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GT Identification (updated December 2003)

How can gifted students be identified for programs or services?

Few areas in the education of children with exceptionalities are as controversial and critical as appropriate identification of children who are gifted. The controversies involve all the pros and cons of labeling children as well as a variety of political issues. Yet, identification remains critical to ensuring that children receive the services they need to thrive in school. Ideally, information gleaned during identification would be used to guide curriculum and instruction for each child. In any case, identification must be the means to securing appropriate services to meet the needs of the student, not an end in itself. (Coleman, 2003)

The literature tends to support the use of multiple criteria for identification purposes. Standardized and non-standardized instruments combined with performance indicators tend to be favored by states and school districts since they are likely to produce the most complete picture of a student. This does not mean that students should have to meet all criteria. Rather, the use of multiple criteria should form alternate pathways to identification, with a variety of data used to guide curriculum development.

This file includes information about ability identification. Because of the volume of available information, alternative assessment as well as identification of minority groups and students with limited English proficiency are in separate FAQs on this Web site.

Following are links to related Internet resources, and Internet discussion groups, as well as selected citations from the ERIC database and the search terms we used to find the citations.

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ERIC Search Terms Used

gifted OR talent


ability identification

EC 309780
The Identification of Students Who Are Gifted. ERIC Digest. E644.
Coleman, Mary R.
Publication Date: 2003
Publication Type: ERIC digests (073); Non-Classroom Use (055); ERIC Information Analysis Products (071)
Page: 2
Sponsoring Agency: Institute of Education Sciences (ED), Washington, DC.
EDRS Price MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Contract No: ED-99-C0-0026
Report No: EDO-03-5
Language: English
Audience: Practitioners
Geographic Source: U.S.; Virginia
This digest briefly discusses the identification of students who are gifted, difficulties in the identification process, appropriate identification practices, and procedures that can help with identification. First, it stresses that identification must be the means to securing appropriate services for the student, not an end in itself. The paper then identifies common problems in the identification process including: (1) disproportionate representation; (2) disregard for varied and practical methods of identifying intelligence, including student portfolios, work over time, performance based assessment, all of which can supplement standardized testing; (3) inappropriate use of statistical formulas such as "cut scores"; and (4) a mismatch between identification and services. Next, some appropriate identification practices are highlighted, noting that the best practices rely on multiple criteria involving multiple types of information, multiple sources of information, and multiple time periods. The paper then goes on to explain three phases or steps in the identification process: first, general screening or student search; second, review of students for eligibility; and third, services and options matches. The paper concludes that the identification process itself should be periodically reviewed to ensure its validity. Such a review would involve collecting data on student referrals, eligibility decisions, and placement decisions with data disaggregated by grade, gender, ethnicity, language background, and economic status.
Descriptors: *Gifted; Elementary Secondary Education; *Talent Identification; Eligibility; *Student Evaluation; *Evaluation Methods; Disproportionate Representation; *Ability Identification; Services; *Delivery Systems
Identifiers: ERIC Digests

ED455657 EC308545
Talent Development in Gifted Education. ERIC Digest E610.
Feldhusen, John F.
Publication Date: 2001
Publication Type: ERIC Information Analysis Products (071); ERIC digests (073)
Page: 4
Availability: ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, Council for Exceptional Children, 1110 North Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA 22201-5709. Tel: 800-328-0272 (Toll Free); Fax: 703-620-2521; e-mail: webmaster@hoagiesgifted.org. For full text: http://eric.hoagiesgifted.org
EDRS Price MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Sponsoring Agency: EDD00036 _ Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC.
Contract No. : ED-99-CO-0026
Report No: EDO-EC-01-5
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; Virginia
ERIC Issue: RIEJAN2002
This digest paper presents a model for the education of gifted children and youth based on the concept of talent development and suggests specific ways to identify and develop talent. New conceptions of intelligence and talent developed by Sternberg, Gardner, and Gagne are noted. Feldhusen's and Wood's model of talent recognition and development is explained, noting that both talent identification and development involve a long range process in which parents, school personnel, and the students themselves work together. Teachers and other school personnel are urged to be alert to signs of talent, structure learning activities to students' demonstrated talent potential, use praise to recognize and reinforce signs of talent, help students set learning goals in their talent areas, locate resources in the school and community that can help develop students' talents, and enlist parents in identifying and nurturing their children's talents.
Descriptors: *Gifted; *Talent; *Talent Identification; Ability Identification; Elementary Secondary Education; Talent Development; Teaching Models; Theory Practice Relationship
Identifiers: ERIC Digests

ED454664 EC308468
Teacher Bias in Identifying Gifted and Talented Students.
Siegle, Del
Publication Date: 2001
Publication Type: Information analyses (070); Speeches, conference papers (150)
EDRS Price MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Sponsoring Agency: EDD00036 _ Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC.
Contract No. : R206R000001
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; Connecticut
NOTE: Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children (80th, Kansas City, MO, April 18-21, 2001).
ERIC Issue: RIEDEC2001
This paper explores the impact of teacher bias on identifying students as gifted or talented. It reviews findings from an investigation that developed a series of hypothetical student profiles to assess teacher nomination bias of gifted students. The profiles were also used explore both the interaction of gender with student interests and work habits, and findings from other research on teachers' identification of gifted and talented students. The paper highlights: (1) gender bias in gifted education that indicates teachers are more likely to select profiles in which the student's behavior did not match expected gender stereotypes; (2) how the nature of the student's interests influences classroom teachers and how unexpected interests produce unexpected behaviors that attract attention; (3) the tendency for classroom teachers to focus on student weaknesses rather than student strengths; (4) the fear educators have of misidentifying students and of placing students in gifted and talented classes; (5) the tendency of teachers to focus more on skills associated with academic performance and less on creativity, leadership, and motor skills; and (6) how culture and socioeconomic status influence teacher ratings. Recommendations for educators on how to best avoid identification bias are provided.
Major Descriptors: Ability Identification; Academically Gifted; Sex Bias; Student Characteristics; Talent; Teacher Attitudes
Minor Descriptors: Classroom Environment; Cultural Influences; Elementary Secondary Education; Predictor Variables; Sex Stereotypes

ED461245 EC308795
Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students. Technical and Administration Manual. Revised Edition.
Renzulli, Joseph S.; Smith, Linda H.; White, Alan J.; Callahan, Carolyn M.; Hartman, Robert K.; Westberg, Karen L.
Publication Date: 2002
Publication Type: Non-Classroom Use (055)
Page: 54
Availability: Creative Learning Press, Inc., P.O. Box 320, Mansfield, CT 06250 ($15.95). Tel: 888-518-8004 (Toll Free); Tel: 860-429-8118; Fax: 860-429-7783; e-mail: clp@creativelearningpress.com; Web site: http://www.creativelearningpress.com.
EDRS Price: Document Not Available from EDRS.
Audience: Administrators; Practitioners
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; Connecticut
ERIC Issue: RIEJUL2002
This manual describes development and use of the revised "Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students" (SRBCSS-R), a teacher judgment instrument appropriate for use as one measure in the identification of gifted students. Part 1 explains the judgmental and empirical procedures used to revise the items on the original SRBCSS-R and the methods for conducting two field test administrations of the revised scales. It also presents the results from the analyses and the reliability and validity evidence. Two tables summarize the construct validity data and the criterion-related data on teacher judgment measures. Part 2 provides instructions for administering and interpreting the SRBCSS-R and describes purposes for using the scales, guidelines for using the scales correctly, a teacher training exercise, and how to establish local norms. Five appendices include: the second field test version of the SRBCSS-R, a brief scale for rating student performance in a gifted program, a sample SRBCSS-R, the full teacher-training exercise for using the SRBCSS-R, guidelines for calculating local percentile rank norms, and an article, "A Practical System for Identifying Gifted and Talented Students" by Joseph S. Renzulli.
Major Descriptors: Ability Identification; Academically Gifted; Behavior Rating Scales; Test Interpretation; Test Reliability; Test Validity
Minor Descriptors: Elementary Secondary Education; Testing

EJ626352 EC627276
The Theory of Successful Intelligence in Gifted Education.
Sternberg, Robert J.
Gifted Education International; v15 n1 p4-21 2000
Publication Type: Journal Article (080); Viewpoints (120)
Language: English
ERIC Issue: CIJNOV2001
This article describes the theory of successful intelligence and how it can be applied to gifted education. It discusses the inadequacy of notions of IQ or general ability for fully characterizing intellectual giftedness and presents evidence in favor of the statistical validity and usefulness of the successful intelligence theory.
Major Descriptors: Ability Identification; Achievement; Gifted; Intelligence Differences; Success; Validity
Minor Descriptors: Adults; Children; Educational Philosophy; Evaluation Criteria; Individual Characteristics

EJ657346 EC631311
The Theory of Successful Intelligence as a Basis for Gifted Education.
Sternberg, Robert J.; Grigorenko, Elena L.
Gifted Child Quarterly; v46 n4 p265-77 Fall 2002
Publication Type: Information analyses (070); Journal Article (080)
Language: English
ERIC Issue: CIJAPR2003
This article begins by presenting the theory of successful intelligences and data in support of it, then shows how to implement the model in schools and presents data in support of its success in school implementation, and finally relates the theory of successful intelligence to other models of gifted education.
Major Descriptors: Creative Thinking; Educational Theories; Gifted; Intelligence; Program Implementation; Teaching Models
Minor Descriptors: Ability Identification; Educational Strategies; Elementary Secondary Education; Problem Solving
Identifiers: Analytical Reasoning; Practical Reasoning

EJ626406 EC627330
Understanding Intelligence, Giftedness and Creativity Using the PASS Theory.
Naglieri, Jack A.; Kaufman, James C.
Roeper Review; v23 n3 p151-56 Apr 2001
Publication Type: Journal Article (080); Project Description (141)
Language: English
Note: Theme Issue: Intelligence Theories on Gifted Education.
ERIC Issue: CIJNOV2001
This article discusses using the Cognitive Assessment System based on the PASS theory, which centers on Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive cognitive processes, for identifying gifted children. It is argued that this more extensive and inclusive measure of intelligences could identify gifted children who would not traditionally be identified.
Major Descriptors: Ability Identification; Cognitive Processes; Creativity; Gifted; Measures (Individuals); Student Evaluation
Minor Descriptors: Cognitive Ability; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation Criteria

ED429751 RC021901
Country Living: Benefits and Barriers for Gifted Learners.
Lewis, Joan D.
Pages: 7
Publication Date: March 1999
Notes: In: Rural Special Education for the New Millennium. Conference Proceedings of the American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES) (19th, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 25-27, 1999); see RC 021 888.
Available from: EDRS Price MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Publication Type: Information Analysis (070); Speeches/meeting papers (150)
Geographic Source: U.S.; Nebraska
Journal Announcement: RIESEP1999br> Gifted and talented children have cognitive and affective characteristics that set them apart from their more typical classmates. These characteristics may be particularly problematic in rural areas where stability, traditional values, small schools, and self-sufficiency can be at once a barrier and a support. This paper discusses the characteristics, needs, and identification of gifted learners, as well as the barriers and benefits offered to them by rural communities. Rural students as a group have different educational and life experiences than their urban and suburban peers. As a result, gifted rural students may be underidentified by standardized tests with an urban bias. Identification and appropriate instruction of gifted rural females are also influenced by social bias and stereotypical expectations. Barriers to gifted education in rural areas may include limited school finances, lack of qualified educators, problematic grouping arrangements due to the small number of gifted students, and problems arranging time and place of instruction. Strengths of rural communities may include small class size, which can make individualized instruction easier. Programming strategies for rural schools must include differentiation of the regular curriculum for all gifted learners. Rural schools are challenged to keep in mind the unique characteristics of their communities. Sharing resources and making use of technology can help schools provide the variety of instructional options needed by gifted learners. Strategies such as curriculum compacting and tiered assignments are two ways to differentiate that are easy to manage with small numbers of students. Use of the Internet and a variety of on-line activities can broaden experience that may otherwise be limited in rural areas.
Descriptors: *Educational Strategies; Elementary Secondary Education; *Gifted; *Identification; Rural Areas; *Rural Education; Rural Schools; *Special Education; Teaching Methods
Identifiers: Differentiated Curriculum (Gifted)

ED411244 TM026936
Multiple Intelligences and Assessment: A Collection of Articles.
Torff, Bruce, Ed.
1997; 226p.
ISBN: 1-57517-065-5
Available From: IRI/Skylight Training and Publishing, Inc., 2626 S. Clearbrook Dr., Arlington Heights, IL 60005; 800-348-4474; http://www.iriskylight.com
EDRS Price - MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS.
Language: English
Publication Type: Book (010); Collection (020); Evaluative Report (142)
Geographic Source: U.S.; Illinois
Journal Announcement: RIEJAN98
Since its introduction in 1983, Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences has attracted widespread interest among educators. The chapters in this book describe alternative assessments that capture the range of intelligences, allow the intelligences to be given more equal weight, use intelligence-fair formats, and focus on student performances in real-life contexts. Individual chapters are described in detail in the full abstract, available in the ERIC database.
Descriptors: Computer Assisted Testing; *Educational Assessment; Elementary Secondary Education; Gifted; *Intelligence; Intelligence Tests; *Performance Based Assessment; *Portfolio Assessment; Portfolios (Background Materials); Problem Solving; *Test Construction; Test Use
Identifiers: *Alternative Assessment; Authentic Assessment; Gardner (Howard); *Multiple Intelligences

EJ550593 EC617044
Identifying Gifted Adolescents Using Personality Characteristics: Dabrowski's Overexcitabilities.
Ackerman, Cheryl M.
Roeper Review, v19 n4 p229-36 Jun 1997
Language: English
Publication Type: Journal Article (080); Research Report (143)
Journal Announcement: CIJFEB98
This exploratory study of 79 high school students examined overexcitability assessment as a potential method for identifying giftedness. Overexcitability (an intensified way of experiencing the world) can occur in five areas: psychomotor, sensual, imaginational, intellectual, and emotional. The measure of overexcitability differentiated gifted and nongifted students, although 35% of nonidentified subjects had similar profiles to gifted subjects, suggesting potential giftedness.
Descriptors: *Ability Identification; *Gifted; *Personality Traits; Psychological Characteristics; Psychological Patterns; Secondary Education; Student Characteristics
Identifiers: *Overexcitability

EJ550591 EC617042
Is Every Child Gifted?
Runco, Mark A.
Roeper Review, v19 n4 p220-24 Jun 1997
Language: English
Publication Type: Journal Article (080); Position Paper (120)
Journal Announcement: CIJFEB98
This article examines inclusive views of giftedness. It maintains that productivity requirements should be left out of definitions of giftedness since such requirements assume a gifted child has the expressive skills to support insights and that products can be accurately evaluated. Most important, the insistence on productivity ignores children with potential talent who need support, encouragement, and practice.
Descriptors: *Ability Identification; *Definitions; Elementary Secondary Education; *Eligibility; *Gifted; *Productivity; Student Characteristics

EJ549128 EC616994
Varieties of Intellectual Talent.
Stanley, Julian C.
Journal of Creative Behavior, v31 n2 p93-119 2nd Qtr 1997
ISSN: 0022-0175
Language: English
Publication Type: Review Literature (070); Journal Article (080)
Journal Announcement: CIJJAN98
Discusses the different characteristics that are often lumped together under the multidimensional term "giftedness." The origins of the term, the contributions of individual psychologists and others in identifying gifted students, and the life outcomes of mathematically and/or verbally precocious youth identified by talent searches are examined.
Descriptors: Definitions; Elementary Secondary Education; *Evaluation Methods; *Gifted; Intelligence Differences; *Student Characteristics; *Student Evaluation; *Talent; *Talent Identification

EJ549048 EC616844
Bright, Tough, and Resilient -- and Not in a Gifted Program.
Peterson, Jean Sunde
Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, v8 n3 p121-36 Spr 1997
ISSN: 1077-4610
Language: English
Publication Type: Journal Article (080); Evaluative Report (142)
Journal Announcement: CIJJAN98br> Qualitative analysis of language generated in structured interviews with 11 high-ability at-risk middle school children (who had not been identified for gifted programs) yielded information concerning personal difficulties, perceived support, familiarity with danger and violence, home environment, school experiences, perceptions of the future, and resilience. Implications for identification and programming are drawn.
Descriptors: *Ability Identification; Educational Environment; Family Environment; *Gifted Disadvantaged; High Risk Students; Intermediate Grades; Interviews; Junior High Schools; Middle Schools; Qualitative Research; Student Attitudes; Student Characteristics; Student Experience; Violence

EJ552170 EC617395
Testing Times: Problems Arising from Misdiagnosis.
Vialle, Wilma; Konza, Deslea
Gifted Education International, v12 n1 p4-8 1997
Language: English
Publication Type: Journal Article (080); Position Paper (120)
Journal Announcement: CIJMAR98
Three case studies illustrate problems in the identification of gifted students when tests are not used appropriately. The paper concludes that testing must occur within the context of intensive observations of and discussions with the child and family. The importance of all teachers receiving training in gifted education is stressed.
Descriptors: *Ability Identification; Case Studies; *Educational Diagnosis; Elementary Education; Family Involvement; *Gifted; Observation; Student Evaluation; *Teacher Education; Test Interpretation; *Testing Problems

EJ547432 EC616880
An Analysis of Teacher Nominations and Student Performance in Gifted Programs.
Hunsaker, Scott L.; And Others
Gifted Child Quarterly, v41 n2 p19-24 Spr 1997
ISSN: 0016-9862
Language: English
Publication Type: Journal Article (080); Research Report (143)
Journal Announcement: CIJDEC97
A study evaluated the relationship of teacher nomination instruments to later performance of 121 students from low-income backgrounds in a gifted program. Results indicate nominations based on thinking abilities, general gifted behaviors, and special learning skills were related to later performance on creativity, group skills, and language abilities.
Descriptors: Academic Achievement; *Creativity; Elementary Secondary Education; *Evaluation Methods; *Gifted Disadvantaged; Interpersonal Communication; Low Income Groups; *Performance Factors; *Special Programs; *Talent Identification

EJ532416 EC614699
Multiple Intelligences, Problem Solving, and Diversity in the General Classroom.
Maker, C. June; And Others
Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v19 n4 p437-60 Sum 1996
Special issue: Effective Practices.
ISSN: 0162-3532
Language: English
Publication Type: Journal Article (080); Research Report (143)
Journal Announcement: CIJMAR97
This study compared two teachers' levels of implementation of the DISCOVER approach to gifted education and the resulting effects on number of students identified as gifted and on problem-solving behaviors. Significant relationships were found between level of implementation and positive changes in mathematics problem solving and numbers of students identified as gifted on postassessment.
Descriptors: Ability Identification; Cognitive Processes; Elementary Education; *Gifted; *Mathematics Instruction; *Outcomes of Education; *Problem Solving; *Teaching Methods
Identifiers: *DISCOVER System; Diversity (Student); *Multiple Intelligences

ED400650 EC305134
Special Educational Needs of Gifted and Talented Children.
Osborn, Julia
Long Island Jewish Medical Center, NY.
Youth Mental Health Update, v8 n4 May-Jun 1996 Jun 1996
7p.; Available From: Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Schneider Children's Hospital, 269-01 76th Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040.
EDRS Price -MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Publication Type: SERIAL (022)
Geographic Source: U.S.; New York
Journal Announcement: RIEMAR97
This single-article issue discusses the identification and educational needs of gifted children. Giftedness is defined and a suggested set of levels of intellectual giftedness based on IQ scores is included. The special needs of gifted children are briefly reviewed, including: the need for a challenging education, the need for "true peers" that share their interests and abilities and accept them, the need for responsive parenting, and the need for adult empathy. The report notes research that identifies low self-esteem in exceptionally gifted children and the risk of depression and social isolation. Recommendations are provided for the identification of and program planning for gifted children, such as fostering special experiences for gifted children based upon common abilities and interests rather than age. A continuing education quiz is offered.
Descriptors: *Ability Identification; Educational Strategies; Elementary Secondary Education; *Gifted; Intelligence Quotient; *Student Characteristics; Student Needs

ED394783 RC020582
WISC-III Subtest Scatter Patterns for Rural Superior and High-Ability Children.
Fishkin, Anne S.; Kampsnider, John J.
Mar 1996
10p.; In: Rural Goals 2000: Building Programs That Work; see RC 020 545.
EDRS Price - MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Publication Type: Research Report (143); Conference Paper (150)
Geographic Source: U.S.; West Virginia
Journal Announcement: RIESEP96
Since the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Third Edition (WISC-III), was published in 1991, it has been reported that fewer students are qualifying for gifted programs that use the WISC-III as a criterion measure. WISC-III differs from the WISC-Revised (WISC-R) in having a greater emphasis on speed of response, which could "penalize" reflective gifted children. The WISC-III was administered to 141 rural West Virginia children aged 6-12.5 who had full-scale IQ scores above 114. The children were categorized according to level of IQ as bright (115-123), superior (124- 131), or gifted (132-148). Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was used to compare the groups on subtest scores, verbal and performance IQ scores, and two of the four WISC-III factorial indices--verbal comprehension index (VCI) and perceptual organization index (POI). When adjusted for full-scale IQ as the covariate, analyses showed significant differences between the IQ groups for four subtests, for VCI and POI, and for untimed and speed-bonus groups of subtests. The bright group showed comparatively lower scores on subtests yielding bonus points for quick performance; this deficit was not observed for superior and gifted groups. Bright group scores were similar to those of the superior group for VCI, but well below the superior group on POI. Although perceptual organization skills are important in advanced learning, it would appear that WISC-III does not measure these skills in gifted children, but instead measures the "speed" with which children organize perceptual materials. Implications for identification and placement in gifted programs are discussed.
Descriptors: *Ability Identification; *Children; Elementary Education; Elementary School Students; *Gifted; *Intelligence Tests; *Testing Problems; Test Validity; Timed Tests
Identifiers: *Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children III

ED429395 EC307133
Instruments Used in the Identification of Gifted and Talented Students.
Callahan, Carolyn M.; Hunsaker, Scott L.; Adams, Cheryll M.; Moore, Sara D.; Bland, Lori C.
Publication Date: 1995
Publication Type: Information Analysis (070); Evaluative/Feasibility (142); Tests, Evaluation Instruments (160)
Page: 180
Availability: NRC/GT, University of Connecticut, 362 Fairfield Road, U-7, Storrs, CT 06269-EDRS Price MF01/PC08 Plus Postage.
Institution Name: National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, Storrs, CT.; YUB92100 _ Virginia Univ., Charlottesville.
Sponsoring Agency: Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC. Contract No. : R206R00001
Report No: RM-95130
Level: 1
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; Virginia
ERIC Issue: RIESEP1999
This report presents findings of a study of instruments used in the identification of gifted and talented students. The study first examined the published literature, both standardized and locally developed identification instruments and procedures, and strategies used to identify underserved populations. These data were catalogued in the National Repository computer database. The study then reviewed standardized instruments using the "Scale for the Evaluation of Gifted Identification Instruments" for each construct of giftedness named by schools and these reviews were entered into the database. A review of identification procedures led to the compilation of standards for identification. Finally, data were collected on three locally developed instruments with potential for providing unique types of data for screening and identifying talent: the "Diet Cola Test" (better for program evaluation than identification); the "Peer Referral Form" (high reliability and useful with Hispanic populations); and the "Teacher Search List" (reliable in assessing middle school students). Among seven appendices are the database order form, sample database output, a listing of instruments reviewed, the "Scale for the Evaluation of Gifted Identification Instruments" and the "Peer Referral Form."
Major Descriptors: Ability Identification; Gifted; Measures (Individuals); Talent; Talent Identification;
Minor Descriptors: Databases; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation Methods; Referral; Screening Tests; Standardized Tests; Standards; Student Evaluation;

EJ505160 EC611481
Creativity and Giftedness: Published Instrument Uses and Abuses.
Hunsaker, Scott L.; Callahan, Carolyn M.
Gifted Child Quarterly, v39 n2 p110-14 Spr 1995
ISSN: 0016-9862
Language: English
Publication Type: Journal Article (080); Research Report (143)
Journal Announcement: CIJOCT95
Instruments used to measure creativity by 418 school districts as part of their identification procedures for gifted programs were studied. Results indicated that districts often select instruments for assessing creativity without attending to the definition of the construct. Creativity is often assessed in ways that may not be valid or reliable.
Descriptors: *Ability Identification; *Creativity; *Creativity Tests; Definitions; Elementary Secondary Education; *Gifted; School Districts; *Talent Identification; Test Reliability; *Test Selection; Test Validity

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