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Hoagies' Blog Hop: The Power of Belonging
of Belonging. We are all individuals, but we are all part of
something bigger than ourselves. Whether it's a family, a
class, a school, a neighborhood, a state, country or civilization,
belonging to something bigger than ourselves is an important part of
our being. But what if you don't feel you belong to anything?
Or you feel safe at home in your family, but feel so different from
the rest of the kids in your classroom that you don't fit in?
What's the value of belonging? What's the benefit of finding
others "just like you?" How does the Power of Belonging affect
gifted children and adults?
Don't miss our previous Blog Hops on related topics, including
Intelligence, Gifted Friendships and
Forming Parent Groups, and
even Gifted
Elder Issues. Belonging is Important!
To read all our past Blog Hops or join our next Blog Hop, visit
Blog Hops for all our past and future topics. Special thanks to Pamela S. Ryan for our striking Blog Hop graphics!
Where do I belong? The gifted person’s lament by
Gail Post in
Gifted Challenges
- Engaged, curious, and joyfully aware, young gifted children explore
their world, expound upon what they discover, and push the limits with
questions, intensity and passion. At some point, though, they realize that
something is different about them. It might be their pace of learning, grasp
of concepts, sensitivity, empathy, hyperfocus, or even their social
immaturity. They hear adults comment about their abilities and differences,
accompanied by frustration or astonishment or sometimes disbelief. But most
importantly, these children realize that they differ from their peers and
don't quite fit in. Something is amiss and they can't sort it out...
Need Support Too by
Heather in WonderSchooling
- We see other people and their amazing kids who seem to have it all
together, never yell, never fight, excel in sports, music, school… they have
it all figured out, right? And it’s because they have some kind of parenting
We see the special needs parents, the saints who sacrifice themselves for
these precious kids, who advocate and fight for their children to see that
they get the care and services they need. We celebrate with them and
begrudge them nothing.
And then… where do we fit?...
Gifted Extrovert by Paula Prober,
Your Rainforest Mind
- Loneliness is an issue for all rainforest minds. But it’s so much
trickier for extroverts. As you can see, extroverts are energized by groups
of people. Humans are your fuel. Also, if you’re an external processor,
which many of you are, you need a person to externally process with. It’s
not very satisfying to talk out loud to yourself! And if the few people you
do find, can’t keep up with you, even when you pump your brakes, you have no
reliable source of rejuvenation and nourishment...
Loneliness of "Fitting In" by
Aurora Remember
- I was extremely fortunate to be raised in a family and extended community
who really “got me,” and it wasn’t until adulthood that I really realized
just how rare that is for an outside-the-box thinker like myself...
Whether you have found belonging or are still looking for it, just know that
it’s out there and with the wonders of the internet, it’s so much easier to
find than it once was!...
Lonely No More by
Chocky's Child
- Growing up as a gifted child one of the greatest problems I faced was –
well, to put it simply, loneliness. I found it difficult to fit in with the
kids around me – the things that interested most of them, just weren’t the
things that interested me – no judgement at all, there’s nothing wrong with
the things they liked, they just weren’t things that appealed to me.
(And it hasn’t been all that much different as an adult to be honest.)...
for Belonging by Jen,
- To everyone who feels like a misfit,
Maybe, it’s because you see other people’s eyes glaze over whenever you try
to share something that you’re passionate about. Maybe, it’s because every
time you attend a social event, it reminds you of the pit you felt in your
stomach when you would scan the lunch room wondering where you should sit.
Maybe, it's because...
Belonging: My Casual SENG Testimonial by Pamela S. Ryan, guest blogger
for Hoagies' Nibbles & Bits
- We learn to translate our assessments into tones with lesser vibrational
spectrum, and endeavor to hear them as if they are out native tongue. But
here I was, having stumbled in from the urgent curtailed terseness of
digital t the palatial broadness of analog (and a potentially infinite
beyond). This was the moment I had spent my life reticently relinquishing
hope for; This was the moment I regained the freedom to be alive, and the
privilege to be—unfettered & unabashedly—...
Power of Belonging: On Being African American and Gifted by a Formerly
Gifted Student Parenting an Exceptionally Gifted Student, at
The Grayson School
- The good news is that culturally relevant teaching and appropriate
teacher training can increase the engagement and motivation of
underrepresented gifted students; Underrepresented individuals are more
likely to join and remain in gifted programs in which they see themselves.
(Worrell & Dixson, 2018). At The Grayson School (for gifted youth), my son’s
English, social studies and music teachers have put together and presented
rigorous and robust culturally relevant curriculums throughout the year (not
just for Black History Month). When my son discusses what he has learned in
these classes, he is excited and passionate...
Our Own Community - One Day at a Time by Betsy, at
BJ's Homeschool
- As a homeschooling twice exceptional family, we struggled to find
community and a sense of belonging in a meaningful way for us. Also finding
friendships for our 2e daughter was a challenge. I, too, was feeling
somewhat isolated and wanting to find meaningful mom relationships for
myself, too. We tried a number of different community activities, and some
of them helped us to build a sense of belonging, one day at a time...

To read all our past Blog Hops or join our next Blog Hop, visit
Blog Hops for our past and future topics.
Special thanks to Pamela S. Ryan for our striking Blog Hop graphics!
December 01, 2020