Early Entrance to College (updated September 2001)
The ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education (ERIC EC)
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Internet: http://eric.hoagiesgifted.org
I am the mother of a highly gifted son. I would like to know which schools or states
offer an early college entrance option. Is there any research about student success and early
entrance to college?
Early entrance is a way that highly gifted students can accelerate and enroll in
postsecondary education before completing high school. There are different types of early
- Dual enrollment is admission to college courses while continuing to be enrolled
in high school.
- Early admission is a program for gifted high school juniors who have exhausted
their high school curriculum. Some of these students have met state graduation requirements by
the end of their sophomore or junior year. Early admission programs allow these students to skip
their senior year and go on to college.
- Early entrance programs offer the opportunity to start college or university work at
an early age, some as early as age 12. These students might never attend traditional high
The above programs are different from early decision or early action, which
expect applicants to complete high school. Early decision programs give students the chance to
apply to a college or university before the regular admissions deadline. By applying to an early
decision program, a student is making a commitment to attend that school if accepted, assuming
the financial aid package is acceptable. Early action programs allow students to apply and receive
their notification early, without committing to attending the school if accepted.
Dual enrollment is more common than early admission or early entrance, and
provides students with an opportunity to supplement high school coursework. Some students
earn dual concurrent credit is, credit for both secondary school and post-secondary
courses. In some cases, particularly where a student has exhausted the high school curriculum
offerings in one subject, a college or university course may be taken instead of the high school
academic subject. A few public schools will pay for postsecondary courses when the student has
exhausted the high school curriculum in one or more academic subjects, but the majority will not
provide funds or transportation. Almost any college will allow a motivated student to enroll in
one or two classes while completing high school, especially if the student has proven ability to
master college level work.
Early admission applicants have completed 3 full years of high school. Students
who have exhausted most of the high school curriculum and who have a reasonably high grade
point average should not hesitate to contact any college to request early admission. Be persistent
and patient. Early admission can be searched on the Internet by using metasearch engines such as
Early entrance is a viable option for some gifted students. There are currently 11
early college entrance programs at various institutions in the United States. In many of these
programs, students simultaneously complete high school course requirements while taking
college classes. Three of the 11 programs admit students as much as 3 to 4 years earlier than
Early Entrance Programs in the United States
Bard High School Early College (BHSEC)
424 Leonard Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222
866.537.3901 (toll-free)
In September 2001, Bard College and the Board of Education of New York City created a four-year alternative to traditional high school, designed for a diverse, highly motivated student body. Beginning in grades 9 and 10, students undertake studies in an alternative high school curriculum that prepares them to do serious college work at the outset of grade 11. In 2001, the school accepted 400 students at grades 9 and 11.
Early Entry Program
California State University
Los Angeles, CA 90032-4226
The Early Entrance Program (EEP) for extraordinarily gifted young students was introduced at
California State University, Los Angeles (CSLA) in 1983. EEP supports 80 full-time students,
plus approximately 30 students who have matriculated into the normal university student status,
between the ages of 12 and 17, all of whom maintain above average grades as they welcome the
challenge of college courses.
Resident Honors
Program (RHP)
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0153
The Resident Honors Program (RHP) at the University of Southern California is a 1-year
early-entrance program for students who have exhausted high school curricula and are capable of
college level work. Students earn a high school diploma while concurrently enrolled in USC
Advanced Academy of
State University of West Georgia, Honors House
Carrollton, GA 30118
The Advanced Academy provides a bridge for an early transition to college for qualified high
school juniors and seniors, nationally and internationally, who wish to enroll full time in an
enriched residential university program and, in absentia, concurrently complete high school
graduation requirements.
Georgia Academy of Math,
Engineering, and Science (GAMES)
Middle Georgia College
Cochran, GA 31014
Selected high school juniors or seniors with a special interest in mathematics, engineering,
science, and allied health fields take courses at Middle Georgia College. Students who complete
the 2-year program are given an associate's degree and a high school diploma, and are
classified as college juniors.
National Academy of Arts,
Sciences, and Engineering (NAASE)
The University of Iowa, Belin-Blank Center
Iowa City, IA 52242
Selected students who have completed course work equivalent to the junior year in high school
may accelerate their academic careers and move into the stimulation of university research and
course work. Academy students are accepted automatically as freshmen into The University of
Iowa Honors Program and live together on the Honors Residence Hall floors.
Simon's Rock College of Bard
Great Barrington, MA 01230-9702
Simon's Rock is the nation's only accredited 4-year college of the liberal arts and sciences
specifically designed for younger scholars. It is a residential school. When students graduate
from Simon's Rock they have either an Associate in Arts degree after 2 years, or a Bachelor of
Arts degree after 4 years. Most applicants are 14 to 16 years old, and have completed 9th grade.
The Acceleration to Excellence program at Simon's Rock College provides a
two-year merit scholarship for gifted students in the 10th grade. Simon's Rock is not strictly a
school for the gifted and may be suitable for other highly motivated students.
Clarkson School's Bridging Year
Clarkson University
Potsdam, NY 13699-5650
The Clarkson School Bridging Year is an early entrance program designed primarily as a
1-year residential program for 12th grade students. Qualified high school juniors spend their
senior year enrolled in college courses. The program is somewhat different from typical early
entrance programs in that the Clarkson School community provides a strong, supportive
environment for students, who live in their own residence hall, and who enjoy an array of field
trips and social activities.
Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science
Denton, TX 76203-5309
The Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science (TAMS) is a residential program for high
school-aged Texas students who are gifted in math and science and have completed 10th grade.
While living on campus, students in this 2-year program complete a rigorous academic
curriculum of college coursework at the University of North Texas (UNT). Upon completion,
students receive a special high school diploma and are classified as college juniors.
Texas Academy of Leadership in the
Humanities (TAHL)
Lamar University
Beaumont, TX
The Texas Academy for Leadership in the Humanities (TALH) is a 2-year residential honors
program that allows juniors and seniors in high school to complete their last two years of high
school credits and their first 2 years of college requirements concurrently, while taking only
college courses. This means that a student completes the program with a high school diploma
and 60 or more college hours. With advanced-placement tests and course opportunities, it is
possible for Academy students to graduate from high school with even more college hours.
The Program for the
Exceptionally Gifted (PEG)
Mary Baldwin College (women only)
Staunton, VA 24401
The Program for the Exceptionally Gifted (PEG) offers young, academically talented women the
opportunity to begin their college education 1 to 4 years early within a community of their
peers. Qualified students may enter the program at any point after completing the 8th grade,
although one year of the high school experience is frequently recommended.
University of Washington Transition/Early
Entrance Program
University of Washington Early Entrance Program
Halbert Robinson Center for the Study of Capable Youth
Seattle, WA 98195
The Transition School, for students no more than l4 years old, and Early Entrance Program, for
full-time university students who are "graduates" of the Transition School, provide an
opportunity for younger students to work at a level of challenge. The Transition School enables
students to move from their former school setting to the University of Washington with the skills
and maturity needed for a university education. As students are ready, they take one or more
progressively challenging university courses along with their Transition School work until they
are ready for the challenge of full time university enrollment. The website includes nine scholarly articles about early entrance in PDF format.
In addition to the above, 21 states offer "dual-enrollment" options to high-schoolers,
according to the Education Commission of the States in Denver. In some states that have
"comprehensive" dual-enrollment programs, states pay tuition for college courses taken by
high-schoolers, and the credits go both toward college and high school graduation. For more
information, contact your state office for higher education.
Internet Resources from the U. S. Department of Education
How Can I Help My
Gifted Child Plan for College? An ERIC Parent Brochure
Early steps parents and their gifted children can take to prepare for college and to ensure that the
college experience is positive
Children, Youth and Families Education and
Research Network (CYFERNET)
Early College Awareness
Examples of Mentoring and Early
College Awareness Programs: The Early Scholars Outreach Program, University of
Student Financial Assistance
Think College
You can search the ERIC database yourself on the Internet through either of the following web sites:
ERIC Citations
The full text of citations beginning with an ED number (for example, EDxxxxxx) is available:
The full text of citations beginning with an EJ number (for example, EJxxxxxx) is available for a fee from:
- The originating journal
- Through interlibrary loan services at your local college or public library
- From article reproduction services such as
ERIC Search Terms Used
early admission OR acceleration
EJ581787 EC621119
Different Strokes: Perceptions of Social and Emotional Development among Early College
Noble, Kathleen D.; Arndt, Tara; Nicholson, Tristan; Sletten, Thor; Zamora, Arturo
Publication date: 1999
Journal of Secondary Gifted Education; v10 n2 p77-84 Win 1998-1999
Publication type: 080; 141; 143
Language: English
ERIC issue: CIJOCT1999
Describes an early-entrance program which enables gifted adolescents to enter college without
attending high
school. A study involving 31 participants indicated varying degrees of comfort in diverse social
situations; however,
all believed themselves to be more mature than had they gone to high school.
Descriptors: Academically Gifted; *Acceleration (Education); Adolescents; College Students;
*Early Admission;
*Gifted; Higher Education; *Maturity (Individuals); Peer Relationship; *Social Development;
EJ565198 EC619095
The Talent Searches: A Catalyst for Change in Higher Education.
Brody, Linda E.
Publication date: 1998
Journal of Secondary Gifted Education; v9 n3 p124-33 Spr 1998
Publication type: 080; 120
Report No.: ISSN-1077-4610
Language: English
Examines the effect of talent searches that use the Johns Hopkins model for highly gifted
secondary students on the
policies and practices of colleges and universities. Discusses implications for enhancing students'
readiness for
college and colleges' responses in the areas of admissions and financial aid, credits and
placement, accelerated
programs, honors programs, and early-entrance programs.
Descriptors: *Ability Identification; *Academically Gifted; Acceleration (Education); College
School Cooperation;
Early Admission; *Educational Policy; Higher Education; Secondary Education; Talent; Talent
*Teaching Models
Identifiers: *Talent Search
EJ519826 EC613171
A Summary of Research Regarding Early Entrance to College.
Olszewski-Kubilius, Paula
Publication date: 1995
Roeper Review; v18 n2 p121-26 Dec 1995
Publication type: 080; 143
Report No.: ISSN-0278-3193
Language: English
Review of the research about outcomes for students who enter college early suggests that early
entrants continue to
achieve at high levels in college and adjust well socially. Early entrants tend to continue on to
graduate school.
Descriptors: Academic Achievement; *Academically Gifted; *Acceleration (Education);
College Students; *Early
Admission; Higher Education; *Outcomes of Education; *Student Adjustment; Student
EJ513586 EC612834
Keeping Their Talents Alive: Young Women's Assessment of Radical, Post-Secondary
Noble, Kathleen D.; Smyth, Raina K.
Publication date: 1995
Roeper Review; v18 n1 p49-55 Sep 1995
Publication type: 080; 143
Report No.: ISSN-0278-3193
Language: English
A survey of 27 young women who entered the University of Washington's Early Entrance
Program (EEP) between
1988 and 1992 found that, although gender was not a factor in most respondents' decisions to
enroll in the EEP, the
young women derived a number of unique benefits from radical acceleration, including
acceptance and
encouragement at a critical age.
Descriptors: *Acceleration (Education); *College Admission; College Students; *Early
Admission; *Females;
*Gifted; Higher Education
Identifiers: University of Washington
EJ575353 EC620188
Early Entrance to College: Students' Stories.
Olszewski-Kubilius, Paula
Publication date: 1998
Journal of Secondary Gifted Education; v10 n1 p226-47 Fall 1998
Publication type: 080; 120
ISSN: ISSN-1077-4610
Language: English
ERIC issue: CIJJUL1999
Presents essays that describe the fears, anxieties, hopes, problems, and triumphs of 11 students
who chose to go to
college early. Difficulties faced included initial academic failures due to immaturity and a lack of
study skills; however, overall achievement was high and the experience was perceived as
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; *Acceleration (Education); College Admission; Coping;
*Early Admission;
*Gifted; Higher Education; Personal Narratives; Student Attitudes
EJ462533 EC605824
All Rivers Lead to the Sea: A Follow-Up Study of Gifted Young Adults.
Noble, Kathleen D.; And Others
Publication date: 1993
Roeper Review; v15 n3 p124-30 Feb-Mar 1993
Publication type: 080; 143
Report No.: ISSN-0278-3193
Audience: Researchers
Language: English
This follow-up study of gifted students who had either entered the University of Washington
before age 15 (n=61),
qualified for early entrance but chose the normal high school path (n=36), or were nonaccelerated
National Merit
Scholarship finalists (n=27) found that early entrants entered graduate school in greater numbers
than did the other
Descriptors: *Acceleration (Education); Beliefs; *College Admission; *Early Admission;
Followup Studies;
*Gifted; Graduate Study; Graduate Surveys; High Achievement; Higher Education; Outcomes of
Participant Satisfaction; Secondary Education; Student Attitudes; *Student Development
Identifiers: National Merit Scholarship Program; University of Washington
EJ450027 EC603747
But What about the Prom? Students' Perceptions of Early College Entrance.
Noble, Kathleen D.; Drummond, Julie E.
Publication date: 1992
Gifted Child Quarterly; v36 n2 p106-11 Spr 1992
Publication type: 080; 143
Report No.: ISSN-0016-9862
Language: English
This study interviewed students (n=24) participating in the University of Washington's Early
Entrance Program.
Students were unanimous in their satisfaction with their choice to forego major high school
social events and found
attitudes toward them sometimes annoying.
Descriptors: *Academically Gifted; Age Grade Placement; *College Admission; College
Students; *Early
Admission; Higher Education; Social Integration
Identifiers: College Early Admission Programs; *University of Washington
EJ450024 EC603744
The Impact of Early Entrance to College on Self-Esteem: A Preliminary Study.
Lupkowski, Ann E.; And Others
Publication date: 1992
Gifted Child Quarterly; v36 n2 p87-90 Spr 1992
Publication type: 080; 143
Report No.: ISSN-0016-9862
Language: English
This study compared differences in self-esteem scores at college entrance and one semester later
of 109 early
entrants to the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science at the University of North Texas.
Findings indicated
slight negative changes in self-esteem after one semester, possibly because of normal college
adjustment and
changes in social comparisons.
Descriptors: *Academically Gifted; Acceleration (Education); *College Admission; College
Freshmen; *Early
Admission; Followup Studies; High Schools; Higher Education; *Self Esteem; Student
Identifiers: *Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science; *University of North Texas
ED345395 EC301154
Early College Entrance for Gifted High-School Students: Experiences and Guidelines.
Sayler, Micheal F.
Publication date: 1992
Publication type: 150
Pages: 6; 1
EDRS Price - MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Level: 1
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; Texas
NOTE: 6p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children
(Baltimore, MD,
14, 1992).
This paper on early college entrance for gifted high-school students considers the advantages of
early college
entrance, the willingness of colleges and universities to accept early entrants, special programs
developed to assist
early entrants, and potential difficulties with early entrance. Guidelines are presented for
maximizing the chances of
success for students considering early entrance to college. These guidelines include such
suggestions as having the
student attend a college-sponsored academic summer program, avoid excessive publicity about
the early entrance
decision, develop good personal organizational skills, and evaluate the advantages and
disadvantages of commuting
versus living on campus. The paper concludes that early entrance to college has been a successful
experience for
many students for many years. (12 references)
Descriptors: *College Admission; College Bound Students; College Students; Colleges;
*Decision Making; *Early
Admission; *Gifted; High Schools; Higher Education; Universities
EJ445884 EC603247
Early Entrance to College: Weighing the Options.
Sayler, Micheal F.; Lupkowski, Ann E.
Publication date: 1992
Gifted Child Today (GCT); v15 n2 p24-29 Mar-Apr 1992
Publication type: 080; 141; 055
Report No.: ISSN-0892-9580
Audience: Practitioners
Language: English
The option of early entrance to college for gifted students is reviewed. Considered are advantages
of early entrance,
early entrance programs available at a variety of colleges and universities, social and emotional
concerns, and
potential difficulties of early entrance. Specific recommendations are offered to maximize the
chances of success.
Descriptors: *Academically Gifted; *Acceleration (Education); Age Grade Placement; College
Programs; Colleges;
*Early Admission; High Schools; Higher Education; Student Development; Student Placement
EJ445883 EC603246
Acceleration: Valuable High School to College Options.
Robinson, Nancy M.; Noble, Kathleen D.
Publication date: 1992
Gifted Child Today (GCT); v15 n2 p20-23 Mar-Apr 1992
Publication type: 080; 141
Report No.: ISSN-0892-9580
Audience: Practitioners; Administrators
Language: English
A variety of accelerative options for gifted high school students is described, including part-time
college programs
and full-time early entrance programs. The University of Washington's Transition School and
Early Entrance
Program is presented as an option for teenagers to enter university without attending high school
at all.
Descriptors: *Academically Gifted; *Acceleration (Education); Age Grade Placement; College
Cooperation; Decision Making; *Early Admission; High Schools; Higher Education; *Student
Transitional Programs
EJ421459 EC232897
Five Years of Early Entrants: Predicting Successful Achievement in College.
Brody, Linda E.; And Others
Publication date: 1990
Gifted Child Quarterly; v34 n4 p138-42 Fall 1990
Publication type: 080; 143
Report No.: ISSN-0016-9862
Language: English
This study evaluated the achievements of 65 young entrants as beginning undergraduates in a
highly selective
university. Compared to nonaccelerants, subjects tended to graduate in a shorter period of time
and earn more
honors. Starting college with a large number of Advanced Placement Program credits was the
best predictor of
outstanding academic achievement.
Descriptors: *Academic Achievement; *Academically Gifted; *Acceleration (Education);
Advanced Placement
Programs; College Students; *Early Admission; Higher Education; *Predictive Measurement;
Private Colleges;
Selective Colleges; Success; *Undergraduate Students; Undergraduate Study
Brody, L. E., & Stanley, J. C. (1991).
Young college students: Assessing factors that contribute to success.
In W. T. Southern and E. D. Jones (Eds.), The academic acceleration of gifted children. New
York: Teachers
College Press.
The chapter summarizes the research on early entrants to college and identifies factors likely to
contribute to
successful academic and social adjustment for each student. Topics discussed include a
comparison of two radical
accelerants, profiles of other selected accelerants, issues in radical acceleration, selecting a
college as an early
entrant (organized programs versus individual acceleration), alternatives to entering college at a
young age, apparent
positive and negative effects of acceleration, and recommendations for making early entrance to
college more
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