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GT-Curriculum Compacting (April 2001)
What is curriculum compacting and how can it be used to improve
teaching and learning?
Curriculum compacting is a flexible, research-supported instructional
technique for modifying
the regular curriculum to meet the needs of high ability students. This
technique is a form of
content acceleration that enables high-ability students to skip work
they already know and
substitute more challenging content. The goals of compacting are to
streamline work that may be
mastered at a pace commensurate with the student's ability, create a
challenging learning
environment, guarantee proficiency in basic curriculum, and buy time for
enrichment and
acceleration (Reis and Renzulli, 1992).
According to Reis and Renzulli, the following eight steps are involved:
- Select the learning objectives for a given subject.
- Find or create an appropriate way to pretest or alternatively
assess competencies related
to these objectives.
- Identify students who may have mastered the objectives, or have
the potential to master
them at a faster than normal pace, or pretest all students in the classroom.
- Pretest students-before beginning instruction-on one or more of
the objectives.
- Streamline practice, drill or instructional time for students who
have learned the
- Provide instructional options for students who have not yet
attained all the pretested
objectives, but generally learn faster than their classmates.
- Organize and recommend enrichment or acceleration options for
eligible students.
- Keep records of the process and instructional options available
to students whose
curriculum has been compacted for reporting to parents and forward
these records to next
year's teachers.
(From the National Research Center on
Gifted and Talented:
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ERIC Search Terms Used
curriculum compacting (identifier)
ED433631 EC307376
A Guide for Starting and Improving Gifted and Talented High School
Programs: Program Options, Teaching Strategies, Models, Forms and
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Type: 055
122 pp.
EDRS Price MF01/PC05 Plus Postage.
Institution Name: BBB32861 _ Idaho State Dept. of Education. Special
Education Section.
Note: For "The Best Practices Manual for Gifted and Talented Programs in
Idaho [Revised Version]," see ED 416 664.
This manual is designed to help Idaho school districts establish or
improve programs for gifted and talented (G/T) high school students. It
describes specific program options and administrative issues relating to
gifted education. Chapter 1, "Starting and Administering a G/T High
School Program,"
answers common questions about G/T high school programs, provides a
seven-step plan for program implementation, and provides practical
recommendations that
will help G/T high school programs run smoothly. Chapter 2, "Program
Options," describes various program options available in G/T high school programs,
including: advanced placement courses, the International Baccalaureate
Program, mentorship programs, independent study, and leadership program
options. The
following chapter, "Teaching Strategies," describes various teaching
strategies that enhance learning for G/T high school students,
including: curriculum
compacting, teaching creative and critical thinking, creative problem
solving, Socratic questioning, shared inquiry, teaching G/T students in
the regular classroom,
real-world tasks, curriculum differentiation, and a multiple
intelligence approach. The final chapter, "Models," provides a brief
summary of two G/T high school
models: the Purdue Secondary Model for Gifted Education and the
Autonomous Learner Model. The appendix provides information on funding sources,
assessment instruments, early college entrance programs, competitions,
and miscellaneous opportunities for G/T high school students; forms and
examples are also
Descriptors: Advanced Placement Programs; Creative Thinking; *Enrichment
Activities; *Gifted; High Schools; Inclusive Schools; Independent Study;
International Programs; Mentors; Multiple Intelligences; Problem
Solving; Program Administration; Program Development; Student
Evaluation; Talent; *Talent
Development; Teaching Methods; Teaching Models
Identifiers: Curriculum Compacting; *Differentiated Curriculum (Gifted);
ED444306 EC307996
The Inclusive Classroom. Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students:
Differentiating Mathematics and Science Instruction. It's Just Good
Teaching Series.
Stepanek, Jennifer
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Type: 055
56 pp.
Availability: NWREL, Document Reproduction Service, 101 S.W. Main St.,
Suite 500, Portland, OR 97204-3297. Tel: 503-275-9519; Fax:
503-275-0458; e-mail:; Web site:
EDRS Price MF01/PC03 Plus Postage.
Institution Name: BBB35288 _ Northwest Regional Educational Lab,
Portland, OR. Mathematics and Science Education Center.
Sponsoring Agency: EDD00036 _ Office of Educational Research and
Improvement (ED), Washington, DC. Contract_No: RJ96006501
Audience: Practitioners; Teachers
This booklet offers teachers a variety of strategies and resources for
providing different levels of content and activities that will challenge all
students, including gifted learners. It begins by discussing evolving
definitions of giftedness and theories of intelligence. Means of
identifying gifted students and
indicators of mathematical and scientific giftedness are then presented.
The next section addresses teaching gifted students in inclusive
classrooms and ability
grouping. Recommendations about grouping students include: (1)
heterogeneous groups are most appropriate when students are working on open-ended
problem-solving tasks or science inquiry activities; (2) homogeneous
groups are more appropriate when students are working on skill
development or reviewing
material that they have already learned; (3) grouping strategies should
be flexible, and students should be allowed to work independently at
least occasionally
according to their preferences; (4) students should have opportunities
to select their own groups based on common interests; and (5) all
students need to learn the
skills of working together before cooperative learning activities will
be successful. Following sections address strategies for developing
conducive learning
environments, including support for gifted minority students and gifted
girls, differentiating content, differentiating processes, and
differentiating products. Profiles
of two inclusive classrooms are provided.
Descriptors: Ability Grouping; *Ability Identification; *Academically
Gifted; Classroom Environment; *Curriculum Design; Elementary Secondary
Education; Females; Flexible Progression; *Grouping (Instructional
Purposes); Inclusive Schools; *Mathematics Instruction; Minority Group
Children; Problem
Based Learning; *Science Instruction; Student Characteristics; Talent
Development; Teaching Methods
Identifiers: *Curriculum Compacting; *Differentiated Curriculum (Gifted)
ED430331 EC307178
Gifted Education: A Critical Discussion.
Toth, Nancy W.
Publication Date: 1999
Publication Type: 070
21 pp.
EDRS Price MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Geographic Source: U.S.; New Mexico
In light of recent trends to serve gifted students in regular
classrooms, this paper reviews a variety of cost effective options for
meeting the needs of
gifted students. It notes effects of the inclusion philosophy which
encourages education of all students in regular education classrooms, a
lack of funds for special
programs for gifted students, and the decline in textbook difficulty
levels. The following options for accommodating gifted students are
discussed: acceleration
(early admission, grade-skipping, early graduation, or concurrent
enrollment in college); cluster or ability grouping; curriculum
compacting (the modification or
streamlining of curriculum); enrichment (including both part time
pull-out enrichment and in-class enrichment activities); mentoring with
an expert in the student's
area of interest; and independent study. Research indicates that gifted
students make the greatest progress when they are grouped homogeneously
and offered a
differentiated curriculum. The paper concludes that teachers need to
advocate for acceleration or ability grouping and, whether their efforts
are successful or not,
they need to implement strategies within the classroom to challenge
gifted students.
Descriptors: *Academically Gifted; Acceleration (Education); Classroom
Techniques; *Curriculum Development; *Delivery Systems; Elementary
Secondary Education; Enrichment Activities; Inclusive Schools;
Independent Study; *Instructional Design; Mentors; Teaching Methods
Identifiers: Curriculum Compacting; *Differentiated Curriculum (Gifted)
EJ570221 EC619638
Curriculum Compacting and Achievement Test Scores: What Does the
Research Say?.
Reis, Sally M; Westberg, Karen L; Kulikowich, Jonna M; Purcell, Jeanne
Gifted Child Quarterly; v42 n2 p123-29 Spr 1998.
Document Type: Journal Articles (080); Research Reports (143)
This study examined the effects of curriculum compacting on the
achievement test scores of a
national sample of 336 high ability students from second through sixth
grade heterogeneous
classrooms in rural, suburban, and urban settings. Curriculum compacting
is a strategy for
eliminating curricular material that students have already mastered and
replacing it with more
appropriate learning activities. Teachers from three treatment and
control groups in this
experimental study selected one to two students from their classes who
demonstrated superior
ability and advanced content knowledge prior to instruction. They were
able to eliminate
between 40% 50% of curricula for these students across content areas.
Pre and post student
achievement was examined using the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, and
out-of-grade-level (one
grade higher) tests were used to guard against ceiling effects. The
results indicated that the
achievement test scores of students whose curriculum was compacted did
not differ significantly
from students whose curriculum was not compacted. These findings from a
national study
minimize teachers' fears about declines in students' achievement test
scores due to
Descriptors: *Gifted; *Talent; *Instructional Design; *Instructional
Effectiveness; *Academic
Achievement; *Achievement Tests; Elementary Education; Educational
Strategies; Scores
Identifiers: *Curriculum Compacting
EJ558178 EA534299
Talent Development Through Curriculum Differentiation.
Renzulli, J. S.; Reis, S. M.
NASSP Bulletin, v82 n595 p61-64 Feb 1998
ISSN: 0192-6365
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJJUL98
The Schoolwide Enrichment Model, originally designed for academically
gifted students, is
currently used to develop the gifts and talents of a much wider pool of
students. One SEM
component, the Total Talent Portfolio, focuses attention on student
interests and learning-style
preferences. This article explains how SEM, combined with curriculum
compacting, can be used
to challenge able students. Case studies are provided.
Descriptors: Case Studies; *Cognitive Style; *Curriculum Enrichment;
Models; Program
Descriptions; Secondary Education; *Student Evaluation; *Talent
Identifiers: Curriculum Compacting; *Differentiated Curriculum (Gifted); *Schoolwide
Enrichment Model
EJ558177 EA534298
Giftedness and Egalitarianism in Education: A Zero Sum?
Winner, Ellen; von Karolyi, Catya
NASSP Bulletin, v82 n595 p47-60 Feb 1998
ISSN: 0192-6365
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJJUL98
All students have strengths that should be identified and fostered. Some
children are outstanding
and would be stultified by the standard curriculum. Gifted kids are
precocious, march to different
drummers, and are obsessively interested in certain subjects. They can
be introverted, fiercely
independent, and emotionally vulnerable. Advanced classes and special
schools should not be
dismantled in the name of egalitarianism.
Descriptors: Acceleration (Education); *Advanced Courses; Elementary
Secondary Education;
*Equal Education; *Gifted; *Homogeneous Grouping; *Individual
Differences; *Personality
Traits; Residential Schools; Special Education
Identifiers: Curriculum Compacting; *Differentiated Curriculum (Gifted)
EJ530668 EC614077
Making the Most Out of Inclusive Setting.
Goree, Krystal
Gifted Child Today Magazine, v19 n2 p22-23,43 Mar-Apr 1996
ISSN: 1076-2175
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJFEB97
Target Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
This article considers ways to keep a gifted student interested while
teaching basic skills to
others in an inclusive classroom setting. The challenges that an
inclusive environment presents to
the teacher are described. Strategies recommended to provide gifted
students with a differentiated
curriculum include curriculum compacting, independent study, and mentoring.
Descriptors: *Academically Gifted; Curriculum Development; *Curriculum Enrichment;
Elementary Secondary Education; Heterogeneous Grouping; *Inclusive
Schools; Independent
Study; Mentors; *Teaching Methods
Identifiers: Curriculum Compacting; *Differentiated Curriculum (Gifted)
EJ519091 SP524804
Total School Improvement.
Renzulli, Joseph S.; Purcell, Jeanne H.
Our Children, v1 n1 p30-31 Sep-Oct 1995
ISSN: 1083-3080
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJJUN96
Target Audience: Parents
Three basic activities can infuse classrooms with enjoyment and
creativity: use of a total talent
portfolio, practice of curriculum compacting, and creation of enrichment
clusters. These three
activities underlie the Schoolwide Enrichment Model, a blueprint for
total school
Descriptors: *Creative Teaching; Elementary Education; Elementary
Schools; Elementary
School Students; *Enrichment Activities; *Parent Teacher Cooperation;
*Portfolios (Background
Materials); *Student Motivation
Identifiers: *Curriculum Compacting; *Schoolwide Enrichment Model
EJ497626 EC610418
Meeting the Needs of the Gifted in the Regular Classroom: The Practices
of Exemplary
Teachers and Schools.
Westberg, Karen L.
Gifted Child Today Magazine, v18 n1 p27-29,41 Jan-Feb 1995
ISSN: 1076-2175
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJJUN95
Target Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
To meet the needs of high achieving students within regular elementary
classrooms, teachers can
utilize such effective practices as curriculum compacting services,
students' ownership of
learning, reflective teaching practices, students' choices, challenging
curricula, flexible teaching,
teacher collaboration, and independent student projects.
Descriptors: *Classroom Techniques; *Educational Practices; Elementary
Education; *Gifted;
Inclusive Schools; *Mainstreaming; Teaching Methods
EJ489447 EC609282
The Impact of Staff Development on Teachers' Ability to Modify
Curriculum for Gifted and
Talented Students.
Reis, Sally M.; Westberg, Karen L.
Gifted Child Quarterly, v38 n3 p127-35 Sum 1994
Special Issue: Teachers and Talent Development.
ISSN: 0016-9862
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJJAN95
Three levels of staff development were provided to 300 elementary
teachers to train them in
curriculum compacting for high ability students. Teachers eliminated
about half of the content
for targeted students. Teachers receiving the most intensive training
created higher quality
compactor forms for students and used more replacement strategies and
more diverse options for
targeted students.
Descriptors: *Curriculum Development; Elementary Education; *Gifted;
*Inservice Teacher
Education; Instructional Effectiveness; *Outcomes of Education; Staff
Identifiers: *Curriculum Compacting
ED388027 EC304382
What Educators Need To Know about...Series. Ability Grouping and
Curriculum Compacting
and Gifted Students and Cooperative Learning and Mentoring and Student Motivation.
Siegle, Del, Ed.; And Others
National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, Storrs, CT. 1994
22p.; Some pages are very dark and may not copy well.
Sponsoring Agency: Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington,
Contract No: R206R00001
EDRS Price - MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; Connecticut
Journal Announcement: RIEMAR96
Five pamphlets (Practitioner's Guides) present guidelines from the
National Research Center on
the Gifted and Talented at the University of Connecticut. The guidelines
are supported by
theory-driven quality research that is problem-based, practice-relevant,
and consumer-oriented.
Each pamphlet has a section summarizing research from the literature or
topic notes as well as
identifying specific implications for the classroom. Practitioner's
Guides are titled: (1) "What
Educators Need To Know about Ability Grouping" (Del Siegle, Editor); (2)
"What Educators
Need To Know about Curriculum Compacting" (Del Siegle, Editor); (3)
"What Educators Need
To Know about Gifted Students and Cooperative Learning" (Del Siegle,
Editor); "What
Educators Need To Know about Mentoring" (Diana Whitton and Del Siegle,
Editors); and (5)
"What Educators Need To Know about Student Motivation" (Pamela
Clinkenbeard and Marcia
A. B. Delcourt, Editors).
Descriptors: *Ability Grouping; Acceleration (Education); Classroom
Techniques; *Cooperative
Learning; Curriculum Development; Educational Methods; Elementary
Secondary Education;
*Gifted; *Mentors; *Student Motivation
Identifiers: *Curriculum Compacting
ED372553 EC303185
Providing Curriculum Alternatives To Motivate Gifted Students. ERIC
Digest E524.
Winebrenner, Susan; Berger, Sandra
Council for Exceptional Children, Reston, Va.; ERIC Clearinghouse on
Disabilities and Gifted
Education, Reston, VA. Jun 1994
3p., Sponsoring Agency: Office of Educational Research and Improvement
(ED), Washington,
DC., Contract No: RR93002005
Report No: EDO-EC-93-7
Available From: Council for Exceptional Children, 1920 Association Dr.,
Reston, VA
22091-1589 ($1 each, minimum order $5 prepaid).
EDRS Price - MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Document Type: ERIC PRODUCT (071); ERIC DIGESTS (SELECTED) (073)
Geographic Source: U.S.; Virginia
Journal Announcement: RIEDEC94
This brief information sheet presents two strategies to motivate gifted
students and is based on
the book, "Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom" by Susan
Winebrenner. The
curriculum compacting strategy allows students to spend less time with
the regular curriculum
and more time with extension and enrichment activities. The contracts
strategy involves written
agreements between teachers and students that outline what students will
learn, how they will
learn it, in what period of time, and how they will be evaluated.
Specific guidelines are offered
for implementing both compacting and contracts for: first, pretestable
subject areas where
students move between an instructional group and extension activities;
and, second, subject
matter that is not pretestable because of subject unfamiliarity to
students. Guidelines are also
offered for evaluating alternative work accomplished in both types of
subject area.
Descriptors: *Acceleration (Education); Elementary Secondary Education; *Enrichment
Activities; Evaluation Methods; *Gifted; Individualized Instruction; Mainstreaming;
*Performance Contracts; *Student Evaluation; *Student Motivation;
Student Projects
EJ461227 EC605458
An Analysis of Content Elimination and Strategies Used by Elementary
Classroom Teachers in
the Curriculum Compacting Process.
Reis, Sally M.; Purcell, Jeanne H.
Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v16 n2 p147-70 Win 1993
Theme Issue: National Research Center.
ISSN: 0162-3532
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJAUG93
Target Audience: Researchers; Practitioners
This study examined effects of three increasing levels of curriculum
compacting on the
instructional practices of 470 elementary school teachers with gifted
students in regular classes.
Teachers were able to eliminate between 24% and 70% of the curriculum
across content areas for
more capable students but required assistance in designing challenging replacement
Descriptors: Curriculum Development; *Educational Practices; Elementary Education;
*Enrichment Activities; *Gifted; Instructional Design; *Mainstreaming;
*Talent; Teaching
Identifiers: *Curriculum Compacting
ED379847 EC303720
Why Not Let High Ability Students Start School in January? The
Curriculum Compacting Study.
Research Monograph 93106.
Reis, Sally M.; Westburg, Karen L.;Kulikowich, Jonna; Caillard,
Florence; Hebert, Thomas;
Plucker, Jonathan; Purcell, Jeanne H.; Rogers, John B.; Smist, Julianne M.
National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, Storrs, CT. Jul
Sponsoring Agency: Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED),
Washington, DC.
Contract No: R206R00001
Available From: NRC/GT, The University of Connecticut, 362 Fairfield
Rd., U-7, Storrs, CT
EDRS Price - MF01/PC07 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; Connecticut
Journal Announcement: RIEJUL95
This study examined the effects of curriculum compacting, a curriculum
modification technique
for gifted and talented students, with approximately 436 elementary
teachers and 783 students in
27 school districts throughout the United States. The study was designed
to investigate the types
and amount of curriculum content that could be eliminated for high
ability students by teachers
who received various levels of staff development. It also examined
effects of curriculum
compacting on students' achievement, content area preferences, and
attitudes toward learning.
Teachers were randomly assigned to one of four groups, three treatment
groups that received
increasing levels of staff development or a control group. After
receiving staff development
services, teachers in each of the treatment groups implemented
curriculum compacting for one or
two high ability students in their classrooms. A battery of pre/post
achievement tests and a
questionnaire regarding attitude toward learning were administered to
identified students. Results
indicated that the compacting process can be implemented in a wide
variety of settings with
positive effects for both students and teachers. Results also identified
effective and efficient
methods for training teachers to make appropriate curricular
modifications for gifted and talented
students. Appendices provide information on treatment and control group
instrumentation and
eight statistical tables.
Descriptors: *Academically Gifted; *Classroom Techniques; *Curriculum Development;
Educational Methods; Educational Practices; Elementary Education;
Individualized Instruction;
*Inservice Teacher Education; *Instructional Effectiveness;
Mainstreaming; Staff Development;
Teaching Methods
Identifiers: *Curriculum Compacting; Differentiated Curriculum (Gifted)
ED359708 EC302270
Accelerated Education Methods for Intellectually Gifted Secondary Students.
Reiss, Patricia L.; Follo, Eric J.
Mar 1993
67p.; Paper presented at the Annual Midwest Educational Research
Association Conference
(11th, Kansas City, MO, March 4-6, 1993).
EDRS Price - MF01/PC03 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; Michigan
Journal Announcement: RIEDEC93
Target Audience: Practitioners
This literature review describes and evaluates five accelerative methods
for teaching
intellectually gifted students at the secondary level. The review
stresses the importance of
matching student characteristics and instructional type, citing research
demonstrating that
intellectually gifted students achieve at higher levels when their
educational needs are assessed
on an individual basis. The five programming options include: (1)
curriculum compacting, (2)
subject acceleration, (3) mentorships, (4) dual enrollment (in both high
school and college), and
(5) early admission to college. Discussion of each option contains a
description, lists of
advantages and disadvantages, and conclusions. A final discussion offers
guidelines for matching
student characteristics with each of the programming options. Appendices
provide materials from
the mentoring program of one school district.
Descriptors: *Academically Gifted; *Acceleration (Education); College
Admission; College
School Cooperation; Curriculum Development; *Early Admission;
*Educational Methods;
Higher Education; High Schools; High School Students; Individualized
Programs; *Mentors;
Student Needs
Identifiers: *Curriculum Compacting
EJ451479 EA527208
Using Curriculum Compacting to Challenge the Above-Average.
Reis, Sally M.; Renzulli, Joseph S.
Educational Leadership, v50 n2 p51-57 Oct 1992
ISSN: 0013-1784
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJFEB93
A major problem facing schools is lack of curricular differentiation and
academic challenge for
the most academically able students. Also, contemporary textbooks have
been "dumbed down."
Curriculum compacting is a flexible, research-based technique enabling
high-ability students to
skip work they already know and substitute more challenging content. A
recent study and
program development advice are included.
Descriptors: *Academically Gifted; *Curriculum Design; Elementary
Secondary Education;
*High Achievement; *Individualized Instruction; Reading Achievement;
*School Restructuring;
Textbook Standards
Identifiers: *Curriculum Compacting
EJ451480 EA527209
Acceleration: What We Do vs. What We Know.
Rogers, Karen B.; Kimpston, Richard D.
Educational Leadership, v50 n2 p58-61 Oct 1992
ISSN: 0013-1784
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJFEB93
Although previous reviews of acceleration outcomes have been markedly
positive, practitioners
have markedly negative perceptions of acceleration's efficacy. This
article reviews and evaluates
academic, social, and emotional benefits of early school entrance, grade
skipping, nongraded
classrooms, curriculum compacting, grade telescoping, concurrent
enrollment (in school and
college), subject acceleration, advanced placement, mentorship, credit
by examination, and early
college admission.
Descriptors: *Academically Gifted; *Acceleration (Education); *Advanced Placement;
Elementary Secondary Education; *Outcomes of Education; *Student Promotion
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