appropriate education,
including continuous learning experiences. If the gifted program is perceived as the only "good"
education, then all parents are justified in wanting this for their child. When measuring the rigor
of the gifted education curriculum, let two questions guide your actions: (1) Can every child do
this? (2) Should every child do this? If the answer to either question is "yes," then the
curriculum would be difficult to justify as appropriate solely for gifted students.
The following advocacy guidelines are useful to keep in mind when working toward obtaining
appropriate services:
- Find or form a group. Compare experiences with others to get a sense of what is
needed. Some states have active statewide advocacy groups that include both educators and
parents. Check to see if your state has such a group because success is most likely when many
interests are represented. A list is available at
- Keep in mind that that gifted children are a very heterogeneous group, representing all
ethnic and racial groups and income levels. Gifted children come to school with a variety of
interests, experiences, and levels of knowledge.
- Be patient, but be persistent. Good program development takes time, but you want
educators to understand that the needs of the children are high priority.
- Be involved in school committees that benefit everyone. You will meet a lot of nice people,
and have opportunities to remind educators that all children, including gifted and talented, need
to work at their individual levels of challenge. For example, if educators are talking about a new
mathematics curriculum, you might take the opportunity to ask how that curriculum meets the
academic needs of children who need extra assistance, and those who come to school with a
higher level of mastery than chronological age would indicate.
- Be a leader. One of the greatest challenges is to help a group of advocates work together
collaboratively, cooperatively, and productively.
- Be informed. Think of yourself as an educator, not an adversary. The enclosed ERIC
database search includes (1) information on successful program outcomes, (2) articles that
describe the current status of gifted education, (3) articles to be used for advocacy, and (4)
documents published by the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) that describe the national
and international status of achievement by U.S. students. The documents and articles can be
used in various ways to educate community leaders and make a case for appropriate program
options for all children, including those who are gifted. In addition, some particularly useful
documents, available in full text on the Internet, include the digests, minibibliographies, and
FAQs on this web site (, and the following documents, listed in
the ERIC database search below.
The above document refers to "Pursuing Excellence. A Study of U.S. Twelfth Grade
Mathematics and Science Achievement in an International Context," the recently released third
portion of the U.S. Department of Education's NCES-TIMSS report. The report discusses the
dismal performance of U.S. twelfth grade students compared to their international counterparts.
Of 21 countries participating in the study, the United States finished 19th. When the top 15% of
participating nations are compared, the results are even more disappointing, and underscore that
our nation's brightest are not globally competitive.
Following are links to related ERIC Digests, Internet resources, and Internet discussion groups,
as well as selected citations from the ERIC database and the search terms we used to find the
You can search the ERIC database yourself on the Internet through either of the following web sites:
ERIC Citations
The full text of citations beginning with an ED number (for example, EDxxxxxx) is available:
The full text of citations beginning with an EJ number (for example, EJxxxxxx) is available for a fee from:
- The originating journal
- Through interlibrary loan services at your local college or public library
- From article reproduction services such as
ERIC Search Terms
This FAQ comprises various concepts that share the term gifted. For more
information on any of the concepts (such as educational needs),
select one or more of the descriptors at the bottom
of the citation and combine it with gifted (gifted AND educational needs).
EJ553869 EA534069
Is Equity Always the Best? Educational Stakeholders Lash Out. Perry, Eleanor A.
Journal of Educational Administration, v35 n5 p451-65 1997 ISSN: 0957-8234
Language: English
Document Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE (080); RESEARCH REPORT (143) Journal
Announcement: CIJAPR98
Explores macropolitical aspects of state-mandated inclusion and the micropolitical barriers a
newly appointed female superintendent faced when promulgating educational equity in a hostile
environment. Parents of special-education and gifted children joined forces to campaign against
inclusion, questioning schools' effectiveness at providing an intellectually challenging
environment for a diverse student population. Recommends strategies for improving
educational leadership training to handle similar situations.
Descriptors: Action Research; Disabilities; Elementary Secondary Education; *Equal
Education; *Gifted; Inclusive Schools; *Parent Attitudes; *Politics of Education; Qualitative
Research; Rural Schools; *School Effectiveness; *Special Education; Women
Identifiers: *Oregon
ED414207 SE061227
Mathematics and Science Achievement in the Final Year of Secondary School: IEA's Third
International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Mullis, Ina V. S.; Martin, Michael
O.; Beaton, Albert E.; Gonzalez, Eugenio J.; Kelly, Dana L.; Smith, Teresa A.
Boston Coll., Chestnut Hill, MA. Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation, and Educational
Policy.; International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.
1998; 356p. Sponsoring Agency: National Center for Education Statistics (ED), Washington,
DC.; National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.
ISBN: 1-889938-08-4
Available From: TIMSS International Study Center, Boston College, School of Education,
Campion Hall, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167; World Wide Web: http//
EDRS Price - MF01/PC15 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Document Type: RESEARCH REPORT (143)
Geographic Source: U.S.; Massachusetts
Journal Announcement: RIEAPR98
The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) covered five
different grade levels, with more than 40 countries collecting data in more than 30
different languages. More than a million students were tested. The present report
contains the TIMSS results for students in the final year of secondary school.
Mathematics and science literacy achievement results are reported for 21 countries;
advanced mathematics results and physics results, respectively, are reported for 16
countries. These results complete the first round of descriptive reports from the
TIMSS study. Together with the results for primary school students (third and fourth
grade in most countries) and middle school students (seventh and eighth grades in
most countries), the results contained in this report provide valuable information
about the relative effectiveness of a country's education system as students progress
through school. A ten-page Executive Summary details the extensive conclusions to be
drawn from the study. Dozens of tables and figures provide detailed statistics for
all participating countries. The Netherlands and Sweden were the top performing
countries in mathematics; France was the top performer in advanced mathematics;
Norway and Sweden had physics achievement levels significantly higher than other
participating countries. The appendixes contain extensive information pertaining to
the development of the TIMSS tests, sample sizes and participation rates, compliance
with sampling guidelines, and the test-curriculum matching analysis.
Descriptors: Academic Standards; Educational Change; Foreign Countries; Hands on
Science; High Schools; *Mathematics Achievement; Mathematics Education; *Numeracy;
Problem Solving; Science Education; Science Process Skills; *Scientific Literacy;
Sex Differences; *Standardized Tests; *Student Evaluation; Tables (Data)
Identifiers: *Science Achievement; *Third International Mathematics and Science
EJ552174 EC617399
Title: A Survey of Classroom Practices with Third and Fourth Grade Students in the
United States.
Author(s) Westberg, Karen L.; Archambault, Francis X, Jr.; Brown, Scott W.
Source: Gifted Education International, v12 n1 p29-33 1997
Publication Date: 1997
ISSN: 0261-4294
Language: English
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Evaluative (142)
Journal Announcement: CIJMAR1998
The Classroom Practices Survey, a national survey of nearly 4,000 third- and fourth-
grade teachers, found little differentiation in teachers' instructional and
curricular practices to meet the needs of gifted students. An individualized
approach to staff development and encouragement of reflective teaching practices are
Descriptors: *Educational Practices; Elementary Education; Elementary School
Teachers; *Gifted; Grade 3; Grade 4; Inclusive Schools; Individual Differences;
*Individualized Instruction; Inservice Teacher Education; National Surveys;
Reflective Teaching; *Teaching Methods
Identifiers: *Differentiated Curriculum (Gifted)
ED388022 EC304377
Title: The Status of Programs for High Ability Students. Collaborative Research
Study 94306.
Author(s) Purcell, Jeanne H.
Author Affiliation: National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, Storrs,
Pages: 96
Publication Date: September 1994
Sponsoring Agency: Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington,
DC. (EDD00036)
Contract No: R206R00001
Available from: EDRS Price MF01/PC04 Plus Postage.
Availability: NRC/GT, The University of Connecticut, 362 Fairfield Road, U-7,
Storrs, CT 06269-2007.
Language: English
Document Type: Reports--Evaluative (142)
Geographic Source: U.S.; Connecticut
Journal Announcement: RIEMAR1996
The Program Status Research Study examined the status of local programs for
students with high abilities and reasons given by key personnel for program status.
A mail survey to 2,900 local personnel in 19 states (divided into four groups
according to economic health and the existence or non-existence of a state mandate to
provide services) yielded a response rate of 54 percent. Analysis indicated that
programs in states with mandates and in good economic health are "intact" and
"expanded," while programs in all other groups are being "threatened," "reduced," and
"eliminated" in high numbers. Respondents attributed intact programs to the
existence of a state mandate and advocacy efforts and threatened programs to a
decline in state and local funds. Respondents indicated that 75 percent of high
ability students in grades 3-8 receive program services, 50 percent in grades 1-2 and
9-12, receive similar services, but program services for students at the Pre-K to K
level were almost nonexistent. Interviews with four key personnel from each state
confirmed the main reasons given by survey respondents for variations in program
status. Six guidelines with accompanying research support are offered, including,
among others: (1) maintenance of advocacy efforts in states with good economic health
and mandates; (2) increase of advocacy efforts in states with poor economic health
and/or where mandates do not exist; and (3) focus of advocacy efforts on policy
makers at the state government level. Appendices include the survey and exemplary
policy statements of school boards.
Descriptors: *Advocacy; Compliance (Legal); Educational Legislation; *Educational
Policy; Elementary Secondary Education; Financial Exigency; *Gifted; National
Surveys; Needs Assessment; Program Development; *Program Termination; Retrenchment;
*Special Programs; State Legislation
ED377651 EC303579
Title: Why Give "Gifts" to the Gifted? Investing in a National Resource.
Author(s) Schwartz, Lita Linzer
Pages: 162
Publication Date: 1994
ISBN: 0-80-39-6104-9
Available from: EDRS Price MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS.
Availability: Corwin Press, Inc., 2455 Teller Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
(paperback: ISBN-0-8039-6104-9, $18; hardback: ISBN-0-8039-6103-0).
Language: English
Document Type: Book (010); Information Analysis (070); Opinion papers (120)
Geographic Source: U.S.; California
Journal Announcement: RIEMAY1995
Target Audience: Policymakers
This book looks at gifted and talented students from a "national resource" point of
view. The first chapter establishes the basic premise that gifted and talented
children represent a significant resource to any nation and that it is profitable to
the nation to invest in their development and education. Subsequent chapters
describe types of giftedness, characteristics of gifted youth, underidentified gifted
populations (and techniques for identifying them), and the role of adults in
fostering giftedness and providing needed opportunities. One chapter is devoted to
the special case of gifted females. One chapter addresses nine categories of options
available for enhancing the educational experiences of gifted students and explains
how these options can be modified and combined to meet the needs of a specific school
district and its gifted students. A chapter on "follow-up" studies of gifted and
talented students suggests certain commonalities in personal qualities among the
"successful" gifted and talented as well as the kinds of activities that appear to
promote achievement and maintain a positive self-concept.
Descriptors: Ability Identification; Delivery Systems; *Educational Needs;
*Educational Policy; Elementary Secondary Education; Females; Followup Studies;
*Gifted; Intervention; Outcomes of Education; Program Development; *Special
Education; Student Characteristics; *Talent; Talent Identification
EJ486446 EC609042
Title: The Top Ten Statements That Should Never again Be Made by Advocates of
Gifted Children.
Author(s) Delisle, James
Source: Gifted Child Today Magazine, v17 n2 p34-35,42 Mar-Apr 1994
Publication Date: 1994
ISSN: 0892-9580
Language: English
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Opinion papers (120)
Journal Announcement: CIJNOV1994
Guidelines for gifted education programs are offered in a discussion of 10 commonly
held myths, such as only gifted students can do in-depth, independent projects; 20%
of high school dropouts are gifted; gifted students are more prone to depression and
suicide; cooperative learning is inappropriate with gifted students; and gifted
students are bored in regular classrooms.
Descriptors: Child Advocacy; *Educational Methods; Elementary Secondary Education;
*Gifted; *Special Education; *Student Characteristics; *Teacher Attitudes
EJ475965 EC607635
Title: The Effects of the Elimination of Gifted and Talented Programs on
Participating Students and Their Parents.
Author(s) Purcell, Jeanne H.
Source: Gifted Child Quarterly, v37 n4 p177-87 Fall 1993
Publication Date: 1993
ISSN: 0016-9862
Language: English
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Research (143)
Journal Announcement: CIJMAY1994
Interviews were conducted with 19 parents and mail surveys were received from 27
parents of students (grades 3-8) identified and served by a gifted program eliminated
in 1990. Parents perceived that their children were experiencing a decline in
energy, curiosity, and intrinsic motivation to achieve at high levels and were
beginning to disengage from the traditional curriculum.
Descriptors: Academic Achievement; Elementary Secondary Education; *Gifted;
Interviews; *Outcomes of Education; *Parent Attitudes; *Program Termination;
*Student Attitudes; Student Motivation; Surveys
EJ472634 EC607072
Title: Educational Rights of Gifted Students: Lost in the Legal Shuffle?
Author(s) Russo, Charles J.; And Others
Source: Roeper Review, v16 n1 p67-71 Sep 1993
Publication Date: 1993
ISSN: 0278-3193
Language: English
Document Type: Information Analysis (070); Journal articles (080)
Journal Announcement: CIJMAR1994
This article examines developments at the federal level that impact upon both the
legal and educational rights of gifted students. It also reviews educational data
supporting the need to establish special programs and concludes with recommendations
for redressing inequities in educational programs for the gifted.
Descriptors: *Child Advocacy; Civil Liberties; Court Litigation; Educational
Legislation; *Equal Education; Federal Legislation; *Gifted; Special Education;
Student Needs
ED359743 EC302493
Title: National Excellence: A Case for Developing America's Talent.
Author(s) Ross, Pat O'Connell; And Others
Author Affiliation: Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED),
Washington, DC. Programs for the Improvement of Practice.(EDD00075)
Pages: 42
Publication Date: October 1993
Notes: Foreword by Richard W. Riley, Secretary of Education.
Report No: PIP-93-1201
ISBN: 0-16-042928-5
Available from: EDRS Price MF01/PC02 Plus Postage.
Availability: U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Mail
Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328.
Language: English
Document Type: Opinion papers (120); Reports--Evaluative (142)
Geographic Source: U.S.; District of Columbia
Journal Announcement: RIEDEC1993
Government Level: Federal
This report on the educational needs of American gifted and talented students
identifies indicators of an educational crisis, describes the current status of
education for these students, and presents recommendations to meet the educational
needs of these students. Indicators demonstrating the need for change include the
relatively poor performance by American students on international tests and the small
number of students performing at the highest levels on National Assessment of
Educational Progress tests. Recent studies have shown that gifted and talented
elementary school students have mastered 35-40% of the curriculum in five basic
subjects before they begin the school year; most regular classroom teachers make few,
if any, provisions for talented students; highest achieving students study less than
an hour a day; and only 2 cents out of every $100 spent on K-12 education supports
special opportunities for talented students. A review describes how gifted and
talented students are currently identified, the number of students served, the kind
of support available, the kind of education most gifted and talented students
receive, and characteristics of effective programs for these students. Seven
recommendations are offered: (1) set challenging curricular standards; (2) establish
high-level learning opportunities; (3) ensure access to early childhood education;
(4) increase learning opportunities for disadvantaged and minority children with
outstanding talents; (5) broaden the definition of gifted (a broadened definition
based on the federal Javits Gifted and Talented Education Act is offered); (6)
encourage appropriate teacher training and technical assistance; and (7) match world
Descriptors: Ability Identification; Comparative Education; *Definitions; Early
Childhood Education; Educational Assessment; *Educational Needs; *Educational
Objectives; Educational Quality; Elementary Secondary Education; *Excellence in
Education; Expenditure per Student; Futures (of Society); *Gifted; Gifted
Disadvantaged; Special Education; *Talent; Talent Identification
Identifiers: Javits Gifted and Talented Students Act
ED353721 EC301752
Title: Taking the Bull by the Horns of a Dilemma.
Author(s) Howley, Craig
Pages: 39
Publication Date: November 14, 1992
Notes: Keynote address presented at the Conference of the Tennessee Association for
the Gifted (Nashville, TN, November 14, 1992). For a related paper, see EC 301
Available from: EDRS Price MF01/PC02 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Document Type: Opinion papers (120); Speeches/meeting papers (150)
Geographic Source: U.S.; West Virginia
Journal Announcement: RIEJUN1993
This speech addresses the educational needs of gifted children in the context of
the existing educational system's philosophy and various reform efforts. It first
examines the doctrine of progress, suggesting that important educational change is
glacial and much of what purports to be educational change is ephemeral. It claims
that the present prime directive of our educational system is to socialize job
holders. Such reform movements as "authentic assessment" are seen to be more efforts
to hold schools accountable to government than true examples of educational change.
An alternative view is offered, which states that: (1) progress along the path of
improvement is uncertain; (2) schooling tries to make people useful, but ends by
dumbing them down; (3) good schooling entails enlightenment; and (4) education is a
process of liberation that does not require schooling. It is concluded that teachers
of gifted students need to see their prime mission as care of students' intellect,
rather than development of their hypothetical usefulness. The existing "one best
system" for all students is seen as in decline and suffering from an epidemic of
"thoughtlessness" which can only be countered by an emphasis on thoughtfulness in the
education of the gifted.
Descriptors: Child Advocacy; Delivery Systems; *Educational Needs; *Educational
Philosophy; Educational Principles; *Educational Trends; Elementary Secondary
Education; Futures (of Society); *Gifted; School Role; Special Education Teachers;
Teacher Role; Trend Analysis
ED353720 EC301751
Title: Keeping Children Gifted: How It Happens and How It Doesn't.
Author(s) Howley, Craig
Pages: 26
Publication Date: November 13, 1992
Notes: Keynote Address presented at the Conference of the Tennessee Association for
the Gifted (Nashville, TN, November 13, 1992). For a related paper, see EC 301
Available from: EDRS Price MF01/PC02 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Document Type: Opinion papers (120); Speeches/meeting papers (150)
Geographic Source: U.S.; West Virginia
Journal Announcement: RIEJUN1993
This speech by an educator and parent of gifted children addresses the problem of
appropriate educational services for gifted children, concluding that advocacy for
these children entails pushing for acceleration, an often neglected but effective
option. The paper begins with anecdotes which illustrate the unmet needs of gifted
children and which identify recent trends questioning the economic utility of higher
education. The paper suggests that gifted children often learn laziness in school
and that the goal for such children should not be "normalization" as it is for
exceptional children with handicaps but, rather, maximization of the child's
potential. The presentation claims that rapid progress is needed to stimulate gifted
children to stay gifted, and therefore acceleration should always be considered when
developing Individualized Education Programs for gifted students. A framework for
rapid progress is offered, listing service and placement options ranging from regular
age-grade placement to an advanced program in a special school.
Descriptors: *Academically Gifted; *Acceleration (Education); *Child Advocacy;
*Delivery Systems; *Educational Needs; Educational Philosophy; Elementary
Secondary Education; Gifted; Individualized Education Programs; Models; Program
Development; Special Education; Student Educational Objectives
EJ462564 EC605891
Title: Parental Advocacy for the Gifted.
Author(s) Vestal, Jennifer C.
Source: Gifted Child Today (GCT), v16 n2 p8-13 Mar-Apr 1993
Publication Date: 1993
ISSN: 0892-9580
Language: English
Document Type: Guides--Non-classroom (055); Journal articles (080)
Journal Announcement: CIJSEP1993
Target Audience: Parents
This article provides suggestions on becoming an advocate for change in the
educational services offered to a gifted child. The article emphasizes the
importance of researching the situation before meeting with teachers and
administrators, understanding the legal and political issues involved, networking
with other parents, and formulating a specific proposal.
Descriptors: *Child Advocacy; Elementary Secondary Education; *Gifted; *Parent Role;
*Parent School Relationship; Parent Teacher Cooperation
EJ439635 EC602507
Title: Gifted Education without a State Mandate: The Importance of Vigorous
Author(s) Irvine, David J.
Source: Gifted Child Quarterly, v35 n4 p196-99 Fall 1991
Publication Date: 1991
Notes: Special Issue: Advocacy and Support for Gifted Programs.
ISSN: 0016-9862
Language: English
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Reports--Descriptive (141)
Journal Announcement: CIJJUN1992
Target Audience: Policymakers
New York State does not have a mandate requiring differential instruction for
gifted students but has increased services. Factors promoting program development
have included financial incentives, mandatory screening, educational reform, and
vigorous advocacy. Negative factors associated with lack of a mandate have been
inequities in program access, program quality control, and limited teacher
preparation programs.
Descriptors: Ability Identification; Access to Education; *Child Advocacy; Delivery
Systems; Educational Change; Elementary Secondary Education; *Gifted; Legal
Responsibility; Lobbying; Special Education; State Legislation; *State Standards;
Identifiers: *New York
EJ439631 EC602503
Title: Programs for Gifted Students: Enlightened Self-Interest.
Author(s) Gallagher, James J.
Source: Gifted Child Quarterly, v35 n4 p177-78 Fall 1991
Publication Date: 1991
Notes: Special Issue: Advocacy and Support for Gifted Programs.
ISSN: 0016-9862
Language: English
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Opinion papers (120)
Journal Announcement: CIJJUN1992
Target Audience: Policymakers
This article argues that providing good gifted and talented education programs is
in the nation's economic self-interest and is essential to the United States' future
economic competitiveness in the world community.
Descriptors: Child Advocacy; Economic Factors; *Economic Progress; Elementary
Secondary Education; *Futures (of Society); *Gifted; Program Development; Public
Relations; *Special Education; *Talent
EJ439630 EC602502
Title: Advocacy for Gifted Programs in the New Educational Climate.
Author(s) Ross, Pat O'Connell
Source: Gifted Child Quarterly, v35 n4 p173-76 Fall 1991
Publication Date: 1991
Notes: Special Issue: Advocacy and Support for Gifted Programs.
ISSN: 0016-9862
Language: English
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Opinion papers (120)
Journal Announcement: CIJJUN1992
Target Audience: Practitioners
This article urges educators of the gifted and talented to become knowledgeable
about educational reform efforts at the local, state, and national levels. Specific
initiatives pertinent to gifted education include ungraded primary schools;
performance-based assessment of student progress; use of student portfolios; and
rigorous, revamped curricula.
Descriptors: Curriculum Development; *Educational Change; *Educational Trends;
Elementary Secondary Education; *Gifted; Nongraded Instructional Grouping; Student
Evaluation; *Talent; Teacher Role
Identifiers: Student Portfolios
EJ435898 EC601784
Title: The Gifted: A Term with Surplus Meaning.
Author(s) Gallagher, James J.
Source: Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v14 n4 p353-65 Win 1991
Publication Date: 1991
ISSN: 0162-3532
Language: English
Document Type: Journal articles (080); Opinion papers (120)
Journal Announcement: CIJAPR1992
Implications of the term "gifted," including that of unjustified and unearned
privilege, are considered in the context of findings on intelligence development,
self-efficacy, education, prevalence, and the importance of labels. Five policy
options are considered including abandoning the term and using performance rather
than aptitude to organize instruction.
Descriptors: Academic Achievement; *Definitions; Educational Philosophy;
Eligibility; *Gifted; Incidence; Intelligence; *Labeling (of Persons); Policy
Formation; Self Concept; Self Efficacy
EJ415119 FL520441
Title: Short-Cut Estimators of Criterion-Referenced Test Consistency.
Author(s) Brown, James Dean
Source: Language Testing, v7 n1 p77-97 Jun 1990
Publication Date: 1990
ISSN: 0265-5322
Language: English
Document Type: Information Analysis (070); Journal articles (080); Opinion papers
Journal Announcement: CIJFEB1991
Presents simplified methods for deriving estimates of the consistency of criterion-
referenced, English-as-a-Second-Language tests, including (1) the threshold loss
agreement approach using agreement or kappa coefficients, (2) the squared-error loss
agreement approach using the phi(lambda) dependability approach, and (3) the domain
score dependability approach using an estimate of the phi coefficient.
Descriptors: Criterion Referenced Tests; *English (Second Language); *Language
Tests; Second Language Learning; *Test Reliability; *Testing
Identifiers: Domain Referenced Tests
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ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education Last updated: December 5, 2001