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Early Childhood Models in Special Education
(updated April 2000)

What kind of models or demonstration programs have been implemented in early childhood special education?

"As innovative approaches in early childhood special education are chronicled, replicated, and modified, the quality of early intervention will improve and recurring mistakes will diminish. Leaders in the field must strive to evaluate what they do objectively. Investment in critical review of these activities will pay off in the long run by limiting ineffective strategies and methods." (From Innovations in Practice and Early Intervention by James A. Blackman. Aspen Publisher, Inc.)

Following are links to related ERIC Digests, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and Internet resources, as well as selected citations from the ERIC database and the search terms we used to find the citations.

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ERIC Search Terms Used

early childhood education OR preschool education OR early intervention




models OR teaching models OR demonstration programs

ED406792 EC305493
Delivering Special Education Services in Urban Culturally Diverse Child Care Centers to Preschool Age Children with Disabilities, Prenatally Exposed to Drugs/Alcohol, Referred by Protective Services or Born to Teenage Mothers. Project Relationship. Final Report.
Akasaki, Shizuko; And Others
Los Angeles Unified School District, Calif. 31 Oct 1996 49p.
Sponsoring Agency: Department of Education, Washington, DC.
Contract No: H024B00000
EDRS Price - MF01/PC02 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Document Type: PROJECT DESCRIPTION (141)
Geographic Source: U.S.; California
Journal Announcement: RIESEP97
This final report describes activities and achievements of Project Relationship, a Los Angeles (California) program designed to support the successful inclusion of young children with disabilities and challenging behaviors in publicly funded child care settings. During the 3 years of model development and 2 years of model refinement and replication, the project provided support and staff development to 11 Children's Centers, each serving about 100 young children including 6-12 children eligible for special education services. The program model was based on a relationship based, problem solving framework. Eligible children received support from special education teachers and speech and language therapists on an itinerant basis. On-going staff development sessions focused on three themes identified as priority areas: (1) ways to increase the successful inclusion of children with diverse special needs; (2) ways to improve interpersonal communication among staff members; and (3) ways to develop and implement predictable program practices. The project also produced a training manual and video. Individual sections of the report describe the project's goals and objectives, the theoretical and conceptual framework, the model, issues in model implementation, project effectiveness, and project impact.
Descriptors: Child Caregivers; Cultural Differences; *Day Care Centers; *Disabilities; *Early Intervention; *Inclusive Schools; Language Acquisition; Mainstreaming; Models; Preschool Education; Speech Language Pathology; Speech Therapy; *Staff Development; *Urban Education
Identifiers: California (Los Angeles)

ED403707 EC305272
Community Inclusion Outreach Training Project. Final Report.
Bruder, Mary Beth; Brand, Marie
Connecticut Univ. Health Center, Farmington. 30 Sep 1996 970p.
Sponsoring Agency: Special Education Programs (ED/OSERS), Washington, DC. Early Education Program for Children with Disabilities.
Contract No: H024D30001
EDRS Price - MF07/PC39 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Document Type: PROJECT DESCRIPTION (141)
Geographic Source: U.S.; Connecticut
Journal Announcement: RIEJUN97
This final report describes activities and achievements of the Community Inclusion Project for Young Children with Disabilities, a New York State project which provided outreach training to early intervention staff, community early childhood staff, and families on the inclusion of young children with disabilities in early intervention, special education, or related services settings. The project's model included service delivery utilizing a family-directed transdisciplinary approach; training for staff and families; evaluation of children, families, programs, and communities; and policy development. Outreach components included management, dissemination, replication, and evaluation. Project activities included development of workbooks, wide dissemination of project and model information at state and national conferences, delivery of 53 workshops (involving about 2000 participants), and institute training to 21 programs (with over 200 participants). Individual sections of the report describe the project's goals and objectives, theoretical and conceptual framework, model, problems, findings, impact, and future activities. Most of the report consists of the following appendices: staff vitae, the project brochure, sample workbooks, details of training components, dissemination record and list of presentations, training schedule and workshop data, letters to state agencies, list of publications, sample evaluation tools, a replication checklist, institute data, and more detail on technical assistance.
Descriptors: Community Programs; *Disabilities; *Early Intervention; Family Programs; *Inclusive Schools; Infants; Inservice Education; Institutes (Training Programs); Models; *Outreach Programs; Postsecondary Education; Preschool Education; Social Integration; Special Education; *Staff Development; Toddlers; Workshops

ED401684 EC305175
Materials for Use by Faculty Who Teach about Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities.
Capone, A.; And Others
NorthEast Early Intervention Faculty Inst., Kent, OH. 1996 547p.
EDRS Price - MF02/PC22 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; Ohio
Journal Announcement: RIEAPR97
Target Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
This collection of materials was gathered as part of a project to develop and implement a faculty training institute for early intervention personnel in 12 states in the Northeast. The project's emphasis was to train interdisciplinary faculty to infuse basic early intervention content into existing course work, develop new course work or modify existing course work to include early intervention issues, and provide periodic inservice training. Introductory material describes the NorthEast Early Intervention Faculty Training Institute project, discusses the project's importance, and reports on its impact. Among the types of materials included in this collection are outlines, annotated bibliographies, materials for handouts or transparencies, lists of course objectives, essays providing background information, lesson plans, suggestions for learning activities, case studies, and resource lists. Set 1, titled "Services for Families," contains two modules on family-centered practices. Set 2, "Services for Infants and Toddlers," contains modules which emphasize the use of activity-based approaches, natural environments, and assessment for early intervention. Set 3, "Systems Support in Early Intervention," contains modules on teams and teaming, related laws, collaboration, and collaborative consultation.
Descriptors: College Faculty; Consultation Programs; Curriculum; *Disabilities; *Early Intervention; Educational Practices; Evaluation Methods; Faculty Development; Family Needs; Family Programs; Infants; *Inservice Teacher Education; Instructional Materials; Interdisciplinary Approach; Legal Responsibility; Postsecondary Education; Preschool Education; *Preservice Teacher Education; Regional Programs; Teacher Collaboration; *Teaching Models; Teamwork; Toddlers

ED392200 EC304631
National TEEM Outreach: Transition into the Elementary Education Mainstream. Final Report.
Fox, Wayne; And Others
Vermont Univ., Burlington. Univ. Affiliated Program of Vermont. Jan 1996
251p.; Some pages may not reproduce well.
Sponsoring Agency: Special Education Programs (ED/OSERS), Washington, DC.
Contract No: H024D20005
EDRS Price - MF01/PC11 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Document Type: PROJECT DESCRIPTION (141)
Geographic Source: U.S.; Vermont
Journal Announcement: RIEJUL96
This final report describes activities of a 3-year federally supported program designed to enable school systems to establish and implement systematic transition planning to meet the multicultural needs of preschool-aged children with disabilities and their families moving into kindergarten and other general education settings. The program model has two major components: best practices and accompanying critical activities for the transition of young children with disabilities; and guidelines for developing a transition process that incorporates these best practices. Program impact is reported for four aspects: (1) replication or planning for replication of the model by 26 school districts in the 7 states involved (Indiana, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, South Carolina, Utah, and Vermont); (2) impact upon the successful transition of young children into kindergarten; (3) impact upon family and educator awareness of need for participation in transition planning; and (4) impact upon statewide dissemination and implementation of transition planning. Extensive appendices include leadership institute agendas; state summative reports; sample evaluation instruments; and sample documents developed by the program, such as family guides to transition.
Descriptors: Cultural Differences; Demonstration Programs; *Disabilities; Early Childhood Education; *Educational Planning; Educational Practices; Family Involvement; *Inclusive Schools; Kindergarten; Models; Outreach Programs; *School Readiness; *Transitional Programs
Identifiers: Indiana; Maine; New Hampshire; New Jersey; South Carolina; Utah; Vermont

ED409668 EC305710
SpecialCare Outreach Project. Final Report.
Garland, Corinne W.; Osborne, Sheri
Child Development Resources, Norge, VA. 1997 58p.
Sponsoring Agency: Department of Education, Washington, DC.
Contract No: H024D30049-95
EDRS Price - MF01/PC03 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; Virginia
Journal Announcement: RIEDEC97
This final report describes activities and accomplishments of SpecialCare Outreach Program. This federally funded project was designed to expand inclusive child care options for families of young children with disabilities through replication of a proven model and curriculum for training home and center-based child care providers. During the project's 3 years, it used a train-the-trainer approach with 29 trainers at 18 agencies in Virginia and Maryland, which ultimately resulted in the training of more than 800 caregivers. It has also provided technical assistance designed to foster collaboration between the child care system and the early intervention/early childhood special education system and between families and trained caregivers. The training curriculum developed by the project provides information on inclusive child care, characteristics of children with disabilities, building relationships with families, community services, and consultation. Individual chapters of the report describe the project's goals and objectives, its theoretical framework, its model, the problems encountered, evaluation, and future activities. Appended are the SpecialCare curriculum chart, sample training materials, and evaluation instrumentation.
Descriptors: Agency Cooperation; *Child Care Occupations; *Child Caregivers; Curriculum Development; *Day Care; *Disabilities; Early Childhood Education; Family Involvement; Models; Social Integration; Training Methods
Identifiers: Maryland; *Train the Trainer; Virginia

ED406805 EC305511
Eliminating Boundaries through Family Centered Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Preschool and Primary Children with Disabilities. Final Report.
Holland, Francine; And Others
Region IV Education Service Center, Houston, TX. 31 Mar 1997 35p.
Sponsoring Agency: Department of Education, Washington, DC.
EDRS Price - MF01/PC02 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Document Type: PROJECT DESCRIPTION (141)
Geographic Source: U.S.; Texas
Journal Announcement: RIESEP97
This final report describes activities and achievements of a Texas project to facilitate inclusive programming for preschool and primary children with disabilities using the High/Scope approach, which provides for developmentally appropriate programming for young children with and without disabilities. The project focused on capacity building through training of district teams, provision of on-site technical assistance, and development and dissemination of training modules based on the High/Scope approach. As a result of the project, 25 collaborative teams were trained in developmentally appropriate programming using the High/Scope model in inclusive settings for preschool and primary programs. Each team of six to eight members included special and regular education teachers, administrators, parents, and support staff. In addition, a total of 1,063 educators were trained in the approach; training modules were developed and disseminated to teams in 10 areas; 16 education service centers in Texas received training and the modules; demonstration programs were established at 18 sites; a video depicting the approach was developed and disseminated; students served by project teams showed increased academic achievement and increased classroom skills; and parents reported satisfaction with the programming. Individual sections report on the project's goals and objectives, theoretical and conceptual framework, model description, adoption sites, dissemination, methodological and logistical problems, research/evaluation findings, impact, and future activities. Eleven appendices graphically display data showing the program's effectiveness.
Descriptors: Child Development; Cooperative Planning; *Disabilities; Educational Practices; *Family Involvement; *Family School Relationship; Inclusive Schools; Learning Modules; Mainstreaming; Preschool Education; Primary Education; *Team Training; Teamwork
Identifiers: Developmentally Appropriate Programs; *High Scope Model; Texas

EJ524509 EC613785
Computer Applications in Programs for Young Children with Disabilities: Recurring Themes.
Hutinger, Patricia L.
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, v11 n2 p105-14,124 Sum 1996
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJOCT96
This article summarizes findings from the Macomb Project's 15 years of research and provision of model demonstration computer application services to young children with disabilities, their families, and service delivery staff. Staff training, administrative support, technology assessments, family involvement, and transition services are all discussed as necessary for successful childhood technology outcomes.
Descriptors: *Assistive Devices (for Disabled); *Computer Uses in Education; *Delivery Systems; Demonstration Programs; *Disabilities; Early Childhood Education; Evaluation; Family Involvement; *Program Effectiveness; Staff Development; Transitional Programs; Young Children
Identifiers: *Macomb Projects IL

ED404823 EC305344
Southeastern Institute for Faculty Training (SIFT): A Training Model for Systems Change. Final Report.
North Carolina Univ., Chapel Hill. Frank Porter Graham Center. 17 Jan 1997 29p.
Sponsoring Agency: Special Education Programs (ED/OSERS), Washington, DC.
Early Education Program for Children with Disabilities.
Contract No: H024P20002
EDRS Price - MF01/PC02 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Document Type: PROJECT DESCRIPTION (141)
Geographic Source: U.S.; North Carolina
Journal Announcement: RIEJUL97
This report describes a training program designed to assist 15 Southeastern states in preparing quality early intervention personnel to serve young children with disabilities and their families. The goals of the project are described, including: (1) increasing states' progress in implementing the personnel preparation component of Part H of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act by facilitating linkages between institutions of higher education and state agencies; (2) increasing higher education faculty members' knowledge and skills related to providing effective and innovative Part H inservice training; (3) assisting faculty in embedding state-of-the- art information related to Part H content and training into the inservice training they provide to practitioners; (4) evaluating the impact of the training model on states and on faculty; and (5) disseminating training information and resources through a network of higher education faculty, state agency representatives, and other organizations. Critical components of the project's model are described, which include stakeholder support and vision, leadership commitment, individual and state needs assessment, infusion of information and activities to meet individual and state needs, action planning, and follow-up support during implementation. Products, presentations, and publications from the project are listed.
Descriptors: *Disabilities; Early Childhood Education; *Early Intervention; *Faculty Development; Higher Education; *Inservice Teacher Education; Program Evaluation; Teaching Models
Identifiers: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part H

ED408800 EC305682
Project AHEAD: Where the Child Is, the Services Are: Home, Home Care, Day Care, Hospital/Clinical Services to Infants, Toddlers, and Preschool Aged Children with Disabilities and their Caregivers. Final Report.
Rowan, Lori; And Others
Utah State Univ., Logan. Dept. of Communicative Disorders. 20 Jun 1997
103p.; Videotape not available from EDRS.
Sponsoring Agency: Department of Education, Washington, DC.
Contract No: H024E80021
Available From: SKI-HI Institute, Dept. of Communicative Disorders Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-1900 (Family Focused Interview Videotape and supplemental workbook).
EDRS Price - MF01/PC05 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; Utah
Journal Announcement: RIENOV97
This report documents the activities and outcomes of the 5-year model demonstration project AHEAD (At Home and At Day Care), a Utah program that is designed to deliver services to infants, toddlers, and young children (ages birth-3) with noncategorical disabilities. The program delivers services to the children and their caregivers in their natural environment, including the home, the childcare setting, or wherever the child is located. The data collected during the demonstration phase showed that all children receiving AHEAD services made steady increases in skills in all developmental domains. Upon the recommendation of a review panel, AHEAD began replication activities during years four and five of the project. During this time, early intervention agencies throughout Utah were offered the opportunity to receive AHEAD training and resources as validation/replication agencies. These included agencies that were rural and metropolitan, and both publicly and privately funded. The replication agencies have demonstrated that AHEAD materials and training can be successfully transferred across agencies, personnel, delivery systems, and children, families, and child care providers. The report includes the objectives and activities of the project, the conceptual framework, and a description of the model and participants. Appendices include an overview of AHEAD training topics, evaluation forms, and data results.
Descriptors: Day Care; *Delivery Systems; *Disabilities; *Early Intervention; Family Involvement; Home Programs; Infants; Models; Preschool Education; Program Effectiveness; *Program Implementation; Toddlers; *Training Methods; Young Children
Identifiers: Utah

ED397587 EC304916
Outreach Services To Stimulate Home-Based Services for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschool Age Children with Multidisability Sensory Impairments and Families. Final Report.
Utah State Univ., Logan. Dept. of Communicative Disorders. 29 Jun 1996
139p.; A product of the SKI-HI Institute's Project INSITE. For the 1993 final report, see ED 359 689.
Sponsoring Agency: Special Education Programs (ED/OSERS), Washington, DC.
Early Education Program for Children with Disabilities.
Contract No: H024D20022
EDRS Price - MF01/PC06 Plus Postage.
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; Utah
Journal Announcement: RIEDEC96
This final report presents the outcomes of Project INSITE, a family-centered home intervention model designed to provide training to early intervention/childhood professionals working with infants and young children with multidisability sensory impairments and their families. In the INSITE model, an early intervention professional visits the home of a child with sensory impairments and additional disabilities to work with the family. Parents and the professional work together as team members in determining goals, writing/reviewing the Individualized Family Service Plan or the Individualized Education Program, carrying out and monitoring activities, and preparing for transition to school programs. The report presents information on the goals, objectives, and activities of the project over the 3-year grant period. The conceptual framework for the project is discussed. A complete description of the model, replication sites, dissemination activities, and training activities is provided. The methodological/logistical problems that were faced and how they were solved are reviewed. The evaluation findings of the project are presented, and data from a validation study are included (1991-92, n=52 children; 1992-93, n=81 children; 1993-94, n=34 children). The project's impact is noted and future activities are discussed. Appendices include: sample newsletters, a family resource notebook, the INSITE Model overview, tables of contents of a family resource notebook and two volumes on the INSITE Program, a sample agenda of an INSITE workshop, an INSITE training format overview, and detailed INSITE data reports.
Descriptors: Agency Cooperation; Cooperative Programs; *Deaf Blind; Delivery Systems; Early Childhood Education; *Early Intervention; Family Involvement; *Family Programs; Home Programs; Individualized Family Service Plans; Infants; *Multiple Disabilities; *Outreach Programs; Parent Education; Preschool Education; *Professional Development; Program Effectiveness; Program Implementation; Program Validation; Teaching Models; Teamwork; Technical Assistance; Toddlers; Transitional Programs
Identifiers: *Project INSITE (Deaf Blind)

EJ540923 EC615476
Supporting Early Childhood Inclusion: Lessons Learned through a Statewide Technical Assistance Project.
Wesley, Patricia E.; Buysse, Virginia
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, v16 n4 p476-99 Win 1996
Theme Issue: Research and Practice in Early Intervention.
ISSN: 0271-1214
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJAUG97
Describes Partnerships for Inclusion, a North Carolina statewide project providing technical assistance (TA) to communities as they develop and coordinate inclusive services for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities and their families. Outlines the model's development, the project's core services, strategies for promoting systems-level change to support inclusion, and a framework for evaluating TA services.
Descriptors: Agency Cooperation; *Disabilities; Early Childhood Education; Evaluation Methods; *Inclusive Schools; Infants; *Models; Program Development; Program Evaluation; *Social Integration; State Programs; Systems Approach; *Technical Assistance; Toddlers
Identifiers: *North Carolina; *Partnerships for Inclusion NC

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