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Hoagies' Blog Hop: Parenting Considerations

Parenting Considerations. Concerns, worries, joys, thoughts... Any and all. Considerations, whether you're considering parenting your kids, parenting your elderly parents - we're the sandwich generation, grand-parenting - a delicate dance.

What parenting considerations are on your mind this month? 

Don't miss our previous Blog Hops on related topics, including Emotional Intelligence, Gifted Friendships and Forming Parent Groups, and even Gifted Elder Issues. Belonging is Important!

To read all our past Blog Hops or join our next Blog Hop, visit Blog Hops for all our past and future topics. Special thanks to Pamela S. Ryan for our striking Blog Hop graphics!

Is it all right to feel proud of your gifted child? by Gail Post in Gifted Challenges
Parents of gifted children often struggle with disappointment, frustration and fears that extend beyond routine parenting dilemmas. They feel compelled to advocate at school, worry about their child's social connections, and fret over complexities of executive function and asynchronous development.

But what happens when parents feel proud of their gifted child?...
Superheroes in Training: parenting gifted kids by Heather in WonderSchooling
Superheroes are amazing. Even superheroes were babies once, though, and had to learn, often through trial and error, how to use their powers effectively.

The same is true with gifted kids. They’re born with the raw materials, and when we start to realize how remarkable they are, we are in awe. But things quickly shift, as we realize what is cute and amazing can actually be dangerous and destructive as well...
Thriving in the Early Years with Your Sensory Kid - Tips from an O.T. Mom by Betsy, at BJ's Homeschool
Do you have a 2e child with sensory issues or Sensory Processing Disorder? Sharing parenting tips for a gifted or 2e child with sensory issues, including how we dealt with sleep issues and more...
Too Close to the Tree by Aurora Remember
This is the challenge when you are an intense parent raising intense kids. We each blow our own things out of proportion and when they don’t match up, or match up in an anxiety inducing way, it can lead to catastrophic results.

My kid had the misfortune of inheriting my chaotic brain with his dad’s inflexibility. Quite interestingly though, medication and treatment for ADHD has actually helped the inflexibility more than the chaotic brain! Z is finally at a point where they can reflect on the situation and ask me, “how would you feel if…” Yesterday, my kid got back into rational brain mode quicker than I did!...
{2e Tuesday}: The Elusive Question by Jen Merrill, Laughing at Chaos
I’ve had a question for parents of gifted and twice-exceptional kids that I’ve asked for years.

What do you need?

Inevitably the answer is something along the lines of time, money, sanity, walk-in liquor closet. But I’m not sure I’m getting the answer I’m looking for because I’m not sure I’m asking the right question.

The elusive question, the elusive answer.

How do you put into words what your soul is screaming for? And I really do mean screaming. The only way to have this Q&A is using the guttural language of random full-throated syllables....

To read all our past Blog Hops or join our next Blog Hop, visit Blog Hops for our past and future topics.  Special thanks to Pamela S. Ryan for our striking Blog Hop graphics!

Updated December 01, 2020

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Recommended best links, also visit Hoagies' Don't Miss! Recommended best products, also visit Hoagies' Shopping Guide: Gifts for the Gifted

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