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Auditory Processing (CAPD) (updated April 2000)

Do you have any information on central auditory processing disorders (CAPD)?

A central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) is a condition in which one has difficulty processing or interpreting auditory information when presented in a less than optimal listening environment. Typically individuals with a central auditory disorder have normal hearing when taking a traditional pure tone and speech hearing test but are unable to interpret or process speech when in an environment which is less than quiet. The vast majority of children and adults that have been evaluated can hear even the faintest of sounds, but are unable to process verbal stimuli in an effective manner in their everyday listening situations. Environments such as a classroom setting, the work place, community gatherings, and church are often seen as threatening because of this auditory difficulty.

Individuals who have a CAPD have particular difficulty concentrating when in an environment which is not perfectly quiet or has some "controlled" noise in the background. Understanding a verbal message will also be a problem when trying to listen to a speaker and someone else is talking or ambient noise is present in the background. These individuals often have to work harder than others just trying to receive auditory information in a meaningful manner. It is a very frustrating situation for individuals when they can hear "perfectly" but can not process auditory speech information in a meaningful way.

There are many different opinions concerning the management of CAPD in children and adults. While some clinicians feel that therapy programs alone will help a child with CAPD, others recommend both therapy techniques and parent-teacher management guidelines to aid the child. (From http://www.engr.colostate.edu/ece/Research/cad/index.html)

Following are links to related Internet resources and Internet discussion groups, as well as selected citations from the ERIC database and the search terms we used to find the citations.

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ERIC Citations

The full text of ERIC documents (for example, EDxxxxxx) is available:

  • In microfiche collections worldwide; to find your nearest ERIC Resource Collection, point your web browser to: http://ericae.net/derc.htm.
  • For a fee through the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS): http://edrs.com, service@edrs.com, or 1.800.443.ERIC. (no longer available)

The full text of citations beginning with an EJ number (for example, EJxxxxxx) is available for a fee from:

ERIC Search Terms Used

auditory perception OR auditory discrimination

EJ489505 EC609441
Speech Time Is All the Time
Green, Riki Lerner
TEACHING Exceptional Children, v27 n1 p60-61 Fall 1994
ISSN: 0040-0599
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJJAN95
Target Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
Teaching techniques that enhance the functional communication skills of children in primary-level classes are presented. The techniques focus on articulation, receptive and expressive language, and auditory processing. The role of the teacher as a communication model is noted.
Descriptors: Articulation (Speech); Auditory Training; *Communication Disorders; *Communication Skills; Language Acquisition; Language Impairments; Primary Education; *Speech Impairments; Teacher Role; *Teaching Methods

ED354667 EC301844
Auditory Processes. Revised Edition.
Gillet, Pamela
1993; 118p.
ISBN: 0-87879-094-2-R
Available From: Academic Therapy Publications, 20 Commercial Blvd., Novato, CA 94949-6191 ($12.50).
EDRS Price - MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS.
Language: English
Document Type: BOOK (010); TEACHING GUIDE (052)
Geographic Source: U.S.; California
Journal Announcement: RIEJUL93
Target Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
This book presents training activities for special education or regular teachers to use with children having auditory processing disorders. Each chapter begins with a discussion of theory and general intervention guidelines and then presents remedial activities. The first chapter looks at auditory processes overall, lists the normal sequence of auditory skill development, and offers suggestions for helping students with auditory processing problems in the regular classroom. The second chapter considers auditory discrimination and provides a list of appropriate tests and 85 remedial exercises. Next, a list of tests and 71 remedial exercises are provided for improving auditory memory. The fourth chapter considers auditory perception, identifying tests and giving 64 exercises. Remaining chapters provide discussion, suggested tests, and remedial exercises for: auditory-vocal association (60 exercises); auditory synthesis (34 exercises); auditory-vocal automaticity (32 exercises); auditory figure-ground (12 exercises); and reading skills (24 exercises). The last chapter lists commercial materials including books, filmstrips and accompanying records, games, instructional aids, instructional kits, programs, records, tapes, and workbooks and reprint masters. Publishers' addresses are also provided.
Descriptors: Auditory Discrimination; *Auditory Perception; Auditory Tests;Auditory Training; Classroom Techniques; Elementary Secondary Education; *Learning Activities; Listening Comprehension; Memory; Perceptual Development; *Perceptual Handicaps; Reading Instruction; *Remedial Instruction; *Teaching Methods

EJ447244 EC603291
Listening Characteristics of Children with Central Auditory Processing Disorders.
Smoski, Walter J.; And Others
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, v23 n2 p145-52 Apr 1992
ISSN: 0161-1461
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJNOV92
Target Audience: Researchers
The observed listening performances of 64 children (ages 7-11) with central auditory processing (CAP) disorders were evaluated. Data indicated wide variations in listening performance depending upon the listening conditions and listening functions being rated. Findings suggested that these children had difficulties in both stressful and ideal listening conditions.
Descriptors: Auditory Evaluation; *Auditory Perception; Elementary Education; *Environmental Influences; *Listening; *Perceptual Handicaps; *Performance Factors

ED350809 EC301631
Learning Process Skills.
Riley, Stanley R.
1992; 123p.
ISBN: 0-87879-938-9
Available From: Academic Therapy Publications, 20 Commercial Blvd., Novato, CA 94949-6191 ($15).
EDRS Price - MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS.
Language: English
Geographic Source: U.S.; California
Journal Announcement: RIEMAR93
Target Audience: Teachers; Researchers; Practitioners
This book was written to help teachers gain a better understanding of children who are failing in school and to provide a systematic process of attacking their learning problems. The text presents workable principles for determining probable causes of learning problems and for selecting suitable, effective remedial activities. Learning problems dealt with include: visual processing problems (sequencing, memory, abstraction, and discrimination); auditory processing (sequencing, memory, abstraction, and discrimination); verbal processing (production and response); kinesthetic processing (perception, coordination, learning, and memory); and abstract processing (integration, nonverbal concepts, and concentration). For each problem area, the book includes symptoms, instructions for personal observation, tests commonly used to verify and substantiate a specific diagnosis, and suggestions for general classroom assistance and individual remediation.
Descriptors: Abstract Reasoning; Auditory Perception; *Diagnostic Teaching; *Educational Diagnosis; Elementary Secondary Education; Etiology; Handicap Identification; High Risk Students; Intervention; Kinesthetic Perception; *Learning Problems; *Remedial Instruction; Skill Development; *Teaching Methods; Verbal Ability; Visual Perception

EJ421444 EC232875
Processing Problems and Language Impairment in Children.
Watkins, Ruth V.
Topics in Language Disorders, v11 n1 p63-72 Nov 1990
Theme Issue: Otitis Media: Implications for Language Learning
Report No: ISSN-0271-8294
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJJUN91
Target Audience: Researchers
The article reviews studies on the assessment of rapid auditory processing abilities. Issues in auditory processing research are identified including a link between otitis media with effusion and language learning problems. A theory that linguistically impaired children experience difficulty in perceiving and processing low phonetic substance aspects of ambient language is discussed.
Descriptors: *Auditory Perception; *Child Development; *Language Acquisition; *Language Handicaps; Special Health Problems; Theories
Identifiers: *Otitis Media

EJ391107 SE544174
Yes You Can...Plan Appropriate Instruction for Learning Disabled Students.
Meyers, Marcee J.; Burton, Grace M.
Arithmetic Teacher, v36 n7 p46-50 Mar 1989
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJOCT89
Discusses planning lessons for the learning disabled student. Defines four deficits: (1) visual-processing deficit; (2) auditory-processing deficit; (3) kinesthetic deficit; and (4) reasoning disorders. Describes strategies for each of the four deficits.
Descriptors: *Elementary School Mathematics; *Learning Disabilities; *Learning Problems; Mathematics Achievement; *Mathematics Instruction; *Perceptual Handicaps; *Remedial Instruction; Remedial Programs

EJ389426 RC507282
Behavioral Indications of Auditory Processing Disorders.
Hartman, Kerry McGoldrick
Rural Special Education Quarterly, v9 n2 p37-40 Sum 1988
Theme issue with title "Serving the Behavior Disordered Student."
Language: English
Document Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE (080)
Journal Announcement: CIJSEP89
Identifies disruptive behaviors of children that may indicate central auditory processing disorders (CAPDs), perceptual handicaps of auditory discrimination or auditory memory not related to hearing ability. Outlines steps to modify the communication environment for CAPD children at home and in the classroom.
Descriptors: *Auditory Perception; *Behavior Disorders; Children; Classroom Techniques; *Communication Disorders; *Educational Environment; Elementary Secondary Education; *Perceptual Handicaps; Special Education; *Student Behavior
Identifiers: *Central Auditory Processing Disorders

EJ370478 EC202680
Strategies for Mainstreamed Students.
Moskowitz, Fern C.
Academic Therapy, v23 n5 p541-47 May 1988
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJSEP88
Target Audience: Teachers; Practitioners
Guidelines are presented for assisting classroom teachers in using the strengths of learning-disabled students to help them learn content area material. Specific suggestions are offered for various disabilities, including attention deficits, organizational deficits, auditory processing deficits, visual and visual-motor deficits, language impairments, and memory deficits.
Descriptors: Attention Deficit Disorders; Communication Disorders; Elementary Secondary Education; *Learning Disabilities; *Learning Strategies; *Mainstreaming; Organization; Perceptual Handicaps; Student Behavior; *Teacher Role; *Teaching Methods
Identifiers: *Content Learning; Memory Deficits

EJ362373 EC201079
Early Identification of Children "At Risk" for Auditory Processing Problems.
Sanger, Dixie D.; And Others
Education and Treatment of Children, v10 n2 p165-74 May 1987
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJMAR88
A 90-minute inservice workshop to facilitate early identification of children "at risk" for auditory processing problems was presented to 44 preschool teachers. Results indicated that, with a relatively brief training experience, preschool teachers can be taught to identify and refer such children.
Descriptors: Cognitive Processes; *Handicap Identification; High Risk Persons; *Inservice Teacher Education; *Learning Disabilities; *Perceptual Handicaps; Preschool Education; Program Effectiveness; *Referral; Teacher Workshops

EJ358111 EC200116
An Assessment Technique for Children with Auditory-Language Processing Problems.
Sanger, Dixie D.; And Others
Journal of Communication Disorders, v20 n4 p265-79 Aug 1987
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJDEC87
A technique for evaluating children's auditory-language processing abilities was developed. Teachers were trained in inservice workshops to identify auditory-language processing problems, using the Observational Profile of Classroom Communication. They subsequently referred 46 nonhandicapped first-, second-, and third-graders for evaluation, which indicated that 87% had problems. The technique was considered effective.
Descriptors: Auditory Discrimination; *Auditory Evaluation; Classroom Communication; *Classroom Observation Techniques; *Communication Disorders; Expressive Language; *Handicap Identification; Inservice Teacher Education; *Language Processing; Primary Education; Receptive Language; Teacher Workshops; *Verbal Ability; Verbal Communication
Identifiers: Observational Profile of Classroom Communication

EJ331583 EC182000
Unresolved Questions, Research Issues and Future Directions in Central Auditory Processing Disorders in Children.
Hurley, Raymond M.; Singer, Jay
Journal of Childhood Communication Disorders, v9 n1 p83-91 Fall-Win 1985
Special Issue: Central Auditory Processing Disorders in Children.
Language: English
Journal Announcement: CIJJUN86
Four unresolved issues and research needs in central auditory processing disorders in children are addressed: (1) early identification through screening; (2) relationship between test battery results and auditory behaviors; (3) relationship between test battery results and therapy planning, and (4) new assessment procedures.
Descriptors: *Handicap Identification; *Perceptual Handicaps; Research Needs; Student Evaluation; *Testing; Therapy

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